Gigabit Desktop PCI Express Card
Quick Installation Guide
• 1 Gigabit Desktop PCI Express Card
• 1 Quick Installation Guide
• 1 CD with Driver
HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
To insert the PCI adapter into your PC, follow the steps bellow:
1. Turn off the computer and remove its cover.
2. Insert the adapter into a PCI slot.
3. Lock this adapter to the rear of the computer and put back the computer cover.
4. Connect the adapter to network using twisted-pair cable.
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1. After turn-ON the computer, the hardware will be detected automatically. The operating system will install all necessary driver files for the hardware. After approximately 1 minute, a message will appear at the lower right-hand corner “Your new hardware is now installed and can be used.” The hardware and software installation is completed.
2. If your computer does not detect and/or install the driver files automatically, please insert the Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive and select the path to install the driver you need. This will install all necessary files from the Installation CD for you.