Altos S205F / S200F
Tower Kit
Installation Guide
Issue 1.0
1 May, 2004

Altos S205F / S200F Tower Kit Installation Guide
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Issue 1.0 1 May, 2004
• Introduction
• Tools Required
• Tower Installation Kit

Altos S205F / S200F Tower Kit Installation Procedure
Altos S205F / S200F Tower Kit
This document defines the installation procedure for converting the Altos S205F / S200F Rack
Enclosure storage system to a Tower system. The unpopulated enclosure and tower installation kit
are shown in Figure 1.
Warning An Enclosure can weigh up to 37kg (81lb). Do not try to lift it by yourself.
Tools Required
• Pozidrive screwdriver
(not supplied)
Tower Installation Kit
Description Quantity
Tower Foot 1
Tower Cover 1
M5 Lock Washer 4
M5 Plain Washer 4
M5 x 16 Pan Head, POZI Screw 4
M5 x 8 Pan Head, POZI Screw with Patchlock 4
Figure 1: Tower Installation Kit with Unpopulated Enclosure