Abbott i-Stat User manual

Abbott i-Stat User manual

Abbott Point of Care Inc.

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i-STAT®1 User Guide

©2006 Abbott Point of Care Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. i-STAT is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories.

Art: 714254-01E

Rev. Date: 07/18/06

System Components

i-STAT 1 Analyzer

i-STAT 1 Downloader

i-STAT 1 Downloader/


For in vitro diagnostic use. See System Manual for instructions.

i-STAT cartridge

Foil Packet containing the MediSense® Precision PCx™ or PCx™ Plus Glucose Test Strip



Martel Printer

Intended Use: The i-STAT 1 Analyzer is intended for use with i-STAT cartridges for the in vitro quantification of various analytes in whole blood and with the Abbott Medisense® Precision PCxand PCxPlus Blood Glucose Test Strips for the in vitro quantification of glucose in whole blood.







Strip Error

A wet strip inserted, strip

Repeat test using proper procedure.


pulled out during testing

Check Analyzer Status under the


cycle, temperature of

Administration Menu for analyzer


analyzer exceeds operation



temperature for strip testing





No display

Disposable batteries dead

Change disposable batteries or


or rechargeable battery fully

recharge battery. If still no display,


discharged. Keypad not

call Support Services.


responding. Start switch








Cartridge Locked

Dead battery(s). Mechanical

Wait until analyzer turns off. Turn

does not disap-


analyzer on. If resets, remove

pear after test cycle


cartridge. If not, change or recharge



battery(s) and turn analyzer on.




Blood Collection

Acceptable Samples for Cartridges

Arterial: Plain syringe, heparinized syringe labeled for analytes to be tested and filled to capacity, or syringe with minimum volume of heparin to prevent clotting (10 U/mL of blood). For ionized calcium, use balanced heparin syringes. Mix heparinized syringes by rolling between palms for at least

5 seconds in 2 directions, then invert the syringe repeatedly for at least 5

seconds. Test for lactate immediately. Samples for pH, PCO2, PO2 , TCO2 and ionized calcium should be tested within 10 minutes. Test for other analytes within 30 minutes.

Avoid drawing air into syringes for blood gas and ionized calcium tests.

If not tested immediately, remix and discard 2 drops of blood before filling cartridge.

Do not use iced samples.

Venous: Collection tube with lithium or sodium heparin filled to capacity and mixed by gentle inversion at least 10 times. Test within 10 minutes.

Do not leave tourniquet on for more than 2 minutes.

Do not draw above an I.V.

Skin puncture: Lithium heparin capillary tubes for testing all analytes but ionized calcium. For all analytes including ionized calcium, use plain or balanced heparin capillary tubes. Test immediately.

Allow alcohol to dry over puncture site before collecting sample.

Do not “milk” finger or heel while collecting sample.

Coagulation Tests:

The ACT test can be performed using venous or arterial samples, while the PT/INR test can be performed using capillary or venous samples.

Use plain plastic syringes or plastic evacuated tubes with no anticoagulant, activators, or serum separators.

Test sample immediately upon draw.

For venipuncture, some experts recommend drawing and discarding

asample of at least 1 mL prior to drawing samples for coagulation testing.

If a second measurement is needed, draw a fresh sample.

For In-dwelling line testing for ACT:

a.Fluid drip through the line must be discontinued.

b.Withdraw 2 mL of blood into a syringe and discard it.

c.Withdraw the sample into a fresh plastic syringe with no anticoagulant, and test immediately.

For extracorporeal line testing for ACT:

a.Flush the extracorporeal blood access line by withdrawing 5 mL of blood into a syringe and discard the syringe.

b.Withdraw the sample into a fresh plastic syringe with no anticoagulant, and test immediately.

For skin puncture testing for PT/INR, see the section on "Patient Test Procedures".

CHEM8+ Cartridges

CHEM8+ cartridges require the use of:

a.whole blood collected in non-heparinized capillary tubes, evacuated tubes, or syringes, as long as sample is tested immediately upon draw,

b.heparinized whole blood collected in balanced heparin syringes or capillary tubes, or

c.heparinized whole blood collected in evacuated tubes containing lithium or sodium heparin, as long as the tubes are filled to capacity.

Troponin I/cTnI and CK-MB Tests

cTnI and CK-MB cartridges require the use of either:

a.heparinized whole blood or plasma samples collected in syringes or evacuated tubes containing lithium or sodium heparin, or

b.non-heparinized whole blood or plasma samples tested within one minute of drawing from a patient into a plastic syringe or plastic evacuated tube containing no additives.

The use of whole blood or plasma samples containing other anticoagulants such as EDTA, oxalate, and citrate will cause deactivation of the alkaline phosphatase, resulting in decreased cTnI or CK-MB readings.

Capillary tubes and direct skin punctures (e.g. fingersticks) should not be used with the cTnI or CK-MB cartridge.

Samples should not be used unless the blood collection tube is filled at least half full.

BNP Tests

BNP cartridges require the use of EDTA whole blood or plasma samples collected in plastic syringes or evacuated tubes containing EDTA.

The use of whole blood or plasma samples containing other anticoagulants such as oxalate and citrate is not reccommended.

When drawn into an evacuated tube containing EDTA, samples should not be used unless the blood collection tube is filled at least half full.

Capillary tubes and direct skin punctures (e.g. fingersticks) should not be used with the BNP cartridge.

Quality Check Messages and Codes




Date Invalid, Check

Date outside six month

Select 5-Clock Set from


lifetime of software.

Administration Menu. (Password







Dead Batteries,

Insufficient power to

Replace disposable batteries or

Replace Batteries

complete a test cylce.

recharge the rechargeable battery.




Temperature Out of

Temperature outside

Check analyzer temperature by

Range, Check Status

operating range of 16 to

pressing 1 for Analyzer Status under


30 °C.

the Administration Menu. Move



analyzer to warmer area if below



operating range or to cooler area if



above the range.




Invalid or Expired

Software expired or corrupt.

Verify that the analyzer’s date is



correct. Change software if expired.



Update again if not expired.




Analyzer Interrupted,

Last cartridge run not

Check the battery pack inserted

Use Another


properly. Check for Low Battery



startup warning.




Cartridge Error

Usually problem with sample

Use another cartridge. If same code


or cartridge filling.

repeats more than twice, try another







Cartridge Preburst

Calibrant pack burst before

Use another cartridge - do not press


cartridge inserted into

on center of cartridge. Check that



cartridges have not been frozen.




Unable to Position

Cartridge not sealed. Clot in

Use another cartridge.


sample. Aberrant cartridge.





Sample Positioned

Cartridge underfilled.

Use another cartridge - fill to Fill

Short of Fill Mark






Sample Positioned

Cartridge overfilled.

Use another cartridge - do not fill

Beyond Fill Mark


beyond Fill Mark.




Test Cancelled by

User did not respond to

No action required.


mandatory prompt before



analyzer time out.





Cartridge Type Not

Software does not recognize

Update software. Check to see if



cartridges are expired.




Analyzer Error, Use

Analyzer detects problem

Insert the Electronic Simulator. If

Electronic Simulator

from which it is likely to

PASS, continue to use analyzer.







Analyzer Error, See

Analyzer detects problem

Insert Electronic Simulator. If PASS,


from which it may not

insert a cartridge with sample



or control. If the code does not



reappear, continue to use analyzer.




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