“Acronis” and “Acronis Secure Zone” are registered trademarks of Acronis International GmbH.
"Acronis Compute with Confidence", “Acronis Startup Recovery Manager”, “Acronis Active Restore”,
“Acronis Instant Restore” and the Acronis logo are trademarks of Acronis International GmbH.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
VMware and VMware Ready are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the
United States and/or other jurisdictions.
Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks and copyrights referred to are the property of their respective owners.
Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit
permission of the copyright holder.
Distribution of this work or derivative work in any standard (paper) book form for commercial
purposes is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Third party code may be provided with the Software and/or Service. The license terms for such
third-parties are detailed in the license.txt file located in the root installation directory. You can
always find the latest up-to-date list of the third party code and the associated license terms used
with the Software and/or Service at http://kb.acronis.com/content/7696
Acronis patented technologies
Technologies, used in this product, are covered and protected by one or more U.S. Patent Numbers:
7,047,380; 7,275,139; 7,281,104; 7,318,135; 7,353,355; 7,366,859; 7,475,282; 7,603,533; 7,636,824;
7,650,473; 7,721,138; 7,779,221; 7,831,789; 7,886,120; 7,895,403; 7,934,064; 7,937,612; 7,949,635;
7,953,948; 7,979,690; 8,005,797; 8,051,044; 8,069,320; 8,073,815; 8,074,035; 8,145,607; 8,180,984;
8,225,133; 8,261,035; 8,296,264; 8,312,259; 8,347,137; 8,484,427; 8,645,748; 8,732,121 and patent
pending applications.
3.1 Upgrading from Acronis Access to a newer version ................................................................60
3.2 Upgrading to Acronis Access Advanced ...................................................................................61
3.3 Upgrading from mobilEcho 4.5 or earlier ................................................................................61
3.3.1 Before You Begin ........................................................................................................................................... 61
3.3.2 The Upgrade Process .................................................................................................................................... 68
3.3.3 Downgrading to mobilEcho 4.5 .................................................................................................................... 99
3.4 Upgrading from activEcho 2.7 or earlier ................................................................................100
3.4.1 Before You Begin ......................................................................................................................................... 100
3.4.2 The Upgrade Process .................................................................................................................................. 101
You must be logged in as an administrator before installing Acronis Access. Verify that you meet the
following requirements.
1.1.1 Operating System Requirements
Windows 2012 all flavors
Windows 2008 R2 64 bit
Windows 2012 R2
Windows 2012, Standard and Datacenter editions
Windows 2008, all flavors, 32/64 bit
Note: For testing purposes, the system can be installed and runs on Windows 7 or later. These desktop class
configurations are not supported for production deployment.
1.1.2 Mobile Client requirements
The mobile client application is compatible with:
Supported devices:
Apple iPad 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation, Air, Air 2
Apple iPad Mini 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation
Apple iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6 Plus
Apple iPod Touch 4th, 5th generation
Android Smartphones and Tablets (Devices with x86 processor architecture are not supported)
iOS 6 or later
Android 2.2 or later (Devices with x86 processor architecture are not supported)
The Acronis Access app can be downloaded from:
For iOS http://www.grouplogic.com/web/meappstore
For Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.grouplogic.mobilecho
1.1.3 Minimum Hardware Recommendation
Processor: Intel/AMD
Note: Acronis Access server can be installed on virtual machines.
Production environments: 8 GB minimum. More recommended.
Trial or Тest environments: 4 GB minimum. 8 GB or more recommended.
Disk Space:
The software installation requires 300MB of disk space.
Note: Please make sure that you have enough space to run the Acronis Access installer. 1GB of space is
required for the installer to run.
The file repository used by the Sync & Share features is installed on the local computer by
Enough free space should be provided to meet testing parameters. 50 GB or more is
1.1.4 Network Requirements
1 Static IP Address. 2 IP addresses may be needed for certain configurations.
Optional but recommended: DNS names matching the above IP addresses.
Network access to a Domain Controller if Active Directory will be used.
Network access to an SMTP server for email notifications and invite messages.
The address is used internally by the Access Mobile Client and should not be routed
through any kind of tunnel - VPN, MobileIron, Good Dynamics and etc.
All machines running the Access Server or the Gateway Server need to be bound to the Windows
Active Directory.
There are two components that handle HTTPS traffic, the Gateway Server and the Acronis Access
Server. The Gateway Server is used by mobile clients to access both files and shares from the Data
Sources. The Access Server provides the web user interface for Sync & Share clients, and is also the
administration console for both Mobile Access and Sync & Share. It is recommended that two IP
addresses be assigned to the server along with two separate DNS entries for those addresses.
However, the server can be configured to use only one IP address with different ports for each
component. This one IP address configuration is sufficient for most Mobile Access-only installations
but two IP addresses is recommended when using Sync & Share as well.
If you want to allow mobile devices access from outside your firewall, there are several options:
Port 443 access: Acronis Access uses HTTPS for encrypted transport, so it fits in naturally with
common firewall rules allowing HTTPS traffic on port 443. If you allow port 443 access to your
Acronis Access server, authorized iPad clients can connect while inside or outside of your firewall.
Acronis Access can also be configured to use any other port you prefer.
VPN: The Access Mobile Client supports access through a VPN connection. Both the built in iOS
VPN client and third-party VPN clients are supported. iOS management profiles can optionally be
applied to devices using Mobile Device Management (MDM) systems or the Apple iPhone
Configuration Utility to configure the certificate-based iOS “VPN-on-demand” feature, giving
seamless access to Acronis Access servers and other corporate resources.
Reverse proxy server: If you have a reverse proxy server set up, iPad clients can connect without
the need for an open firewall port or a VPN connection. The Access Mobile Client app supports
reverse proxy pass-through authentication, username / password authentication, Kerberos
constrained authentication delegation and certificate authentication. For details on adding
certificates to the Access Mobile Client app, visit the Using client certificates article.
Good Dynamics enabled Access Mobile Client app: The Access Mobile Client app includes the
ability to be enrolled in and managed by the Good Dynamics platform. In this configuration, all
network communication between Access Mobile Clients and Gateway Servers is routed through
the Good Dynamics secure communication channel and Good Proxy Server. For more details, see
the Access Mobile Client for Good Dynamics manual page.
MobileIron AppConnect enrolled Access Mobile Client app: If the Access Mobile Client
application is enrolled with MobileIron's AppConnect platform, then all network communication
between Access Mobile Client clients and Gateway Servers can be routed through the MobileIron
Sentry. For more information see the MobileIron AppConnect manual page.
Acronis Access ships and installs with self-signed certificates for testing purposes. Production
deployments should implement proper CA certificates.
Note: Certain web browsers will display warning messages when using self-signed certificates.
Dismissing those messages allows the system to be used without problems. Using self-signed
certificates for production conditions is not recommended.
1.1.5 Desktop Client Requirements
Supported operating systems:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1
Note: In order to use the Acronis Access Desktop client on Windows XP, you will need to use relaxed SSL
cipher rules. For more information: Changing the Acronis Access Tomcat SSL Ciphers.
Mac OS X 10.6.8 and higher with Mac compatible with 64-bit software.
Note: When installing the Acronis Access Desktop client, make sure that the sync-folder you create is not in
a folder synchronized by another software. For a list of known conflicts visit Conflicting Software.
Supported web browsers:
Mozilla Firefox 6 and later
Internet Explorer 9 and later
Note: You can support an unsecure version of Internet Explorer 8 if necessary by following the Changing the
Acronis Access Tomcat SSL Ciphers article. Internet Explorer 8 is not supported for Server Administration.
Note: When using Internet Explorer you have to make sure that Do not save encrypted pages to disk is
unchecked in order to be able to download files. This setting is found under Internet Options -> Advanced
-> Security.
Google Chrome
Safari 5.1.10 or later
1.2 Installing Acronis Access Advanced on your server
The following steps will allow you to perform a fresh install and test Acronis Access Advanced with
HTTPS using the provided Self Signed certificate.
Note: For upgrade instructions visit the Upgrading (p. 60) section.
Note: For instructions on installing on a cluster visit the Installing Acronis Access on a cluster (p. 18) section.
The installation of Acronis Access involves three steps:
1. Installation of the Acronis Access Server installer.
2. Configuration of the network ports and SSL certificates used by the Acronis Access Server.
3. Using the web-based setup wizard to configure the server for your use.
Installing Acronis Access
Please make sure you are logged in as an administrator before installing Acronis Access.
1. Download the Acronis Access installer.
2. Disable any anti-virus software you have or it may interrupt the installation procedure resulting
Note: If you're deploying multiple Acronis Access servers, or you are installing a non-standard configuration,
you can select which components to install from the Custom Install button.
7. Either use the default path or select a new one for the Acronis Access main folder and press OK.
8. Set a password for the user Postgres and write it down. This password will be needed for
database backup and recovery.
9. A window displaying all the components which will be installed appears. Press OK to continue.
10. When the Acronis Access installer finishes, press Exit.
11. The configuration utility will launch automatically to complete the installation.
For instructions on using the Configuration utility, visit the Using the Configuration Utility (p. 9) page.
1.3 Using the Configuration Utility
The Acronis Access installer comes with configuration utility, which allows you to quickly and easily
set up the access to your Acronis Access Gateway server, File Repository and Acronis Access Server.
The Gateway Server is used by mobile clients to access both files and shares. The Access Server
provides the web user interface for Acronis Access clients, and is also the administration console for
both Mobile Access and Sync & Share.
Note: See the Network Requirements (p. 6) section for more information on best practices for the IP address
configurations of Acronis Access.
Note: For information on adding your certificate to the Microsoft Windows Certificate Store, visit the Using
Certificates article.
Access Server Overview
The Access Server provides the web user interface for Acronis Access clients, and is also the
administration console for both Mobile Access and Sync & Share.
Address - The DNS name or IP address of your Web Interface or pick All Addresses to listen on all
Port - The port of your Web Interface.
Certificate - Path to the certificate for your Web Interface. You can choose a certificate from the
Microsoft Windows Certificate Store.
Redirect requests from port 80 - When selected, Tomcat will listen for incoming traffic on the
unsecure port 80 and redirect it to the HTTPS port you have specified above. If you have another
program listening on port 80, do not check this box.
Service Account - This allows the Acronis Access Server service to run in the context of another
account. This is normally not required in typical installations.
The File Repository is used by Sync & Share functionality. If you are haven't enabled Sync & Share,
you can accept the standard values. If you are using Sync & Share, the file store path should specify
the disk location to be used for storage. If you plan to use Amazon S3 for storage, then the default
values are ok.
Address - The DNS name or IP address of your File Repository or pick All Addresses to listen on
all interfaces. If you specify an IP or DNS address, the same address should also be specified in
the File Repository section of the web interface. For more information on it, visit the File
Repository article.
Port - The port of your File Repository. The same port should also be specified in the File
Repository section of the web interface. For more information on it, visit the File Repository
File Store Path - UNC path to your File Store. If you change the File Store path, you MUST
manually copy any files that are already in the original File Store location to your new location.
Note: If you move the File Store to another location, you should upload a new file to make sure it is
going into the correct new location. Another thing is downloading a file that was already in the file
store to make sure all of the files that were in the original location can be accessed at the new location.
Service Account - If the file storage for the repository is on a remote network share, then the
service account should be configured to be one that has permissions to that network share. This
account must also have read and write access to the Repository folder (e.g. C:\Program Files
(x86)\Acronis\Access\File Repository\Repository) to write the log file.
After you have filled in all the necessary fields, pressing Apply or OK will restart the services you have
made changes to. It will take 30-45 seconds after the services have started before the Acronis Access
Server is available. At this point, a web browser will automatically launch and connect to the Acronis
Access's IP address and port. On the login page, set the administrator password and then the Setup
Wizard (p. 13) will guide you through the setup process.
Note: Write down the administrator password, as it cannot be recovered if forgotten.
Note: If you need to change any of the network IP addresses/ports or certificates used by the Acronis Access
components, you can run the Configuration Utility again at any time to make these changes. It will
automatically adjust the necessary configuration files and restart the services for you.
1.4 Using the Setup wizard
After installing the software and running the configuration utility to setup network ports and SSL
certificates, the administrator now needs to configure the Acronis Access server. The Setup Wizard
takes the administrator through a series of steps to get the basic functionality of the server working.
Note: If you are upgrading from activEcho or mobilEcho, please read the Upgrading (p. 60) section before
Note: After the configuration utility has run, it will take 30-45 seconds for the server to come up the first time.
Navigate to the Acronis Access's web interface using the IP address and port specified in the
configuration utility. You will be prompted to set the password for the default administrator account.
Note: Administrators can be configured later on, for more information visit the Server Administration section.
This wizard helps you setup the core settings for the functionality of your product.
General Settings cover settings of the web interface itself, like the language, the color scheme,
the server name used in admin notifications, licensing and administrators.
LDAP settings allow you to use Active Directory credentials, rules and policies with our product.
SMTP settings cover functionality in both Mobile Access features and Sync & Share features. For
Mobile Access, the SMTP server is used when sending enrollment invitations. Sync & Share
features use the SMTP server to send folder invitations, warnings, summaries of errors.
All of the settings you see in the Initial Configuration page will also be available after you complete it.
For more information on any of the settings, please visit the Server Administration articles.
2. Enter the DNS name or IP address of your LDAP server.
3. Enter the port of your LDAP server.
4. If you use a certificate for connections with your LDAP server, mark Use Secure LDAP
5. Enter your LDAP credentials, with the domain. (e.g. acronis\hristo).
6. Enter your LDAP search base.
7. Enter the desired domain(s) for LDAP authentication. (i.e.to enable LDAP authentication for an
account with the email joe@glilabs.com, you would enter glilabs.com)
8. Press Save.
Local Gateway Server
Note: If you're installing both a Gateway Server and the Acronis Access Server on the same machine, the
Gateway Server will automatically be detected and administered by the Acronis Access Server. You will be
prompted to set the DNS name or IP address on which the Local Gateway Server will be reachable by clients.
You can change this address later on.
1. Set a DNS name or IP address for the local Gateway Server.
2. Press Save.
File Repository
1. Select a file store type. Use Filesystem for a file store on your computers or Amazon S3 for a file
store in the cloud.
2. Enter the DNS name or IP address for the file repository service.
Note: The Acronis Access Configuration utility is used to set the file repository address, port and file
store location. The File Store Repository Endpoint setting must match the settings in the File Repository
tab of the Configuration Utility. To view or modify these settings, run AcronisAccessConfiguration.exe,
typically located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Acronis\Configuration Utility\ on the
endpoint server.
3. Select an encryption level. Choose between None, AES-128 and AES-256.
4. Select the minimum free space available before your server sends you a warning.
Installing Acronis Access on a Windows 2003 Microsoft Failover Cluster18
Installing Acronis Access on a Windows 2008 Microsoft Failover Cluster32
Installing Acronis Access on a Windows 2012 Microsoft Failover Cluster46
Acronis Access allows the configuration of high-availability setups without needing third-party
clustering software. This is configured through the new Cluster Groups feature introduced in Acronis
Access 5.1. The setup procedure is simple, but provides high-availability for the Acronis Access
Gateway Servers as they are the component under the heaviest load. All of these configurations are
managed through the Acronis Access Server.
For more information and instructions on setting up a Cluster Group, visit the Cluster Groups article.
Although we recommend using the built-in Cluster Groups feature, Acronis Access also supports
Microsoft Failover Clustering, for more information visit the Supplemental Material section.
1.6 Load balancing Acronis Access
Acronis Access supports load balancing. For more information please visit the Load Balancing Acronis
Access and Cluster Groups articles.
2 Installing Acronis Access on a Microsoft Failover
Warning! Acronis Access failover clustering is not supported by versions older than 5.0.3. If you're using an
older version, you will have to upgrade to version 5.0.3 or newer before proceeding with any kind of cluster
The guides listed below will help you install Acronis Access on your cluster.
2.1 Installing Acronis Access on a Windows 2003
Microsoft Failover Cluster
Installing Acronis Access
Please make sure you are logged in as an administrator before installing Acronis Access.
2. Disable any anti-virus software you have or it may interrupt the installation procedure resulting
in a failed installation.
3. Double-click on the installer executable.
4. Press Next to begin.
5. Read and accept the license agreement.
6. Press Install.
Note: If you're deploying multiple Acronis Access servers, or you are installing a non-standard configuration,
you can select which components to install from the Custom Install button.
7. Either use the default path or select a new one for the Acronis Access main folder and press OK.
8. Set a password for the user Postgres and write it down. This password will be needed for
3.Select the machines which will be a part of this cluster group and press Finish.
Configurations on the Active node
1. Configure your Gateway Server's database to be on a location on a shared disk.
a. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Acronis\Access\Gateway Server\
b. Find the database.yml file and open it with a text editor.
c. Find this line: database_path: './database/' and replace ./database/ with the path
you want to use (e.g. database_path: 'S:/access_cluster/database/').
Note: Use slashes(/) as a path separator.
Note: You can copy the configured database.yml from the first node and paste it to the second node.
Adding all of the necessary services to the Acronis Access cluster group
Complete the following procedure for each of the following services: AcronisAccessGateway,
AcronisAccessPostgreSQL (this may be different depending on the version of Acronis Access),
AcronisAccessRepository and AcronisAccessTomcat
1. Right-click on the Acronis Access cluster group.
Note: If Redirect requests from port 80 is selected, Tomcat will listen for incoming traffic on the unsecure
port 80 and redirect it to the HTTPS port you have specified above. If you have another program listening
on port 80, do not check this box.
5. Configure the Acronis Access File Repository to listen on localhost and change the Filestore path
to be on the shared disk. This path should be the same for both nodes.
6. Click OK to complete the configuration and restart the services.
Installation and configuration on the second node
1. Disable any anti-virus software you have or it may interrupt the installation procedure resulting
in a failed installation.
2. Install Acronis Access on the second node, but this time use the default Postgres Data location
and the same postgres user password as for the first node.