Acnodes MKP 804 User Manual

User Manual
MKP802/804/1602/1604: 1U rackmount Matrix IP KVM switch 8/16-port RJ45 with 3/4 user console
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All righ ts reserved. Product descripti on and product speci ficat ions are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
Legal Informa tion
First En glish printing , October 2 002 Information in this docum ent has be en carefully che cked for accuracy; howeve r, no guara ntee is given to the correctnes s of th e con ten ts. The info rmation in this docu ment is subject to change withou t no tice. W e are n ot liable for any injury or loss that results from the use o f th is eq uipment.
Safety Instructions Plea se read all of thes e instructions carefully before you use the device. Save this manual for future reference.
¦ Unplug equ ipment bef ore cleaning. Do n’t use liquid or spray d eterge nt; use a moist cloth. ¦ Kee p eq uipment away from excessive humidity and heat. Preferabl y, keep it in an a ir-conditione d e nvironment wi th
temperatures not exceeding 40º Celsius (10 4º Fah renheit).
¦ Wh en installing, place the equipment on a sturdy, level surface to pre vent it from accidentally falling and causing da m
age to ot her equi pment or injury to persons nearb y.
¦ Wh en t he e quipment is in an open po sition, do not cover, block or in any way obstruct the gap between it an d the
power suppl y. Proper air convecti on is ne cessary to keep it from ove rheat ing. ¦ Arrange the equipme nt’s power cord in such a way that others won’t trip or fa ll over it. ¦ If you are using a po wer cord th at d idn’t ship with the equipment, ensure that it is rate d fo r the voltage and c urrent
lab eled on the eq uipment’s e lectrical ratings label. The voltage rating on the cord sho uld be higher tha n th e o ne li sted
on the eq uipment’s rat ings la bel. ¦ Observe all precau tions an d wa rnings attached to the equipm ent. ¦ If you d on’t i ntend on using the equipment for a long t ime, disconn ect it from the pow er outlet to prevent being dam
aged by transient over-voltage. ¦ Kee p all liquids away from the equ ipment to minimize the risk of acci dental spillage. Li quid spilled on to th e p ower
sup ply or on o the r hardware m ay cause damage, fire or electrical shock. ¦ Only qua lified se rvice person nel s hould ope n th e chassis. Op ening it yourself cou ld dam age the equipme nt a nd invali
date its warranty. ¦ If any part of the equipmen t be comes d amaged or stops functioning, h ave it checked by qualified service p ersonnel.
What the w arranty does not cove r
¦ Any product, on which the serial number has b een def aced, modified or removed. ¦ Damage, dete rioration or m alfunction resulting from:
? Accident, m isuse, neglect, fire, water, lightning, o r othe r acts of nature, unauthorized prod uct modifica tion, or
failure to follow instruct ions supplied with the product. ? Repair or at tempted repa ir by anyone not authorized by us. ? Any da mag e o f the prod uct due to shipme nt. ? Removal or insta llation of the product. ? Causes external to th e p roduct, su ch as electric power f luctu ation or failure. ? Use of sup plies or parts not meeti ng our specifications. ? Normal wear and tea r. ? Any ot her cau ses which doe s not relate to a p roduct defect.
¦ Removal, installation, and set-up se rvice charges.
Regulatory Notices Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
This eq uipment h as been tes ted and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, p ursuant to Part 15 of the F CC rules. Thes e limits a re designed to provide reason able protection against harmful interfe rence in a residential instal - lati on. Any chan ges or modifications made to t his equipment may voi d the user’s authority to operate this e quipment. This equipm ent generates, u ses, and can radiate radio freq uen cy en ergy and, if n ot installed a nd u sed in accorda nce with the instructions, m ay cau se harmful interference to radio com munications. However, there is no guarantee that interferen ce will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipmen t does cause harmful interfe rence to radio or telev ision reception, which can be de termined by turning the equipment off and on , the user is enco uraged to try to correct the inte rference by one or more of the following measure s: ¦ Re-position or relocat e the receiving antenna . ¦ Increas e the sep aration between the equipm ent and receive r. ¦ Connect the equipmen t into an outlet on a circuit di fferent from that to which the receiver is connected.
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All right s reser ved . Produc t descr ipt ion and product speci fi cat io ns are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
< Part 1 > Matrix DB-15 KVM
MKP802 MKP804
MKP1602 MKP1604
1.1 Package contents
1.2 KVM port connection
1.3 IP, Remote & Local console connection
1.4 IP console setting
1.5 KVM Cascade
1.6 Specifications
< Part 2 > Usage
2.1 KVM Button
2.2 Password
2.4 KVM Hotkey & Remote Console Hotkey
P.1 P.2 P.3 - 4 P.5 P.6 P.7
P.8 P.9 - 10 P.11 - 12 P.13
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All righ ts reserved. Product descripti on and product speci ficat ions are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
Before Installation
¦ It is very important to mount the equipment in a suitable cabinet or on a stable surface. ¦ Make sure the place has a good ventilation, is out of direct sunlight, away from sources of excessive
dust, dirt, heat, water, moisture and vibration.
The equipment comes with the standard parts shown in package content. Check and make sure they are included and in good condition. If anything is missing, or damaged, contact the supplier immediatel y.
Installation for standalone KVM
Screw A: 2 pcs Screw B: 8 pcs
M3.2 x 4.5 m m M4 x 10 mm
¦ Install each bracket using screws
B provided shown in Figure 1.
¦ Fix the KVM into the rack
Figure 1.
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All right s reser ved . Produc t descr ipt ion and product speci fi cat io ns are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
< Part 1 > Matrix DB -15 KVM
< 1.1 > Package Contents
MKP 802 / 1602 MKP804 / 1604
KVM uni t
MKP802 or MKP1602 or MKP804 or MKP1604 KVM unit x 1
Mounting set w/ bracket & screws x 1
Powe r adapter w / power cord ( for KVM ) x 1
Receiver box for remote console x 1
Powe r adapter w / power cord ( for receiver ) x 1
6ft Combo KVM cable for receiver box x 1
Local Con so le R e mo te C onso le 1
MK P802
Pow er
1 out in
Ca sca d e
Lo cal Con so le Remot e Co nsole 1
MK P804
Pow er
out in
Cas cad e
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All righ ts reserved. Product descripti on and product speci ficat ions are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
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