14628 Central Blvd ,
Chino , CA917 10
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.59 7.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc .
All righ ts reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subj ect t o change without notic e. F or late st produc t infor mat ion ,
ple ase vis it Acno des’ web s it e at w ww.acnodes.com .
PMH 8064
6.5” open frame monitor
1000-nits high brightness LCD
User Manual
PMH 8064: 6.4” industrial High-Brightness open frame LCD monitor

14628 Central Blvd ,
Chino , CA917 10
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.59 7.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc .
All righ ts reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subj ect t o change without notic e. F or late st produc t infor mat ion ,
ple ase vis it Acno des’ web s it e at w ww.acnodes.com .
PMH 8064
6.5” open frame monitor
1000-nits high brightness LCD
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1-1 Important Safeguards......................................................................................................................1
1-2 Before Installation...........................................................................................................................2
1-3 Unpacking.......................................................................................................................................2
1-4 Optional Accessories.....................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2 Front Aluminum LCD Panel
2-1 Package Contents..........................................................................................................................3
2-2 Structure Diagram...........................................................................................................................4
2-3 Mounting Method.............................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 3 Connection
3-1 On-Screen Display Operation........................................................................................................7
3-2 On-Screen Menu................................................................................... .........................................9
CHAPTER 4 Operation
4-1 LCD Specifications........................................................................................................................11
5-1 AV/BNC Options............................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 6 Touchscreen Options
6-1 Touchscreen Options......................................................................................................................13
6-2 Touchscreen Quick User Guidelines..............................................................................................15
CHAPTER 7 DC Power Options.............................................................................18
CHAPTER 8 TV Turner Options
8-1 How to Use Remote controller.......................................................................................................19
CHAPTER 9 Audio Input Options.........................................................................21
CHAPTER 10 Troubleshooting...............................................................................22
CHAPTER 11 Cleaning the LCD Display...............................................................24

14628 Central Blvd ,
Chino , CA917 10
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.59 7.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc .
All righ ts reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subj ect t o change without notic e. F or late st produc t infor mat ion ,
ple ase vis it Acno des’ web s it e at w ww.acnodes.com .
PMH 8064
6.5” open frame monitor
1000-nits high brightness LCD
1-1 Important Safeguards
Please read all of these instructions carefully before you use the device. Save this manual for future
What the warranty does not cover:
- Any product, on which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed.
- Damage, deterioration or malfunction resulting from:
- Accident, misuse, neglect, fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature, unauthorized product modification, or failure to follow instructions supplied with the product.
- Repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by us.
- Any damage of the product due to shipment.
- Removal or installation of the product.
- Causes external to the product, such as electric power fluctuation or failure.
- Use of supplies or parts not meeting our specifications.
- Normal wear and tear.
- Any other causes which does not relate to a product defect.
- Removal, installation, and set-up service charges.

14628 Central Blvd ,
Chino , CA917 10
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.59 7.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc .
All righ ts reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subj ect t o change without notic e. F or late st produc t infor mat ion ,
ple ase vis it Acno des’ web s it e at w ww.acnodes.com .
PMH 8064
6.5” open frame monitor
1000-nits high brightness LCD
1-2 Before Installation
- It is very important to locate the LCD Display in a suitable environment.
- The surface for placing and fixing the LCD Display should be stable.
- Make sure the place has good ventilation, is out of direct sunlight, away from sources of excessive
dust, dirt, heat, water, moisture and vibration.
- Convenience for connecting the LCD Display to the related facilities should be well considers too.
1-3 Unpacking
The LCD Display comes with the standard parts shown on the package contents. Check and make
sure they are included and in good condition. If anything is missing, or damage, contact the supplier
1-4 Optional Accessories
1. Power Cord
1.1 IEC power cord
1.2 NEMA 5-15 power cord (US)
1.3 BS 1363 power cord (UK)
1.4 CEE 7/4 power cord (German)
1.5 AS 3112 power cord (Australia)

14628 Central Blvd ,
Chino , CA917 10
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.59 7.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc .
All righ ts reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subj ect t o change without notic e. F or late st produc t infor mat ion ,
ple ase vis it Acno des’ web s it e at w ww.acnodes.com .
PMH 8064
6.5” open frame monitor
1000-nits high brightness LCD
2-1 Package Contents
1. LCD Display x 1 pc
2. 6” VGA Cable (male to male) x 1 pc
3. User Manual x 1 pc
4. Power Cord x 1 pc
5. Auto switch Power Adapter x 1 pc

14628 Central Blvd ,
Chino , CA917 10
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.59 7.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc .
All righ ts reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subj ect t o change without notic e. F or late st produc t infor mat ion ,
ple ase vis it Acno des’ web s it e at w ww.acnodes.com .
PMH 8064
6.5” open frame monitor
1000-nits high brightness LCD
2-2 Structure Diagram
Front View
Rear View
1. Rear Case
2. Class A TFT LCD Panel
3. Universal open frame mounting
4. LCD Membrane

14628 Central Blvd ,
Chino , CA917 10
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.59 7.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc .
All righ ts reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subj ect t o change without notic e. F or late st produc t infor mat ion ,
ple ase vis it Acno des’ web s it e at w ww.acnodes.com .
PMH 8064
6.5” open frame monitor
1000-nits high brightness LCD
2-3 Mounting Method
Bracket Mounting
**Remarks: hardware for fixing the LCD display is not provided

14628 Central Blvd ,
Chino , CA917 10
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.59 7.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc .
All righ ts reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subj ect t o change without notic e. F or late st produc t infor mat ion ,
ple ase vis it Acno des’ web s it e at w ww.acnodes.com .
PMH 8064
6.5” open frame monitor
1000-nits high brightness LCD
Universal open frame mounting:
**Remarks: hardware for fixing the LCD display is not provided
75mm VESA Standard:
-Hardware and M4*4 pcs for VESA mouting is not provided.
-To avoid damage of internal componenets, when mounting
the VESA bracket, do not use screws that exceed the
depth (6mm) of the display mounting holes. Using screws
that are too long may cause damage to the display.