SHLM10000 / SHLM10010
Important information and F AQs about this product and other
products can be found on the website
Version 1.3
Original operating instructio ns in Englis h.
Keep for future use!

Dear customer,
We are pleased t hat you have chosen our product and thank you f or your trust! You m ade a good
This Bulb (hereinafter referred to as the "device") has been developed and manufactured with the
utmost care. Please read these operating instructions completely and observe all operating and safety
instructions, as this e nsur es the best pos sible handl ing of the devic e. T his document is an installa tion
and maintenance manual.
If you have any questions, please contact your specialist trade partner
or contact our customer service:
Mail: ABUS Support, Linker Kreuthweg 5, 86444 Affing, Germany
E-mail: support@abus-sc.com
Phone: +49 8207 959 90 888
Hotline opening hours: Mon-Thu: 08 - 17 h; Fri: 08 - 14 h
ABUS Security-Center hereby declares that the enclosed product comply with the requirements
of the following directives
RED Directive (2014/ 53/EU), EMC Directive (2014/30/EU), Lo w Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU) and
RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU). The full EU Declaration of Conformity text can be found at:
It can also be obtained at the following adress:
ABUS Security-Center GmbH & Co. KG,
Linker Kreuthweg 5, 86444 Affing, GERMANY
All contained compan y names and produc t designations are trademark s of the respective o wners. All
rights reserved.
Disclaimer of Liability
These operating instruc tions have been prepared with the greatest care. Should you ne vertheless
notice omissions or inaccuracies, please inform us in writing at the above address.
Your rights are limited to the repair or replacement of this product as delivered. ABUS Security Center
assumes no liability for any special, incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to
loss of revenue, loss of profit, res trictions in the us e of the sof tware, loss or r ecovery of data, c osts
for replacement equipment, downtime, property damage and claims of third parties, as a result of and
in connection with the use of the software.a. warranty, contractual, legal or claims for damages
notwithstanding ot her lim ited or im plied warrant y provis ions or in t he e vent that the lim ited warr anty
does not apply, the sc ope of liabil ity of ABUS Securit y Center is lim ited to th e purchas e price of the
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
© ABUS Security-Center GmbH & Co. KG, 09/2018

Important Safety Informations
Intended Use
Only use the device f or the purpose for which it was built an d designed. A ny other use is considere d
All guarantee claims are invalid in the event of damage caused by non-compliance with this
safety information. We cannot be held liab le for resulting damage.
Handle the device with extreme care when unpacking it.
Packaging and packaging aids can be reused and, as far as possible, should be sent for recycling.
If the original packaging has been damaged, inspect the device first. If the device shows signs
of damage, return it in the original packaging and inform the delivery service.
Installation location / operati ng environment
Do not place any heavy objects on the device. The device is only designed for operation in spaces with
appropriate temperat ures or hum idity (e.g. not for bathrooms). Do also not place the device in areas
with excessive accumulation of dus t. Please refer to the indivi dual devices' technical data for m ore
detailed information. Ensure that: adequate ventilation is always guaranteed; no direct sources of heat
can affect the device; int erior devices are not exposed to direc t sunlight or strong artificial lig ht; the
device is not in the imm ediate vici nity of m agnetic fiel ds (e.g. louds peaker s); no nak ed flam es (e.g. lit
candles) are place d on or nex t to the device ; spr a yed or dr ipping water is pr eve nted f rom c oming into
contact with interior de vices and caustic flui ds ar e av o ide d; th e d ev ice is not op er ated in the v icin ity of
water, in particular, the device should never be submerged (do not place objects containing fluids, e.g.
vases or drinks, on or near the device); no foreign bodies penetrate the device; the device is not
exposed to wide temperature variations, as otherwise there may be condensation from humidity causing
electrical short circuits; the device is not exposed to excessive shock or vibration.
Keep electrical devices out of reach of children. Never allow children to use electrical devices
unsupervised. Childr en may not a lwa ys properl y identif y possible ha zards. Sm all parts m ay be fatal if
swallowed. Keep pack aging film away from children. There is a risk of s uffocation. This device is not
intended for children. If used incorrectly, parts und er spring tension may fly out and c ause injury to
children (e.g. to eyes).