Abocom 800, 1394b User Manual

ExpressCard F i reW i re8 0 0 / 1 3 9 4 b H o st A dapt er
The E94B is a 1394B/FireWire Host Adapter for
Multimedia Application, which is specifically designed
to plug into a desktop or laptop equipped with an ExpressCard slot. The E94B also provide 1394B/FireWire functionality to your legacy Windows, Linux or Mac
machine with a simple 1394/FireWire adapter Expresscard you plug into an available Expresscard slot.
cameras, hard drives, and CDR-W devices and a single Expresscard Port that will allow you to plug into a desktop or
laptop equipped with Expresscard slot .
The E94B supports up to 63 devices chained together and multimedia isochronous application (Audio and video
applications require a guaranteed isochronous delivery of data to prevent delayed or out-of-order frames.
1394B/FireWire did that, and did it better than USB 2.0 ) .
Compliant With ExpressCard standard
Fully Compliant With PCI Express V1.0a
Fully Support IEEE1394-1995
Fully Support IEEE std 1394a-2000
Fully Support provisions of IEEE P1394B
Revision 1.33 at 1G signaling rates
Fully Interoperable With FireWireTM, i.LINKTM
and SB1394TM
Fully Compliant With 1394 OHCI V1.1
Support IEEE std 1394a-2000, IEEE std 1394-1995 and IEEE P1394B
Host Interface
Expresscard standard V1.0 Full x1 PCI Express V1.0a Through Put Max 800Mbps
High-power ExpressCard Socket powered from PC system, no external power needed Suspend power saving mode supported
54mm(W) * 108mm(D) * 5 mm (H)
TI 1394B OHCI Controller
Provide Two Fully Backward Compatible,
(1394a-2000 Fully Compliant ) and Billingual
P1394b Cable Port at up to 800 Mbps
Interoperable With Other 1394 Device
Data Transfer Rate up to 2.5Gbps ExpressCard
Link Speed and up to 800 Mpbs IEEE1394b
transfer rate
EMC Certification
Supported Operating System
FCC Part 15B in US, CE EN55022/EN55024
Windows 98SE, ME, XP and Windows 2000, Apple Mac OS 8.6 or above (Including OS X and beyond)