CUNO’s BevASSURE BNA020 series filter
features a new asymmetrical polyether sulfone
(PES) membrane with Advanced Pleat
Technology (APT) construction. This design
results in a robust filter that is optimized for both
long service life and fast flowing applications,
while providing 0.2 µm rated filtration for superior
removal of microorganisms.
The BevASSURE BNA020 series filter helps
bottled water and other beverage processors meet
high standards for microorganism control.
Combined with CUNO’s range of particle control
and prefiltration filter cartridges, BevASSURE
BNA020 series final filters offer bottlers a complete
solution for rigorous contaminant control while
maintaining long service life and low operating
Durable Design
The BevASSURE BNA020 series filter membrane
and cartridge design innovations result in a highly
durable filter cartridge, capable of secure operation
through numerous cycles of hot water sanitation
and chemical based cleaning and sanitation
Highly Asymmetric BNA020 Membrane
BevASSURE BNA020 series filters incorporate a
novel single layer PES membrane with a high
degree of asymmetry (Figure 1). When viewed in
cross-section, the membrane contains larger pores
on the upstream surface that gradually taper to
smaller pores towards the downstream surface.
Compared to conventional membranes with a
symmetric pore structure, this structure provides
greater contaminant capacity, since it presents
greater open spaces (void volume) in which to
retain these contaminants. This increase in
capacity leads directly to longer service life. In
addition, the asymmetric structure provides less
resistance to flow, resulting in a lower pressure
drop when compared at a constant flow rate to
competitive filters, allowing a user to employ fewer
BevASSURE BNA020 series filters for any given
flow rate.
Features Benefits
0.2 µm rated membrane
Asymmetric polyether sulfone (PES) membrane
Advanced Pleat Technology construction
21CFR compliant materials of construction, EEC
Directive 2002/72EC tested, USP Biological
Reactivity for Class VI Plastics Test, Technical
Support Guide
Reliable, high LRV microorganism control
Exceptionally high capacity and service life resulting
in maximum economy
Allows superior fluid and contaminant access to filter
surface area for greatest service life and flow rates
Eases regulatory concerns
Figure 1. - SEM Photograph Showing BevASSURE BNA020
Advanced Pleat Technology Design
BevASSURE BNA020 series filters feature
Advanced Pleat Technology (APT) design for
extended service life. This design technology
maximizes the useful surface area of the filter
while maintaining open flow paths between the
media pleats (refer to Figure 2). By employing the
APT design, the BevASSURE BNA020 series
filter provides lower pressure drops, longer
service life, and lower overall operational costs.
Figure 2. - Advanced Pleat Technology Design
Extended Service Life
In the majority of beverage applications, the final
membrane filter is used in a continuous (as
opposed to a batch) operation. Its service life is
measured either by the volume filtered, or the
number of days in service, before becoming
permanently blocked. Filters that provide longer
service life not only reduce direct operational costs,
but also reduce indirect filter costs as well (filter
change-out/installation labor, downtime between
change-outs, filter flushing, etc.). The BevASSURE
BNA020 series filter’s combination of highly
asymmetric PES membrane, Advanced Pleat
Technology design, and novel
upstream/downstream supports all work together to
maximize the volume of beverage that can be
Advanced Microbiological Control
The primary purpose of a membrane filter cartridge
in bottled water and beverage processing is to
effectively control even the smallest
microorganisms. BevASSURE BNA020 series 0.2
micron rated filters provide superior retention of
common spoilage microorganisms, even at
challenge concentrations that far exceed those
experienced by most beverage producers.
BevASSURE BNA020 series membrane has been
shown to provide Log Reduction Values (LRV) in
excess of 7 with
19146) and
Brevundimonas diminuta
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
concentration of 10
CFU/cm2or greater.
Novel Media Support Design
BevASSURE BNA020 series filters employ a
design that results in higher beverage flow versus
pressure drop compared to competitive filters.
This CUNO development combines the high
flowing PES membrane with special support
layers upstream and downstream of the
membrane. When combined with the previously
mentioned Advanced Pleat Technology, this
feature greatly increases flow per cartridge, and
results in lower overall operational costs
Microorganism Retention Level
LRV > 7
LRV > 7
Fast Flow Rates at Low Pressure Drops
CUNO has combined three key technological
advances to provide the fastest flow rate per unit of
pressure drop. These three technologies, Advanced
Pleat Technology (APT) design, a novel upstream
and downstream support design, and a highly
asymmetric microporous membrane, afford users
with faster process flow rates using fewer filters as
compared to alternative filters.
Initial Clean Pressure Drop* (water) for a 30” Filter Flowing
at 20 GPM (76 lpm)
CUNO BevASSURE PES BNA020 2.2 psid (152 mbar)
Competitor A 3.7 psid (200 mbar)
Competitor B 5.8 psid (400 mbar)
Competitor C 4.5 psid (310 mbar)
As the example above illustrates, the pressure drop
at a given flow rate for BevASSURE BNA020