HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn::
All hardware must be powered OFF during hardware installation.
1. Connect DVI cables to KVM3402 and Source Input Devices
2. Connect Output Device to KVM3402 console port
3. Power ON all hardware
4. Do not switch between devices during power up process
5. Hardware installation is now completed and your KVM3402 is ready to operate.
PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteennttss::
One KVM3402
One Installation Guide
Two sets of DVI w/Audio cable
AApppplliiccaattiioonn DDiiaaggrraamm::
CCoonnssoollee PPoorrttss::
Monitor: Female DVI-I port
Speaker: 3.5mm audio port next to the speaker symbol
Microphone: 3.5mm audio port next to the microphone symbol
Mouse: Female PS/2 port next to the mouse symbol
Keyboard: Female PS/2 port next to the keyboard symbol