3B Scientific Ultrasound Transducer User Manual

40 kHz Ultrasonic Transducer Equipment Set 1009888
06/12 ALF
1 Ruler
2 Ultrasonic transmitter (S)
3 Ultrasonic receiver (R)
4 Projection screen
1. Note
Do not use the ultrasonic transducer in
2. Description
The 40 kHz ultrasonic transducer equipment set is designed for experiments on geometric acoustics and wave mechanics.
The equipment set consists of an ultrasonic transmitter (S) and an ultrasonic receiver both mounted on stems, a projection screen, also on a stem, and a ruler.
3. Technical data
Input voltage: 10 V AC max. Resonant frequency: 40 kHz approx. Band width: 6 kHz approx. Angle of aperture: 72° Capacitance: 1900 pF Connector: Co-axial cable with
BNC plug Stand rod: 150 mm x 10 mm diam. Dimensions: 40 mm x 20 mm diam.
4. Additionally required equipment
1 Function generator FG 100 (230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1009957 or 1 Function generator FG 100 (115 V, 50/60 Hz) 1009956
1 Analogue oscilloscope 2x30 MHz 1002727 3 Stand bases, 0.5 kg 1001046 1 HF cable 1002746 1 T-Piece, BNC 1002752 1 Adapter, BNC Jack/4-mm-Plugs 1002751
5. Operation
5.1 Calibration of resonant frequency
Set up the ultrasonic transmitter and receiver
close together and facing one another.
Connect the transmitter to the output of the
function generator and set the frequency to 40 kHz.
Connect the receiver to an oscilloscope.
Observe the received signal and make fine
adjustments to the frequency to maximise the signal amplitude.
5.2 Sample experiment
Set up the ultrasonic transmitter and receiver
alongside one another in front of the projection screen.
Connect the transmitter to the output of the
function generator and set the frequency to the resonant frequency (see 5.1).
Connect the receiver to the oscilloscope.
Move the projection screen and observe the
phase differences between the signals.
Fig. 1 Experiment set-up for calibrating resonant frequency
Fig. 2 Experiment set-up for the reflection of ultrasonic waves by a projection screen
Elwe Didactic GmbH Steinfelsstr. 5 08248 Klingenthal Germany www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH Rudorffweg 8 21031 Hamburg Germany www.3bscientific.com
Subject to technical amendments
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