z-Q6 manual © 2000, Z-Systems Audio Engineering
The z-Q6 Six-Channel
Mastering Equalizer
Controlling Filter Parameters................................................................................................................................3
Selecting Active Channel Group...........................................................................................................................4
Controlling Master Level and Channel Offsets....................................................................................................4
Bypassing Filter Bands...........................................................................................................................................5
Bypassing the Entire EQ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Adjusting Wordwidth and Sample Rate...............................................................................................................6
Saving and Loading Presets................................................................................................................................... 7
MIDI Automation.................................................................................................................................................. 8
Specifications........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 1 - z-Q6 front panel controls.....................................................................................................................2
Figure 2 - EQ control mode .................................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 3 - channel selection mode........................................................................................................................4
Figure 4 - volume control mode...........................................................................................................................4
Figure 5 - band bypass mode................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 6 - master bypass mode..............................................................................................................................5
Figure 7 - wordwidth/sample rate mode.............................................................................................................. 6
Figure 8 - preset mode...........................................................................................................................................7
Figure 9 - confirmation of preset save.................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 10 - indication that preset has not been saved..........................................................................................8
Figure 11 – MIDI control screen........................................................................................................................... 8

z-Q6 manual
(J) channel label
left/right front
(K) active band indicator
1K00 1K00
+00.0 +00.0
(D) channel select button
(E) master bypass button
(F) dither, sample rate select button
(I) band select/bypass buttons
(A) L knob
(C) R knob
(B) M knob
(G) presets screen select button
(H) EQ/volume select button
Figure 1 - z-Q6 front panel controls
Using the z-Q6 is very simple once you understand its display and control methodology. This
section gives a very brief overview of the z-Q6's controls and display, with more detailed
information to be found in the sections that follow. The standard methodology employed by the
z-Q6 is to use a button to choose an active channel group, filter band, or parameter, and then
utilize the knobs to control the desired parameter. Once you become acclimated to this style of
user interaction, all of the z-Q6's operations will appear highly intuitive and simple.
To begin, the z-Q6 partitions the channels into four groups:
• LRF – left and right front channels
• LRS – left and right surround channels
• CEN – the center channel
• SUB – the subwoofer channel
Referring to Figure 1, the channel select button (D) is used to choose which of these channel
groups is the active one. By active, we mean that the display is showing the filter parameters for
that channel and that the knobs (A, B and C) control these parameters.
The z-Q6's primary mode is the EQ control mode, where you will likely spend the most time. As
such, the z-Q6's controls have been optimized for easy operation in this mode. In EQ mode, the
band select buttons (I) choose which filter band the knobs control, as well as acting as band
bypass buttons. The master bypass button (E) allows you to bypass the entire z-Q6 without
having to patch around it.
There are other modes of operation, as well. These include volume control mode, preset selection
mode, and wordwidth/sample rate selection mode. The mode selection buttons (F, G and H)
invoke these other modes and bring up menus for controlling the associated parameters. When in
these auxiliary modes the band select buttons (I) become "soft keys" with functions indicated by
menus, and the knobs control the relevant parameters.

z-Q6 manual
Controlling Filter Parameters
left/right front
+00.0 +00.0
Press the EQ/Volume select button to toggle between EQ and volume control modes The display
will appear as in Figure 2. Notice that the active channel group is indicated on the top row (we
will discuss how to change active channel groups in the next section). There are six filters for each
channel group: four bell filters and two shelving filters. Each filter, or "band" of EQ is shown as a
vertical column with the gain parameter first, the center frequency below it, and the Q last. The
shelving filters do not display a Q; instead, there is an indication of "lo" or "hi" for the low- and
high-shelving filters, respectively.
To control a band of EQ, press the band select button below the band of interest. As shown in
Figure 2, an asterisk will appear in the bottom row of that band's display to show that that
particular band is the active band. To change the parameters for the active EQ band, use the left
knob for the gain, the middle knob for the center frequency, and the right knob for Q.
It is important to note that when the gain parameter of any filter is set to +00.0 dB, that filter is
actually bypassed. That is, no math is being performed for that band by the DSP. Therefore, you
need not worry about returning the other filter parameters to a neutral state to remove that band
of EQ. This holds true for both the bell filters and the shelving filters.
1K00 3K15
Figure 2 - EQ control mode
The z-Q6 uses a very special collection of digital filtering algorithms. These algorithms are unique
to our products and are the reason for the z-Q6's very special sound. The digital filtering
algorithms are the same minimum-round-off noise algorithms as those found in our z-Q1 twochannel equalizer, and we use the same floating-point implementation in the z-Q6 as in the z-Q1.
Our algorithms and implementations result in unrivaled measured and sonic performance.