3B Scientific Transmission Grating 300 Lines User Manual

U19511 Grating 600 lines/mm
U19512 Grating 300 lines/mm
Instruction sheet
6/03 ALF
Transmission grating for spectroscopic examinations and for experiments on diffraction and interference. Suitable to resolve the Na-D lines.
3.1 Demonstration of diffraction by a grating
Mount diffraction grating in holder (e.g. Multi­component holder U21810)
Grating must be brought into a parallel beam of light.
1. Safety instructions
Diffraction can be observed.
To avoid scratching or soiling the surface of the
grating, hold the slide only by its edges.
3.2 Use of a spectrometer and goniometer
Mount diffraction grating in holder of spectro­meter-goniometer.
2. Description, technical data
Gratings with 300 resp. 600 lines per mm, mounted on glass carrier. Both gratings have a high resolution power, provide a sharp, bright spectrum and are suit­able for use in precision spectrometers such as spec­trometer-goniometer U14416.
Adjust the angles according to illustration.
View the light diffracted by the line grating
through the spectrometer telescope. Diffraction of higher order can be observed.
If a sodium lamp is used, the doublet may be viewed when θ = 10,5° and
= 21°.
The 300 line grating U19512 enables particularly well measurements to be taken of the separation of Na-D lines.
Dimensions: 38 mm x 50 mm Size of grating: 24 mm x 24 mm No. of lines: 300 resp. 600 lines / mm Grating constant: 3,3 µm resp. 1,7 µm
3. Operation
Note: The grating has a stronger spectrum on one side.
For best results mount the diffraction grating in such a way, that the grating faces the light source.
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com • Technical amendments are possible
A: Light source B: Collimator C: Grating D: Observation tube