10/100Mbps Cardbus Adapter
Quick Installation Guide
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Windows 98/98SE/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista
1 10/100Mbps Cardbus Adapter
1 Quick Installation Guide
1 CD with Driver
SSooffttwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
The operating system will automatically detects the hardware and installs driver files when an adapter is plugged into your notebook computer’s PCMCIA CardBus slot. After the computer finished installing all necessary files, you will see a message “Your New Hardware is now installed and ready to use.” on the system tray.
Windows 98
1. Insert the Cardbus into the slot. The system will display the “ New Hardware Found” window, with “PCI Ethernet Controller” as the device name.
2. Insert the installation CD into CD-ROM drive and specify the path of the driver in the diskette to copy the driver files to your system.
3. When the driver installation is completed, reboot your computer.
12-086-00713 Rev:01