No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior
written consent of Accton Technology Corporation.
Accton makes no warranties with respect to this documentation and disclaims any implied warranties
of merchantability, quality, or fitness for any particular purpose. The information in this document is
subject to change without notice. Accton reserves the right to make revisions to this publication
without obligation to notify any person or entity of any such changes.
Accton is a trademark of Accton Technology Corporation. Other trademarks or brand names
mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Chapter 1: Managing the Switch1-1
Configuration Options1-1
Making Connections for System Configuration1-2
Web Upload Management3-10
TFTP Download Management3-11
Address Table Configuration3-12
STA (Spanning Tree Algorithm)3-13
Spanning Tree Information3-13
Spanning Tree Configuration3-15
STA Port Configuration3-16
Configuring Bridge MIB Extensions3-17
Bridge Capability3-17
Bridge Settings3-18
Port Priority Configuration3-18
Port Traffic Class Information3-19
Configuring VLANs3-20
VLAN Basic Information3-20
VLAN Current Table3-21
VLAN Static List3-22
VLAN Static Table3-22
VLAN Static Membership by Port3-23
VLAN Port Configuration3-24
IGMP Multicast Filtering3-25
Configuring IGMP3-25
IP Multicast Registration Table3-26
Port Menus3-26
Port Information3-26
Port Configuration3-27
Port Mirroring Configuration3-28
Port Statistics3-28
Etherlike Statistics3-28
RMON Statistics3-30
Broadcast Storm Control3-32
Chapter 4: Advanced Topics4-1
Spanning Tree Algorithm4-1
Virtual LANs4-2
Assigning Ports to VLANs4-2
VLAN Classification4-3
Port Overlapping4-3
Forwarding Tagged/Untagged Frames4-3
Forwarding Traffic with Unknown VLAN Tags4-4
Class-of-Service (CoS) Support4-4
IGMP Snooping and IP Multicast Filtering4-4
SNMP Management Software4-5
Remote Monitoring4-5
Appendix A: TroubleshootingA-1
Console ConnectionA-1
In-Band ConnectionA-1
Upgrading Firmware via the Serial PortA-1
Appendix B: Pin AssignmentsB-1
DB9 Serial Port Pin DescriptionB-1
DB9 Port Pin AssignmentsB-1
Connection from Switch’s Serial Port to PC’s 9-Pin COM PortB-1
Connection from Switch's Serial Port to Modem's 25-Pin DCE PortB-2
Connection from Switch's Serial Port to PC's 25-Pin DTE PortB-2
Chapter 1: Managing the Switch
Configuration Options
The CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508 provides a menu-driven system
configuration program that can be accessed through a direct console connection
or modem connection to the serial port on the switch’s rear panel (out-of-band),
or by a Telnet connection over the network (in-band).
The switch also includes an embedded HTTP Web agent. This Web agent can
be accessed using a standard Web browser from any computer attached to the
The switch’s management agent is based on SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol). This SNMP agent allows the switch to be managed from
any PC on the network using in-band management software, such as Accton’s
Once you have connected a terminal or PC to the serial port on the switch, you
can perform the following tasks:
• Enable/disable any port
• Set the communication mode for any port
• Configure SNMP parameters
• Configure the switch to join a Spanning Tree
• Add ports to VLAN groups
• Mirror data from a target port to an analysis port
• Display system information or statistics
• Download system firmware
• Restart the system
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
Making Connections for System Configuration
The switch includes a menu-driven configuration program. The ASCII interface to
this program can be accessed by making a direct connection to the serial
port on the rear panel, or by a Telnet connection to the switch over the network.
This section describes how to access the menu-driven configuration program via:
• Onsite connection
A terminal or workstation connected to the serial port on the rear panel
• Modem connection
A workstation connected to the serial port of a remote switch via modems
• Telnet connection
A workstation connected to a remote switch via a Telnet connection
It also describes how to access the embedded Web agent over the network using
any standard browser, or with AccView network management software or other thirdparty management software.
Onsite Connection
Attach a VT100 compatible terminal or a PC running a terminal emulation
program to the serial port on the switch’s rear panel. Use the null-modem cable
provided with this package, or use a null modem connection that complies with
the wiring assignments shown in the back of this guide.
When attaching to a PC, set terminal emulation type to VT100, specify the port
used by your PC (i.e., COM 1~4), and then set communications to 8 data bits,
1 stop bit, no parity, and 19200 bps (for initial configuration). Also be sure to set
both handshaking and flow control to “none.”
Modem Connection
Configure the Switch Site: Connect the switch’s DB-9 serial port to the
modem’s serial port using standard cabling. For most modems, which use a
25-pin port, you will have to provide an RS-232 cable with a 9-pin connector on
one end and a 25-pin connector on the other end. You do not have to set the
modem at the switch’s site, because the switch will automatically configure it to
auto-answer mode.
Configure the Remote Site: At the remote site, connect the PC’s COM port
(COM 1~4) to the modem’s serial port. Set terminal emulation type to VT100,
specify the port used by your PC (i.e., COM 1~4), and then set communications
to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, 19200 bps, and no flow control.
Management Guide
Telnet Connection
Prior to accessing the switch via an in-band Telnet connection, you must first
configure it with a valid IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway using an
out-of-band connection or BOOTP protocol. After configuring the switch’s IP
parameters, you can access the on-board configuration program from anywhere
within the attached network.
Note: Up to four Telnet sessions are supported.
In-Band Network Connection
The on-board configuration program can be accessed using Telnet or a Web
browser (Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or above)
from any computer attached to the network. It can also be managed from a
network computer using management software such as AccView.
Notes: 1. Prior to accessing the switch via a direct network connection, first
configure it with a valid IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
using an out-of-band connection or BOOTP protocol.
2. The on-board program only provides access to basic configuration
functions. To access the full range of SNMP management functions, you
must use SNMP-based network management software. Accton provides a
Windows-based SNMP software package called AccView/Open. If you
require this software, please contact your Accton distributor. Also note
that AccView’s CheetahSwitch Manager module can be easily integrated
into most third-party management platforms.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
Chapter 2: Using the System Configuration Program
Once a direct connection to the serial port or a Telnet connection is established,
the login screen for the on-board configuration program appears as shown below.
If this is your first time to log into the configuration program, then the default user
names are “admin” and “guest,” and the passwords are null. The administrator
has Read/Write access to all configuration parameters and statistics, while the
guest has Read Only access. To open the Main Menu, type “admin” for the user
name and press <Enter> for the password.
You should define a password, record it, and put it in a safe place. If you have
not already done so, select Security Configuration and enter a password. Note
that passwords can consist of up to 15 alphanumeric characters and are not
case sensitive.
Configuration parameters are described in the following section.
Note: Based on the default configuration, a user is allowed three attempts to enter the
correct password; on the third failed attempt the current connection is terminated.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
Main Menu
With the system configuration program you can define system parameters,
manage the switch and all its ports, or monitor network conditions. The figure
below of the Main Menu and the following table briefly describe the selections
available from this program.
Note: Options for the currently selected item are displayed in the highlighted area at
the bottom of the interface screen.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Main Menu
System Information Menu...
Management Setup Menu...
Device Control Menu...
Network Monitor Menu...
System Restart Menu...
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Enter> to select.
System Information Menu
System InformationProvides basic system description, including contact information.
Switch InformationShows hardware/firmware version numbers, and power status.
Serial Port ConfigurationSets communication parameters for the serial port, including
SNMP ConfigurationEnables/disables SNMP access, activates traps; and configures
Console Login Configuration Sets user names and passwords for system access, as well as the
TFTP DownloadDownloads new version of firmware to update your system (in-band).
Device Control Menu
Port ConfigurationEnables any port, enables/disables flow control, and sets
agent) setup, Telnet configuration, and MAC address.
management mode, baud rate, console time-out, and screen data
refresh interval.
communities and trap managers.
invalid password threshold and lockout time.
communication mode to auto-negotiation or full duplex.
Management Guide
Port InformationDisplays operational status, including link state, flow control method,
Spanning Tree Configuration Enables Spanning Tree Algorithm; also sets parameters for hello time,
Spanning Tree InformationDisplays full listing of parameters for the Spanning Tree Algorithm.
Mirror Port ConfigurationSets the source and target ports for mirroring.
IGMP ConfigurationConfigures IGMP multicast filtering.
Broadcast Storm ControlSets the broadcast-rate threshold at which broadcast packets are
Extended Bridge Configuration Displays/configures extended bridge capabilities provided by this
802.1P ConfigurationConfigures default port priorities and queue assignments.
802.1Q VLAN BaseDisplays basic VLAN information, such as VLAN version number,
Informationmaximum VLAN ID, maximum VLANs supported, and the current
802.1Q VLAN CurrentDisplays VLAN groups and port members.
Table Information
802.1Q VLAN StaticConfigures VLAN groups via static assignments, including setting port
Table Configurationmembers, or restricting ports from being dynamically added to a port
802.1Q VLANDisplays/configures port-specific VLAN settings, including PVID,
Port Configurationingress filtering, and GVRP.
Network Monitor Menu
Port StatisticsDisplays statistics on network traffic passing through the selected port.
RMON StatisticsDisplays detailed statistical information for the selected port such as
Unicast Address TableProvides full address listing, as well as search and clear functions.
IP Multicast Registration Table Displays all the multicast groups active on this switch, including
Static Unicast Address Table Used to manually configure host MAC addresses in the unicast table.
System RestartRestarts system with options to use POST, or to retain factory defaults,
ExitExits the configuration program.
speed and duplex mode.
maximum message age, switch priority, and forward delay; as well as
port priority, path cost and Fast STA mode.
number of VLANs configured.
by the GVRP protocol.
packet type and frame size counters.
multicast IP addresses and corresponding VLAN IDs.
IP settings, or user authentication settings.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
System Information Menu
Use the System Information Menu to display a basic description of the switch,
including contact information, and hardware/firmware versions.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
System Information Menu
System Information ...
Switch Information ...
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Enter> to select.
Displaying System Information
Use the System Information screen to display descriptive information about the
switch, or for quick system identification as shown in the following figure and table.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
System Information
System Description : Gigabit Ethernet Switch ES4508
System Object ID:
System Up Time: 48067 (0 day, 1 hr, 2min, 34 sec)
System Name:
System Contact:
System Location:
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. other keys to make changes.
System DescriptionSystem hardware description.
System Object IDMIB II object identifier for switch’s network management subsystem.
System Up TimeLength of time the current management agent has been running.
(Note that the first value is 1/100 seconds.)
System Name
System Contact
System Location
Name assigned to the switch system.
Contact person for the system.
Specifies the area or location where the system resides.
1: Maximum string length is 255, but the screen only displays 45 characters. You can use the arrow keys
to browse the whole string.
Management Guide
Displaying Version Information
Use the Switch Information screen to display hardware/firmware version numbers,
as well as the power status.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Switch Information
Hardware Version: V1.0
POST ROM Version: V01.00.00
Firmware Version: V01.00.01
Serial Number:
Port Number: 8
Internal Power Status :
Redundant Power Status :
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Enter> to select.
Hardware VersionHardware version of the main board.
POST ROM VersionPower-On Self-Test version number.
Firmware VersionSystem firmware version in ROM.
Serial Number
Serial number of the main board.
Port NumberNumber of ports.
Internal Power Status
Redundant Power Status
Indicates if the primary power is active or inactive.
Indicates if the redundant power is active or inactive.
1: These parameters are not supported by the current hardware version.
Management Setup Menu
After initially logging onto the system, adjust the communication parameters for
your console to ensure a reliable connection (Console Configuration menu).
Specify the Ethernet and IP addresses for the SNMP agent (IP Configuration
menu), and then set the Administrator and User passwords (Console Login
Configuration menu). Remember to record them in a safe place. Also set the
community string which controls access to the on-board SNMP agent via in-band
management software (SNMP Configuration menu). The items provided by the
Management Setup Menu are described in the following sections.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Management Setup
Network Configuration ...
Serial Port Configuration ...
SNMP Configuration ...
Console Login Configuration ...
TFTP Download ...
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Enter> to select.
Changing the Network Configuration
Use the Network Configuration menu to set the bootup option, configure the
switch's Internet Protocol (IP) parameters, enable the on-board Web agent, or
enable Telnet access. The screen shown below is described in the following table.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Network Configuration
IP Configuration ...
IP Connectivity Test (Ping) ...
Access Host Configuration ...
HTTP Configuration ...
MAX Number of Allowed Telnet Sessions (1 –4) : 4
MAC Address : 00-00-e8-12-34-56
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Enter> to select.
IP ConfigurationScreen used to set the bootup option, or configure the switch’s IP
parameters for the Ethernet interface.
IP Connectivity Test (Ping) Screen used to test IP connectivity to a specified device.
Access Host Configuration Screen used to restrict access to the host switch to specified subnets.
HTTP ConfigurationScreen used to enable/disable the Web agent.
MAX Number ofThe maximum number of Telnet sessions allowed to simultaneously
Allowed Telnet Sessionsaccess the SNMP agent. Up to four sessions are supported.
MAC AddressPhysical address of the SNMP agent.
Management Guide
IP Configuration
Use the IP Configuration screen to set the bootup option, or configure the switch's
IP parameters. The screen shown below is described in the following table.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Network Configuration: IP Configuration
Interface Type : Ethernet
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway IP:
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. other keys to make changes.
Interface TypeIndicates IP over Ethernet.
IP Address
IP address of the switch you are managing when accessing the SNMP agent over
the network. The management agent supports SNMP over UDP/IP transport
protocol. In this environment, all systems on the Internet, such as network
interconnection devices and any PC accessing the agent (or running AccView) are
assigned an IP address.
Valid IP addresses consist of four numbers, of 0 to 255, separated by periods.
Anything outside of this format will not be accepted by the configuration program.
Subnet Mask
Subnet mask of the SNMP agent. This mask identifies the host address bits used
for routing to specific subnets.
Default Gateway
Gateway used to pass trap messages from the switch’s agent to the management
station. Note that the gateway must be defined if the management station is
located in a different IP segment.
IP StateSpecifies whether IP functionality is enabled via manual configuration, or set by
Boot Protocol (BOOTP). Options include:
USER-CONFIG - IP functionality is enabled based on the default or user specified
IP Configuration. (This is the default setting.)
BOOTP Get IP - IP is enabled but will not function until a BOOTP reply has been
received. BOOTP requests will be periodically broadcast by the switch in an effort
to learn its IP address.
1: The default value is null.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
IP Connectivity Test (Ping)
Use the IP Connectivity Test to see if another site on the Internet can be
reached. The screen shown below is described in the following table.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Network Configuration: IP Connectivity Test (Ping)
IP Address :
Test Times : 1000Interval : 1
Success: 1000Failure : 0
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. other keys to make changes.
IP AddressIP address of the site you want to ping.
Test TimesThe number of ICMP echo requests to send to the specified site. (1~1000)
IntervalThe interval (in seconds) between pinging the specified site. (1~ 10 seconds)
Success/FailureThe number of times the specified site has responded or not to pinging.
Access Host Configuration
Use the Access Host Configuration screen to restrict management access to the
host switch to specified subnets. The screen shown below is described in the
following table.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Security Configuration: Access Host Configuration
IP Address MatchIP Mask
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move, other keys to make changes.
IP Address MatchIP address of a subnet that is allowed management access to the host
switch. Up to five subnets can be specified.
IP MaskThe IP mask that identifies the subnet.
Management Guide
HTTP Configuration
Use the HTTP Configuration screen to enable/disable the on-board Web agent,
and to specify the TCP port that will provide HTTP service. The screen shown
below is described in the following table.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Network Configuration: HTTP Configuration
HTTP Port Number: 80
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Space> to scroll options.
HTTP ServerEnables/disables the on-board Web agent.
HTTP Port NumberSpecifies the TCP port that will provide HTTP service.
(Range is 0~65535. Default is Port 80. Telnet Port 23 is prohibited.)
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
Configuring the Serial Port
You can access the on-board configuration program by attaching a VT100
compatible device to the switch's serial port. For more information on connecting
to this port, refer to the section on Making the Connections Required for System
Configuration on page 9. The communication parameters for this port are
accessed from the Serial Port Configuration screen seen below and described in
the following table.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Serial Port Configuration
Management Mode: Console Mode
Baudrate: 19200
Databits: 8
Stopbits: 1
Parity: NONE
Time-Out (in minutes): 10
Auto Refresh (in seconds) : 180
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Space> to scroll options.
Management ModeConsole Mode Indicates if the console port settings are for direct console
Baud Rate19200The rate at which data is sent between devices. (Options:
2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps, and Auto
Note that when Auto is selected, you must first press the Enter
key once to set the data rate and initialize the connection.
Databits8 bitsSets the data bits of the RS-232 port. (Options: 7, 8)
Stopbits1 bitSets the stop bits of the RS-232 port. (Options: 1, 2)
ParitynoneSets the parity of the RS-232 port. (Options: none/odd/even)
Time-Out0 minutesIf no input is received from the attached device after this
interval (in minutes), the current session is automatically
closed. (Range: 0 -100 minutes; where 0 indicates disabled.)
Auto Refresh0 sec.Sets the interval before a console session will auto refresh the
console information, including Spanning Tree Information, Port
Configuration, Port Statistics, and RMON Statistics.
(Range: 0, or 5 - 255 seconds; where 0 indicates disabled.)
Management Guide
Assigning SNMP Parameters
Use the SNMP Configuration screen to display and modify parameters for the
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The switch includes an on-board
SNMP agent which monitors the status of its hardware, as well as the traffic
passing through its ports. A computer attached to the network, called a Network
Management Station (NMS), can be used to access this information. Access
rights to the on-board agent are controlled by community strings. To
communicate with the switch, the NMS must first submit a valid community string
for authentication. The options for configuring community strings and related trap
functions are described in the following figures and table:
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
SNMP Configuration
SNMP Administration: ENABLED
Send Authentication Fail Traps : ENABLED
Send Link Up/Link Down Traps: ENABLED
SNMP Communities ...
IP Trap Managers ...
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Space> to scroll options.
SNMP AdministrationEnables/disables the SNMP function of the agent.
Send AuthenticationIssue a trap message to specified IP trap managers whenever
Fail Trapsauthentication of an SNMP request fails. (The default is disabled.)
Send Link Up/Link DownIssue a trap message to specified IP trap managers whenever a link
Trapschanges its up/down state. (The default is enabled.)
SNMP CommunitiesAssigns SNMP access based on specified community strings.
IP Trap ManagersSpecifies management stations that will receive authentication failure
messages or other trap messages from the switch.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
Configuring Community Names
The following figure and table describe how to configure the community strings
authorized for trap management access. All community strings used for IP Trap
Managers must be listed in this table. Up to 5 community names may be entered.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
SNMP Configuration: SNMP Communities
Community NameAccessStatus
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. other keys to make changes.
Community NameA community entry authorized for trap management access. (The maximum
string length is 20 characters).
AccessManagement access is restricted to Read Only or Read/Write.
StatusSets administrative status of entry to enabled or disabled.
Note: This switch has default community strings of “public” with read only access and “private” with
read/write access.
Configuring IP Trap Managers
The following figure and table describe how to specify management stations that
will receive authentication failure messages or other trap messages from the
switch. Note that all community strings used for IP Trap Managers must be listed
in the SNMP Communities table. Up to 5 trap managers may be entered.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
SNMP Configuration: IP Trap Managers
IP AddressCommu nity NameStatus
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move, other keys to make changes.
Management Guide
IP AddressIP address of the trap manager.
Community NameA community specified in the SNMP Communities table.
StatusSets administrative status of entry to enabled or disabled.
Console Login Configuration
Use the Management Setup: Console Login Configuration to restrict management
access based on specified user names and passwords, or to set the invalid
password threshold and timeout. There are two user types, Administrator and
Guest. Only the Administrator has write access for parameters governing the
SNMP agent. You should therefore assign a user name and password to the
Administrator as soon as possible, and store it in a safe place. (If for some
reason your password is lost, or you can not gain access to the System
Configuration Program, contact your Accton distributor for assistance.) The
parameters shown on this screen are indicated in the following figure and table.
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move, other keys to make changes.
Password3Sets the password intrusion threshold which limits the number
Thresholdof failed logon attempts.
(Range: 0~65535)
Lock-out Time0The time (in seconds) the management console will be
disabled due to an excessive number of failed logon attempts.
(Range: 0~65535)
name: adminAdministrator has access privilege of Read/Write for all
password: nullscreens.
name: guestGuest has access privilege of Read Only for all screens.
password: null
1: Passwords can consist of up to 15 alphanumeric characters and are not case sensitive.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
Downloading System Software
Using TFTP Protocol to Download Over the Network
Use the TFTP Download menu to load software updates into the switch. The
download file should be an ES4508 binary file from Accton; otherwise the agent
will not accept it. The success of the download operation depends on the
accessibility of the TFTP server and the quality of the network connection. After
downloading the new software, the agent will automatically restart itself.
Parameters shown on this screen are indicated in the following figure and table.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
TFTP Download
Download Server IP :
Download Filename : es4508a.bix
Download Mode: PERMANENT
[Process TFTP Download]
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move, other keys to make changes.
Download Server IPIP address of a TFTP server.
Download FilenameThe binary file to download to the SNMP agent.
Download ModeYou can download to “Permanent” flash ROM or “Temporary” storage in
RAM (for test purposes). Note that if you download to temporary memory,
this firmware will be lost upon power off.
Process TFTP DownloadIssues request to TFTP server to download the specified file.
Note: You can also download firmware using the Web agent (see page 3-10) or a direct console
connection (see page A-1).
Management Guide
Configuring the Switch
The Device Control menu is used to set the communication parameters for
individual ports, and to fine-tune the performance of your switch by adjusting the
forwarding mode, flow control, and specific Spanning Tree parameters.
Configuration menus are also provided for advanced functions, such as Virtual
LANs, and port mirroring. Each of the setup screens provided by the
configuration menus is described in the following sections.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Device Control Menu
Port Configuration ...Extended Bridge Configuration ...
Port Information ...802.1P Configuration ...
Spanning Tree Configuration ...802.1Q VLAN Base Information ...
Spanning Tree Information ...802.1Q VLAN Current Table Information ...
Mirror Port Configuration ...802.1Q VLAN Static Table Configuration ...
Port Trunking Configuration ...802.1Q VLAN Port Configuration ...
IGMP Configuration ...Port GARP Configuration ...
Broadcast Storm Control ...Port GMRP Configuration ...
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Enter> to select.
Port ConfigurationSets communication parameters for ports.
Port InformationDisplays current port settings and port status.
Spanning Tree Configuration Configures the switch and its ports to participate in a Spanning Tree.
Spanning Tree InformationDisplays the current Spanning Tree configuration for the switch.
Mirror Port ConfigurationSets the source and target ports for mirroring.
IGMP ConfigurationConfigures IGMP multicast filtering.
Broadcast Storm ControlConfigures the threshold at which broadcast packets are discarded.
Extended BridgeDisplays/configures extended bridge capabilities provided by this switch,
Configurationincluding support for traffic classes, and VLAN extensions.
802.1P ConfigurationConfigures default port priorities and queue assignments.
802.1Q VLAN BaseDisplays basic VLAN information, such as VLAN version number and
Informationmaximum VLANs supported.
802.1Q VLAN CurrentDisplays VLAN groups and port members.
Table Information
802.1Q VLAN Static TableConfigures VLAN groups via static assignments, including setting port
802.1Q VLAN PortDisplays/configures port-specific VLAN settings, including PVID and
Configurationingress filtering.
Note: This switch does not support trunking, GVRP or GMRP. Therefore, the Port Trunking, Port GARP,
and Port GMRP configuration menus are not accessible from this screen.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
Configuring Port Parameters
Use the Port Configuration menus to configure any port on the switch.
Use <TAB> or arrows keys to move. <Space> to scroll options.
TypeShows port type as 1000BASE-SX.
AdminENABLEDAllows you to disable a port due to abnormal behavior (e.g.,
excessive collisions), and then re-enable it after the problem
has been resolved. You may also disable a port for security
Flow ControlONUsed to enable or disable flow control. Flow control can
eliminate frame loss by “blocking” traffic from end stations or
segments connected directly to the switch when its buffers fill.
Back pressure is used for half duplex and IEEE 802.3x for full
duplex. Note that flow control should not be used if a port is
connected to a hub.
Speed and Duplex1000-FULLIndicates the current port speed and duplex mode (1000-FULL
or AUTO). Although ports on the switch can be set for autonegotiation, operation is restricted to 1000 Mbps, full duplex.
Management Guide
Viewing the Current Port Configuration
The Port Information screen displays the port type, status, link state, and flow
control in use. To change any of the port settings, use the configuration menu.
Use <TAB> or arrows keys to move. <Enter> to select.
InUseDuplex InUse
TypeShows port type as 1000BASE-SX.
OperationalShows if the port is functioning or not.
LinkIndicates if the port has a valid connection to an external device.
FlowControl InUseShows the flow control type in use. Flow control can eliminate frame loss by
“blocking” traffic from end stations connected directly to the switch. IEEE
802.3x flow control is used for full duplex.
Speed and DuplexInUseDisplays the current port speed and duplex mode used.
Using the Spanning Tree Algorithm
The Spanning Tree Algorithm can be used to detect and disable network loops,
and to provide backup links between switches, bridges or routers. This allows the
switch to interact with other bridging devices (that is, STA-compliant switch,
bridge or router) in your network to ensure that only one route exists between
any two stations on the network. For a more detailed description of how to use
this algorithm, refer to “Spanning Tree Algorithm” in Chapter 4.
CheetahSwitch Workgroup - 4508
Spanning Tree Configuration: Selection Menu
STA Bridge Configuration ...
STA Port Configuration ...
Use <TAB> or arrows keys to move. <Enter> to select.
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