“Acronis” and “Acronis Secure Zone” are registered trademarks of Acronis International GmbH.
"Acronis Compute with Confidence", “Acronis Startup Recovery Manager”, “Acronis Active Restore”,
“Acronis Instant Restore” and the Acronis logo are trademarks of Acronis International GmbH.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
VMware and VMware Ready are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the
United States and/or other jurisdictions.
Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks and copyrights referred to are the property of their respective owners.
Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit
permission of the copyright holder.
Distribution of this work or derivative work in any standard (paper) book form for commercial
purposes is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Third party code may be provided with the Software and/or Service. The license terms for such
third-parties are detailed in the license.txt file located in the root installation directory. You can
always find the latest up-to-date list of the third party code and the associated license terms used
with the Software and/or Service at http://kb.acronis.com/content/7696
Acronis patented technologies
Technologies, used in this product, are covered and protected by one or more U.S. Patent Numbers:
7,047,380; 7,275,139; 7,281,104; 7,318,135; 7,353,355; 7,366,859; 7,475,282; 7,603,533; 7,636,824;
7,650,473; 7,721,138; 7,779,221; 7,831,789; 7,886,120; 7,895,403; 7,934,064; 7,937,612; 7,949,635;
7,953,948; 7,979,690; 8,005,797; 8,051,044; 8,069,320; 8,073,815; 8,074,035; 8,145,607; 8,180,984;
8,225,133; 8,261,035; 8,296,264; 8,312,259; 8,347,137; 8,484,427; 8,645,748; 8,732,121 and patent
pending applications.
2.1.2 Installing the Access Mobile Client app ......................................................................................................... 6
2.1.5 Using 'mobilEcho' links .................................................................................................................................. 69
2.1.6 Enrolling in client management ................................................................................................................... 70
2.1.7 Using Acronis Access with Salesforce .......................................................................................................... 74
3.1.1 Before You Begin ........................................................................................................................................... 75
3.1.2 Windows Client ............................................................................................................................................. 76
3.1.3 Mac client....................................................................................................................................................... 82
Using 'mobilEcho' links ............................................................................. 69
Enrolling in client management ............................................................... 70
Using Acronis Access with Salesforce ...................................................... 74
In this section
About the Access Mobile Client ................................................................. 5
Acronis Access Server Software ................................................................. 5
Access Mobile Client Requirements .......................................................... 6
2.1.1 Introduction About the Access Mobile Client
The Acronis Access app provides iPad, iPhone and Android devices with access to files located on
Windows file servers, SharePoint repositories, Acronis Access Sync & Share volumes as well as
'network reshare' access to SMB/CIFS compatible file servers (i.e., NAS devices, remote Windows
Servers, Linux file servers). Acronis Access administrators can optionally control the Acronis Access
application's features and security settings by configuring management policies.
Acronis Access encrypts all network communication using the HTTPS protocol for secure
over-the-wire file transfer and stores data on the iPad using Apple Data Protection (ADP) hardware
The Acronis Access application allows mobile device users to connect to Acronis Access Gateway
Servers to browse and open server-based files. Files can be copied or synced from servers to
on-device encrypted storage within the app. These files can then be accessed even if the mobile
client does not have a Wi-Fi or 3G network connection.
With the Acronis Access, files can be opened in other mobile applications, moved, copied, printed,
emailed, opened, renamed or deleted. In addition, the Acronis Access iOS client application allows
PDFs to be annotated directly in the app. The Acronis Access app can accept a management policy
from a Acronis Access Server, allowing IT to configure application settings, capabilities, and security
controls. Depending on this client management policy, some of the mentioned Acronis Access
application features may be disabled. Acronis Access Server Software
The Acronis Access software must be installed on a Windows machine and supports file services as
well as management control over the Acronis Access applications. When implementing a client
management policy, the IT administrator configures specific settings that manage the clients using
the mobile application.
Apple iPad 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation, Air, Air 2
Apple iPad Mini 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation
Apple iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6 Plus
Apple iPod Touch 4th, 5th generation
Android Smartphones and Tablets (Devices with x86 processor architecture are not supported)
Supported OS's:
iOS 6 or later
Android 2.2 or later (Devices with x86 processor architecture are not supported)
The Acronis Access app can be downloaded from:
For iOS http://www.grouplogic.com/web/meappstore
For Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.grouplogic.mobilecho
2.1.2 Installing the Access Mobile Client app
The Acronis Access app can be installed for free from the app store of your choosing:
Click here to open Acronis Access's Apple App Store page
Click here to open Acronis Access's Android Google Play store page
After the application is installed, tap the Acronis Access icon to open the application. In order to start
using the Acronis Access you will need a Acronis Access server to connect to.
To get familiar with the client application see the Acronis Access iOS Client or Acronis Access Android
Client sections of this guide.
Supported devices:
Apple iPad 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation, Air, Air 2
Apple iPad Mini 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation
Apple iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6 Plus
Apple iPod Touch 4th, 5th generation
Android Smartphones and Tablets (Devices with x86 processor architecture are not supported)
Supported OS's:
iOS 6 or later
Android 2.2 or later (Devices with x86 processor architecture are not supported)
For Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.grouplogic.mobilecho
2.1.3 Acronis Access iOS Client Application User Interface Overview
Main Window Overview
The main window of the Access Mobile Client application consists of two panes: Home and Browse.
If your Access Mobile Client application is managed by a Acronis Access client management policy,
this window may be missing some options that would normally be available when not managed.
Main Window Layout and Buttons
Home navigation pane -- Contains all the file sources available in Acronis Access.
Edit button in Home menu bar – Use to edit servers you have added to Acronis Access. This option
may not be visible if your Acronis Access client has a client management policy that disables the
ability to add servers manually.
On this device list -- All the files and synchronized folders that are stored on your device.
File Inbox – Contains any files you've sent to Acronis Accessfrom other applications, using the
other application's Open In command. From the other application, choose Open in Acronis Access and the file will be automatically transferred to the Acronis Access File Inbox, where it
can be easily located and moved to a server location, or to My Files for local storage.
My Files – Contains files you choose to store locally on your device. Any files in My Files are
available at all times, even when you're not connected to a network. Copy or move files here for
offline use. Sub-folders can be created to organize your files, just like on a computer.
1-Way Sync Folder -- This is a folder that is synced from the server to your device only. It is a
read-only folder that is updated any time files change on the server. You will always be able to
access these files, even when you do not have a network connection.
2-Way Sync Folder -- This is a folder that is initially synced from the server to your device. After
the initial sync, any changes made to files on your device will be synced to the server, and any
changes made to files on the server will be synced back to your device. These files are also
available even when you do not have a network connection. Any changes made to these files
while you are not connected will be synced to the server the next time you have a network
Sync Errors
If a sync source encounters any sort of error, the "sync wheel" will be replaced by a yellow informational icon.
Tapping this icon will reveal the cause of the error.
Network folders and servers list – All servers, folders, and home directories that have been added to
Acronis Access are shown in this section of the Home menu. These items are only accessible when
you have a network connection.
Network Home Directory – This is typically the same network home directory that you have
access to from your Mac or PC. You can add files to your home directory from your computer and
then access them at any time from Acronis Access on your device.
Acronis Access Server – All servers listed give you access to any file shares on that server that
you have permission to access.
Network Folder – These are specific folders on a Acronis Accessserver, giving you direct access to
individual file shares or specific folders within file shares.
Add Server button – Use to add new servers to your Servers list. This option may not be visible if
your Access Mobile Client has a client management policy that disables the ability to add servers
Settings button – Use to verify or change application settings or to access help information.
Browse pane – The right-hand side Browse pane allows you to browse files and folders and work
with them.
Edit button in Browse menu bar – Use to select multiple files for copying, moving or deleting.
Search box – Use to search for files. You may see options for choosing to search the current folder or
the entire shared volume, and for choosing to search by file name or file contents, depending on
your server configuration.
Action Menu – Used to select the action you would like to perform with the file or folder.
Clipboard – Used in the process of moving or copying files. The clipboard shows the file transfer
status during a copy or move. For further details, see the next section on this page, Clipboard
Overview (p. 10).
Refresh – Pull down on the files list in the right-hand Browse pane to refresh the files list. If files are
added to a folder that you are already viewing, refreshing the folder will update the folder and show
the new files.
Add, refresh, sync folder button – Use to create a new folder in the current folder being browsed, to
copy files from your device's photo library into the current folder, refresh this files list, to add the
current folder to your local files as a sync folder, to email a link to the current folder, or to rename
the current folder being browsed.
Change view - Changes the view between the standard List and Thumbnail view.
Location Services Prompt
When you first use the Copy Photos feature in the Add to Folder menu, your device will ask you to allow Acronis
Access to know your current location. This is done because photos taken with your device are typically tagged
with the location the picture was taken, and moving them to Acronis Access will move that embedded location
data along with the photo. Acronis Access does not independently record your location in any way, nor do es it
access the GPS / location services on your device.
Thumbnail view
In the Thumbnail view you can perform the same actions as the List view, but instead of an Action
button, you tap on the thumbnail of the file.
Action Button
If your default action is modified to something other than bringing up the action menu, you will see an action
menu button next to filename to invoke the menu.
When you chose to copy or move files they will first appear on the clipboard. The clipboard allows
you to select the item(s) you'd like to copy or move, and then navigate to the desired destination
folder and paste them. The clipboard appears when you tap the Clipboard icon.
To copy a file, tap the file and select Copy with Clipboard from the file's action menu.
To move a file, tap the file and select Move with Clipboard from the file's action menu.
Note: The Access Mobile Client application clipboard works like a computer clipboard. If you copy files with the
clipboard and have not get pasted them, then you select another set of files and copy them with the clipboard,
the previously copied files will be cleared and replaced with the new file(s). No files are actually copied or moved
unless you choose to paste them.
Clipboard Actions
Paste – use to copy or move the selected files in the current directory.
Tap Paste All – if you would like to paste all files stored in the clipboard at once.
You can also tap the individual files you would like to move. A checkmark will appear beside each
selected file.
Then tap the Paste button to paste only the selected files. The non-selected files will remain
in the clipboard.
Clear – use to remove files from the clipboard.
Tap Clear All – if you would like to remove all files in the clipboard.
You can also tap the individual files you would like to clear. A checkmark will appear beside each
selected file.
Then tap the Clear button to clear only the selected files.
Edit – use the Edit button to select files you want to remove from the clipboard. This action does not
delete the original file, it simply removes it from the clipboard, leaving it in its original location.
1. Tap the Edit button.
2. Tap the sign.
3. Tap the Clear button for the file you want to discard.
Management Server ................................................................................ 13
Setting An Application Password ............................................................. 14
Before you start using Acronis Access you will need to:
Configure your application settings
Configure your first server
Optionally, you can enroll your Access Mobile Client with your company's Acronis Access Server if
required. For more information visit Enrolling in client management (p. 70).
Application Settings Overview
The Access Mobile Client application includes a Settings menu where the application's settings can
be viewed and modified. Tap on the Settings icon to enter the configuration menu.
Note:When the Acronis Access application has enrolled in client management, an Acronis AccessManagement
section will automatically appear in the Settings menu, giving information about the server managing the
You can exit the Settings menu at any time by tapping the Home or Done buttons.
The following options are available in the Settings menu:
Acronis Access Settings
Default Action – Defines what happens when you tap on a file. The available options are: Nothing,
Open, and Action Menu.
Local Cache – Controls the amount of device storage space the Access Mobile Client application can
use to temporarily cache files so that they don't have to be re-downloaded from the server when
they are reopened. This setting does not limit the total size of files you can sync to the device or
you can copy into the My Files local folder. You can clear the cache by tapping the Clear Cache
button, located inside the Local Cache menu.
Timeout – Sets the amount of time the Acronis Access client will wait for a server to respond before
giving up.
Confirm Deletes – If set to ON, you will be asked to confirm each time you delete a file or folder.
App Password – Enables and sets an application password. This password will be required when
opening the Access Mobile Client application. If you have Good Dynamics integration enabled, the
application password is controlled by Good Dynamics and you will not see this item in the settings list.
App Password – When set to ON, an app password will be required when starting the Access
Mobile Client application. If the application password is currently enabled, you will be prompted
to enter the current password in order to turn off the setting.
Require – Sets how often the app password is required. The default of Every Time will require
you enter your app password any time you leave Acronis Access and return. You can instead set
Require to a grace period. If you leave Acronis Access and return before the grace period elapses,
you will not have to enter your app password.
Change Password – This option appears after an application password is set and can be used to
change the existing password. When changing your password, you will first be asked to enter
your existing app password.
Warning: Note that if you set a password and forget it, you will need to remove the Access Mobile Client
application and reinstall it from the App Store. This will delete all files stored in the Access Mobile Client and
reset all your settings.
If your Acronis Accessclient is enrolled in client management, your IT administrator may be able to reset your
App Password remotely.
Certificate -- User identity certificates can be added to the Access Mobile Client app. If you are using
an HTTPS Reverse Proxy server to access to your Acronis Access server(s), the installed certificate can
be used to authenticate with the proxy server. This Certificate setting shows the status of the
installed certificate. The Access Mobile Client app accepts .PFX and .P12 certificate files. More details
can be found in the Using client certificates authentication (p. 42) article.
Note: If the Acronis Accessapplication is managed by your corporate Acronis Access Server, some of the Acronis
Access Settings may be locked by your system administrator.
Auto-sync - select if Acronis Access should sync your folders only at launch or over an interval of
Confirm before download - should Acronis Access prompt the user to allow the syncing process once
only or every time.
Sync on WiFi only - should Acronis Access sync only when the WiFi is connected.
Version – Displays the version of the Acronis Access application installed on your device.
Cached Files – Shows the total size of the cached files Acronis Access has created on your device.
Acknowledgements – Contains license details on software components used by Acronis Access.
Partner Features
MobileIron AppConnect - To enroll the Acronis Access app in MobileIron@Work, tap this item.
Salesforce - Acronis Access Salesforce integration is configured completely from the server side. This
feature allows certain files to be configured to require that an activity is logged in Salesforce before
they can be opened. Tap this item to view a list of the folders within your Access Mobile Client app
that require Salesforce activity logging.
Enrollment -- If required by your IT department, tap this button to begin the Acronis Access Client
Management enrollment process. This process will require a Server Name and PIN number that your
IT administrator will send you. You will typically receive an email that includes this information. It will
include instructions and should contain a link in step 2 of the process. Open this email on your device
and tap the link in step 2 to automatically start the Acronis Access enrollment process. By using this
link to begin the process, your Server Name, PIN number, and username will be completed
automatically. Simply enter your company account password and tap Enroll Now to continue.
Management Server
If your Access Mobile Client application is managed by your corporate Acronis Access Server, you
may also see these settings:
Use Management – If permitted by your management policy, this option allows you to remove the
management policy from your device. If you choose to remove your device from management, you
may be prompted that this action will erase your Access Mobile Client data and settings. You will
have the option to cancel at that point, before anything is erased.
Server – Displays the address of the server that manages your Access Mobile Client application.
Note: Note that this section is available only if the Acronis Access user has accepted a management policy from
a server. If the Access Mobile Client application is not managed this section will not appear.
Setting An Application Password
An application password can be set manually from the Acronis Access Settings menu or automatically
when accepting a management policy. If the management policy does not require an application
password, you can set one manually.
To set an Acronis AccessApp Password:
1. Tap the Settings icon.
2. Tap the App Password option.
3. Turn ON the App Password.
4. Enter an application password and confirm it, then tap OK.
5. Set the Require option. This setting determines how long you can leave Acronis Access and not
have to enter your password upon returning.
To change your current application password tap Change Password, which is available after a Acronis
Access app password has been configured. If you change your application password, you will be
prompted to enter your current password before you enter the new one.
If your client management policy requires an application password to be set, follow these steps:
1. After initiating Acronis Access Client Management setup, Acronis Access will prompt you to
create a password.
2. Enter and confirm a password, then tap OK.
3. If your password does not meet the policy's complexity requirements, you will be prompted to
4. To later change your current application password, tap the Change Password option. If you
In this section
Viewing Servers in the Home navigation pane ........................................ 15
Adding a New Server ................................................................................ 16
Connecting to a Server ............................................................................. 17
Editing Your Servers ................................................................................. 17
Deleting an Existing Server....................................................................... 17
change your application password, you will be prompted to enter your current password before
you enter the new one.
The system administrator may require a password to be set by the application user and entered any
time the Access Mobile Client application is started. If your Access Mobile Client app is managed and
an application password is required by your system administrator, the App Password setting cannot
be disabled from the Access Mobile Client application.
Server Configuration
Viewing Servers in the Home navigation pane
The servers that have been configured in the Acronis Access application are listed in the Servers
section of the Home navigation pane.
Simply tap a server to connect to it. A server's connection state is displayed next to the server name.
For more information see Connecting to a server.
Note: If your Access Mobile Client is managed by a Acronis Access Server, servers may be automatically added
to the Acronis Access Home screen. Your management policy may also disable your ability to add new servers.
The Home pane contains two buttons used to manage servers.
1. Edit button – used to modify existing server settings. For more information see Editing Your
2. Add Server button – used to add a new server to the Servers list. For more information see
Adding a New Server.
Adding a New Server
Servers must be added to the Access Mobile Client application before you can connect to them. It is
possible that you already have servers listed that were configured automatically by your Acronis
Access management server.
Note: Depending on the IT policy settings, the Access Mobile Client application user may be limited to only
connect to specific preassigned servers.
To add a server:
1. Tap the AddServer "+" button.
2. Select the Server Name or IP Address field and enter the Server address. You can enter the
server DNS name or IP address.
3. Set the optional Display Name if you would like the server to appear in the server list with a
name other than its Server Name or IP Address.
4. Enter the Username used to connect to the server.
5. If you would like to save your password so you don't have to enter it every time you connect,
If you enable the Save Password option, a password window will appear. You will need to
enter and confirm your password before it is saved.
6. When done configuring the new server, tap the Save button.
Connecting to a Server
You can connect to any server displayed in your Servers list. When you tap the server you want to
connect to, you will be prompted for your username and/or password, if required.
Once connected, the shared volumes on the server will be displayed in the Browse pane. You can
now navigate the shared volume.
There is no need to manually disconnect from servers. Your connection will shut down when you
leave the Acronis Access application. If your management policy settings allow you to save your
password, servers will continue to be accessible when you later return to Acronis Access.
Editing Your Servers
If your ability to add and edit servers has not been disabled in your Acronis Access management
policy, an Edit button will be available in the top bar of the Home pane. Only servers you have
personally added to the Access Mobile Client app can be edited. Management assigned servers
cannot be edited.
To modify server settings:
1. Tap the Edit button. A sign will appear in front of the servers that can be edited.
2. Tap the button to the right of the server you want to edit.
3. Make the needed changes on the right-hand pane and tap the Save button. For more
information about the Server Settings, see Adding a New Server (p. 16).
4. To exit the edit mode, tap the Done button on the Home pane.
Deleting an Existing Server
You can delete servers you have added to Acronis Access.
Sending Files from Other Applications to Acronis Access ........................ 30
Quickoffice Save Back Integration ........................................................... 30
Using the Active File Drawer .................................................................... 32
4. Tap Continue to confirm the delete.
By swiping:
1. Swipe your finger over the server you want to remove from your contact list.
2. Tap the Delete button that appears next to it.
3. Tap Continue to confirm the delete. Working with Files
The Access Mobile Client application can open, copy, move, rename, delete, print, email, and open
files in other applications on the iPad. You can also annotate PDF files that are opened in the Acronis
Access app.
Note: If the Access mobile app hasn't connected to a Gateway or Management server for more than 30 days,
the users will not be able to use it to edit documents.
SmartOffice Limitations
The SmartOffice functionality integrated into the Acronis Access app, has the following limitations:
Word document:
Editing Graphics is not supported.
Editing Shapes is not supported.
Inserting an image from the gallery is supported only for .docx files.
Inserting an image from the camera is supported only for .docx files.
Acronis Access allows you to easily search servers for the items you need. Searches are performed on
the server-side, providing fast search results and minimizing bandwidth usage.
Searches can be performed on the currently browsed folder or on the entire shared volume being
browsed. This is controlled by selecting either the This Folder button, or the shared volume button to
its right. The shared volume button will display the name of the shared volume being browsed.
Two types of search can be performed:
By Name - by default, Acronis Access searches for files and folders by name.
By Contents - this option searches for files with the desired search term in their file contents.
Search results will also include files and folders with the search term in their name.
In order for By Content search to function, the Acronis Access Gateway server has to have Windows Search
services running and configured to index the files being shared with Acronis Access. If your IT administrator has
not installed Windows Search, you will only be able to search By Name.
Opening Files
When opening a file in Acronis Access you can open the file or you can choose to open it in another
application on the iPad.
Note: If you're receiving errors when trying to preview files, please consult your administrator(s) and make sure
your company's deployment covers the necessary Network Requirements.
Tap the Action Menu button next to the desired file and select Open to view the file in Acronis
Access. The Open option will open only file types supported by Acronis Access. If the Access
Mobile Client application is not able to read the file, you may want to try opening it in another
PDF Annotation -- When you open a PDF file, you will see additional tools for adding
annotations to the PDF. These include adding notes, text, highlights, strikethroughs, freeform
drawing, etc. To perform PDF annotation, tap and hold to select text, or choose from the
available PDF annotation tools in the top menu bar.
Tap the Open In...option to open the file in another application on the iPad.
A menu will appear listing all available applications on your iPad that support opening the
selected file type. Select the desired application.
Note: You can also open files from other apps with Acronis Access. Open the other app, locate the file you want,
locate the Open in... button, tap it and select Acronis Access. This will place the file in Acronis Access in your File
Note: Currently you cannot open password protected documents directly in the Access Mobile Client app. For
password protected documents you should use Open In… and select an app which supports this.
Note: The Acronis Access iOS client is designed to not play sound if the ringer is off. If you're previewing audio or
video files with the ringer off, there will be no sound.
Text Editing and SmartOffice Integration
Currently, the built-in Acronis Access editor can open and edit only TXT files. For other types of
documents the application uses an integrated version of SmartOffice. You can open pre-existing files
file or add a new ones.
With the SmartOffice integrated editor, you can:
Format text by size and font.
Change the color of text.
Add a background to the text.
Add numbered or bulleted lists with indentation.
Set text alignment.
Insert photos, images or shapes.
arrows popup. Swiping top will zoom in, and swiping down will zoom out.
In this section
Add to Folder Options .............................................................................. 22
Edit Mode - Selecting Multiple Files or Folders ....................................... 23
Check Out and Check In of SharePoint Files ............................................ 24
File and Folders Operations
Acronis Access can copy, move, rename, and delete files and folder. When doing a copy or a move,
items can be transferred from server to server, from the device to a server or from a server to the
device. For more information on copy and move with the clipboard see the Clipboard Overview (p.
10) section.
Add to Folder Options
Acronis Access can create new folders on servers and in the My Files local file storage area.
To create a folder within the folder you are currently viewing:
Tap the Add to Folder button on the right end of the bottom menu bar.
The Folder Action Menu contains additional options:
Rename This Folder – Used to rename the folder you are currently browsing.
Copy Photos -- Used to copy photos from the iPad photo library to folder you are currently
Bookmark This Folder -- Create a shortcut to this folder.
Sync This Folder – Sync the contents of this folder to your device for offline use. This can be done
as a 1-way (server to device only) or 2-way sync.
Refresh – Update the content of the folder to display the latest content from the server.
Edit Mode - Selecting Multiple Files or Folders
Use Edit mode to select multiple files or folders to copy, move or delete.
1. Tap the Edit button on the Browse pane's top menu bar.
2. In the browse pane, select the desired items by tapping the box to the left of each in the list.
If you would like to select all available items in a particular folder, tap the Select All
button. To unselect all items after they have been selected, tap Select All again.
3. Tap the Copy, Move or Delete button, or use the Cancel button to exit Edit mode without
making changes.
Check Out and Check In of SharePoint Files
If Acronis Access is configured to provide access to files located on a SharePoint server, you will see
three additional buttons available when you open the Action Menu for a file.
Check Out - Allows you to lock a file you plan to edit so that others do not also edit it at the same
time. Once you Check Out a file, you can open it and use PDF annotation or you can open it into
another application for editing. Once the file has been edited, you will need to save it back into the
folder it came from and overwrite the original file, in order to save your changes.
Check In - Allows you to unlock a file after you have edited it and saved it back to the server.
Discard Check In - Allows you to remove your Check Out without committing any changes to the file.
Note: SharePoint 2007 does not allow the renaming of a checked-out file. It is allowed in SharePoint 2010.
Bookmarking Folders
The Access Mobile Client allows you to bookmark folders that you commonly use, so that you can
quickly navigate to them in the future. These folders can reside within the local My Files storage area,
within sync folders, or on a network server or folder. Bookmarks are shortcuts to their original
The bookmark will now appear in the Bookmarked folders list.
To remove a bookmark using a swipe:
Swipe across the bookmark you'd like to remove. A Delete button will appear.
Tap the Delete button.
To remove a bookmark using the Edit button:
Tap the Edit button at the top of the Home menu.
All bookmarks will appear with a red 'minus' icon to the left of them.
Tap the red 'minus' icon.
Tap the Delete button.
Creating Sync Folders
Acronis Access can sync network folders for storage on your device, within the Access Mobile Client
app. This allows these folders and their contents to be accessed immediately without downloading
files on-demand from the server, and ensures that these files are available, whether your online of
1. Navigate into the folder you would like to sync to your device. In this example, we are syncing
the Division Reports folder.
2. Tap the Folder Action Menu and select Sync This Folder.
3. The Add Sync Folder window appears,
4. You can modify the sync folder name, or accept the default name.
5. Choose the sync folder type:
2-way Sync Folder - Files are initially synced from the server to your device. Any changes
made on the server-side or client-side are synced. Use this type of sync folder if you'd like to
be able to edit files in the sync folder and have them sync back up to the server.
1-way Sync Folder - Files are only synced from the server to your device. Any changes made
on the server-side will be automatically synced to your device. The files in this type of sync
folder are read-only and cannot be modified from within the Access Mobile Client app.
7. You will may be prompted to confirm the initial file sync operation before the folder's contents
are synced.
You can remove any sync folders that you've added. Please note that sync folders automatically
assigned to your Access Mobile Client app by your Acronis Access management policy can only be
removed by your IT administrator. Removing a sync folder deletes the synced content from your
device only, the corresponding folder on the server and all files within that folder will not be changed
or deleted from the server.
To remove a sync folder using a swipe:
Swipe across the sync folder you'd like to remove. A Delete button will appear.
Tap the Delete button.
Tap Continue at the Confirm Delete dialog to remove the sync folder.
To remove a sync folder using the Edit button:
Tap the Edit button at the top of the Home menu.
All user-created sync folders will appear with a red 'minus' icon to the left of them.
Tap the red 'minus' icon.
Tap the Delete button.
Tap Continue at the Confirm Delete dialog to remove the sync folder.
Autosync icons
If autosync fails for some reason, you will see this icon:
Tapping the button will prompt the error message to pop-up.
If everything is syncing okay, you will see this icon:
Tapping the button results in the folder getting synced again.Mid-sync you will see this icon:
Tapping the button will prompt you to cancel the download.
Background syncing
Acronis Access client 4.5 or later supports background syncing. This means that you can close the
Acronis Access app and your files will continue to sync seamlessly.
This will continue for 10 minutes after closing the app, after that the syncing will stop. The iPad 1 does not
support multitasking and will stop the process when closing the app.
Emailing Files
To email files from the Access Mobile Client application:
1. Tap the Action menu of the file you want to send and select the Email File... option.
2. An email message window will appear. Acronis Access uses the email accounts that are
configured in your iPad email app.
3. Specify a To: email address.
4. You can modify the Subject or add text to the body of the message if you wish.
If your Access Mobile Client has a management policy, it is possible your IT administrator has disabled Acronis
Accessemail capabilities. In this case, you will not see an Email File... button in the Action Menu.
Sending Files from Other Applications to Acronis Access
The Access Mobile Client application allows files from other iPad applications to be sent to Acronis
Access. This is done using the Open In feature of the other application and choosing Open in Acronis Access. When a file is transferred from another application to Acronis Access, the file will appear in
the File Inbox. Files in the File Inbox area can be moved or copied to a server or to the My Files area.
Files stored in the My Files area can be accessed at any time, even when you are not connected to
the network.
Availability of Open In
Some applications have not yet implemented the iOS Open In feature, which allows files to be sent to other
applications. If your favorite app is missing Open In, we encourage you to send the developer feedback
requesting the functionality.
Quickoffice Save Back Integration
The Access Mobile Client application has support for Quickoffice's "Save Back" feature, which allows
users to save files back to the source they opened them from.
In order to Save Back files from Quickoffice to Acronis Access, the desired file must first be opened
into Quickoffice using the Access Mobile Client application.
To do so follow these steps:
1. In the Access Mobile Client application tap the Action Menu button next to the desired file.
2. Select the Open In... option, and then select Quickoffice.
The file will now open in the Quickoffice application and the Save Back function will be available.
Creating new documents with Quickoffice
Quickoffice does not support the generic iOS Open In feature. Therefore, you cannot create a new file directly
within Quickoffice and save it directly into Acronis Access. In this case the file didn't originally come from
Acronis Access, so the Save Back function will not be available.
If you need to create new documents in Quickoffice and store them in Acronis Access, we recommend you
create blank Word, Excel, and Powerpoint document files and store them in a folder within Acronis Access. To