3M™ Vinyl Table Mat
Premium Vinyl Table Mat
a long time industry favorite, this three layer vinyl material provides excellent electrical properties. the top
layer is tough, easy to clean, dissipative vinyl. the center layer, a highly conductive metal scrim, moves the
charge from the surface to ground quickly. the bottom layer is a durable, non-skid, cushion of dissipative foam.
Compatible with Constant monitors. available in rolls, mats, and mats with ground cord.
meets the requirements of eSD Standard 4.1, eSD Standard 20.20, eia 625, mill-hDBK-263,
and mil-StD-1686.
resistance to Ground point (rt g ) 107 ohms
resistance top to top (rt t ) 107 ohms
thickness: 0.125 inches
Colors: Blue and Gray
Part Numbers
Mats includes mat, two snaps, installed.
s i z e b l u e p/n g r a y p/n
24x36 inches tm2436l3Bl tm2436l3Gr
24x48 inches tm2448l3Bl tm2448l3Gr
Call for custom sizes.
c o n d u c t i v e
s c r i M
mat with Cord
d i s s i p a
t i v e c u s h -
i o n
t w o s n a p s
d i s s i p a t i v e
v i n y l
Mat Kits
s i z e b l u e p/n g r a y p/n
includes mat, two snaps, installed, and a 15 foot ground cord.
24x36 inches tm2436l3Bl-l tm2436l3Gr-l
24x48 inches tm2448l3Bl-l tm2448l3Gr-l
Call for custom sizes.
s i z e b l u e p/n g r a y p/n
includes roll of matting material.
2x100 feet tm241200l3Bl tm241200l3Gr
3x100 feet tm361200l3Bl tm361200l3Gr
30”x100 feet tm301200l3Bl tm301200l3Gr
4x100 feet tm481200l3Bl tm481200l3Gr
p r o d u c t
Mat - Premium Vinyl- t h r e e l a y e r
p r o d u c t
three layer vinyl mat
i t e m n u m b e r
s e e a b o v e
R - T - G?
Rt g is the resistance from one point on the mat’s surface to the mat’s
ground point, and is the fundamental electrical test for a mat. a proper
See 3M Data Sheets for these
related items:
3M™ Ground Cords
3M™ Snaps
3M™ Snap tool
d a t a
d a t a s h e e t
3M Electronic Solutions Division
6801 River Place Blvd.
Austin, TX 78726-9000
US and Canada: 866-722-3736
Fax: 866-722-3735
intl: 919-718-0000; Fax: 919-774-8174
email: 3mstaticinfo@mmm.com; www.3m.com/static © 2008
rt g insures that a mat can conduct charge from a point on the surface
to the mat ground point. the guideline in eSD Stm-4.1 for rt g is
1x106 to 1x109 ohms. anSi/eSD S-20.20 has an upper limit of <1
x109 ohms.
t t is the resistance from one point on the mat’s surface to another
point. a proper rt t insures the consistency of the mat’s resistance
properties. the eSD Stm-4.1 guideline for r
s h e e t
t t is >1x10
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all other trademarks herein are the property
of their respective owners.