Zte Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi User Manual

Copyright © 2015 by ZTE Corporation All rights reserved. No part of this public ation may be excerpted, reproduced, translated or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, incl uding photocopying and microfilm, without the prior written permission of ZTE Corporation. ZTE Corporation reser ves the r ight to make mod ifications on print errors or upda te s pec ifications in this guide without prior
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Lost or Stolen? ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Using Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi Safely ........................................................................................................................... 3
Appearance .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Inserting and Removin g the microSD Card .................................................................................................................. 6
Charging the Batt ery ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Restore Factory S et ting s ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Using your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi as an External charger................................................................................................. 8
Travel Charger and Car Charger Specification to Use ................................................................................................. 9
LED ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Working Mode .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Using Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi ..................................................................................................................................... 14
OS Support .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Using Mblaze Ultra On Windows OS ........................................................................................................................... 15
Installation ................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Uninstallation ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Activating Your Mblaze Ult r a Wi-Fi ............................................................................................................................ 17
Using Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi on MC OS ............................................................................................................................ 22
Installation ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Uninstallation ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
Activating Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi ............................................................................................................................ 26
Using Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi on Linux OS ........................................................................................................................ 31
Installation ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Uninstallation ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
Activating Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi ............................................................................................................................ 32
Notification ................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Check My Number ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
Check My Balance ....................................................................................................................................................... 41
Disconnecting f rom a Netwo rk.................................................................................................................................... 44
Setting up a Wi-Fi Conne c t.......................................................................................................................................... 45
Wi-Fi Disk ..................................................................................................................................................................... 47
File Formats Supported by Wi-Fi Disk....................................................................................................................... 47
Access the Wi-Fi DISK on Your Computer ................................................................................................................ 48
Upload File ............................................................................................................................................................... 49
Download File .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
New Folder .............................................................................................................................................................. 50
Search File ............................................................................................................................................................... 50
Rename File or Folder .............................................................................................................................................. 51
Delete File or Folder ................................................................................................................................................. 51
Check SD Card Capacity .......................................................................................................................................... 51
Format SD Card ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
Access the Wi-Fi DISK on Your IOS or Android Device ............................................................................................. 52
Upload File ............................................................................................................................................................... 56
Download File .......................................................................................................................................................... 56
New Folder .............................................................................................................................................................. 57
Search File ............................................................................................................................................................... 58
Delete File or Folder ................................................................................................................................................. 58
Check SD Capacity Status........................................................................................................................................ 59
Format SD Card ....................................................................................................................................................... 59
FAQ for Wi-Fi................................................................................................................................................................ 60
FCC Regulation s .......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Common Failures Table for Windows ......................................................................................................................... 65
Common Failures Table for Mac ................................................................................................................................. 66
Common Fa il ur e s Table for Linux ............................................................................................................................... 67
Thanks for choosing the M blaz e Ultra Wi-Fi. If you’d like your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi to live a long and fruitf ul life, please read this guide carefully and keep it for future
reference. You never know when you mi ght need it. And don’t worry if the pictures we use to demonstrate your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi’s functions look a little differ ent from what
you see on its screen. It’s the functions they show that matter.
Lost or Stolen?
If your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi goes missing, please tell your servi c e pr ov ider as soon as you know. That way other people can be barred from using it.
MBLAZE Ultra Wi-Fi User Manual
Using Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi Safely
Using a Mblaze Ultr a W i-Fi whil e driving is illegal in many countries. Please follow local laws and drive safely at all
Don’t use your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi near sensitive electronic equipment – particularly medical devices such as
pacemakers – as it could cause them to malfunction. It can also interfere with the operation of fire detectors and other automatic-control equipment.
For more information about how your Mblaze Ult ra W i-Fi affects pacemakers or other electronic equi pment, please
contact the manufacturer or your local distributor.
Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi may cause int erference when used near TVs, radios or automated office equipment. Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi can cause interference with aircraft equipment. So it’s essential you follow airline regulations.
And if airline personnel ask you to switc h off your Mblaze Ultr a Wi-Fi, or disable its wireless f unctions, please do as they say.
Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi may interfere with the normal operation of m edic al equipment. Follow all hospital regulations
and turn it off when you’re asked to by posted warnings or m edic al staff.
Don’t use your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi at petrol stations. In fact, it’s always best to switch off whenev er you’re near fuels,
chemicals or expl osives.
Keep your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi away from water (or any other liquid). It’s not a waterproof model. Never take your Mbl az e Ul tr a W i-Fi apart. Please l eave that to the professionals. Unauthorized repair s could break
the terms of your warranty.
Only use the original accessories supplied with your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi or those approved by the manufacturer . Us ing
unapproved accessorie s may affect performance, make the warranty void, break national regulations on the use of Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi, or even cause injury.
Turn off your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi in or near areas where explosive materials are used. Always obey local laws and turn
off your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi when requested.
The working t emperature for the Mblaze Ultra W i-Fi is between 0 and 40. Please don’t use the Mblaze Ultra
Wi-Fi outside the range. Using the Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi under too high or too low temperature might cause problems.
MBLAZE Ultra Wi-Fi User Manual
Reset Key
Reset key
USB Interface
Card Slot
Inserting and Removing the microSD Card
1. Open the microSD card cover and insert a memory card.
2. Push tightly until the card is installed in the correct position and close the cover.
3. Before you take out the card, please open the cover and press the card inward to unlock.
1.MicroSD Card is not included in sales package, it is separately sold. 2.Removing or inserting a memory card when your router is turned on will damage it and dest roy any data
saved on the MicroSD card.
MBLAZE Ultra Wi-Fi User Manual
Charging the Battery
The rechargeable Li-ion battery that comes with your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi is ready to use, but is not fully charged. The first three times you use the bat tery, make sure it is compl etely drained before recharging. And then recharge it fully.
That will help to ensure its optimal performance and a longer battery lifetime. To c har ge the Router battery, please follow these steps:
1. Connect the charger to your Router, and plug it into an 110V/220V electric socket.
2. During charging, the
LED display.
3. Disconnect the charger from your Router, and unplug.
Restore Factory Settings
As the Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi is working, long press Reset key to restore factory settings.
Using your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi as an External charger
Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi can also be used to charge devices like mobile phones, MP3/MP4 player, Bluetooth earpiece, etc. For external device charging, connect one end of the charging cable t o the router’s charging int erfac e, and another end to the USB port of external device’s data cable.
Reset Key
MBLAZE Ultra Wi-Fi User Manual
Travel Charger and Car Charger Specification to Use
Technical Parameters Travel charger Car charger
Input 100-240V50/60Hz 250mA DC 1224V
Output 5.0V 1000mA DC 5.0V 1000mA
Maximum Output Current 1200mA 1400mA
Production Compliance CE FCC/ULCEC-Tick
Don’t store the charger in an area of dampness or high temperature. Don’t use the charger under high-temperature, high-hum idity or lightning environment.
If you want to use Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi with Travel charger or Car charge, please note that is should be as above specification.
LED lights indicator you can check on page Appearance description
LED status
Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi is powered on, and the Wi-Fi function is available.
Blue LED light blinks,turn on for 1s, turn off for 2s
Wi-F i terminal accessed Blue LED lights on long time
3GPlus/1X Network LED
Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi is powered on
3GPlus Red LED and Green LED li ght up t ogether
for an instant. Network not registered Red LED light blinks, turn on for 1s, turn off for 1s. NO service Red LED light blinks, turn on for 1s, turn off for 1s.
Registered to 1X but not c onnec ted
Red LED light blinks, turn on for 0.5s, turn off for
Registered to 3GPl us but not connected
Green LED light b links, turn on for 0.5s, turn off for
0.5s. Connected with 3GPlus network Green LED lights on long time Connected with 1X network Red LED lights on long time
Conneted with 3GPlus/1X but in idle mode
Red LED light blinks, turn on for 0.5s, turn off for
MBLAZE Ultra Wi-Fi User Manual
Working Mode
Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi supports three working modes. For the client, we only use PC or laptop as the example in this document.
USB Mode: Connect Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi to your computer with the USB cable, it will function as modem.
Wi-Fi Mode: Connect Mblaz e Ultra Wi-Fi to your laptops via Wi-Fi, it will function as Mobile hotspot.
Mixed Mo de : Connect Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi to your computer and laptops with t he above two connection methods.
If you want t o c onnec t to the Internet by us ing Wi-Fi mode, make sure that the client supports the W i-Fi function.
The following picture is the application exam ple. All of the client devices can surf on the Internet at t he same time.
MBLAZE Ultra Wi-Fi User Manual
Using Your Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi
The procedure for installing the management program depends on your computer’s operating system.
OS Support
WinXP SP3(32/64), VISTA(32/64), Win7(32/64), Win8(32/64), win8.132/64
MAC OS 10.6/10.7/10. 8/10.9 with latest updates
Linux 32bit ( Ubuntu 10.04/10.10/11.04/11.10/12.04/12.10/13.04/13.10)
(Fedora 9/10/12/ 13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20) (openSUSE 11.1/11.2/11.3/12.1/12.2/12.3/13.1)
Linux 64bit (Ubuntu 12.04/12.10/13.04/14.04)
(Fedora 16/17/18/19/20) (OpenSUSE 12.1/12.2/12.3)
MBLAZE Ultra Wi-Fi User Manual
Using Mblaze Ultra On Windows OS
1. Please connect the Mblaze Ultra Wi-Fi w ith PC through USB interface.
2. The installation driver will automatically run or you can run the setup file manually from My
Mblaze_Home Windows AutoRun.exe.
3. Click OK button to continue the installation, wait for a moment.
4. Then the installation windows will come on the bottom of the screen automatically.
5. Click OK button to finish the installation.
If your CD-ROM autorun function is pr ohibited by the firewall, the auto installation interface w ill not appear. In this case, go to My computer
Mblaze_Home Windows AutoRun.exe to run the
installation application
and wait f or the Mblaze_Home w ebGUI to appear.
1. Select Start Programs Mblaze_Home Uninstall Mblaze _Home.
2. The uninstallation driver will automa tic ally run.
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