ABUS TV3220 User Manual

Basic, Professional, Enterprise Web application
System manual
ABUS VMS ABUS Security-Center GmbH & Co. KG System manual
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 6
Safety information ............................................................................................................... 6
Areas of application ............................................................................................................ 7
Information symbols ........................................................................................................... 7
Upgrades .............................................................................................................................. 8
System requirements .......................................................................................................... 8
1. Setting up / putting into operation .............................................................................. 9
1.1 Starting the software .............................................................................................................. 10
1.1.1 The setup wizard .......................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Log-in ..................................................................................................................................... 13
1.3 User interface ........................................................................................................................ 13
1.3.1 Interface layout............................................................................................................................................. 13
1.3.2 The CPU utilization indicator ........................................................................................................................ 15
1.3.3 The network utilization indicator ................................................................................................................... 16
1.3.4 Logging out and exiting the software ............................................................................................................ 17
2. Software operation ......................................................................................................17
2.1 Switching system modes ....................................................................................................... 17
2.1.1 Using the search function ............................................................................................................................. 22
2.1.2 Voiding archives ........................................................................................................................................... 23
2.2 Switching the slide elements ................................................................................................. 24
2.3 System status indicator ......................................................................................................... 26
2.4 Working with the cameras ..................................................................................................... 26
2.4.1 Activating and deactivating the cameras....................................................................................................... 27
2.4.2 Switching the image geometry...................................................................................................................... 29
2.4.3 Using the zoomstick ..................................................................................................................................... 31
2.4.4 Using the numeric field (keyboard) ............................................................................................................... 31
2.4.5 Saving camera positions (presets) ............................................................................................................... 32
2.4.6 Using the sequencer function ....................................................................................................................... 33
2.4.7 Using manual recording (Panic Record) ....................................................................................................... 33
2.4.8 Using the alarm lists ..................................................................................................................................... 34
2.5 Creating backups ................................................................................................................... 36
2.5.1 Local backup (database export) ................................................................................................................... 36
2.5.2 Local backup (AVI export) ............................................................................................................................ 37
2.5.3 Remote backup ............................................................................................................................................ 38
2.5.4 Single frame export (storage, printing, e-mailing) ......................................................................................... 38
2.6 Creating favourites................................................................................................................. 41
2.6.1 Deleting favourites ....................................................................................................................................... 43
2.7 Connecting to a host .............................................................................................................. 44
2.7.1 Automatically redialing hosts after the connection is interrupted ................................................................... 45
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2.8 Reference image comparison ................................................................................................ 46
2.9 Shell mode (safe mode) ........................................................................................................ 48
2.9.1 Activating the shell mode.............................................................................................................................. 48
2.9.2 Deactivating the shell mode ......................................................................................................................... 48
3. System configuration ..................................................................................................49
3.1 Opening the system configuration ......................................................................................... 50
3.2 Camera configuration ............................................................................................................ 51
3.2.1 Setting up an analogue camera .................................................................................................................... 51
3.2.2 Setting up a pan/tilt camera .......................................................................................................................... 54
3.2.3 Setting up an network camera ...................................................................................................................... 55
3.2.4 Setting up the camera anti-swivel protection ................................................................................................ 58
3.2.5 Monitoring the camera focus ........................................................................................................................ 59
3.2.6 Displaying a camera name in the live image ................................................................................................. 60
3.2.7 Saving reference images .............................................................................................................................. 60
3.2.8 The mask dialog ........................................................................................................................................... 61 Setting a permanent mask ............................................................................................................................ 63 Setting a privacy mask ................................................................................................................................. 64 Activating the adaptive mask ................................................................................................ ........................ 65 Configuring the sensitivity of activity detection .............................................................................................. 65 Using multiple-zone alarms ................................ .......................................................................................... 66
3.2.9 Setting up camera groups ............................................................................................................................ 67
3.3 Database settings (Database / Storage) ............................................................................... 68
3.3.1 Setting the storage drives (drive settings) ..................................................................................................... 69
3.3.2 Creating database fields ............................................................................................................................... 70
3.3.3 Setting up the archives ................................................................................................................................. 70
3.3.4 Backing up individual archives (automatic database backup) ....................................................................... 72
3.4 Processes (actions) ............................................................................................................... 74
3.4.1 Creating storage processes .......................................................................................................................... 74
3.4.2 Setting up a continuous recording or recording using activity detection ........................................................ 77
3.4.3 Alarm dialling ............................................................................................................................................... 80 Setting up a “Guard Tour”............................................................................................................................. 82 Setting up alarm dialling ............................................................................................................................... 86
3.4.4 Using the check call process ........................................................................................................................ 89
3.4.5 Setting up the FTP upload ............................................................................................................................ 90
3.4.6 Creating a video output process ................................................................................................................... 93
3.4.7 Playing user-defined audio files in the event of an alarm .............................................................................. 94
3.4.8 Using timers ................................................................................................................................................. 96
3.4.9 Activations (process links) ................................ ............................................................................................ 98
3.5 Configuring the inputs and outputs (Digital I/O) .................................................................. 102
3.5.1 Virtual alarm detectors ............................................................................................................................... 103
3.5.2 Activating the external detectors ................................................................................................................. 106
3.5.3 Activating the external relays ...................................................................................................................... 107
3.5.4 Using the SimUnit ...................................................................................................................................... 108
3.5.5 ABUS serial alarm ...................................................................................................................................... 109
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3.5.6 CASA10010 ............................................................................................................................................... 110
3.6 Security settings .................................................................................................................. 110
3.6.1 Creating a new permission level ................................................................................................................. 111
3.6.2 Creating a new user ................................................................................................................................... 115
3.6.3 Security guidelines ..................................................................................................................................... 116
3.6.4 Automatic logging in and logging out of users............................................................................................. 117
3.6.5 Windows login ............................................................................................................................................ 118
3.7 Network configuration .......................................................................................................... 119
3.7.1 Configuration of the network module (TCP/IP)............................................................................................ 119
3.7.2 Activating the RTSP server ........................................................................................................................ 120
3.7.3 Creating a new host ................................................................................................................................... 121
3.7.4 Changing the network port ......................................................................................................................... 123
3.7.5 Using notifications ...................................................................................................................................... 124
3.7.6 Sending/receiving configurations from a host ............................................................................................. 127
3.8 Miscellaneous settings ........................................................................................................ 128
3.8.1 Multi-monitor operation ............................................................................................................................... 128
3.8.2 Language settings ...................................................................................................................................... 129
3.8.3 Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................. 131
3.8.4 Connection of a standard joystick ............................................................................................................... 131
3.8.5 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................................................ 132
3.8.6 Activating and deactivating voice output ..................................................................................................... 132
3.9 Importing / exporting the system configuration .................................................................... 132
3.10 POS operation (point of sale) .............................................................................................. 134
3.10.1 Setting up a camera for POS operation ...................................................................................................... 134
3.10.2 Using the POS function and performing a database search ........................................................................ 139
3.11 “UVV Kassen” operation ...................................................................................................... 142
3.11.1 General information .................................................................................................................................... 142
3.11.2 Guidelines .................................................................................................................................................. 142
3.11.3 Setting up “UVV-Kassen” operation ............................................................................................................ 143
3.11.4 Measures to continue recording after power failures ................................................................................... 149
4. ABUS® VMS web application ................................................................................... 151
4.1 System requirements ........................................................................................................... 152
4.2 Supported web browsers ..................................................................................................... 152
4.3 Installing the web application ............................................................................................... 153
4.4 Accessing the web application ............................................................................................ 153
4.4.1 Log-in ................................................................................................................................ ......................... 154
4.4.2 Using the ActiveX plug-in ........................................................................................................................... 155
4.5 Working on the user interface .............................................................................................. 156
5. Installing software updates ...................................................................................... 160
6. Uninstalling the software .......................................................................................... 161
7. FAQs .......................................................................................................................... 162
8. Frequently used terms (glossary) ............................................................................ 167
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9. Online support and remote configuration ............................................................... 168
10. Copyright information ............................................................................................... 170
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Thank you for choosing the ABUS.® Video Management Software. This manual explains how to use the software with the TV3300-TV3310 video cards together with the TV3311 alarm card, the TVVR95000-TVVR95020 video cards, as well as how it is used with the ABUS HDVR.
These instructions have been produced with the greatest care. Neither the author nor ABUS Security-Center can be held liable for damage arising from these instructions.
ABUS Security-Center reserves the right to modify this manual at any time without prior notice. Please read these instructions carefully before putting the system into operation.
You can find more information on products from ABUS Security Center GmbH & Co. KG at http://www.abus.com
Safety information
For the hardware and software to operate smoothly, you must observe the following safety information. Otherwise, the hardware may become damaged.
Video compression cards:
1. Avoid subjecting the card to excessive physical force (e.g. dropping the card).
2. Only remove the card from the anti-static bag immediately before installation.
3. Disconnect your PC from the power supply before installation.
4. When installing the card, ensure that your body is free of electrostatic charge.
5. When installing the card, ensure that the housing is sufficiently ventilated. If necessary, use an additional fan.
6. Never carry out independent repairs to the video or alarm card. Otherwise, all guarantee claims will become invalid.
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1. Always pack the device in the original box for transportation.
2. Avoid subjecting the card to excessive physical force, such as vibrations or dropping the card.
3. Never place the device near heaters, ovens or any other sources of heat.
4. Avoid contact with direct sunlight.
5. Always allow the device to acclimatise before putting it into operation.
6. Never block the air supply. Otherwise, the system could overheat.
7. Install the device in dry rooms only and do not allow moisture to enter the equipment.
8. Before opening the device, switch it off and pull out the mains plug.
9. Never carry out independent repairs to the device. Always have them performed by trained specialists.
Areas of application
The areas where the ABUS.® VMS software can be used range from small monitoring assignments through to complex applications. Along with the ABUS® HDVR, the software also offers an inexpensive and reliable alternative in sectors such as banking (ATM, BGV), parking management or shop cash desks (POS).
The VMS Express or Basic software is included free of charge with the video cards (TV3300­TV3310) and the network cameras. The VMS Professional software is included free of charge with the video cards (TVVR95000 – TVVR95020). You can acquire extensions later by purchasing upgrades. The Upgrades item in the table provides an overview.
Information symbols
In the manual, notes or dangers are indicated by the following information symbols. Always read these through carefully.
Warning – The instructions must be followed.
Note These boxes contain valuable information for using the software.
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Maximum number of analog cameras
Up to 64
Maximum number of HD-SDI cameras
Up to 16
Maximum number of network cameras
Up to 24
Maximum number of hosts
1 1 3
Number of simultaneous users
1 1 3
Maximum number of screens
1 1 2 4 2
UVV (BGV) Kassen mode
- - Yes
Cash desk interface (POS)
- - Yes (2)
Yes (8)
Yes (8)
Use of masks
Lost focus detection
- - Yes
Camera swivel detection
- - Yes
Maximum number of users
System requirement
Minimum requirements
System manual
The performance of the VMS software can be expanded if the appropriate upgrades are made. The following overview shows the different versions.
System requirements
Supported operating systems
Windows Vista 32-bit/64-bit  Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit  Windows 8 32-bit/64-bit
Microsoft server operating systems are not supported at present. When using a non-Intel processor, make sure it has a comparable computing speed to those stated above.
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1. Setting up / putting into operation
Information on installing and putting the video hardware/recorders into operation can be found in the quick installation guide enclosed with the equipment.
To install the software, place the installation CD in the CD drive, wait until the start screen has been loaded and click Install ABUS VMS.
Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.
You can find technical data and documentation at http://www.abus.com
Warning: The use of video and audio surveillance systems is subject to strict conditions. Therefore, establish which laws apply specifically to your country and, if necessary, inform your customers of these conditions before any installation is performed.
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System manual
1.1 Starting the software
When the software starts, double-click the program icon on your desktop.
When the system first starts, it must be set up for recording.
The set-up wizard appears. This will assist you when setting up the system for the first time.
1.1.1 The setup wizard
If your system has a video grabber card installed (TV3300-3314 or TVVR95000-TVVR95020), the setup wizard first configures the analog cameras.
Here you have the option of choosing the cameras that will be used during operation. You can also select the camera recording mode. The options here are:
None (the camera only shows live images)  Permanent (the camera images are permanently recorded)  Motion (the camera images are only recorded when motion is detected)
Make the settings are required and click Next. The next window is for setting up IP cameras. First,
the program looks for all the IP cameras in the system and lists them in a table.
If your IP camera is not listed, make sure that the camera is in the same network and has been assigned a valid IP address. If necessary, click Search to perform the search again.
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Activate the cameras for displaying and recording by selecting the checkbox in the ID field of each camera.
If a user-defined password is used for the camera, you are prompted to enter the user name and password for the camera in order to activate it. There is also an audible signal.
Only when authentication is successful can the camera be used and the check mark appears in the ID field.
You can now define the recording mode for the camera in the Recording column. However, you can only select no recording or permanent recording here.
If you want to record after motion is detected, you must select this later in the system configuration (see section 3.2.3 on page 55), because motion detection first has to be activated using the camera’s web interface. You will find more information on this in the instructions for the camera.
Once you have completed the network camera configuration, click Next.
Pan/tilt network cameras are detected automatically. If one of these cameras was selected during setup, the pan/tilt function is available as soon as you log in
Next, you must define the storage drives. Choose the required storage drives by clicking the checkboxes next to them.
The size of the archive is then automatically calculated for all the activated cameras. The calculation is based on the following formula:
2/3 of the configured memory space / number of configured archives
For example, if you set up 16 archives and 250 GB of memory space is available, the calculation is as follows: (2/3 * 250) / 16 = ~ 10.5 GB per archive
If you want to add more storage drives later or change the size of the archive, you can do this easily using the system configuration. Then click Next.
In the subsequent dialog you can create the users. However, you can only have one user for each authorization level.
The standard authorization levels Supervisor, Operator and Guest have the following privileges:
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Supervisor - Full access to all parts of the system, including the system configuration Operator - Access to the live images and recordings of all configured cameras. No
access to the system configuration.
Guest - Access to the live images of all configured cameras. No access to the
system configuration.
Enter the user names and passwords for the authorization levels that you use and click Next. You can use blank passwords.
Finally, the wizard offers you the option of carrying out the user login automatically on starting Windows and then launching the program automatically.
You can disable this function in the system configuration later if you need to.
Select the checkbox to activate automatic Windows login and enter the corresponding password in the appropriate fields. Then click Next.
The initial setup is now complete. You can click the Show settings button to generate an HTML file of all the settings, which can be archived for documenting the system.
You can also create this file later in the system configuration. Section Fehler! Verweisquelle
konnte nicht gefunden werden. on page Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert. describes the procedure.
Now click Next to close the setup wizard and start the program.
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1.2 Log-in
When the VMS software has been loaded completely the log-in window appears.
In addition to logging in, the user has the opportunity to select the language of their choice.
The available languages are: German, English, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Polish.
Select a language and enter your user name and password. Then click the Login button (key symbol).
1.3 User interface
When the user interface for the ABUS VMS was designed, it was highly important that it should be user-friendly and intuitive. This has resulted in an interface which can be operated simply by left-clicking the mouse (clicking and dragging).
The advantage of this is that it can also be operated using a touch-screen. Of course, alternative methods of operation are also integrated for more experienced users
(e.g. context menus). The following pages describe how the software is used and configured, thus enabling work to
be carried out quickly and professionally.
1.3.1 Interface layout
All important functions can accessed quickly with the ABUS VMS interface. By using sliders, the current view can be switched to cameras or hosts, for example. This allows the way that the interface is displayed to be customised, even when several screens are used.
Starting from the top left, you will find a menu bar with buttons for logging out/exiting the software as well as calling up the system configuration, data backup (export) and options for technical support.
Furthermore, the system status indicator and current date and time are found on the top edge of the screen.
The system status indicator is comprised of four symbols which reflect the current state of the system.
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Menu bar
Camera puck
Date / time
Slides bar
Slides bar
Joystick /
Manual recording
System status indicator
Live image
mode switch
Live /
LivePlus /
LCD display
Connect host
CPU utilization indicator
Detector list
Start sequencer
Stop sequencer
System manual
A slider is located below the date which switches the slides bar displayed underneath. This tool can be used to switch the slides bar view between the Camera, Camera group, Favourites, Connection map and Host view. This is described in more detail later in the manual.
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The slider to the left of it is for activating the sequencer. After activation, the live images from all the cameras are shown in succession.
The system mode switch in the bottom left-hand corner switches the software to the desired operating mode. The modes available are Live, LivePlus or Playback mode. This is also described in more detail later in the manual.
The button for manual recording (Panic Record) can also be found next to the system mode switch. This saves a recording of all the cameras currently shown. This occurs as long as the button is activated.
The keyboard is used to select cameras, saved camera positions and to switch the set relays. The control buttons below the LCD display switch between the different operating methods. The current selection is shown directly in the LCD display.
ABUS VMS ABUS Security-Center GmbH & Co. KG
Total Display Record Motion
System manual
The next controls that you will find are the joystick and the zoom controller. These controls allow you to control pan/tilt cameras or, in the case of fixed cameras (analog or network cameras), to digitally zoom into the image and move the enlarged area of the image.
The buttons on the bottom right-hand edge of the screen are used for creating and deleting camera favourites or connecting and disconnecting hosts. The function of these buttons will be described in more detail later in the manual.
The slides bar located above is used as a recording container for cameras, camera groups and hosts, for example. The higher-level slider switches between the views.
The live image window takes up the majority of the user interface. All cameras to be displayed are located in this area. The camera puck and the geometry cross provide an innovative way of modifying the number of camera windows shown or the current image geometry of the live window. For more information, see point 2.4.2 on page 29.
When 4:3 or 16:10 screens are used, the live window display is automatically adjusted to the appropriate resolution.
1.3.2 The CPU utilization indicator
The CPU utilization indicator displays the current utilization of the processor. If you move your mouse over the display a window opens showing the overall utilization divided into three sections, providing a much more detailed view of the system utilization. As well as the overall display, the system resources required for displaying the live image (Display) for current recordings (Record) and for motion detection (Motion) are shown . This remains on the screen until you move your mouse over the indicator again.
Because other processes also utilize the system resources, the displayed total utilization (CPU) is never the sum of the values shown for Display (D), Record (R) and Motion (M).
During configuration, make sure the total utilization of the system is not too high, as otherwise it will be difficult to operate the system normally.
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1.3.3 The network utilization indicator
The network utilization indicator displays the current utilization of the network adapter. If you move the mouse over the indicator, a window showing the following information opens:
- Host:
Displays a host’s received and sent data volume in Mbits per second.
- LAN1:
Displays the first network card’s received and sent data volume in Mbits per second. Important: For systems with two network connections, the display is divided into
LAN1 and LAN2.
- HD/SD:
Shows the compressed data volume and the number of images of the analog cameras.
- IP:
Shows the compressed data volume and the number of images of the network cameras.
- Live:
Shows the decompressed data volume and the number of images in the live view.
- Write:
Shows the data volume and number of images written to the database.
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1.3.4 Logging out and exiting the software
To turn off the software, a logged-in user must first log out. This is performed using the Logout button located in the upper left-hand corner of the interface.
When the user has logged out, the button changes to Exit and another click results in a dialog where the software can be switched off.
However, to switch off the software, the user has to enter their user name and password once again to prevent the video system from being accidentally shut down.
2. Software operation
Software operation is divided into several steps. This enables the user to better understand the software and to apply it more effectively. In the following pages, you will become familiar with the software’s basic operations.
2.1 Switching system modes
The slider in the lower left area of the screen determines the basic software functionality. There are three categories, each one standing for a specific operating mode. These are described in more detail further on in the manual.
When you switch to another mode, the system saves the current view in the background. This view (camera positions) is automatically restored when you return to this mode.
Live mode
Live mode is used for viewing what is currently being monitored by the system’s cameras. These can be cameras at the local station or at another host.
In addition, you can create favourites, generate connection and camera maps or activate the sequencer in this mode.
It is not possible to access the database in Live mode.
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Buttons for forward or reverse playback Activation of the camera
Activating the camera once again produces the playback window
System manual
LivePlus mode
LivePlus mode is a combination of Live mode and Playback mode. Here, the user is given the opportunity to start a playback of the database in addition to showing the live cameras.
If an activated camera is placed in the live image window in this mode again, the playback window for this camera is opened.
The playback buttons in the playback window can now be used for forward or reverse playback.
Playback mode
When switching to Playback mode, the keyboard at the lower edge of the screen is replaced by the playback controls. A time stream is also added to the interface, which is used for selecting when playback starts or defining the backup period.
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Permanent recording Recording with activity detection Recording of external data
System manual
All activated cameras are now transferred from Live mode to Playback mode and an overview window with the current recording statistics is displayed.
This overview can be used for showing the current recording period with permanent recording, as well as recordings with activity detection and recordings of external data (e.g. ATM).
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Switching between overview and full-screen database playback
System manual
The bar view is used to show the current recording. There is a distinction here between constant recording (yellow bar), recordings after activity detection (gray bar) and recoding of external data (copper-colored bar).
The slider for starting the sequencer also has a new function in this mode. It is no longer used here for starting the sequencer but for switching between the recording statistics (bar view) and full-screen database playback.
If any cameras are already activated when the system switches to database playback, these cameras are used for playback (synchronous playback).
The list of cameras (slides) is replaced by the list of all existing archives. The advantage of this is that if a camera’s images are saved to more than one archive, they can also be activated separately.
The view selector on the left of the timeline is for switching the current period for playback. You can switch this between Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour and Minute. The timeline caption (units) changes according to the position of the slider (see the illustration).
The start time controller defines the absolute start time. If the start time is to be a certain date or time, move the slider to the required starting position by clicking and dragging it. Note that you may have to first switch to a higher-level view (such as Month or Day) to select the starting point.
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Jump to previous event
One frame backwards
Reverse playback
Forward playback
Jump to next event
One frame forwards
Playback buttons
Playback speed
Time bar
Slider for start time
View switch
Backup period
Response: Search query started
System manual
You can select the start time (date and time) directly using the calendar function. For example, if you want to go directly to the end of the current recording you only need to open the calendar and click Today. After you close the calendar, the slider for the start point jumps directly to the current date and time.
Open the calendar by clicking the calendar button in playback mode.
The selected cameras can now be played back using the Forward and Reverse buttons. The playback speed can also be set to between 1/20 and 40x using the speed controller.
The following graphic shows the meaning of the individual playback buttons.
When you use the Skip to next/previous event buttons, the search query may take a moment longer. If so, an indicator showing the current query status appears below the List view camera display in playback mode. Once the database query is complete, this indicator disappears again and the system skips to the next event.
If there is no recording present for the period chosen, a blue image with the caption “No video” is displayed instead of the video image.
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4. Enter search
2. Activate cameras
3. Select search criterion
1. Activate Playback mode
5. Start search
System manual
2.1.1 Using the search function
The search function provides quick and easy access to the stored data. Possible search criteria include the time, date, ATM data (transaction number, bank sort code,
amount etc.), camera or detector name. To carry out a database search, set the mode selector to playback. Activate the cameras that you want to include in the search. Use the search bar to select the search criterion (e.g. time). Enter the time for the search in the field and click Start search.
When entering search criteria, no particular format is required. For example, if the search is for a particular time, then this can be entered as a time (e.g. 23.15) or as a sequence of numbers (2315).
If matching data is found, the slider for the start point jumps to the time entered.
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1. Activate Playback mode
2. Call up archive information
3. Select an archive to be deleted
4. Click Empty button
5. Answer Yes to confirmation prompt
System manual
2.1.2 Voiding archives
If the image data saved in an archive is no longer needed, it is possible to void this archive. To do this, switch the mode switch to Playback mode. The Info… button now appears on the
upper edge of the screen. With this button, the operator can see how full the archives are in general and void individual
archives. Highlight the archive that you wish to void and click the Empty button. Answer “Yes” to the
subsequent confirmation prompt.
This voids the archive.
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Slides bar
System manual
2.2 Switching the slide elements
The content of the slides bar is switched using the higher-level slider. This procedure replaces the slides currently shown on the right-hand side with slides in the category selected.
For example, if the cameras category is switched to hosts, the camera slides are replaced with slides from the available hosts.
The individual views are described in detail below.
Camera view
The “Camera” view is always the standard view for the
software. All activated cameras and connected hosts are listed here. If, for example, the system is restarted or exited, this is the view that is always shown to begin with.
It is also possible to obtain additional information from the slide, such as the camera type, name and recording status.
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Camera group view
In the “Camera group” view, entire sets of cameras can
be activated at once. For example, if a camera group referred to as “Outdoor cameras” is set up, all the empty windows in the live image area are filled with the cameras from this group when the group is activated.
If there are more cameras in the group than can be displayed in the live image area, the remaining cameras are ignored.
Camera groups can be created in the system configuration under Camera Camera groups (see 3.2.9 on page 73).
Favourites view
The “Favourites” view contains all the saved camera
favourites. These can be created and individually named by any user with the button (on the bottom right-hand edge of the screen). This
generates a user-defined list of camera sets. This facility is different from the camera groups because
the current view and image geometry are also saved when favourites are created.
Furthermore, when a favourite is activated, the current live window view is replaced by the view saved in the favourites.
A detailed description on creating favourites can be found under 2.6 on page 41.
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Host view
All the set hosts are listed in the “Host” view.
In this view, each host has its own slide showing a preview of the local cameras on the host.
This view is always used to call up a host. You can find further information on selecting hosts under
point 2.6 on page 42.
2.3 System status indicator
The current system status can be seen with the system status indicator. This is depicted by four symbols.
These symbols are also located on the front of the ABUS HDVR / NVR housing, and use LEDs to reflect the current system status.
The symbols are as follows:
Alarm (lights up as soon as an alarm is received (e.g. over an external
Fault (lights up if a fault occurs (e.g. camera failure))
Maintenance (lights up when maintenance interval is reached)
Recording (lights up as soon as video data is recorded)
The system status always relates to the local system only. It is not possible to display a remote system status.
2.4 Working with the cameras
Providing they are set up in the system configuration, any cameras connected will be listed in the Camera view. Each slide shown represents a camera.
The camera type is indicated by the camera symbol on the top right-hand side of the slide. This can vary as follows:
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1. Activate Live mode
2. Activate camera view
3. Activate camera (drag and drop)
System manual
Pan/tilt camera
Pan/tilt camera with network connection
Network camera or video server
Analogue camera
The camera name and host name are always displayed at the bottom of the slide. It is therefore very easy to assign the listed cameras to the relevant host.
If the camera is recording, the Record symbol appears in the slide. Information on setting up further cameras can be found under 3.2 on page 51.
2.4.1 Activating and deactivating the cameras
Simply drag and drop a camera into a free live window to activate (switch on) the camera. Switch the mode switch to Live mode (step 1). Next, switch the view switch to the Camera view (step 2). In the Camera view, click the slide of the camera and keep the left mouse button pressed. Now move the mouse to a free camera window and release the left mouse button. The
camera is then embedded in the window (step 3). If you wish to embed the camera in
another window, you can again use the drag and drop function to move the embedded live image to another window.
If an activated camera is moved to an occupied window, then the cameras swap positions on the screen.
If a camera from a camera list is released over an occupied window, the existing video image is replaced with the image from the new camera.
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Chrome frame
Slide preview on
Slide preview off
System manual
To deactivate (switch off) a camera, simply release the camera outside the chrome frame using drag and drop. We recommend dragging the camera back to the slides list.
Camera groups or favourites can be used to activate more than one camera at the same time.
From version 7.3 onwards, you can reposition the individual slides using the drag and drop method. Your individual user settings are saved each time you log off.
As well as this, you can activate a camera by double-clicking the corresponding slide.
Note: Each camera can only be displayed once on the screen at all times. This applies to each
screen in multi-monitor operation. Depending on your particular version, a camera can be displayed up to four times in Live mode.
If there are very many cameras in the list, the preview image on the slides may be disabled. This is to provide a better overview when one receiver. for example, is connected to several hosts.
To disable the preview image, right-click a slide in the list and select Preview in the context menu. You can enable or disable the preview at any time using the context menu.
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Camera puck
Geometry tool
System manual
2.4.2 Switching the image geometry
The ABUS VMS software has two tools to switch between camera views. The first of these is the geometry tool and the second is the camera puck .
By changing the position of both tools relative to each other, a total of 72 views in 4:3 and 72 views in 16:10 can be displayed. The views are only switched once the mouse button is released.
The set view is saved when you exit the software and is automatically reproduced when the software is next started.
A more detailed description on how to use these tools can be found below.
Working with the camera puck:
The camera puck is used to increase and decrease the number of camera windows. For example, if more free camera places are required, the puck must be moved along the horizontal plane towards the plus sign (in quadratic view).
If the puck is moved along the vertical plane, the current view is changed to the 1Plus view. The further the puck is now moved away from the geometry tool, the larger the 1Plus window.
If more free windows are required again, then these can be created by moving the puck along the horizontal plane (+/-).
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Reflecting the current view
Displaying the 2Plus view
System manual
Working with the geometry tool:
The geometry tool is used for displaying the Quadratic, 1Plus and 2Plus views as well as reflecting the current view.
If the geometry tool is in one of the corners of the live window, the Quadratic and 1Plus views can be displayed with the camera puck.
If the tool is positioned in the centre and on the edge of the live window in the horizontal or vertical plane, then the 2Plus view is shown. However, it is not possible to switch to 2Plus mode from every view.
To activate the 2Plus view, proceed as shown in the illustration Displaying the 2Plus view.
The current view can be reflected by moving the geometry tool to the opposite side.
The 2Plus view can only be displayed from a symmetrical 1Plus view.
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