BX 133
Overclocking Guide
ABIT Computer Corporation

Notice: All suggestions are only for reference, ABIT doesn’t guarantee
any hardware configuration beyond its specification.
Again, ABIT makes it possible!
ABIT is a company at the forefront of innovation. In the past, ABIT has developed
SoftMenu™, which brought jumperless technology to motherboards. ABIT was also the
first company which brought the Ultra DMA/66 technology to BX motherboards. ABIT is
now bringing forth the latest technological advancement for motherboards: “133 MHz for
All.” In order to meet the tren d of higher freq uenci es on PC’s, ABIT is now equ ipp ing its ’
products with 133 MHz capabilities. With special ha rdware designs and SoftMenu™III
technology, ABIT’s BE6-II & BF6 can provide users with a stable PC133 system.
Testing was completed by the NSTL, the leading independent microcomputer testing
laboratory. Due to some lim i tations of other peripheral devices, we suggest that the user set
up their system according to our instructions in the following sections. We trust you will
enjoy the enhanc ed performance of our products.
What is PC133
PC133 is the la test memory stan dard, increasi ng bus speeds 33 % when compared to the
PC100. In the past, 133MHz speed was only available when users overclocked their system.
But users have previously found that they could not overclock their system to 133MHz
successfully due to set CPU, chipset and memory restrictions. The highest CPU FSB clock
was 100MHz. C hi psets an d me mo ry also only s uppor ted u p to a 1 00MHz sy s tem bus cl ock.
The 133MHz CPU front side bus is now available and the memory standard has been
advanced to the higher 133MHz speed. The 133 MHz system is now ready for market.
What is SoftMenu™ III technology?
SoftMenu™III is ABIT’s newest BIOS offering. The ABIT SoftMenu™III technology not
only lets users configure CPU settings easily, but also allows the user greater freedom in the
setting of the CPU FSB (Front Side Bus) clock settings.
How does SoftMenu™ III help to provide a more stable PC133 system
ABIT Sof tMe nu™III pr o v ides the user with mor e CPU setting items, including settings for
I/O voltage, PCI/CPU FSB Clock, AGP/CPU FSB Clock, AGP Transfer Mode and 120
settings for the FSB clock. All of these setting items are adjustable, thereby giving the user
the power to adjust, according to system demands. This gives the user more choice and
flexibility while r unning t he 1 33MH z s y ste m bus cl ock on BX mot her boar ds. We w ill de tail
these sett ing items in the f o llowing.
! Unlimited Front Side Bus (FSB)
In addition to the defaul t setti ngs fo r each proce sso r speed, S oft Menu™I II pro vides 12 0
user-defined settings on the FSB clock. Settings are at 66, 75 and from 83 to 200 MHz.