Information is subject to change without notice. Nortel Networks reserves the right to make changes in design
or comp onents as progress in engineering and manufacturing may warrant. This equipment has been tested
and f ound to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC rules, and the
radio interference regulations of Industry Canada. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environmen t. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio fr equency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmf ul interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at their own expense.
SL-1 and Meridian1 are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Descriptio n, Installation and Operation
Revision history
April 2000
Standard, releas e 1.00. This is a global document and is issued for X11
Release 25.0x.
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ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL)Description, Installation and Operation
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL)Description, Installation and Operation
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553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
About this guide
This document is a global document. Contact your s ystem supplier or your
Nortel Networks representative to verify that the hardware and software
described is suppo rted in your area.
This guide describes and explains how to engine er, install, configure,
administer and maintain a Meridian Internet Telephony Gateway (ITG)
Trunk 2.0 system.
The ITG Trunk 2.0 compresses PCM voice, demodulat es Group 3 fax, routes
the packetized data over a private internet, or intranet and provides virtual
analog ISDN signalli ng link (ISL) TIE trunks between Meridia n 1 ESN
ITG Trunk 2.0 routes voice traffic over existing private IP network facilities
with available und er-us ed bandwidth on the private Wide Area network
(WAN) backbone.
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ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL)Description, Installation and Operation
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About this guide
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
The Meridian Internet Telephony Gateway (ITG) Trunk 2.0 suppor ts ISDN
Signaling Link (ISL) IP trunks on the NT0961 24-port Meridian Internet
Telephony Gateway (ITG) trunk card. It also supports ISL IP Trunks on the
NTCW80 8-port ITG 1.0 trunk card that have been upgraded with IT G Trunk
2.0 software and hardware.
An ISDN Signaling Link D-channel (ISL DCH) provides DCH connectivity
to the Meridian 1 and signaling control for the 24 ports on the card and any
additional ports on other ITG Trunk cards in the same node. The DCH
connection expands the signaling path between the Meridian 1 and the
gateway. I TG all ows Meridi an 1 systems to b e net worke d usi ng I SDN, while
transmitting H.323 signaling and voice over a standard IP protocol st ac k.
The ITG ISL Trunk compresses voice and demodulates Group 3 Fax. ITG
then routes the packetized data over a pr ivate IP n etwork for co nnections
between Meridian 1 nodes, bypassing circu it-switched trunking facilities.
The ITG ISL Trunk delivers an ISDN signaling interface between the
Meridian 1 and the Voice and Fax over IP (VoIP) interface. The high
signaling bandwi dth of t his ISDN interfac e expa nds the feat ure function ality
for VoIP trunks. It provi des, for exa mple, Calli ng Line Identi fic ation (CLID)
and Call Party Name Display (CPND).
Page 19 of
To insta ll th e ITG ISL Tru nk, th e custo mer mus t hav e a corpo rate IP networ k
with managed bandwid th ca pac ity, and routers available for WAN
connectivi ty between networked Meridia n 1 systems. Best VoIP performance
is obtained with a QoS-m anaged network.
LAN connection of the ITG ISL Trunk requires 10BaseT or 100BaseTX
Ethernet interfaces for VoIP and 10BaseT for management and D-Channel
signaling . Ther e is no restriction on the phys ical medium of the WAN.
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL)Description, Installation and Operation
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Descripti on
Non-compressing G.711 codecs require 100BaseT Ethernet network
connectivi ty. A 10/100Ba seT auto sensing Etherne t inte rface ro utes the VoIP
traffic from the ITG ISL Trunk cards. Signaling between cards and
communication wit h th e Meridi an Admin istra tion T ools (MAT ) PC is ove r a
10BaseT Ethernet connection. The MAT applic ation manages the ITG ISL
Figure 1 shows an ITG ISL Trunk configuration ex ample.
Figure 1
ITG ISL Trunk connectivity
Meridi an 1
DCHIP + Fol lowers
Meridian 1 to IP network, providing
poin t t o multi-point co n n e c tio n
IP Network
Meridian 1
Meridi an 1
Meridian 1
Meridian 1
Meridi an 1
Meridi an 1
Note: In this document, T-LAN refers to the Telephony LAN that
transmits the ITG voi ce and fax traffic. E-LAN (embedded LAN) refers
to the management and signaling LAN for the Meridian 1 site.
ITG ISL Trunk depen ds on the manage d IP networ k, not the Internet, be cause
the managed IP network can provid e adequa te late ncy, ji tt er, and pac ket los s
performance to support VoIP with an acceptable voic e quality.
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
System requirements
ITG is avai lable f or Meri dian 1 op tions 11C , 11C Min i, 51 C, 61C, 81 and 81C
systems running X11 relea se 25 or later software. See Table 1, “Software
packages for Meridian 1 ITG ISL Trunk,” on page 22 for required software
ITG requires MAT 6.6 or lat er incl uding Alarm Ma nagement. MAT Common
Services include the Meridian Internet Telephony Gateway applications.
Customers must have the NTAK02BB (minimum vintage) SDI/DCH card
(Option 11C) or MSDL card (Lar ge Sys tems) fo r ISDN Sign aling capabi lity.
If the customer does not have either of these cards, or does not have an
available DCH port on them, the cus tom er m us t order these cards to support
ISDN functionality.
A modem router must be installed on the E-LAN in order to provide remote
support access for ITG Trunk and othe r IP -ena bled Nortel Networks
products. The Nort el Net works Netg ear RM356 m odem router inte grate s the
functions of a V.90 modem, a PP P remote access server, an IP router, and a
4-port 10BaseT Ethernet hub, and provides a range of security features that
must be configured to comply with the customer's data network security
policy. The Netgear RM356 modem router can be ordered through many
electronic equipment retail outlets.
Descripti onPage 21 of
Customers with ITG Trunk 1.0 Basic Per Trunk Signaling 8-Port IT G trunk
cards have the option of upgrad ing t o ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signali ng tr unks.
Port capacity remains 8 ports per card. 8 and 24-Port cards can be mixed in
the same ITG ISL Trunk no de. The se ction “U pgrade an IT G Trunk 1. 0 nod e
to support ISDN signaling trunks” on page 235 describes the upgrade.
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL)Description, Installation and Operation
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Descripti on
Table 1
Software packages for Meridian 1 ITG ISL Trunk
PackagePackage numberNotes
Basic Al ternate Route Selection
57 or 58Required
(BARS) or Network Alternate
Route Selection (NARS)
ISDN Base (ISDN)145Required
ISDN Signaling Link (I S L)147Required
MSDL222 (large systems)Required
QSIG Interface (QSIG)263 (large systems)Optional
QSIG GF Transport (QSIG GF)305 (large systems)Optional
Advanced ISDN Network
Services (NTWK)
Coordinated Dia ling Plan
Flexib l e N u m b ering Plan (FN P)160Op tional
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
List of ITG ISDN components
Table 2 lists ITG ISDN components.
Note 1: MAT 6.6 or la ter, or OTM 1.0, includ ing the Common Services,
Alarm Management, and ITG ISDN appl ica tions, is a prerequisite and
must be ordered separ ately.
Note 2: Nortel Networks Netge ar RM35 6 Mod em Ro uter o r e quiv alent
is required for remote support and must be ordered separatel y from retail
Note 3: You must ins pect the IPE modu le t o de ter mine i f it is eq uipp ed
with non-removable Molded Filter Connectors on the I/O Panel. For
Large Systems manufactured during the period of 1998-1999 and
shipped in North Americ a, the IPE modules have the NT8D81BA
Backplane to I/O Panel ribbon cable assembly with a non-removable
Molded Filter Connector. The NT8D81BA is compatible with 10BaseT
T-LAN, but if you require a 100B aseT T-L AN, you need to replace it
with the NT8D81AA Backplane to I/O Panel ribbon cable ass embly.
Table 2
Hardware components for Meridian 1 ITG ISL Trunk (Part 1 of 3)
Descripti onPage 23 of
ComponentProduct codes
System Packages
ITG ISDN Signaling Trunk Large Systems P ackage
including D-Channel (NT0961AA 24-Port ITG ISL Trunk
with RTU and pre-in stalled software , I/O cables, DCH
PC card, 50-pin I/O Panel Filter connector with ITG
specific filtering for 100BaseTX, and NTP)
ITG ISDN Signaling Trunk Small Systems (Option 11C)
Pac kage including D-Channel (ITG Trunk 2.0 card with
RTU license and pre-installed software that supp orts 24
ports, required cables, DCH PC card, and NTP)
ITG ISDN Signaling Trunk Small and Large Systems
Pac kage without DCH PC Card or NTP
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL)Description, Installation and Operation
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Table 2
Hardware components for Meridian 1 ITG ISL Trunk (Part 2 of 3)
Upgrade Packages
Descripti on
ComponentProduct codes
Upgrade Kit for Large Systems from ITG Trunk 1.0 t o 2.0
(includes required cables, DCH PC card, and NTP)
Upgrade Kit f or Small Syst ems fr om ITG Trunk 1.0 to 2.0
(includes required cables, DCH PC card, and NTP)
Spare cards
Meridian ITG Trunk 2.0 card (24 ports)
(NT0961AA 24-Port ITG ISL Trunk with RTU and
pre-insta ll ed software)
E-LAN, T-LAN, RS232 and DCH Ports cable for the
NT0961AA 24-Port ITG ISL Trunk DCHIP card.
E-LAN, T-LAN, and RS232 Po r t s cable for the
NT0961AA 24-Port ITG ISL Trunk card
E-LAN, T-LAN, RS232 and DCH Ports cable for the
NTCW80CA 8-P ort ITG ISL Trunk DCHIP card
E-LAN, T-LAN, RS232 and DCH Ports cable for the
NTCW80AA 8-P ort ITG ISL Trunk DCHIP card
DCH PC Card Pigtail cableNTCW84EA
MSDL DCH cable (included in Large System package):
6 ft.
18 ft.
35 ft.
50 ft.
50 ft. MSDL DCH Extender cableNTMF04AB
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
Descripti onPage 25 of
Table 2
Hardware components for Meridian 1 ITG ISL Trunk (Part 3 of 3)
ComponentProduct codes
10 ft. Inter cabinet cable NTCW84KA to SDI/DCH cableNTWE04AC
1 ft. Intra cabinet cable NTCW84KA to SDI/DCH cableNTWE04AD
Shielded four-port SDI/DCH cable for the NTAK02BB
SDI/DCH card (included in Small System package)
PC Maintenance cable (for faceplate RS232
maintenance port to local terminal access)
Maintenance Extender cableNTAG81BA
Large Systems filter connector
50 pin I/O Panel Filte r Connecto r Block wit h ITG speci fic
filtering for 100BaseTX (included in Lar ge Systems
Backplane to I/O Panel rib bon cable assembly
compatibl e wit h NTCW84 JA I/O Panel Fil ter Connector
Block with ITG-specific filtering for 100BaseTX T-LAN
connection (r eplaces NT8D81BA Bac kplane to I/O Panel
ribbon cable assembly equipped with non-remov able
Molded Filter Connectors)
Meridian Internet Telephony Gateway (ITG) Trunk
2.0/ISDN Signaling Link NTP
PC Cards
C7LIU DCH PC Card with Layer 2 DCH SoftwareNTWE07AA
ITG Trunk 2.0 24-Po rt Software Upgrade on 8Mb ATA
Flash Rom PC Card
ITG Trunk 2.0 8-Port Software Upg rade on 8Mb ATA
Flash ROM PC Card
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL)Description, Installation and Operation
Page 26 of
Descripti on
Ordering rules and guidelines
Ordering rules for ITG ISL Trunk node initial configuration
Initial confi guration of an ITG ISL Trunk node requires either :
•one NTZC44AA ITG ISDN Large Systems package, or
•one NTZC44BA ITG ISDN Small Systems package,
as appropriate for your system. These packages include all Meridian 1
components neede d for a sin gle-ca rd node, except for the cable s that provi de
interface to the MSDL and SDI/DCH cards. DCH interface cables are
•NTND26AA (Large Systems)
•NTAK19FB and NTWE04AD (Small Systems)
The following packages are requi red for ITG ISL Trunk:
•ISDN Base (ISDN) package 145
•ISDN Signaling Link ( I S L) pa ckage 147
MAT 6.6 or OTM 1.1 is required and must be ordered separately. The MAT
Alarm Notification application is not included with MAT 6.6 and must be
ordered separately.
For MSDL and DCHIP cards that reside in the same Large System UEM
equipment row, order:
•NTND26 MSDL DCH cable in sufficie nt length to reach from the MSDL
to the I/O Panel of the IPE module that contains the DCHIP.
For MSDL and DCHIP cards that reside in different Large System UEM
equipment rows in a multi-row La rge System, order:
•NTMF04BA MSDL DCH Extender (50 ft.) cable to reach between the
I/O Panels of the two UEM equipmen t rows.
For SDI/DCH and DCHIP cards that reside in different Small System
cabinets, orde r:
•NTWE04AC Inter c abinet cable (NTCW84KA to SDI/DCH cabl e-10 ft.)
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
Descripti onPage 27 of
If you are installing ITG ISL Trunk cards in IPE modules equipped with
NT8D81BA Backplane to I/O Panel ribbon cable assembly with Molded
Filter Connectors, and you are using 100BaseT X T-L A N, order:
•NT8D81AA Backplane to I/O Panel ribbon cable assembly compatible
with NTCW84JA Fi lter Connec tor Bl ock with IT G-spec if ic fi lt eri ng for
100BaseTX T-LAN connection.
Note: You must inspect the IPE module to determine if it is equipped
with Molded Filter Connectors on the I/O Panel. Molded Filter
Connectors were shipped in North Am erica during a period from 1998 to
1999. Molded Filter Connectors can be used with 10BaseT T-LAN
Ordering rules for ITG ISL Trunk node expansion
To expand an ITG ISL Trunk node requires:
•For each additional non-DCHIP card:
— one NTZC45AA ITG ISDN Small and Large Systems Package
without DCH PC Card or NTP.
•For each additional DCHIP ca r d , either:
— one NTZC44AA ITG ISDN Large Systems Package including
D-Channel, or
— one NTZC44BA ITG ISDN Small Systems (Option 11C) Package
including D-Channel,
as appropriate for your system. Make sure that there are sufficient DCH
ports on the MSDL or SDI/DCH cards and associated cables.
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL)Description, Installation and Operation
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Descripti on
Sparing ratios for ITG Trunk components
Sparing ratios for selected components are as listed in Table 3.
Table 3
Sparing ratios
ComponentSparing ratio
NT0961AA Spare Meridian Trunk ITG 2.0 card (24
ports) (for repair only -- no RTU license)
PC Card DCH Pigtail cable
I/O cable assemblies20:1
ITG ISL Trunk card description
The ITG ISL Trunk card provides a cost-effective solution for high quality
voice and fax transmi ssions over an IP network.
The ITG ISL Trunk card is a two-slot, IPE-based assembly designed for
installation in a Meridian 1 IPE shelf. An ITG ISL Trunk card can have a
maximum of 24 ports. A Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)-base d
DSP daughterboard pr ovides voice processi ng and installs on the assembly.
The daughterboard compresses speech into packets and supplies the packets
to the IP network using a Pentium host processor.
The ITG ISL Trunk card monitors the IP network for delay (latency) and
packet loss . The car d rero utes n ew c alls t o t he al ternat e ci rcui t-swi tched trun k
routes if the Quality of Service (QoS) of the data network is not acceptable.
Customers can configure QoS parameters on the ITG ISL Trunk node to
make sure that the ITG Trunk route is not us ed for new calls if the network
QoS degrades be l ow an ac ce pt ab l e level.
Card roles
The ITG ISL Trunk card can have one or more of the following roles:
•Active Leader
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
Descripti onPage 29 of
•Backup Leader
•D-channel IP gateway (DCHIP)
The ITG ISL Trunk card roles identify which systems are active
systems/standby systems and which are client systems. The Active Leader
has a Nod e IP a ddress on the v oice interf ace. T his Node IP is an al ias I P which
is added to the original IP address on the voice interface. Other machines in
the network use the Node IP to keep track of the Active Leader.
Each Meridian 1 is usually configured with the following:
•one ITG ISL Trunk card that acts as an Active Leader
•one ITG ISL Trunk card that acts as a Backup Leader
•at least one ITG ISL Trunk ca rd that provides DCHIP functionality
•one or more ITG ISL Trunk cards identified as Followers.
In the MAT ITG application, the te rm Leader 0 refers to the ITG ISL Trunk
card initially configured to perform the role of the Active Leader. The term
Leader 1 refers to the ITG ISL Trunk card that is initially configured to
perform the role of Backup Leader. The Active Leader and Backup Leader
exchange the Node IP addres s when the Active Leader goes out-of-service.
The term A ct iv e Lea de r i n di ca t es th e Lead e r 0 or the Le ad er 1 card that is
performing the Active Leader role.
Leader 0 or Leader 1 can have the Active Leader status. On system power-up,
Leader 0 normally functions as th e Active Leader and Leader 1 as the Ba ckup
Leader. At other times, the Leader card functions reverse with Leader 1
working as the Active Leader and Leader 0 working as the Backup Leader.
The Leader, Backup Leader, Follower, and DCHIP cards communicate
through their E-LAN connections.
A Follower card is an ITG ISL Trunk card which converts telephone signals
into data packets and data packets into te lephone sign als. Followe r cards also
provide dialed number to IP address transl ation.
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL)Description, Installation and Operation
Page 30 of
Descripti on
Active Leader
The Active Leader ca rd is an ITG ISL Trunk card that acts as a point of
contact for all other Meridian 1 in the network.
The Active Leader card is res ponsible for the following:
•distribute incoming H.323 cal ls to each registered Follower card in its
node, and balance l oad among the registered cards for inc omi ng IP calls
•IP addresses for other cards in its node
•work as a time server for all ITG ISL Trunk cards in its node
•perform network monitoring for outgoing calls in its node
•voice processing
All calls fr om a remote Meridian 1 ITG node are presented to the Active
Leade r car d. Th e L ea d er car d mai n tains a resou r ce table of al l th e ITG ISL
Trunk cards in it s node. The Act ive Leader card c onsults its internal Follower
card resource table to determine which Follower card has the most idle
channels. The Active Leader card selects this card to receive the new call. The
Active Leader sends a message to the se lected Follower card, informing it to
reserve a channe l for the ne w call. I t redire cts the ca ll to the sele cted Fol lower.
The Follower card performs dialed number to IP address translation.
Backup Leader
The Backup Leader card steps in when the Leader is out-of-service. This
minimizes service interruptions.
D-channel IP
The ITG ISL Trunk card with DCHIP functionality (DCHIP Card) is
connected by the RS-422 cable to the Multi-purpose Serial Data Link
(MSDL) card on the Meridian 1 large systems. It connects to the SDI/DCH
Card on small systems. The DCHIP Card is equipped with a DCH PC Card.
The DCH PC Card provides the RS-422 and LAPD functionality that is
required for the D-channel (DCH) inter f ac e to the Meridian 1. The DCHIP
Card is the network side of the Meridian 1 ISL D-channel connection. The
card is a ta ndem node in the s witch net work, prov iding a s ingle-to mul ti-poin t
interface betwe en the Meridian 1 and the IP network (see Figure 2).
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
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