3M™ Abrasives and Power Tools
for Stainless Steel Finishing
Now Includes
for Exceptional Life!
Fibre Disc 987C
Systems for
Stainless Steel
The Efficient and Economical Way
to Produce Exceptional Finishes.

Stainless Steel Finishing System — Weld Leveling to Final Finish in 3 Easy Steps
Step 1 – Leveling the Weld
Using the following products for weld leveling helps
prepare stainless steel for #3 and #4 finishes.
Recommended Starting Points
3M™ Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 987C
(Grade 60+; 7" diameter)
• Made with 3M precision-shaped
ceramic grain for ultra-fast cut
and exceptional life.
• Includes a grinding aid for cooler
running temperatures.
3M™ Fibre Disc 785C
(Grade 60; 7" diameter)
• Contains 3M™ Ceramic Aluminum
Oxide blend abrasive grain.
• An excellent starting point for
stainless steel and high nickel alloys.
• Includes a grinding aid for cooler
running temperatures.
Work Hint: Use the finest grade of abrasive that gets the job done; finer
grind lines are easier to remove. Align the grind line scratches with the grain
line direction of the original stock. Perpendicular scratches are more difficult
to blend; parallel scratches blend easily during finishing. Use a 7" dia. black
ribbed faceplate to level the weld quickly and leave fine grind lines.
3M Precision-Shaped Grain
Triangular-shaped grain (top) is electrostatically oriented to form sharp
peaks, each acting like individual cutting tools that wear evenly for super
long life and consistency at any grinding pressure.
Alternative Selections
3M™ Flap Disc 947D/747D
(Grade 60; 7" diameter)
• Contains:
– 3M™ Ceramic abrasive grain (947D).
– 3M™ Ceramic Aluminum Oxide blend
abrasive grain (747D).
• An excellent option for stainless steel nishing.
• Exceptional cut life on hard metals.
• Available in convenient “Quick Change” option.
Cubitron™ II Roloc
Edge Disc 984F (Grade 60+)
• Made with 3M precision-shaped ceramic
grain for ultra-fast cut and exceptional life.
• Includes a grinding aid for cooler running
3M™ Roloc™ Disc 777F
(Grade 60)
• Contains 3M™ Ceramic Aluminum Oxide
blend abrasive grain.
• Constructed on a YF-wt., water-resistant
polyester cloth backing.
• Includes a grinding aid for cooler
running temperatures.
Recommended Tools and Speeds:
3M™ Disc Sander (PN20231) — 20,000 RPM (2" dia.)
3M™ Disc Sander (PN20232) — 15,000 RPM (3" dia.)
3M™ Disc Sander (PN28329) — 12,000 RPM (4" dia.)
Precision-Shaped Grain
Conventional Grain