AAF International SAH User Manual

SAAF Side Access Housings (SAH)
with SAAF Cassette Gas-phase Chemical Filters
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions
Better Air is Our Business
1.0 Introduction
1.1 About this Document
This document contains the information necessary to properly receive, assemble, install, operate, and maintain the AAF Side Access Housing (SAH) filter system and filters. The purchaser, installer, and operator of the filter system MUST read and comply with this document in its entirety prior to installation of the equipment and its operation. Failure to comply with the requirements of this manual may void the product warranty.
These instructions are specific to the AAF Side Access Housing (SAH) filter system and filters. All ancillary tasks including, but not limited to, electrical and mechanical work, equipment handling, and safety procedures must be performed in accordance with industry accepted practice and all relevant local, state, and federal government codes, laws, and policies.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 About this document
1.2 Packaging and shipping, receiving and inspection, handling, and storage
1.3 Product descriptions
1.4 Product model designations
1.5 Product drawings
1.6 Assembly – general comments
1.7 Related system equipment
2.0 Principles of Operation
3.0 Installation Instructions
3.1 Space requirements
3.2 Foundations and anchoring
3.3 Typical Side Access Housing (SAH) details
3.4 General filter system installation procedure
3.5 Preparation for filter installation
3.6 Pre-filter Installation
3.7 Gas-phase chemical filter installation
3.8 After-filter installation
3.9 High-efficiency filter installation
3.10 Latch SAH doors
3.11 Pressure gauge
3.12 Fans
4.0 Start-up Instructions
5.0 Maintenance
5.1 Prefilter
5.2 After-filter
5.3 High-efficiency final filters
5.4 Gas-phase filter monitoring
5.5 Removal and replacement of particulate and gas-phase
chemical filters
5.6 Disposal of used filters
5.7 Gas-phase chemical filter cassette face sealing gaskets
5.8 After-filter and high-efficiency particulate filter sealing gaskets
5.9 Access door sealing gaskets
5.10 General system maintenance
6.0 Troubleshooting
6.1 High pressure drop reading across the filter system
6.2 Visible discharge of particulate
6.3 Odors and smells
7.0 Spare Parts List
8.0 Equipment Characteristics, Operating Weights, and Shipping Weights
9.0 Technical Guidelines
9.1 Fan selection and sizing
1.2 Packaging and Shipping, Receiving and Inspection, Handling and Storage
1.2.1 Packaging and Shipping: Unless otherwise defined in the
purchase order and agreed by AAF, the SAH filter housing and filters are packaged for domestic transit and shipped FOB the AAF factory. The method of shipment will be as specified in the customer’s purchase order to AAF.
1.2.2 Receiving and Inspection: Obtain a copy of the purchase order, the product drawing that was submitted by AAF in association with the order, and a copy of the bill of lading, along with any other shipping papers. Upon receipt of the equipment, or any part thereof, these documents shall be used to ensure that the correct product has been received.
For maximum protection, complete the following steps upon receipt of the AAF Side Access Housing (SAH) and filters:
– Inspect the shipment and all associated documentation. Notify the carrier immediately if there is any visible damage to the packaging or the equipment, or a discrepancy in the shipping papers and, if necessary, file an immediate claim with the carrier against such damage or discrepancy.
– Confirm that the equipment received agrees with the contents of the shipping papers.
– Confirm that the shipping documents agree with the purchase order. Refer to the product drawing submitted for the order as necessary.
– If it is determined that any equipment ordered on the purchase order has not been delivered and is not accounted for in the shipping papers contact AAF International immediately by calling 1-800-477-1214. Reference the AAF control number, which will be listed on the shipping papers.
Each shipment may include:
– One or more individually packaged Side Access Housings (SAH).
– Packaged particulate filters.
– Packaged gas-phase chemical filter cassettes.
Note that the Side Access Housing (SAH) and the particulate and gas-phase filters may ship from different locations and be received at different times.
1.2.3 Handling and Storage: Following receipt, inspection, and acceptance of the equipment, and prior to installation, the Side Access Housing (SAH) and the particulate and gas-phase filters shall be handled with great care. The Side Access Housing (SAH) ships mounted on a pallet for protection during shipping and handling. It is recommended that it remain on its pallet until it has been moved to its final installation location. Only personnel experienced in rigging and handling large equipment shall be employed for this task. Small
SAH’s may be moved using a forklift. A suggestion for rigging larger equipment is shown in Figure 1. Rig the housing using straps or a sling. Fasten the strapping under the skid on which the SAH ships. To prevent damage to the exterior surface of the SAH use spreader bars at all times. Position the spreader bars to keep the cables from rubbing against any part of the housing. Before hoisting make sure that the load is properly balanced.
A channel base is offered as an option with the SAH. Check to see if this has been included. The channel base includes web openings for the insertion of pipes for hoisting the equipment. See below for details.
! WARNING: The housing top will not support the weight of the unit. Any attempt to support the housing from the top may result in serious equipment damage and severe personal injury. Do not walk on the top of the unit or use the top for storage of materials.
Figure 1
Optional channel base.
or sling
Shipping skid
Spreader bar (multiple spreader bars may be needed, depending on size of unit)
The components shall be retained and stored in their protective packaging until immediately prior to installation. Care shall be taken to ensure that the packages are not dropped or subjected to any impact loads.
At all times the equipment shall be protected from exposure to weather. The equipment shall be stored in a clean, dry, temperature-controlled environment. All items shall be stored on pallets so that they are elevated above grade. Side Access Housings (SAH) shall not be stacked. Particulate and gas-phase filters, shall not be stacked more than three (3) cartons high to prevent crushing. Only particulate filters shall be stacked on particulate filters, and gas-phase filters on gas-phase filters. The gas-phase filters ship inside a carton enclosed in transparent protective plastic. Under no circumstances shall the filters be removed from this plastic protection until immediately prior to installation.
Filter products shall not be stored in areas where they may become contaminated by chemicals, either acids or alkali’s, in liquid, vapor or gaseous form.
Side Access Housing, Model SAH-202-2P-MD-2P-6F, with tracking to accommodate four (4) MD cassettes. Optional channel base is included.
1.3 Product Descriptions
1.3.1 Side Access Housing (SAH): Each (SAH) will be received
individually mounted on a shipping pallet and wrapped in plastic for protection during shipping. Depending on the size and complexity of the SAH it may ship in sections on multiple pallets. Refer to the product drawings submitted on the order for details. The SAH can be supplied in three styles, Type MD, Type HD or Type CG, depending on the style of SAAF Cassette gas-phase chemical filter that it is intended to accommodate (see 1.3.2 for details). Different internal support tracks and track spacings will be provided depending on the type of cassette to be used.
Any particular filter system will normally be assembled using only one type of cassette, Type MD, Type HD, or Type CG. Cassettes will almost never be mixed in a single-filter system. Different types of cassettes are not interchangeable within any particular filter bank.
1.3.2 Gas-phase Chemical Filter Cassettes: Gas-phase filter cassettes are shipped in cartons and plastic bags. The carton shown below contains a single 6" high x 24" wide x 18" deep Type MD cassette which is supplied as two (2) 6" high x 12" wide x 18" deep half cassettes.
Typical Side Access Housing, Model SAH-202-2P-(MD)(HD)(CG)-2P-6F. Optional channel base is included.
1.4 Product Model Designations
The SAH model is designated as follows:
SAH - 202 – 2P – MD– F – MD – 2P – 6F
Supports a 6" deep particulate final filter, if required
Supports a 2" deep particulate after-filter, if required
Second gas-phase chemical filter bank, if required, supports Type MD cassettes
First gas-phase chemical filter bank, supports Type MD cassettes
Supports a 2" deep particulate pre-filter, if required
Is nominally 2' high x 2' wide
Side Access Housing
6" high x 24" wide x 18" deep Type MD cassette ships in two halves.
1.3.2 continued
12" high x 24" wide x 12" deep Type HD cassette ships in two halves.
24" high x 12" wide x 12" deep Type CG cassette ships in one piece.
The three (3) types of gas-phase chemical filter cassettes that can be supplied are as follows:
1.3.3 Particulate filters: Prefilters and after-filters - Particulate prefilters and after-filters
will typically be AAF PerfectPleat®pleated filters. Depending on the size of the Side Access Housing (SAH) ordered 24" high x 24" wide x 2" deep full size filters, 24" high x 12" wide x 2" deep or 12" high x 24" wide x 2" deep half-size filters may be supplied. PerfectPleat 2" deep filters are packaged 12 to a carton.
High efficiency filters – High efficiency filters will typically be AAF M-Pak pleated filters. Depending on the size of the Side Access Housing (SAH) ordered 24" high x 24" wide x 6" deep full size filters, 24" high x 12" wide x 6" deep or 12" high x 24" wide x 6" deep half size filters may be supplied. M-Pak filters are packaged 2 to a carton.
Note that other optional or special filter arrangements may be supplied depending on the requirements of the project. Check the purchase order and the AAF submittal drawing(s) for details.
1.5 Product Drawings:
Details of some standard SAH filter systems are shown on the following AAF drawings:
SAH Module AAF Drawing Number
SAH-XXX-MD 114D-3025681
SAH-XXX-MD-MD 114D-3025657
SAH-XXX-2P-MD-MD-6F 114D-3025608
SAH-XXX-2P-MD-MD-MD-6F 114D-3025632
SAH-XXX-HD 114D-3025756
SAH-XXX-HD-HD 114D-3025772
SAH-XXX-2P-HD-HD-6F 114D-3025798
SAH-XXX-2P-HD-HD-HD-6F 114D-3025814
SAH-201-2P-CG 114D-3027513
SAH-XXX-CG 114D-3025848
SAH-XXX-CG-CG 114D-3025830
SAH-XXX-2P-CG-CG-6F 114D-3025822
Copies of the appropriate drawings will have been supplied as part of the AAF submittals in response to the purchase order. Obtain and review the drawing(s) before proceeding with the installation of the filter system. The SAH filter system drawings include the following
details for filter system sizes 102 (1' high x 2' wide) through 810 (8' high x 10' wide):
– Overall filter system dimensions
– Shipping weights
– Operating weights
– Sizes and quantities of the particulate and gas-phase filters required
– Details of the gas-phase chemical media supplied
– Details of the particulate filters supplied
– System design airflow
– Pressure losses across the filter system at nominal airflow
design velocities
– Product details
1.6 Assembly - General Comments
As indicated previously, the individual components that will comprise the filter system will ship separately and will be required to be installed on site. The AAF Side Access Housing (SAH) is a self-contained product and, consequently, a minimum amount of assembly is required. Refer to section 3.0, Installation Instructions, of this manual for further detailed instructions. Consult with an experienced installer to obtain an accurate estimate of the time, personnel and equipment resources, and tools that will be required to complete the assembly and installation of the filter system. Site assembly will be limited to
Many combinations and permutations of housings and filter banks can be supplied depending on the application and the requirements. Typical Side Access Housing (SAH) model numbers are shown in Table 1 where -XXX- represents the size of the Side Access Housing. Housing sizes are designated as shown in the examples in Table 2.
This list by no means exhausts the possibilities and the system provided may be different from those shown here. Consult the AAF drawing that was supplied on the purchase order in question.
Table 1: Typical SAH Model Numbers
With gas-phase chemical filters but With gas-phase chemical filters With gas-phase chemical filters, without particulate filters and particulate filters particulate filters, and fans.
Table 2: Examples of Typical SAH Size Designations
Size designation Nominal height (ft.) Nominal Width (ft.)
SAH-404- 4 4
SAH-608- 6 8
SAH-810- 8 10
moving and lifting individual components, screwing components together, and caulking. The SAH weights and dimensions can be found on the product submittal drawings. The gas-phase chemical filters will typically have a maximum weight of approximately 40 pounds (20kg). Particulate filters will typically weigh less than the gas-phase filters.
Completion of the following preparations and provision of the following items will be the responsibility of the installer or others:
– Site preparation
– Connecting screws and hardware for attaching inlet and outlet ducts
– Provisions for anchoring and supporting the Side Access Housing,
including anchor bolts, angles, straps, hangers and cradles, etc.
– Caulk, as required
– Inlet and outlet ducts, or other sheet metal parts, as required
These items will not be supplied by AAF, unless noted specifically in the AAF quotation and in the accepted customer purchase order.
In general, assembly of the filter system will consist of the following:
– Preparation of the installation location
– Transportation of all components to the installation location
– Unpacking the Side Access Housing
– Installing the Side Access Housing
– Installing inlet and outlet ducts
– Unpacking and preparation of the gas-phase chemical filter cassettes
– Installing gas-phase chemical filter cassettes
– Unpacking particulate filters
– Installing particulate filters
– Cleaning the site
– Start-up and commissioning of the filter system
1.7 Related System Equipment: Ventilation systems will often include other equipment including but not limited to:
– Fan(s), if not supplied as part of the SAH
– Dampers
– Weather louvers
– Air tempering equipment
– Analog instrumentation
– Electronic instrumentation and controls
Neither the interface of these items with the filter system supplied by AAF, nor the installation, operation, and maintenance of these items is covered in this manual. Whether these items are supplied by AAF or by others, consult the documentation specific to these products for appropriate instructions.
2.0 Principles of Operation
An understanding of the design and operating principles of the Side Access Housing with Gas-phase Chemical Filters is useful for effective installation, operation, and maintenance. The system is intended to remove gaseous contaminants from intake, re-circulated, or discharged ventilation air. Examples of such contaminants may be nuisance odors and smells that may cause domestic and neighborhood discomfort and reduce workplace productivity, or harmful gases that may cause damage to health, plant and product in industrial applications. The heart of the system is the AAF SAAF Cassette. This is a high impact plastic frame that supports various types of dry, granular, chemical media between perforated screens that allow air to move through the filter. The SAAF Cassette is designed to support the chemical media in a V-bank configuration of media beds that maximizes the media exposed to the airstream, reduces the airstream velocity through the media bed, maximizes energy efficiency, and maximizes the removal of contaminants and the life of the product. The method of contaminant removal is through a combination of the physical property of adsorption and the chemical process of oxidation. AAF offers a variety of impregnated and un-impregnated dry granular media to handle a wide range of contamination problems. For more information on AAF’s gas-phase air cleaning products contact your AAF representative.
The AAF Side Access Housing is one of the various framing and support systems designed to support the SAAF Cassette in the air stream and to allow easy installation, operation and maintenance of the system.
3.0 Installation Instructions
Consult the product drawing(s) submitted on this order before proceeding.
3.1 Space Requirements: A minimum of 36"clear space must be available at the access side of the Side Access Housing to perform routine maintenance and it is recommended that 24" clear space be available at the opposite side for access during installation. Additional space may be required for inlet and outlet ductwork. On large Side Access Housings, greater than 4' wide, access doors may be supplied on both sides. In this case 36" clear space must be provided on both sides for access.
3.2 Foundations, Supports, and Anchoring: The foundation and/or supports must be designed to be adequate to support the filter system operating weight, and any seismic, live or other loads (if any), with a sufficient factor of safety as determined to comply with the requirements of all applicable governing codes, standards, and laws. Ensure that the foundation or support surface is level and smooth before proceeding. The filter system is designed for operation in indoor or, with appropriate modifications to resist weather, outdoor locations. The equipment is not specifically designed to resist and operate under unusual dynamic loading situations such as high winds or earthquake conditions. If the equipment is required to function in such circumstances special precautions may be required to ensure that the equipment will remain intact, anchored, and functioning. If this situation applies consult with a qualified professional engineer before installing the equipment.
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