I/O Enter k ey …………………………………………………………………………………..3
Up Arrow key………………………………………………………………………………….3
Down Arrow key………………………………………………………………………………3
Run Stop key………………………………………………………………………………….3
Escaping/moving back one screen…………………………………………………………3
Turning On/Off and Basic Operation ................................................................................. 4
Placement for Monitoring/Testing .................................................................................... 4
Figure 1-24: Communicating to DMS ................................................................................................... 28
Figure 1-25: Downloading with the QT⁰34/36 ...................................................................................... 29
Figure 1-26: Data Finder page (Analyze/Quick Report options) ............................................................. 30
Figure 1-27: Data layout page (displays your data in charts and graphs) ............................................... 30
Figure 1-28: Reporting and printing .................................................................................................... 31
1 Introduction
QTº36 model with (optional)
Up and Running overview
The QUESTempº 34/36 models are portable heat stress monitors that are designed to be
rugged, easy-to use instruments to quickly and accurately assess the potential for
individual heat stress based on environmental conditions.
QUESTempº Models
The QUESTempº 34 and QUESTempº 36 models measure and calculate the dry bulb
temperature, wet bulb temperature, globe temperature, WBGT indoor index, WBGT
outdoor index, relative humidity, and Heat Index or Humidex. These models support RS232 communications and works with the optional software analysis program, 3M
Detection Management Software (DMS).
With the QUESTempº 36, you have the capability to display stay times in order t o
manage work/rest regimens. Guidance is based on the screening criteria for heat stress
as defined in the ACGIH TLV Handbook, U.S. Navy PHEL charts, and EPRI Action
Limits. (Please see Appendix B for detailed chart information.)
An additional feature with the QUESTempº 36 is an optional detachable air-probe for
measuring air velocity (wind speed) to determine appropriate levels of indoor thermal
comfort monitoring.
Figure 1-1: QUESTempº 36 model
air-probe attachment
2 Getting Started
2. Place the QUESTempº 34 & 36 in the work area in a safe location
3. Power On the QUESTempº34 & 36 and check the battery.
5. In the main menu, View will be selected (an indicator arrow denotes the
7. Use the Up/Down Arrow keys to set the display to the desired items.
Getting started
1. Make sure the wet bulb wick is clean. Fill reservoir with distilled water.
4. Be aware that the sensors require 10 minutes to stabilize to a new
6. Press the Run/Stopkey to begin storing data.
Up and Running overview
Getting Started
Up and Running overview
See “check wick and fill natural wet bulb”, pg 5.
approximately 3.5 feet off the ground.
• If the battery voltage displayed during the power-on sequence is less than or
equal to 6.4 volts, replace or recharge the batteries.
selected menu). Press the I/O Enter key to select.
Getting Started
I/O Enter key
Up arrow key
Keypad Operation
Keypad Operation
The unit operates using a keypad with 4 keys. The I/O Enter key responds when
the key is released while all other keys respond when the key is pressed.
I/O Enter key
The unit turns on with a single key press. The unit turns off by holding the key
down while a countdown of 3-2-1 occurs in the lower right corner of the display.
This key is also used to select a mode (such as Setup or View) or enter setup
Pressing and releasing the key while viewing temperatures causes the display to
view the next available sensor bar (indicated in the upper right corner of the
Up Arrow key
Changes items appearing in the display. Scrolls up.
Down Arrow key
Changes items appearing in the display. Scrolls down.
Run Stop key
From the menu or view modes, pressing this key starts or stops the run mode.
Pressing this key will exit the setup, print or reset modes.
Escaping/mov ing back one screen
If you are in the setup, print, reset, or calibration screens, you can press Run/Stop
key to escape or move back one screen.
NOTE: the
example of the QUESTempº 36 model with the optional air-probe attachment.
Run/Stop key
º 34 & 36 models have the same keypad. Figure 1-2 is an
Figure 1-2: Keypad explained
Down arrow key
Placement for Monitoring/Testing
Indicator arrow
Turning On/Off and Basic Operation
Turning On/Off and Basic Operation
To quickly get you started with the QUESTempº 34 & 36 model, the following section
explains how to turn on the instrument, run, and stop your session.
1. Press the I/O Enter key to turn on. Following the model and revision information
displayed on the screen, the main menu will appear.
Figure 1-3: Main menu of the QUESTempº 34 & 36
2. Press the I/O Enter key (when view is selected) to access the measurement
•The W et and Dry measurements screen will display. (See Figure 1-6, page 9 for
screen example.)
3. To view different measurements, press the Up or Down arrow key to toggle through
the views.
NOTE: There are 5-user selectabl e langu age s. If you see the fields such as
Wet, Dry, WBGTi, and WBGTo this indicates the measurements are displaying
in English.
•To display an alternative language, select Setup from the main menu. Press
the Down arrow repeatedly until “English” (or the appropriate language)
appears. Then repeatedly press the I/O enter key to toggle through the
languages. Once selected, all menus and measurement screens will change to
the selected language. To return to the main menu, press the Run/Stop key.
4. To return to the main menu, press and hold the I/O Enter key (3, 2, 1 countdown
will appear) and the main menu will display.
•To select an option on the main menu, press the up or down arrow until an
arrow appears directly in front of the appropriate menu selection and then press
I/O enter key.
5. To power off, press and hold the I/O enter key from the main menu.
Placement for Monitoring/Testing
The QUESTempº 34 & 36 model should be placed at a he ight of 3. 5 feet (1.1 m) f or
standing individuals or 2 feet (.6m) for seated individuals. Tripod mounting is
recommended to get the unit aw ay from any t hin g that mig ht bl ock ra di ant he at or air flow.
A 1/4"x 20 threaded bushin g on the bot tom of the inst rum ent all ow s moun ting to a st andar d
photograph ic tr i pod. Do not stand c lose to the unit d ur ing sampling.
NOTE: Before measuring, allow 10 mins. for the sensors readings to stabilize.
Indicates the selected menu
option. Then press I/O enter to
select or press up/down arrows
Reservoir cover
Filling wet bulb reservoir
A. Globe thermometer
Natural Wet Bulb Thermometer
Natural Wet Bulb Thermometer
The natural wet bulb thermometer gives an indication of the effects of humidity on an individual.
Relative humidity and wind speed are taken into account by measuring the amount of
evaporative cooling taking place at a thermometer covered with a moistened wick.
Figure 1-4: Filling wet bulb reservoir
Globe Thermometer
The globe thermometer (left position) gives an indication of the radiant heat e xposure on an
individual due to either direct sunl ight or hot objects in the environment. This is
accomplished by placing a temperature sensor inside a blackened copper sphere and
measuring the temper ature rise. The WBGT inde x is based on the response of a 6 inch
diameter globe. The Q UE STemp uses a 2 inch diameter globe for a faster response time.
The temperature of the 2 inch globe is correlated to match that of a 6 inch globe.
Dry Bulb Thermometer
The dry bulb thermomet er (right position) m easures the ambient air temperature. This
measurement is used in the outdoor WBGT calculation when a high solar radiant heat load
may be present. The series of white plates surrounding the sensor shield it fr om radiant
Relative Humidity Sensor
A relative humidit y sensor is located in a compartment inside of the sensor bar housing.
Slots in the housi ng allow air to circulate around the sensor.
B. Natural wet bulb thermometer
C. Dry bulb thermometer
Check Wick and Fill Natural Wet Bulb
The QUESTemp uses a cotton wick immersed into a reservoir containing distilled water.
Ordinary tap water should not be used, as the contaminants that are left behind after
evaporation will shorten the life of the wick and cause high readings. If the wick is
discolored it should be replaced. To replace the wick, slide the old wick off the top of the
sensor. Place a new wick over the sensor, making sure that the bottom of the wick is down
in the reservoir.
1. R em ove reservoir cover and fill with distilled or
de-ionized water.
2. R eplace reservoir cover.
Tri-sensor Calculation and Remote Cable
Removable sensor bar
Tri-sensor calc.
Tri-sensor Weighted Average
Tri-sensor Calculation and Remote Cable
The top sensor bar (sensor 1) may be removed from the instrument and used
through a remote cable. Shelter the instrument and remote the sensor bar if the
measured environment is expecting heavy rain or if temperatures are above 60°C.
The sensor 2 and sensor 3 jack s on the side of the i ns trument allow simultaneous
monitoring o f up to three sensor arr ays using connect in g c ables.
Cable lengths of up to two hundred feet (61 meters) may be used without a decrease
in accuracy prov id ed th e env iro nmen t do es not cont ai n strong electromagn et ic fie lds.
The data fr om t hese arrays may be viewed separately or combined into a weighted
average WBGT re adi ng per ISO 7243. Change the displayed sensor bar by
pressing and releasing the enter key. The upper right corner of the display shows
the current sensor bar. 1 refers to the top sensor bar, 2 and 3 are labeled on the
side of the unit, W indicates the weighted average which only appears if a WBGT is
displayed and all three of the sensor bars are attached.
Tri-sensor Weighted Average
Per the recommendations outlined in ISO 7243: 1989, when t he te m perature in the
space surrou nding a worker is not uniform, it is n ec e ss ar y to determine the WBGT
index at three he igh ts cor re spo ndin g to th e wor ker' s an kle s, abdo me n and he ad and
perform a w eig hted average on tho s e v a lues. It is compu t e d us in g the formula:
WBGTw = (WBGT head + (2 x WBGT abdomen) + WBGT ankles)/4
The QUESTemp° 36 always assign s t he top sensor bar t he double weighting. This
calculation is show n if a WBGT disp lay has be en sel ect ed a nd if 3 se nsor sets ar e
Bars 2 &3
Figure 1-5: Ports identified
Tri-sensor Calculation and Remote Cable
WBGT (indoor) = 0.7WB + 0.3G (denoted as “WBGTi” on the display)
WBGT (outdoor) = 0.7WB + 0.2G + 0.1DB (denoted as “WBGTo” on the display)
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
The QUESTemp° 34 & 36 data logging area heat stress monitor directly senses the
four parameters: am b ie nt or dr y bulb temperature (DB), natural wet bulb temperatur e
(WB), globe temperature (G) , a nd re lativ e hu mid ity (RH).
The QT° 34/ 36 compute the Wet Bulb Gl ob e Temperature ( WBGT), stay times for
three possible indices (QT° 36 only) , and the Heat Index (HI) or the Canadian
Humidex. Usin g inpu ts on th e sid e of th e in stru men t, tw o ad diti onal sens or arr ays can
monitor up to three location s s i mu ltaneously.
On the QUEST e mpº 36 model, you can measure air flow, in meter s pe r sec ond, by
plugging an op t i on a l hot wire anemome ter sensor into a si de j a ck on the unit.
Using Detection Mana geme nt Soft war e (DM S), you can determine the thermal comfort
indices, Predicted Mean Vote ( P MV) and Predicted Percent Dissatisf ie d (PPD) (with
the QUESTempº 36 mod el only).
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
The WBGT is a weigh ted av er age of the three tem perat ur e sen sor s, a gl obe
thermometer, a wet bulb thermometer, and a dry-bulb thermometer, using the
equations lis ted be low .
The resulting WBGT values can then be compared t o i nd i ces of work-rest regimens
(stay times) based upon work loads.
Stay Times/Rest Times (QTº36 only)
Stay times represent how long a worker should be able to safely work under heat
stress conditions (available on QUESTempº 36 only). Select one of the three
indices for displaying and printing from the unit: ACGIH Stay Times, NAVY PHEL’s,
or EPRI Action Limits. (For setup, please refer to “Setup” on pages 9 -10. For
detailed rest times please refer to charts in Appendix B.)
Tri-sensor Calculation and Remote Cable
Heat Index/Humidex
Heat Index/Humidex
The Heat Ind ex is determined u si ng the dry bulb tem per ature and relativ e humidity.
Based upon charts available from the U.S. National Weather Service, Heat Index
represents h ow an average perso n feels relative to c li m at e conditions. For a g iv en
temperature , the hi gh er the humi dity , the hi g her the hea t index .
The Heat Ind ex is defined over a temperature range of 70°F - 120°F (21°C - 49°C) and
a relative h um idity range of 30 % - 99%. Outsid e of t h i s r ange, the instrum en t w ill show
dashes in the dis play for the He at Index .
The Humidex , u se d primarily in Canad a, functions similar t o t he Heat Index concept.
The values are slightly diffe re nt. The Humidex is d efined over a temperature range of
70°F - 109°F (21°C - 43°C) and a relativ e hu mid ity r ange of 20% - 99%. Outside of
this range, t he i nstrument will s how dashes in the display for the Hum id ex.
Air Flow
The QUESTemp° 36 measures air flow if the Air Probe accessory is used. The Air
Probe uses an omni-directional anemometer sensor that measures air flow
between 0 and 20 meters per second in 0.1m/s increments. Please see “Air Flow
Functionality”, page 16 for more details.
Thermal Comfort (QUESTempº 36 model only)
Thermal comfort readings for indoor env iron men ts ar e a benefit of DMS software
and are not displayed or printed from the instrument directly. Readings are derived
from the dry bulb, relative humidity, mean radiant temperature, air flow, and user
entered parameters of clothing, metabolic rate and external work.
Thermal comfort indices, Pre di ct ed Mean Vote (PMV) a nd P r e dicted Percent
Dissatisfie d ( P P D) , h elp predict the the r m a l sa tisfaction level of a person with their
indoor environment. The PM V is a rating scale o f +3 to -3 where +3 is much to warm,
-3 is much too cool , and 0 is the rmal ly ne utr al. The P PD re flec t s what per c ent of
people in a given location wo ul d be dissatisfied wit h th eir thermal surrou ndings.
The formulas used by DMS software to der ive the PMV and PP D c ome from the
internation al st anda rd ISO 773 0 “Moder at e ther mal env iron men ts - Determination of
the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort”.
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