General information ....................................................................................... 5
Technical information ....................................................................................7
Safety information ....................................................................................... 11
Installation ................................................................................................... 14
Adjustments ................................................................................................. 24
Use and operation ....................................................................................... 25
Maintenance ................................................................................................ 34
Troubleshooting Guide ................................................................................ 36
Parts Replacement ...................................................................................... 40
Adjustment of cutting height, 24
Appliance and Manufacturer, identification, 6
Appliance, general description, 7
Battery recharge after prolonged inactivity, 33
Battery recharge on first use, 23
Blade, height adjustment, 24
Blade replacement, 40
Changing the curb drop-off sensor, 41
Cutting height, adjustment, 24
Defining the boundaries of the work areas, 16
Description of robot commands, 25
General description of the appliance, 7
Identification of manufacturer and appliance, 6
Initial start up, 28
LED lights combinations, meaning, 26
Main organs, 8
Maintenance recommendations, 34
Manual, purpose of, 5
Manufacturer and appliance, identification, 6
Operating tips, 34
Packing and unpacking, 14
Parts replacement, recommendations for, 40
Plant and appliance installation, planning, 15
IT: Dichiarazione di conformità / GB: Declaration of conformity / FR: Déclaration de conformité
DE: Konformitätsbestätigung / ES: Declaración de conformidad / NL: Verklaring van overeenstemming
DA: Overensstemmelseserklæring / FI: Vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus / SV: Konformitetsdeklaration
ZUCCHETTI Centro Sistemi S.p.A. Via Lungarno 305/A Terranuova (AR) ITALY
Dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità
che il prodotto modello L50BEU, L50BUS,
L50DEU, L50DUS è conforme alle seguenti
norme europee :
Sicurezza: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) (60335-1: 2008-07)
Compatibilità Elettromagnetica : CEI EN
(55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998 -10) (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/A2: 2008
CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3:
1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
E’ conforme ai requisiti essenziali delle
seguenti Direttive :
Direttiva Bassa Tensione 2006/95 CE -
Compatibilità Elettromagnetica 2004/108
CE - Rumore Aereo 2006/42 CE
Erklärung in eigener Verantwortung:
dieses Produkt der Modelle L50BEU,
L50BUS, L50DEU, L50DUS entspricht
folgenden europäischen Normen:
Sicherheit: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) (60335-1: 2008-07)
Elektromagnetische Konformität: CEI EN
(55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998 -10) (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/A2: 2008
CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3:
1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Es entspricht im wesentlichen den
Anforderungen folgender Richtlinien:
Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2006/95 EG
– Elektromagnetische Kompatibilität
2004/108 EG – Luftschall 2006/42 EG
Erklærer på eget ansvar, at
produktet model L50BEU, L50BUS,
L50DEU, L50DUS er i overensstemmelse
med følgende europæiske standarder :
Sikkerhed : IEC EN (50338: 2007-06) (60335-1: 2008-07)
Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet : IEC
EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998
-10) - (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/
A2: 2008 -12)
IEC EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3:
1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Er i overensstemmelse med de væsentligste
krav i følgende direktiver :
Lavstrømsdirektiv 2006/95 EC - Direktiv
for eletromagnetisk kompatibilitet
2004/108 EC - Direktiv for luftbåren støj
2006/42 EC
Hereby declares under their full
responsibility that the products, models
conform to the following European standards:
Safety: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) –
(60335-1: 2008-07).
Electromagnetic compatibility: CEI EN
(55014-1: 2008-01) – (55014-2: 1998-10)
– (55014-2/A: 2002-08) – (55014-2/A2:
2008-12) – CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04)
– (61000-3-3: 1997-06) – (61000-3-/A1:
They conform to the essential
requirements of the following Directives:
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95 EC –
Electromagnetic Compatibility 2004/108
EC – Aerial Noise 2006/42 EC
Declara bajo su propia responsabilidad
que el producto modelo L50BEU, L50BUS,
L50DEU, L50DUS es conforme a las
siguientes normas europeas:
Seguridad: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) (60335-1: 2008-07)
Compatibilidad electromagnética: CEI
EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998
-10) - (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/
A2: 2008 -12)
CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3:
1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Es conforme a los requisitos esenciales de
las siguientes Directivas:
Directiva de baja tensión 2006/95 CE
- Compatibilidad electromagnética
2004/108 CE - Ruido aéreo 2006/42 CE
Vakuuttaa omalla vastuullaan, että
tuote mallia L50BEU, L50BUS, L50DEU,
L50DUS vastaa seuraavien eurooppalaisten
standardien vaatimuksia:
Turvallisuus : CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) (60335-1: 2008-07)
Sähkömagneettinen yhteensopivuus :
CEI EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2:
1998 -10) - (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) (55014-2/A2: 2008 -12)
CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3:
1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Vastaa seuraavien direktiivien oleellisia
vaatimuksia :
Pienjännitedirektiivi 2006/95/EY -
Sähkömagneettinen yhteensopivuus
2004/108/EY - Konedirektiivi 2006/42/
Déclare sous sa responsabilité
que le produit modèle L50BEU, L50BUS,
L50DEU, L50DUS est conforme aux
normes européennes suivantes :
Sécurité : CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) (60335-1: 2008-07)
Compatibilité électromagnétique : CEI
EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998
-10) - (55014-2/A1 : 2002 -08) - (55014-2/
A2 : 2008 -12)
CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3:
1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1 : 2002-05)
Est conforme aux conditions requises
essentielles des Directives suivantes :
Directive Basse Tension 2006/95 CE
- Compatibilité Électromagnétique
2004/108 CE - Bruit Aérien 2006/42 CE
Verklaart onder zijn verantwoordelijkheid dat het product model L50BEU,
L50BUS, L50DEU, L50DUS conform de
volgende Europese normen is:
Veiligheid: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) (60335-1: 2008-07)
Elektromagnetische Compatibiliteit: CEI
EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998
-10) - (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/
A2: 2008 -12)
CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3:
1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
En conform de essentiële vereisten van de
volgende Richtlijnen is:
Richtlijn Laagspanning 2006/95 EG
- Elektromagnetische Compatibiliteit
2004/108 EG - Lawaai 2006/42 EG
Förklarar under eget ansvar att
produktmodellerna L50BEU, L50BUS,
L50DEU och L50DUS överensstämmer med
följande europeiska standarder:
Säkerhet: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) (60335-1: 2008-07)
Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet: CEI EN
(55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998 -10)
- (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/A2:
2008 -12)
CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3:
1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Det överensstämmer med de nödvändiga
kraven i följande direktiv:
Lågspänningsdirektivet 2006/95/
EG - Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet
2004/108/EG - Luftburet buller 2006/42/
Bernini Fabrizio - Terranuova 06 April 2009
(Amministratore delegato) - (Chief executive officer) - (Administrateur délegué) - (Geschäftsführer)
(Director general) - (Diracteur) - (Administrerende direktør) - (Pääjohtaja) - (Styrelseordförande)