3M BK User Manual

BK Series Absolute Rated Filter Cartridge
ltration systems include clarifying lters, pre-lters, nal lters, stainless steel housings and engineered skid-mounted systems designed and sized for specic applications.
Absolute Betapure™ BK Series
Absolute Betapure BK series removal ratings are determined for the entire cartridge life using a new lter performance test developed by 3M Purication that complies with the general procedure outlined in ASTM 975. A copy of 3M Purication’s Technical Report summarizing absolute rating of Betapure BK series cartridges and the test methodology is available by requesting 3M Purication literature number LITTDMPC2.795.
3M Purication denes Absolute Rating as “ the particle size (x) providing an initial Beta Ratio (βx) = 1000.” At this Beta Ratio the removal efciency is equal to 99.9%. Beta Ratio (βx) is dened by the following equation:
Betapure™ BK Series Filters
ßx =
Betapure™ BK Series Filters – The Clear Solution
3M Purication Inc. continues an 80 year tradition of innovative cost effective solutions to challenging industrial ltration applications with Betapure™ BK series. Betapure BK series is a truly absolute rated, rigid (non-compressible) resin bonded lter cartridge.
Consistent quality and performance at absolute ratings from 5 to 70 m make Betapure BK series the clear choice in the confusing world of indistinguishable “me-too” cartridge lters.
Consistent Performance
Absolute rated rigid structure Betapure BK series provides consistent performance. Unlike many competitors, Betapure BK series does not unload or lose ltration efciency throughout its usable life!
Significant Life Advantage
Betapure BK series’s rigid graded-porosity grooved structure provides a signicant life advantage over the competition!
3M Purication provides quality solutions worldwide for the most challenging ltration applications. 3M Purication
Cumulative Number of Particles Larger than x in the Influent Challenge
Cumulative Number of Particles Larger than x in the Effluent
Betapure BK series lters achieve a minimum Betax (βx) value of 1000 at the specied ratings seen in Table 1.
Betapure™ BK Series Features & Benefits
Absoltue rated cartridge filters from 5 - 70 microns
Absolute filtration efficiency at the specified reduction rating
Consistent production yields with absolute contaminant retention
No by-pass or unloading at high differential pressure
Consistent product quality throughout the filter's life
Grooved surface with true graded-porosity internal structure
Significantly longer life
Cost effective filtration with optimized yields
300 °F high temperature option
Choice of temperature compatible options
Inventory one product for many applications
No metal or plastic cores
Easy disposal, suitable for incineration or shredding
Disposal cost reduction
Available with polypropylene or polyester end modifications
Retrofit any industrial housing
Usuable in existing filter housings
Table 1. – Betapure™ BK Series Absolute Ratings
Grade Designation ßx = 1000 (x = Absolute Micron Rating)
Z8 050 5
Z8 070 7
Z8 100 10
Z8 140 14
Z8 150 15
Z8 200 20
Z8 300 30
Z8 400 40
Z8 500 50
Z8 700 70
High Temperature Betapure™ BK Series
Standard Betapure™ BK series provides consistent performance at temperatures to 250 °F (121 °C) and differential pressures to 70 psid (4.8 bar). High temperature (HT) Betapure BK series extends the temperature rating to 300 °F (149 °C) for those non-aqueous processes that require service under extreme conditions.
Betapure™ BK Series – Consistent Performance
The initial Beta Ratio for all grades of Betapure BK series lter cartridges is equal to or greater than 1000, and each cartridge performs at or above this initial value throughout its usable (all the way to plugging) life! This denes Betapure BK series’ absolute ltration performance. The Beta Ratio vs. Differential Pressure Graphs 1 and 2 illustrate how competitive lters do not achieve the consistent performance of Betapure BK series. Filters that show a decrease in Beta Ratio as the differential pressure increases are exhibiting either unloading of previously held contaminants or a loss of ltration efciency. This inconsistent performance results in a reduction in nished product quality, product yield, and an increase in total ltration cost.
As illustrated in Graphs 1 and 2, the performance of melt-blown polypropylene (Competitor P) degrades rapidly after a small (0.5 psi) increase in differential pressure, indicating contaminant unloading and a loss of ltration efciency typical of a compressible structure. In Graph 1, the generic cotton wound, Competitor C, exhibits erratic performance caused by media movement under increasing pressure, and, in Graph 2, it exhibits minimal ability to retain contaminant throughout the test. In Graph 1, melt-blown Competitor O never approaches a Beta Ratio of 1000, and it shows a decreasing Beta Ratio at high differential pressure. Resin bonded Competitor F, as shown in Graph 2, exhibits very low Beta Ratios at low differential pressures indicating poor performance. Above 1.0 psid, the contaminant builds a cake which accounts for the subsequent increase in Beta Ratio. Betapure BK series exhibits consistent Beta Ratios at all differential pressures.
Rigid Graded-Porosity Betapure™ BK Series
Betapure BK series lter cartridges are manufactured using an exclusive process that achieves a true “graded-porosity” ber structure with a clean and smooth inside diameter. Each ber is locked in this arrangement by a thermosetting resin binder to create a rigid structure, eliminating the need for a metal or plastic center core. Larger particles are trapped in the outer area and ner particles towards the inner area. Figure 1 illustrates how in a graded-porosity structure the overall effect is to classify and retain particles by size as they progress through the cartridge.
Figure 1. – Betapure™ BK Series Graded­Porosity Structure
High Surface Area Betapure™ BK Series
Betapure™ BK series cartridges also feature an optimized groove pattern that increases the surface area by over 65% when compared to smooth cylindrical cartridges (see Figure 2). The grooved surface prevents premature blinding of the outer surface by large particles and allows full utilization of the depth structure. Maximum surface area with a true graded-porosity structure means that Betapure BK series can provide 3 times or greater service life than competitive lter cartridges.
Graph 1. - Beta Ratio Comparison Of Filter Cartridges Rated At 20 Microns
Betapure™ BK Series Filters
Figure 2. – Surface Area Comparison
Beta Ratio
Initial 0.5 1
Betapure™ BK Series - Rigid Res in Bonded Compet itor P - Mel t-Blown Propylene Compet itor O - Mel t-Blown Polypro pylene Competitor C - Co tton Wound
Differential Pressure
Graph 2. - Beta Ratio Comparison Of Filter Cartridges Rated At 70 Microns
Beta Ratio
BK Serie s at or above
1000 throughout service life
Initial 0.5 1
Betapure™ BK Series - Rigid Res in Bonded Compet itor P - Mel t-Blown Propylene Compet itor F - Gen eric Resin Bonded Compet itor C - Cotton Wou nd
Differential Pressure
BK Serie s at or above
1000 throughout service life
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