2 Ports USB 2.0 CardBus
Quick Installation Guide
PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteenntt
One 2 Ports USB 2.0 CardBus
One Quick Installation Guide
One Installation CD
One USB cable (USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 cable)
DDrriivveerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista
1. The operating system will automatically detects the hardware and installs driver files when
a USB adapter is plugged into your notebook computer’s PCMCIA CardBus slot. After the
computer finished installing all necessary files, you will see a message “Your New
Hardware is now installed and ready to use.” on the system tray.
2. If your notebook computer does not detect and/or install the driver files automatically,
please follow Windows 98SE/ME section Step 2. This will install all necessary files
from the Installation CD for you.
Windows 98SE/ME
1. Plug-in the USB adapter into your notebook computer’s PCMCIA CardBus slot before driver installation.
2. Insert the Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive and double-click the setup program, SETUP.exe. The following screen will appear on your screen. Click “Next”.
3. Select “Install USB Driver” and click “Next”. All necessary files will install to your computer automatically.
4. Select “Yes, I want to restart my computer now.” And click “Finish”. This will finish the driver installation and restart your system. Note: You must restart your computer after the installation is finished; otherwise, the hardware will not work properly.
12-086-00737 Rev:01