ADSL Router
Broadband Connection of
Your Small Office / Home Office to the Internet
The BR580 is an ADSL SOHO router with a build-in
5-port switch that allows multiple PCs to share high-speed
DSL bandwidth. The build-in 5-port, dual-speed 10/100
Fast Ethernet switch allows users to share their LAN
to dramatically improve network performance by reducing
competition bandwidth. This means higher, dedicated
speed for your gaming and multimedia connections.
This BR580 supports Annex A or B or DT and also allows
maximum speeds of 8Mbps for up to 5 computers without
the extra cost of hubs or switches. With its added NAT
firewall, the Router protects your network from outside
intrusions. In addition to fast Internet access and field-
proven routing technologies, the ADSL router provides
user-friendly Web-based Configuration tool to allow users
operating in an easy way. Speed, connectivity, and mobility
are our commitments.
Alcatel chipsets solution
Support ADSL standard G.DMT(G.992.1) , G.lite (G.992.2 ),
Up to 8Mbps performance.
Web UI management.
Support PPPoE , and static routing and RIP support.
Support VPN ( PPTP, IP-Sec pass thru )
Support Auto MDI /X for LAN port (10/100Mbps)
Support Internet applications such as Web browser, FTP,
Telnet, E-Mail, News, ICQ, Ping, mIRC , etc
DHCP server allocates up to 253 client IP addresses.
Support LAN clients DHCP fixed address assignment.
DNS relay for LAN clients.
Virtual server.
DMZ support.
Allow firmware upgrade through network.
Natural firewall keeps hackers out.
Plug & Play Both DHCP.
client/server,PP P, PA P, CHA P, NT P, HTT P, TFT P,
POP 3, RIPv1,v
Operatin g system independen t We b bas e Use r
Interface .
5 port s 10/100Base-T Etherne t N-Wa y switch
1 por t ADSL Modem buil t in .
Dat a Rate : Downstream u p t o 8 Mbps , an d
Upstream u p to 800 kbp s
LED Indicators
Powe r Gree n
ADSL lin k Green/Blin k
ADSL traffi c Green/Blin k
LAN spee d x 5 100/1 0 Green/Orang e
LAN fu ll duplex x 5 Gree n
Electronic Specifications :
Inp ut Pow er D C 15 V, @800m A
Agency and Regulatory:
Physical Dimension: 210(W) x 122(D) x 38(H) mm
Weight: 888g
Operating Temperature: 0 to 40
Operating Humidity: 10-90% non-condensing
FCC Part 15 Class B, CE