Set up a Static IP for your Xbox 360.
Step 1:
Turn on your Xbox 360. You should now be at the following page. Then push the
A button.
Step 2:
Select the System tab on the right hand side of the screen. Then push the A
Step 3:
Select the Network Settings button. Then push the A button.
Step 4:
Select the Edit Settings on this page. Then push the A button.
Step 5:
Select the IP Settings area. Then push the A button.
Step 6:
Select the Manual option, and then push the A button
Step 7:
Select the IP Address option, and then push the A button.
Step 8:
Enter the IP address you want to use for your Xbox 360 into this page. It's
important to choose an IP address that not in your router's DHCP range. Once
you are done entering the IP address press the A button.