RMW 6170
17” 1920x1080 Full HD LCD monitor
6U Rackmount Display Panel
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc.
All rights rese rved. Product description and product specifi cations
are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product inf ormati on,
please visit Acnodes’ we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
14628 Central Ave,
Chin o, CA 91710
tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
User Manual
RMW6170: 6U 17” 1920x1080 Full HD Widescreen Industrial
Rackmount Monitor

RMW 6170
17” 1920x1080 Full HD LCD monitor
6U Rackmount Display Panel
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc.
All ri ghts reserved . Produ ct descri pti on an d produ ct specificati ons
are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product inf ormati on,
please visit Acnodes’ we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
14628 Central Ave,
Chin o, CA 91710
tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
Legal Information
First English printing, October 2002
Information in this doc ument has been carefully checked for accuracy; however, no guarantee is given to the correctness
of the contents. The information in this docum ent is subject to change without notice. W e are not liable for any injury or
loss that results from the use of this equipm ent.
Safety Instructions
Please read all of these instructions carefully before you use the device. Save this manual for
future refe rence.
¦ Unplug equipment before cleaning. Don’t use liquid or spray detergent; use a m oist c loth.
¦ Keep equipment away from excessive humidity and heat. Prefer ably, keep it in an air-conditioned environm ent with
temperatures not exceeding 40º Celsius (104º Fahrenheit).
¦ W hen installing, place the equipment on a sturdy, level s urface to prevent it from accidentally falling and c ausing
damage to other equipment or injury to persons nearby.
¦ W hen the equipment is in an open position, do not cover, block or in any way obstruct the gap between it and the
power supply. Proper air convection is necessary to k eep it from overheating.
¦ Arrange the equipment’s power cord in such a way that others won’t trip or fall ov er it.
¦ If you are using a power cord that didn’t ship with the equipment, ensure that it is rated for the voltage and current
labeled on the equipment’s electric al ratings label. The voltage rating on the cord should be higher than the one listed
on the equipment’s ratings label.
¦ Observe all precautions and warnings attached to the equipment.
¦ If you don’t intend on using the equipm ent for a long time, disconnect it from the power outlet to prevent being
damaged by transient over-voltage.
¦ Keep all liquids away from the equipment to minimize the risk of accidental spillage. Liquid spilled on to the power
supply or on other hardware may cause damage, fire or electrical shock.
¦ Only qualified service personnel should open the chassis. Opening it yourself could dam age the equipment and
invalidate its warranty.
¦ If any part of the equipment becomes damaged or stops functioning, have it chec ked by qualified service personnel.
W hat the warranty does not cover
¦ Any product, on which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed.
¦ Damage, deterioration or m alfunction resulting from:
? Accident, misuse, neglect, fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature, unauthorized product modification, or
failure to follow instructions supplied with the product.
? Repair or attem pted repair by anyone not authorized by us.
? Any dam age of the product due to shipment.
? Removal or installation of the product.
? Causes ex ternal to the product, such as electric power fluctuation or failure.
? Use of supplies or parts not meeting our specifications.
? Normal wear and tear.
? Any other causes which does not relate to a product defect.
¦ Removal, installation, and set-up service charges.
R egulatory N otices Federal Communications C ommission (FCC )
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, purs uant to Part 15 of
the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm ful interference in a residential
Any changes or modifications made to this equipment may void the user’s authority to operate this equipm ent. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, m ay cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guar antee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does caus e
harmful interference to radio or televis ion reception, which c an be deter mined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following m easures:
¦ Re-position or relocate the receiving antenna.
¦ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
¦ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

RMW 6170
17” 1920x1080 Full HD LCD monitor
6U Rackmount Display Panel
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc.
All rights rese rved. Product description and product specifi cations
are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product inf ormati on,
please visit Acnodes’ we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
14628 Central Ave,
Chin o, CA 91710
tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
< Part. 1 > RMW6170
1.1 Package Content
1.2 Structure Diagram & Dimension
1.3 Installation
< Part. 2 > Specifications / OSD / Remote Controller
2.1 Product Specifications
2.2 On-screen Display Operation ( OSD )
2.3 Picture In Picture ( PIP ) / Picture By Picture ( PBP )
< Part. 3 > Options
3.1 3G / HD / SD-SDI Broadcast-grade input
3.2 MCS Multi-display control solution
3.3 AV3.0 Upgrade :
DVI-D + VGA + HDMI + BNC + S-Video + Audio
3.4 F17" Touchscreen : Resistive
3.5 48V, 24V or 12VDC power
3.6 MIL-type or lockable connector
P.1 - 2
P.4 - 5
P.6 - 7
P.8 - 9

RMW 6170
17” 1920x1080 Full HD LCD monitor
6U Rackmount Display Panel
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc.
All ri ghts reserved . Produ ct descri pti on an d produ ct specificati ons
are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product inf ormati on,
please visit Acnodes’ we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
14628 Central Ave,
Chin o, CA 91710
tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
Before Installation
¦ It is ver y im portant to mount the equipment in a suitable cabinet or on a stable surface.
¦ Make sure the place has a good ventilation, is out of direct sunlight, away from sources of excessive
dust, dirt, heat, water, moisture and
The equipment comes with the standard parts shown in package content. Check and make sure they are
included and in good c ondition. If anything is missing, or dam aged, contact the supplier immediately.
How To Clean Your LCD Monitor
Caution :
¦ To avoid the r isk of electric shock, make sure your hands are dr y before unplugging your monitor from or
plugging your m onitor into an electrical outlet.
¦ When you clean your monitor, do not press down on the LCD screen. Pr essing down on the screen can
scratch or damage your display. Pressure dam age is not covered under warranty.
¦ Use only cleansers m ade specifically for cleaning m onitors and monitor screens. Cleansers not made to
clean monitors and monitor screens can sc ratch the LCD display or strip off the finish.
¦ Do not spray any kind of liquid directly onto the screen or case of your monitor. Spraying liquids directly
onto the screen or case can cause dam age which is not covered under warrant y.
¦ Do not use paper towels or abrasive pads to clean your monitor. Using an abrasive pad or any wood based
paper product suc h as paper towels can sc ratch your LCD screen.
Cleaning Your Monitor
To clean your LCD safely, please follow these steps :
Disconnect the power cord.
Gently wipe the surfac e using a clean, dr y micr ofiber cloth. Use as little pr essure as possible.
Cleaning Tough Marks and Smudges
To rem ove tough marks and smudges, please follow these steps :
Disconnect the power cor d.
Spray a small amount of non-abrasive cleanser on a microfiber cloth.
Caution : Do not spray or apply any liquids directly onto the monitor. Always apply the solution to your
microfiber cloth first, not directly on the parts you ar e cleaning.
Gently wipe the surface. Use as little pressure as possible.
Wait until your monitor is completely dry before plugging it in and po wering it up.

RMW 6170
17” 1920x1080 Full HD LCD monitor
6U Rackmount Display Panel
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc.
All rights rese rved. Product description and product specifi cations
are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product inf ormati on,
please visit Acnodes’ we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
14628 Central Ave,
Chin o, CA 91710
tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
F r o n t v i e w
P o w e r a d a p t e
R e a r v i e w
L C D p a n e l
2 L C D m e m b ra n e
3 A u d io s p e a k e r
P o w e r c o r d
4 P o w e r a d a p te r b a s k e t
< P
t 1 >
< 1.1 > P
< 1 .2 > S tr u c tu r e D i a g r a m
S t a n d a r d
A V 3 .0 u p g r a d e
O p t io n
ack ag
D V I- D
e C o n te n t
A u d io
o u t - in - in
V id e o PC
: D V I-D + V G A + H D M I w / s p e a k e r
: D V I-D + V G A + H D M I + B N C + S - V id e o + a u d io
: S D I, U S B f o r to u c h s c r e e n & D C p o w e r
P o w e r B N C S - V id e o V G A H D M I
R M W 6 1 7 0 u n it X 1
- 6 ft V G A c a b le X 1
- P o w e r a d a p te r X 1
- P o w e r c o r d X 1

RMW 6170
17” 1920x1080 Full HD LCD monitor
6U Rackmount Display Panel
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc.
All ri ghts reserved . Produ ct descri pti on an d produ ct specificati ons
are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product inf ormati on,
please visit Acnodes’ we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
14628 Central Ave,
Chin o, CA 91710
tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
(W x D x
(W x D x
480 x 48 x 266 mm
18.9 x 1.9 x 10.5
529 x 124 x 451 mm
20.8 x 4.9 x 17.8 inch
< 1.2 > Dimension