Congratulazioni per aver acquistato il rasaerba AMBROGIO 3000.
L'aver scelto questo prodotto potrà soddisfare le vostre
esigenze e aspettative. Questo progetto nasce da ZUCCHETTI
CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. (Azienda certificata UNI EN ISO 9001)
software house che, dal 1982, ha consolidato la propria attività
e la propria presenza sul mercato internazionale. Le soluzioni
applicative del software abbinate al settore industriale di
automazione, fanno nascere prodotti nuovi che ottimizzano le
procedure di lavoro. È così che è nato, dai laboratori di ricerca,
Congratulations for having purchased the AMBROGIO 3000
lawn mower. This choice will surely meet your needs and
expectations. This product is the result of research at the
9001) software house that, since 1982, has been
consolidating its role on the international market. Innovative
software solutions applied to the industrial automation sector
introduce new products that optimise working procedures.
AMBROGIO 3000 was developed on the basis of this research.
Tous nos compliments pour avoir acheté la tondeuse à gazon
AMBROGIO 3000. Vous avez choisi un produit qui répondra à
vos besoins et à vos attentes. Ce projet naît au ZUCCHETTI
CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. (Entreprise certifiée UNI EN ISO 9001)
software house qui, depuis 1982, a consolidé son activité et sa
présence sur le marché international. Les solutions
d’application du logiciel, jumelées au secteur industriel
d’automation, ont permis la naissance de nouveaux produits qui
optimisent les procédures de travail. C’est ainsi que, dans nos
laboratoires de recherche, est né AMBROGIO 3000.
Wir gratulieren zum Kauf des Rasenmähers AMBROGIO 3000.
Ihre Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen werden durch die Wahl
dieses Produkts mit Sicherheit erfüllt. Die Firma ZUCCHETTI
CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. (mit UNI EN ISO 9001 ausgezeichneter
Betrieb) Software House, die ihre Produktion seit 1982 festigt
und damit auf dem internationalen Markt vertreten ist, zeichnet
für dieses Produkt verantwortlich. Die angewandten
Softwarelösungen führen in Kombination mit der industriellen
Automatisierung zur Entstehung neuer Produkte für eine
Optimierung von Arbeitsprozessen. Auf diese Weise entstand
in den Forschungslabors AMBROGIO 3000.
Felicidades por haber adquirido la cortadora de césped
AMBROGIO 3000. Podrá satisfacer sus exigencias y
expectativas al haber elegido este producto. Este producto
certificada UNI EN ISO 9001) software house que, desde
1982, ha consolidado su propia actividad y su propia presencia
en el mercado internacional. Las soluciones de aplicación del
software combinadas con el sector industrial de
automatización, hacen nacer nuevos productos que optimizan
los procedimientos de trabajo. Es así que ha nacido, en los
laboratorios de investigación, Ambrogio 3000.
Manuale d’uso
Rasaerba Robot
User's manual
Lawn Mower Robot
Manuel d’utilisation
Tondeuse à gazon Robot
Manual de uso
Cortadora de césped Robot
Wij wensen u van harte geluk met de aanschaf van uw
AMBROGIO 3000. Wij zijn er zeker van dat deze machine
voldoet aan al uw verwachtingen en vereisten. AMBROGIO
3000 is een project van ZUCCHETTI (met UNI EN ISO 9001
certificaties), een softwarebedrijf dat sinds 1982 met haar
activiteiten een eigen plaats verwierf op de internationale
markt. De combinatie van de oplossingen die worden geboden
door softwaretoepassingen en de industriële automatisering
resulteert in nieuwe producten om de bedrijfsprocessen te
optimaliseren. Zo ontstond in onze onderzoekscentra
Ambrogio 3000.
Dichiarazione di conformità (98/37 CE allegato II punto A)
ZUCCHETTI Centro Sistemi S.p.A. Via dell’Olmo 99 A/B Terranuova (AR) ITALIA, dichiara che la macchina, identificabile dai dati riportati in calce, da utilizzare per rasare prati in
ambienti domestici e non, è conforme alle direttive: 98/37
CE - 78/23 CEE - 89/336 CEE. Per queste ultime sono compresi i successivi emendamenti.
Konformitätsbestätigung (98/37 CE Beilage II Punkt A)
Die Firma ZUCCHETTI Centro Sistemi S.p.A., Via dell’Olmo 99
A/B Terranuova (AR) ITALIEN, erklärt, daß die mit den unten angegebenen Daten gekennzeichnete Maschine, die dazu
bestimmt ist, zum Mähen von Rasenflächen in Wohn- und anderer Umgebung eingesetzt zu werden, folgenden Richtlinien
entspricht: 98/37 CE - 78/23 CEE - 89/336 CEE. Letztere
schließen nachfolgende Abänderungen mit ein.
Declaration of conformity (98/37 CE annex II paragraph A)
ZUCCHETTI Centro Sistemi S.p.A., Via dell’Olmo 99 A/B Terranuova (AR) ITALY, declares that the machine, identified
by the data included hereafter, to be used for lawn mowing in
household and other environments, complies with directives:
98/37 EC - 78/23 EEC - 89/336 EEC and amendments
Déclaration de conformité (98/37 CE annexe II paragraphe A)
ZUCCHETTI Centro Sistemi S.p.A. Via dell’Olmo 99 A/B Terranuova (AR) ITALIE, déclare que la machine, identifiable par
les données rapportées plus bas, servant à tondre les pelouses en milieu domestique et non, est conforme aux directives :
98/37 CE - 78/23 CEE - 89/336 CEE. Pour ces dernières,
sont inclus les amendements additionnels.
Declaración de conformidad (98/37 CE anexo II punto A)
ZUCCHETTI Centro Sistemi S.p.A. Via dell’Olmo 99 A/B Terranuova (AR) ITALIA, declara que la máquina, que se puede identificar por los datos al pie de la página, y que tiene como
uso cortar prados tanto en ambientes domésticos como no
domésticos, es conforme a las directivas: 98/37 CE - 78/23
CEE - 89/336 CEE. Para estas últimas están incluidas las enmiendas sucesivas.
Verklaring van overeenstemming (98/37 EG bijlage II punt A)
ZUCCHETTI Via dell'Olmo 99 A/B Terranuova (AR) ITALIA,
verklaart dat de machine waarvan de identificatiegegevens
hiernaast worden vermeld en die bedoeld is om gras te
maaien in huishoudelijke en andere omgevingen, voldoet aan
de richtlijnen: 98/37 EG - 78/23 EEG - 89/336 EEG. In de
laatste richtlijnen zijn ook de latere wijzigingen inbegrepen.
Adjustment, mower balance, 20
Area without perimeter cable and without garage,
work, 22
B Battery recharging with winter recharging kit, 30
C Checking the cutting disc, 28
Clamps and contact plates, 28
Cleaning and maintenance of the mower, 27
Control, cutting disc, 28
Cutting disc - replacement, 28
Cutting height - setting, 20
D Date and time, settings, 24
Description of keyboard controls, 18
Display, description, 19
E Emergency stop, 19
G Garage transformer, installation, 16
Garage, perimeter cable connections, 16
General machine description, 5
General safety, 7
General suggestions, 21
General warnings, 8
I Identification of manufacturer and appliance, 4
Installation of transformer and recharging base, 16
Installation procedure, 9
Programming procedure, 23
Purpose of the manual, 4
R Rain sensor adjustment, 21
Rain sensor, settings, 26
Rapid return to garage, settings, 15
Recharging base cleaning, 27
Remote control use, 27
Replacement, cutting disc, 28
Replacing the batteries, 29
Resumption for work after storage, 30
S Safety signals, 9
Secondary settings, 25
Separate closed areas, work, 22
Service procedure, 5
Set Date and Time, 24
Set Language, 24
Set Password, 26
Set Perimeter, 26
Set Rain Sensors, 26
Set working schedule, 24
Setting the rapid return to the recharging base, 15
Starting, 19
Stop, 19
Storage, restarting work after, 30
Work area without perimeter cable and automatic
return, 14
Work area without perimeter cable and manual
return, 15
Work area, preparation, 9
Work in areas without perimeter cable or
recharging base, 22
Work in separate closed areas, 22
Work in small areas without perimeter cable and
with the presence of an operator, 22
Working area settings, 9
Working area with perimeter cable, 11
Working hours, settings, 24
Working phase commands, 20
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User's manualAMBROGIO 3000
The constructor has produced this manual, which forms an integral part of the
appliance, to provide the necessary information for those authorised to interact
with it during its working life.
As well as adopting good practices for
use, the manual's intended readers
must read it thoroughly and apply its instructions to the letter. The constructor
supplies this information in its own language (Italian), but it may be translated
into other languages to meet legal and/
or commercial requirements. A little
time taken to read this information will allow the prevention of risks to health and
safety, and the risk of economic losses.
Keep this manual in a clearly identified
safe place throughout the working life of
the appliance, so that it will always be
available when required for consultation.
The constructor reserves the right to
make changes without any obligation to
provide any prior notice.
A number of symbols have been used to
highlight particularly important parts of
the text or important specifications.
Their meaning is as defined below.
Danger - Attention
Indicates critically dangerous situations that, if neglected, can result in serious personal safety and health
Warning - Caution
Indicates that suitable procedures
must be adopted to avoid putting people's health and safety at risk or causing economic losses.
Indicates particularly important technical information which must not be
The dataplate shown here is fitted directly to the appliance. It features references
and all essential information for
operating safety.
A) Manufacturer identification.
B) CE conformity label.
C) Serial model/number year of
D) Technical specifications.
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User's manualAMBROGIO 3000
Please refer to the Manufacturer’s service centres for any need.
For every technical service request regarding the machine, please indicate the
This machine is a robot that automatically mows the grass in your
It is small, compact, silent and
easy to transport.
It can freely move within an enclosed area, detecting the signal
transmitted by the perimeter cable located on the ground all
around the area to be mowed; it
can also work without a perimeter cable as long as the working
area is enclosed by a fence at
least 10 cm. high.
When work autonomy has expired (see technical specifications), the robot returns to the
base to automatically recharge
the batteries. When this operation is over, the machine restarts
It follows a "random" pattern, with
no fixed plan; periodically and randomly, the spiral function, particularly efficient on obstacle free
areas, is activated.
It covers an area of up to 3000 m
two or more robots can work simultaneously to cover a wider area.
According to the various operating requirements, the robot can
be produced in several models
whose differences are indicated
in the technical specifications.
It is equipped with a keyboard with
a user-friendly and easy-to-program display. It can operate day and night; only
working time start and finish including
work days for intended use need to be
data found on the identification plate, the
approximate hours of use and the type of
fault detected.
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If the lawn mower is lifted or overturned
the blade stops to prevent hazards to
people and/or pets.
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User's manualAMBROGIO 3000
It is fully water-resistant and can therefore operate in all weather conditions.
It is not water-proof therefore it must
not be submerged under water.
The grass in your garden will always be
at the desired height, to guarantee an
even lawn all year round.
Trasformer with cable: supplies
the recharging base.
Winter recharge Kit (optional): to
recharge or keep batteries
charged without using the garage.
Recharging base: where the lawn mower is placed
when it needs to be recharged.
Batteries: guarantee a specific working
range (see technical data).
Contact devices: provide connection
to the base for
Keyboard for programming
and set-up.
Handle: to lift and move the
lawn mower.
Remote control (DELUXE
model only): permits the
machine to be used in manual
Electronic card with microprocessor for
Supporting frame: supports all main
components of the lawn mower.
Cutting disc with 4 blade;
Pivoting front wheels
Driving wheels: they drive the lawn mower, powered by
electrical motors.
function control.
Rain sensor (DELUXE model only):
detects rain and returns the ma-
chine to the garage.
Nails pocket: to fix the perimeter
cable and the recharging base to
the ground.
Low voltage perimeter cable: to be fixed to the ground or
underground to delimit the working area.
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User's manualAMBROGIO 3000
Cutting discwith 4 blades
Cutting speed20 m/min
Cutting height2÷7 cm
Cutting width30 cm
Maximum coverage3000 m
Average coverage
Working range1÷1 hours and 30 min (approximate)
Size57 x 42 x 26 (mm)
Total weight (without batteries)9,5 Kg
Lead batteries (2)12 V/12 Ah
Recharging base24 V/3,5 A
Transformer110/220 V (double insulation)
Perimeter cable (*)ø min 1.5 mm /l = 150 meters
Remote control NOYES
(for each programmed hour)
125 m2
Rain sensorNOYES
Recharge for wither storageNOYES
– lithium battery
(*) If the chosen installation requires cables laid underground, a suitable cable must be used. Consult your dealer
or the manufacturer.
– recharge for winter garaging
Safety information, general indications
and notes to be considered when using
the machine are mentioned below. It is
understood that this does not exempt
the user from reading the entire manual.
– During design and construction, the
manufacturer has carefully considered the possible hazards and personal risks that may result from
interaction with the machine. In addition to observing the specific laws in
force, the manufacturer has adopted
all “exemplary construction technique
principles”. The purpose of this information is to advise the users to use
extreme caution to avoid risks. However, discretion is invaluable. Safety is
also in the hands of all the operators
who interact with the machine.
– Carefully read the instructions pub-
lished in the supplied manual and
found directly on the machine while
strictly observing those concerning
safety. Time dedicated to reading will
prevent unfortunate accidents; re-
- 7 -
User's manualAMBROGIO 3000
membering what one was supposed
to do when the damage is already
done is always too late.
– Pay attention to the meanings of the
symbols on the applied stickers; their
shape and colour are significant to
safety ends. Keep them legible and observe the indicated information.
– Never tamper, dodge, eliminate or by-
pass the safety devices installed on
the machine. Neglect to respect this
requirement may cause serious risk
to personal safety and health.
– Personnel who are to perform any
type of work on the machine during its
lifetime must possess specific technical skills, abilities and have acquired
certified experience in the specific
field. Neglect to observe these requirements may prove hazardous to
personal safety and health.
– When using the machine, make sure
there are no risks especially for children, pets and things.
– Perform lifting and handling observing
the information found directly on the
packaging, on the machine and in the
instructions furnished by the manufacturer.
– Only use the machine for the purpos-
es specified by the manufacturer. Use
of the machine for other purposes
may be hazardous to personal safety
and health and provoke economic
– All maintenance procedures that re-
quire precise technical competency
or specific skills must be exclusively
performed by qualified personnel with
acquired certified experience in the
specific field.
– Replace deteriorated parts with origi-
nals to ensure functionality and the
foreseen safety level.
– Do not litter the environment with pol-
lutant material; perform disposal according to the pertinent laws in force.
– Do not place hands or feet under the
machine when running especially in
the wheel area.
– The lawn mower may be used only by
those who know how to operate it after reading and understanding the instructions in this manual.
– Before using the lawn mower make
sure that no objects are on the lawn
(toys, tree branches, items of clothing, etc.).
– Keep the lawn mower in perfect oper-
ating conditions by performing the
maintenance procedures outlined by
the manufacturer. Good maintenance
guarantees better performance and
longer service life.
– Before maintenance and setting pro-
cedures are performed – also by the
user, if possessing the necessary
technical skills – disconnect the power supply. The user must in any case
operate in full safety conditions, especially when working on the lower part
of the lawn mower, following the procedures as illustrated by the manufacturer.
– All interventions on the recharging
base must be performed after disconnecting the power supply.
– Use personal protections as recom-
mended by the manufacturer, especially the protective gloves when
handling blades and cutting discs.
– Always remove the blade before re-
placing the batteries.
- 8 -
User's manualAMBROGIO 3000
Prohibiting signal: indicates
that the lawn mower should
not be used in the presence
of children and/or pets.
Safety signal: indicates that the user
should carefully read the manual before
operating the lawn mower.
The machine is delivered suitably
packaged. When unpacking, remove carefully and check component integrity.
All the necessary information for
handling is found on the packaging.
Keep the packaging for future
Danger signal: indicates
that the user should not approach to the blades while
the lawn mower is operating.
Installation procedures depend on the
working area to be covered, for this reason the chapter is divided into the following paragraphs:
1)working area settings (p. 9)
working area with perimeter cable
(p. 11)
- Work area without perimeter cable and automatic return (p. 14)
- Work area without perimeter cable and manual return (p. 15)
Working area settings
Prior to installation, all obstacles or irregularities that could obstruct lawn
mower movements need to be considered, and, if necessary, protected as indicated in the following paragraphs.
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2)transformer and recharging base in-
stallation (p. 16)
3)perimeter cable - recharging base
connection (p. 16)
Rigorously respect indicated procedures, since an incorrect installation
limits the quality of lawn mower operations.
Before describing installation procedures, some machine function characteristics that must always be taken into
consideration when setting the working
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User's manualAMBROGIO 3000
When the lawn mower intercepts
the perimeter cable signal or collides with the fence, it stops and
moves immediately backwards
changing direction.
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If the garden path is level with the
lawn and free of obstacles, it is
not necessary to delimit it.
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If the crossing lane forms a step
it must be bordered.
Do not delimit trees, fences or
other objects that can tolerate
the impact with the frame.
If obstacles that can support the
body's collision are surrounded
by flower beds or roots that can
obstruct the lawn mower function or damage it, they must be
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User's manualAMBROGIO 3000
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