TYPE: Vexter Series [V] | MODEL: BOX OF METAL™
Congratulations! You’re the proud owner of a Vexter series Z.Vex Eects Box of Metal!™
The Box of Metal™ is an aggressive high-gain pedal with a
highly-eective built-in switchable gate which dramatically
reduces noise and unwanted feedback. It is available in
Vexter (2-year warranty) and hand-painted (lifetime warranty)
versions. Its gain and tonal characteristics are somewhat
similar to high-gain tube ampliers that have been the staple
of hard rock and metal sounds since the 80’s. On the right,
there is a true- bypass switch with an indicator LED to
bypass the entire eect. On the left is a gate switch which
is only eective when the pedal is on (the gate cannot be
used separately). When the gate’s LED (on the left side of the
pedal) is ON, the gate will be active whenever the pedal is
turned on. The gate is very useful for cleaning up any noise
between palm-muted chords and lead phrases, but may be
switched o to initiate feedback or to stretch out soloed
notes that are fading into noise. Switching o and on the
gate is silent so the gating action of the pedal can instantly
be changed during any part of the performance to uidly
integrate soloing and palm-muted chords.
Sets the output volume of the pedal. Note that the LED on
the RIGHT is for the BYPASS switch and the LED on the
LEFT is for the GATE. The Drive and control is based on my
original Super Hard-On gain control, so it may crackle when
turned (this is normal).
Sets the bass / sub-bass level.
Adjust to accentuate or scoop out mids.
Adjust for treble content. Use this in tandem with your
amp’s presence and treble controls to get the precise topend texture...the presence control is very important on your
amp, if you have one.
Plug your guitar (or any eect’s output) into the right hand
input jack. Plug the output into an amp or other eect’s input. Enjoy in moderation. Watch the output volume setting...
with the gate turned on, you may not notice just how loud
the pedal is going to be until you play! Set the clean sound
on your amp for any level of pristine cleanliness to heavy
crunch. The Box of Metal™ should do very well driving any
amount of nominal distortion. The presence control on your
amp will have a strong inuence on the top-end texture of
your Box of Metal™.
If the performance of your pedal seems diminished or the
LEDs become very dim, it’s time to change your battery.
Remove the four screws on the bottom of the pedal and
carefully remove and replace the old battery, putting it
back exactly in the center of the pedal on edge so that it is
gripped tightly by the lid when it is screwed back in place.
Uses 1 9V battery (preferably alkaline, but the unit is shipped
with a carbon-zinc battery). The low current operation of this
pedal’s circuit will give you a long battery life. Current draw
is approximately 10mA. A DC power jack (standard Boss
conguration with center negative) is provided on the side of
the pedal. Use a high quality 9V adaptor for all high-gain
Your Vexter Box of Metal™ is warranted for 1 year from date
of purchase, or 2 years if you send in your warranty card.
Please visit http://zvex.com/website/repairs.html for any
repair questions or more information.
Sets the amount of distortion. The Box of Metal™ does NOT
clean up. This control goes from hard to very hard. It may
crackle when turned...this is perfectly normal.
Adjust for your playing style. When fully clockwise, palmmuting will create an audible thump and bumping the
strings will open the gate. Turn down to make the gate
tighter. Gate is unaected by other controls.
P.O. Box 16078 | Minneapolis, MN 55416
www.zvex.com | zack@zvex.com | repairs@zvex.com
Last Updated: August 2011