PMAGRIP flange connectors
Type GGV & GOV
Type GGV - Flange straight
Type GOV - Flange 90° elbow
Order no.
black, IP68
BGGV-56 56 68 8 2 . 0 9 7. 0 4 2 . 0
BGGV -70 70 80 9 7 . 0 1 1 4 . 0 4 8 . 0
BGGV-95 95 10 6 126.0 146.0 53.0
In railway vehi cle con struction as well a s in a wide rang e of industri al applications w ith hig h seali ng and safety re quirement s
Flang e seal FGO4 made from EPD M, standard f or indoor and o utdoo r applicati ons
Flang e seal FGO4/01 made f rom NB R on requ est, option al for indoor applic ations with s pecial che mical requirements
Ingre ss prote ction: IP68, IP 69 wit h condu it seal ing NV N3
Temperature ran ge wit h FG04: –4 0°C to +105°C
Temperature ran ge wit h FG04/01: –25°C to +70°C
If the ap plic ation te mperature is a bove 70° C we recommend to use an ad ditional internal conduit supp ort sl eeve (B ES)
Content of deli very: Flange par t, fixation clamp s (incl. 2 scre ws), condu it seal (NVN3), f lange seal (FG O4 or FGO4/01)
Fits to conduit size
(mm)NW Metric
Order no.
black, IP68
BGOV-56 56 68 8 2 . 0 9 7. 0 1 0 1 . 0
BGOV-70 70 80 9 7 . 0 1 1 4 . 0 1 1 5 . 0
BGOV-95 95 106 126.0 146.0 149.0
In railway vehi cle con struction as well a s in a wide rang e of industri al applications w ith hig h seali ng and safety re quirement s
Flang e seal FGO4 made from EPD M, standard f or indoor and o utdoo r applicati ons
Flang e seal FGO4/01 made f rom NB R on requ est, option al for indoor applic ations with s pecial che mical requirements
Ingre ss prote ction: IP68, IP 69 wit h condu it seal ing NV N3
Temperature ran ge wit h FG04: –4 0°C to +105°C
Temperature ran ge wit h FG04/01: –25°C to +70°C
If the ap plic ation te mperature is a bove 70° C we rec. to use an ad ditional internal conduit supp ort sl eeve (B ES)
Content of deli very: Flange par t, fixation clamp s (incl. 2 scre ws), condu it seal (NVN3), f lange seal (FG O4 or FGO4/01)
Fits to conduit size
(mm)NW Metric