Two Stroke Engine, Transparent 1002998
Instruction sheet
04/12 JS
1 Spark plug
2 Combustion chamber
3 Outlet
4 Inlet
5 Crank shaft
6 Piston
1. Description
A two-stroke engine is a kind of internal combustion engine which requires two strokes within
a full cycle. It involves a combustible mixture of
air and fuel being ignited by a spark plug.
The crankshaft conveys the force and also controls the changes in the gas mixture. The upward motion of the piston results in both compression and ignition, while the downward motion results in a new mixture of gases being
2. Operation
Additionally recommended:
Overhead Projector (230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1003264
Overhead Projector (115 V, 50/60 Hz) 1003263
• Lay the transparency on the daylight projec-
• Move the components by hand to the places
which correspond to the various strokes.
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