4+1 Ports USB 2.0 PCI Host Controller
Quick Installation Guide
PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteenntt
One 4+1 Ports USB 2.0 PCI Host Controller
One Quick Installation Guide
One Installation CD
HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
1. Turn-OFF the computer and unplug the power cord from the back of the computer
2. Open the cover to gain access to the motherboard of the computer
3. Insert the combo card to an available PCI slot
4. Press the combo card gently
5. Make sure all gold-fingers are fully seated and contacted into the PCI slot
6. Secure the combo card PCI bracket with a screw to the chassis
7. Close the cover of the chassis
8. Plug in the power cord and turn-ON the computer
9. Follow the Software Installation procedures on the next step
SSooffttwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
After turn-ON the computer, the hardware will be detected automatically. The operating
system will install all necessary driver files for the hardware. After approximately 1 minute, a
message will appear at the lower right-hand corner “Your new hardware is now installed and can
be used.” The hardware and software installation is completed.
Windows 98SE/ME
1. Plug-in the combo card into your computer’s PCI slot before driver installation.
2. Insert the Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive and double-click the setup program,
SETUP.exe. The following screen will appear on your screen. Click “Next”.
3. Select “Install USB Driver” and click “Next”. All necessary files will install to your computer
4. Select “Yes, I want to restart my computer now.” And click “Finish”. This will finish the driver
installation and restart your system. Note: You must restart your computer after the
installation is finished; otherwise, the hardware will not work properly.
NOTE: To uninstall the USB driver from the system, access the installation CD again and execute
the “SETUP.exe” file. Click UNINSTALL, the wizard will remove all driver files from your
computer automatically.
12-086-00733 Rev:01