U19511 Grating 600 lines/mm
U19512 Grating 300 lines/mm
Instruction sheet
6/03 ALF
Transmission grating for spectroscopic examinations
and for experiments on diffraction and interference.
Suitable to resolve the Na-D lines.
3.1 Demonstration of diffraction by a grating
• Mount diffraction grating in holder (e.g. Multicomponent holder U21810)
• Grating must be brought into a parallel beam of
1. Safety instructions
• Diffraction can be observed.
• To avoid scratching or soiling the surface of the
grating, hold the slide only by its edges.
3.2 Use of a spectrometer and goniometer
• Mount diffraction grating in holder of spectrometer-goniometer.
2. Description, technical data
Gratings with 300 resp. 600 lines per mm, mounted on
glass carrier. Both gratings have a high resolution
power, provide a sharp, bright spectrum and are suitable for use in precision spectrometers such as spectrometer-goniometer U14416.
• Adjust the angles according to illustration.
• View the light diffracted by the line grating
through the spectrometer telescope. Diffraction
of higher order can be observed.
• If a sodium lamp is used, the doublet may be
viewed when θ = 10,5° and
= 21°.
The 300 line grating U19512 enables particularly well
measurements to be taken of the separation of Na-D
Dimensions: 38 mm x 50 mm
Size of grating: 24 mm x 24 mm
No. of lines: 300 resp. 600 lines / mm
Grating constant: 3,3 µm resp. 1,7 µm
3. Operation
Note: The grating has a stronger spectrum on one side.
For best results mount the diffraction grating in such
a way, that the grating faces the light source.
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com • Technical amendments are possible
A: Light source
B: Collimator
C: Grating
D: Observation tube