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Thank you for choosing GWY Product. To help you to understand and use this AH6T Transmitter, We hope
you reading this manual carefully before operate.
To learn more information, please visit our official
This is a sophisticated hobby product and NOT a toy. It must be operated with caution and common sense
and requires some basic mechanical ability. Failure to operate this Product in a safe and responsible
manner could result in injury or damage to the product or other property. This product is not intended for use
by children without direct adult supervision. Do not attempt disassembly, use with incompatible components
or augment product in any way without the approval of GWY. This manual contains instructions for safety,
operation and maintenance. It is essential to read and follow all the instructions and warnings in the manual,
prior to assembly, setup or use, in order to operate correctly and avoid damage or serious injury.
Warning Label Legend
Do not attempt under any circumstances.
Mishandling due to failure to follow these instructions may result in danger or injury.
Mishandling due to failure to follow these instructions may result in danger.
Safety Precautions and Warning
RC helicopter is controlled by radio signals. It may be interfered by other radio signals during operation.
These interference may cause the helicopter lose control.
1. An RC Model is not a toy! Improper operation or misuse may lead to serious damage or loss. It is
prohibited for children under 14 years to operate this product.
2. Keep it away from high temperature environment and corrosive chemicals for storage and flight.
(the operation temperature: from -1 O.C to 50.C)
3. If you are not an experienced pilot or have not flown this type of model before, we recommend that
you get assistance of an experienced pilot for your first flights. Please avoid flying with other RC models
with same frequency.
4. Please choose a open flight area and use the training gear set for your first fight in order to minimize
your loss due to control mistakes.
1. To avoid the loss of the property of others, please keep away from high tension power lines, high
buildings or any other obstacles while flying.
2. Keep away from crowds in case of accidents.
3. Do NOT operate in rain, thunder, storms, lighting, strong wind or any other bad weathers to ensure
your and the helicopter’s safety.
4. Please avoid using in a bathroom or a rainy day to prevent moisture or water vapor from entering the
helicopter inside which may lead mechanical or electronic components malfunction and cause
unexpected accidents!
5. Do Not re-equip, upgrade or repair your helicopter with the accessories outside the DTS parts catalog
in order to ensure the safety of the model structure.
6. Keep people and objects away from the spinning unit and parts in case of damage or injury.
Pre-flight check
1. Please make sure the helicopter frequency will not interfered with others before every flight.
2. You should confirm the batteries of your transmitter and helicopter are fully charged before every flight
and your first flight.
3. Both the throttle stick (left-hand stick) and throttle trim MUST be in their lowest position before every
flight. Each time before your flight, you must ALWAYS turn on the transmitter power first before
connecting the flight battery to the receiver. After your flight, you should disconnect the flight battery from
the receiver before turn off the transmitter.
4. Please make sure that every servos function properly with correct directions after powering on.
5. Make sure every connection of pushrods is proper and the helicopter battery placed in fixed position.
Table of Contents
Included Items
Transmitter Identification
Key Input and Display Functions
Digital Trims
Inactivity Warning
Battery Alarm and Display
Programmable Alarm
AH6R/AH6RS Receiver
Receiver Installation
Hold Last Command
Preset Failsafe
System Setup
To Access The System Setup List
Model select
Model Type (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
Model Name (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
Wing Type (Airplane)
Switch Select (Airplane)
Swash Type (Airplane)
Switch Select (Helicopter,Multicopter)
Trims Step (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
Model Reset (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
Model Copy (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
Warnings (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
Power Setting (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
Trainer (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
Failsafes (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
System Settings (Helicopter,Airplane,Multicopter)
Please check the parts and accessories in the package. In the event of defective or missing parts, please
contact the retailer for help.
1. AH6T 2.4G 6-Channel Transmitter
2. Hex key
3. Neckstrap
Transmitter Identification
Signal Light
Swtich E
Swtich H
Swtich G
Swtich F
Mode 1 Throttle / Aileron Stick
Mode 2 Elevator / Aileron Stick
Mode 3 Throttle / Rudde Stick
Mode 4 Elevator / Rudde Stick
Mode 1/Mode 3 Throttle Trim
Mode 2/Mode 4 Elevator Trim
Mode 1/Mode 2Aileron Trim
Mode 3/Mode 4Rudder Trim
Power Swtich
Rolling Selector
Right Rubber Panels
Display Screen
Left Rubber Panels
Back Button
Clear Button
Mode 1/Mode 2
Mode 3/Mode 4
Mode 1/Mode 3Elevator Trim
Mode 2/Mode 4Throttle Trim
Rudder Trim
Aileron Trim
Mode 1 Elevator / Rudder Stick
Mode 2 Throttle / Rudder Stick
Mode 3 Elevator / Aileron Stick
Mode 4 Throttle / Aileron Stick
Swtich C
Swtich B
Swtich A
Swtich D
Bind Button / Switch I
Key Input and Display Funcitons
The AH6T utilizes a roller that can be rotated or pressed
and two buttons, Back and Clear that are used to access
and program all functions.
Battery Alarm and Display
When the transmitter voltage drops below 4.3 volts,
"Warning Low Battery" will flash and an alarm sound. If you
are flying when this occurs, land immediately.
Rotate the ROLLER to adjust values or to select options
Press the ROLLER to access screens or functions.
Press the BACK button to return to the previous screen
Press the CLEAR button to return the highlighted value to
its default setting
Digital Trims
The AH6T 2.4G features advanced digital trims. The Main
screen displays the graphic position for the trims. The
Throttle Aileron, Elevator and Rudder trim levers, and
when activated the right and left trimmers, feature an
audible center trim beep and a pause. You can adjust the
amount of travel per each trim in the Trim Step Function,
located in System Setup Mode.
Note: When The transmitter is turned off, the trims and left and
right trimmer values are stored in memory and recalled when the
system is turned back on.
Programmable Alarms
The AH6 features programmable alarms that warn of a
potential unsafe switch or stick position when the
transmitter is turned on. In Acro mode programmable
alarms include high throttle, gear and mid and land flap
positions while in helicopter mode warnings include high
throttle, Stunt 1, Stunt 2, and Hold. If any of these switches
or throttle stick position is in an unsafe position when the
transmitter is turned on, an alarm will sound, the screen will
display the offending switch position and the transmitter will
not transmit a signal. Moving the switch or stick to the
desired position will clear the warning and normal operation
will resume.
AH6R/AH6RS Receiver
Inactive Warning
The AH6T features an inactivity warning that warns if the
transmitter is left on preventing draining the batteries. If the
transmitter is left on and no input is given to the sticks of
switches for 10 minutes, an alarm will sound and warning
screen appear. Moving any stick or switch will clear the
alarm. Normal RF modulation continues throughout the
alarm maintaining the RF link.
Data Error Warning
If the transmitter shutdown unexpected, flash data will be
damage, reboot the transmitter will display the warning as
below and it will automatically repair.
AH6R Receiver
(JR Connect Port)
NOTICE: Please choose the corresponding receiver
according to different cable
Voltage Range : DC4.8-6V
Current : <=150mA
Modulation : GFSK
Wireless Operation Mode : FHSS
Frequency Channel : 2406MHz -- 2476MHz
Band Resolution : 1Mhz
Baud Rate : 250Khz
Frame Rate : 11ms
CE, FCC Cert.
AH6SR Receiver
(JST 1.5mm Connect Port)
Receiver Installation
In gas and glow aircraft install the main receiver by
wrapping it in protective foam and fastening it in place
using rubber bands or hook and loop strap.
In electric airplanes or helicopters, you can use thick
double-sided foam tape to fasten the main receiver in
Mount the remote in a slightly different location from the
primary receiver. This gives tremendous improvements in
path diversity. Essentially, each receiver sees a different
RF environment and this is key to maintaining a solid RF
link. This is especially the case in aircraft with substantial
conductive materials (e.g., larger gas engines, carbon
fiber, pipes etc), which can weaken the signal.
Receiver antenna as far as possible away from power
lines. Ideally perpendicular to each antenna.
Power System Requirements
Onboard power systems must provide adequate power,
without interruption, to the receiver even when the system
is fully loaded (servos at maximum flight loads).
Inadequate power systems are a primary cause of in-flight
failures. Some components that affect the ability to
properly deliver adequate power include: the selected
receiver battery pack (number of cells, capacity, cell type,
state of charge), switch harness, battery leads and, if
used, the regulator and power bus. The AH6R/AH6RS
minimum operational voltage is 3.5-volts. Test the system
per the following guidelines to a minimum voltage of
4.8-volts during ground testing. This will compensate for
battery discharging or actual flight loads that are greater
than ground test loads.
SmartSafe Failsafe is always active in both hold last
command failsafe and in preset failsafe. SmartSafe is a
safety feature on the throttle channel only that offers the
following benefits:
-SmartSafe sets the throttle to the position it was in during
the binding process.
How To Program
SmartSafe is automatically set when hold last command
failsafe or Preset failsafe is programmed or the system is
bound. Note: It’s important to have the throttle stick in the
low position to store low throttle during binding.
To Test
Confirm the failsafe setting is correct by turning off the
transmitter. The throttle should go to the preset low throttle
CAUTION: Make sure the aircraft is restrained on the
ground. If failsafe is not set, your aircraft might advance to
mid or full throttle.
You must bind the receiver to the transmitter before the
receiver will operate. Binding teaches the receiver the
specific code of the transmitter, so it will only connect to
that transmitter.
1. To bind an AH6R/AH6RS to a AH6T transmitter, insert
the bind plug in the BATT/BIND port on the receiver.
2. Power the receiver. The LED on the receiver will be
flashing, indicating the receiver is ready to be bound to the
3. Move the sticks and switches on the transmitter to the
desired failsafe positions (low throttle and neutral control
Press and hold the Blind button(Switch I) while powering
on transmitter.
5. The system will connect within a few seconds. Once
connected, the LED on the receiver will go solid indicating
6. Remove the bind plug from the BATT/BND port on the
receiver. Power off the transmitter and store the bind plug
in a convenient place.
7. After setting up your model, rebind the system so the
true low throttle and neutral control surface positions are set.
When you bind your transmitter, you are programming the
receiver with failsafe defaults. If connection is lost between
the transmitter and receiver, the receiver immediately
operates in those preprogrammed default positions. Those
positions are failsafes. The AH6R AH6RS has three
failsafes: SmartSafe Failsafe, Hold Last Command
Failsafe, and Preset Failsafe.
Hold Last Command
If you lose connection, all channels except for throttle
channel hold last given command and the aircraft continues
on its path. So, if you were turning when connection was
lost, your aircraft would continue turning.
How To Program
1. Leave the bind plug in the bind port through the entire
binding process.
2. Remove bind plug only after receiver connects to
To Test
Confirm the failsafe settings are correct by turning off the
transmitter. All channels except for the throttle should hold
the last command.
CAUTION: Make sure the aircraft is restrained on the
ground. If failsafe is not set, your aircraft might advance to
mid or full throttle.
Preset Failsafe
If the signal is lost, all channels are driven to their failsafe
position set during binding.
Preset Failsafe is ideal for sailplanes, as spoliers can be
deployed during loss of signal, preventing a flyaway.
How To Program
1. Insert the bind plug and power on the receiver.
2. When the receiver LEDs blink indicating bind mode,
remove bind plug before binding the transmitter to the
3. LED lights will continue to blink.
4. Move transmitter’s control sticks and switches to the
desired Preset Failsafe positions then turn it on in bind
5. The system should connect in less than 15 seconds.
NOTICE: Failsafe features vary according to receiver, so
if using a receiver other than the AH6R AH6RS, consult
your receiver’s instructions for the failsafes that apply.
Before flight, ALWAYS confirm your binding is good and
failsafe is set. To do this, make sure the system is
connected, turn your transmitter off. Confirm that
low-throttle is active.
CAUTION: Make sure the aircraft is restrained on the
ground. If failsafe is not set, your aircraft might advance
to mid or full throttle.
System Setup
The AH6T organizes the programming screens in two
separate categories: System Setup Mode and Functions
Mode. The System Setup Mode contains programming
that is generally used when initially setting up a model,
and seldom used at the field. System Setup functions
includes Model Type, Model Name, Wing Type,
(Swashplate Type for Helis) Model Reset, etc. Note: No
radio transmission occurs when a System Setup screen
is displayed to prevent accidental servo operation. This
protects linkages/servo gears from damage when making
programming changes. System Setup in Airplane,
Helicopter and Multicopter Model type includes the
following screens.
Airplane Model
Model Select
Model Type
Model Name
Wing Type
Switch Select
Trim Setup
Model Reset
Model Copy
Power Settings
Fail Safe
System Settings
Multicopter Model
Model Select
Model Type
Model Name
Swash Type
Switch Select
Trim Setup
Helicopter Model
Model Select
Model Type
Model Name
Swash Type
Switch Select
Trim Setup
Model Reset
Model Copy
Power Settings
Fail Safe
System Settings
Model Reset
Model Copy
Power Settings
Fail Safe
System Settings
To Access the System Setup List
Press Power Switch to turn on the transmitter and enter
the main screen.
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Model Select
The Model Select function is used to change to a different
model memory, typically when switching from the current
model. You can store up to 20 models in the AH6T’s
model memory. You can access the model select function
through the System Setup mode or through Direct Model
Access. Direct Model Access allows you to access the
model select function at any time the main screen or a
telemetry screen is displayed.
The following screen appears. Rotate the roller to
highlight the desired model then press to select. The
model name will display on the main screen.
Model Type
Model Type programs the selected model memory to
function in Helicopter, Airplane or Multicopter
programming. You should program Model Type first when
setting up a new model. Note: You can assign each model
memory its own model type.
To Access the Model Type Function
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Rotate the roller to highlight Model Type then press to
access the function (Helicopter, Airplane or Multicopter).
The following screen appears:
The following screen appears. Rotate the roller to highlight
YES then press the roller to accept the model type.
Selecting NO will return you to the previous screen.
Rotate the roller to highlight the desired character
then press to accept.
Repeat the process until complete. The name will
display on the main screen. Pressing Clear will
erase the current character.
Wing Type
Use the Wing Type function to program the wing and tail
mix to match your airplane. Eight wing types (Normal,
elevon, dual aileron, 1 aileron and 1 flap, flaperon, 1
aileron and 2 flaps, 2 ailerons and 1 flap, 2 ailerons and 2
flaps) and five tail types (normal, V-Tail, dual elevator, dual
rudder, dual rudder/ elevator) are available. You must
select the correct wing and tail type to match your airplane
before doing any other wing or tail related programming
(e.g., Flaps, Travel Adjust, Sub-Trim, etc.).
To Access the Wing Type Function
Rotate the roller to highlight Wing Type then press to
access the function.
The following screen appears:
Note: When you change model types (Heli to Acro or Acro
to Heli) all current programming in the selected model
memory will reset to the factory default settings. All
previous settings will be lost.
Model Name
The Model Name function allows you to name a model
using up to 10 characters. This makes identifying and
selecting models much easier. Naming a model is
normally done during initial setup. You can modify or
change names at any time without affecting other
programming. Note that upper case, lower case, numbers
and symbols are available.
Rotate the roller to highlight Model Name then press to
access the function.
The following screen appears:
Rotate the roller to highlight Wing and press to access the
function. Rotate the roller to the desired wing mix. Press
the roller to select.
To access the Tail Type
Rotate the roller to highlight Tail then press.
Rotate the roller to access the desired tail type. Press the
roller to select.
Switch Select
The Switch Select function allows the switches, knob and
right and left trimmers to be assigned to the gear, Aux1,
Aux2 or Aux3 channels or inhibit.
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Rotate the roller to highlight the desired switch, knob or
trimmer then press the roller to access.
Rotate the roller to select the desired channel or function
you wish the switch, knob or trimmer to operate. Press the
roller to accept. Note that the channel or function can only
be assigned once.
Repeat to select all desired switch positions.
Switch Select
The Switch Select function allows the switch, knob, right
and left trimmers, hold, throttle curve.
To Program the Switch Select Functions
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Rotate the roller to highlight the desired switch, knob or
trimmer then press.
Swashplate Type
Use the Swash Type screen to program the swashplate
mix to match your helicopter swashplate type. Six
swashplate types are available: Normal, 3-servo 120
CCPM, 3-servo 140 CCPM, 3-servo 90 CCPM, 3-servo
135 CCPM, and 2-servo 180 CCPM. Select the correct
swashplate type to match the specific helicopter before
doing any other cyclic programming e.g., Pitch Curve,
Travel Adjust, Sub-Trim, etc.). If in doubt consult your
helicopter’s manual for correct swashplate mixing.
To Access the Swash Type Function
Rotate the roller to highlight Swash Type then press the
roller to access the function. The following screen
Highlight the current swashplate type then rotate the roller
to select the desired swashplate mix. When the desired
Swashplate mix is displayed press the roller to select. In
Systems Settings highlight User Name then press the
roller to select that function. Select the desired mode then
press to accept.
Select the channel or function you wish to assign. See
chart for options. Press the roller to accept. Note that a
channel or function can only be assigned once.
Repeat to select all desired switch positions.
Trim Step
The Trim Step function allows servo movement
adjustment per click of trim. For example you usually want
a large trim step (8 to 10) for a new model. Each click of
trim will have a large amount of trim travel so you can
quickly adjust an out-of-trim model in flight. Later you can
use a finer trim step (1-5) to adjust for precise flight. The
Trim Step function allows the trims to be common or
independent in each active flight mode. Many helicopter
pilots use independent trims because they are
automatically active when a flight mode is activated.
Important: The trim step function has no effect on the
overall trim travel, only the total number of clicks
available. If you select a 0 value in trim step, the trim is
turned off.
To Access the Trim Step Function
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Highlight the desired Trim value then press the roller to
access. Rotate the roller to change to the desired trim
value. Press to accept. Repeat to adjust all trim steps.
Model Reset
Model Reset is typically used to clear the programming for
a model you will no longer be flying. Model Reset resets
the programming for the selected model to factory defaults.
No other model memories will be affected. When a model’s
memory is reset all programming for that model is
permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
To Access the Model Reset Function
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Note: You will need to re-bind after moving models
preserving a copy of the original setup. Note: If you want to
use the model copy function to try two slightly different
setups with the same model you will need to rebind the
receiver each time you switch between model memories.
new model that is similar. Many pilots find this to be a good
way to provide more accurate baseline programming for the
new model. For example Vibe 50 w/120CCPM mixing, gyro
and governor programming provides a good base
programming for any other nitro powered 120CCPM mixing
helicopter. An Extra 300 with dual aileron and elevator
servos that is properly programmed with dual flap and
dual elevator mixing in Wing Type provides good
foundational programming for another aerobatic airplane
with the same basic control system.
Important: The model memory you are copying to will be
over-written by the copied programming, permanently
deleting any programming that may already exist.
To Access the Model Copy Function
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Rotate the roller to highlight Model Reset then press to
access the function.The following screen appears:
Verify that the model displayed on this screen is the model
you wish to reset. Rotate the roller to highlight Reset and
then press to access the Confirm Reset screen.
Highlight YES If you’re sure you want to reset this model to
factory default settings, press the roller. The screen will
return to the main screen.
Model Copy
The Model Copy function copies the currently selected
model’s programming of another model memory. Thirty
model memories are available. Some of the more common
uses of the Model Copy function include:
they can be organized by category, type, etc. Note: You will
need to re-bind after moving models.
Rotate the roller to highlight Model Copy then press.
The following screen appears:
Verify that the current model displayed on this screen is the
model you wish to copy. If not then see the previous Model
Select to access the desired model. Rotate the roller to
select the model memory (1 - 20) that the model will be
copied to. Select an unused model memory to copy to.
When the desired model memory is displayed, press the
roller to access the Confirm Copy screen.
If you want to Copy this model to the selected model
memory, press the roller to copy. The screen returns to the
main screen when the copy is complete. The original model
memory you just copied will still be selected.
The Warnings function programs an alarm to sound if
specific switches or stick positions are in an unsafe
position when the transmitter is first turned on. In
helicopter model type default warnings include Throttle,
Stunt 1, Stunt 2 and Hold. In airplane model type these
warnings include Throttle Low, Flaps, Gear, Flight Mode
1 and Flight Mode 2. If you turn the transmitter on and
any of these switches or the throttle is not at the low
position, the alarm will sound; the screen will display the
warning and no transmission will occur until the stick or
switch is in the correct position.
To Access the Warnings Screen
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Rotate the roller to highlight Warning then press.
The following screen appears:
Enter Power Setting to setup the mode and region
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Highlight the desired warning (Throttle, Stunt 1, Stunt 2
or Hold or Throttle, Flaps, Gear, Flight Mode 1 and Flight
Mode 2 for airplane model) then press the roller to
select. Now rotate the roller to inhibit or activate the
selected warning.
To verify the warning is functioning turn the transmitter
off, move the selected switch or throttle in the offending
position then turn the transmitter on. The alarm will
sound; the screen will display the specific warning and
no modulation will occur.
Power Setting
The Power Setting function is used to setting the
transmitter mode and region.
To Access the Power Setting Function
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Rotate the roller to highlight Trainer then press. The
following screen appears:
Inhibit: In Inhibit you can use the transmitter as a slave
only. However, the slave transmitter must have the same
programming as the master (e.g., servo reversing, travel
adjust, sub-trim, trims).
Line / Wireless Master: When Line / Wireless Master is
selected the slave transmitter has control of the stick
function only (aileron, elevator rudder and throttle) while
the master maintains control of all other channels and
functions including D/R and switch positions. This is ideal
for complex models as the master maintains control of all
secondary functions and controls all other channels.
Slave: Use Slave mode when flying with the AH6T as a
slave when the master radio has activated its
Link/Wireless Master. In this case, there is no need to
match programming between the slave and master
Rotate the roller to switch the channel then press. The
following screen appears:
System Settings
When using Wireless Master, Rotate the roller to Bind
then press. The following screen appears:
Slave turn on the transmitter and bind it simultaneously.
Enter Slave mode :
Use the System Setting screen to establish the overall
transmitter setting that will apply to ALL model memories.
To Access the System Settings Function
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Highlight System Settings then press. The following
screen appears:
Then the following screen appears:
To Adjust Contrast
In the Systems Settings screen rotate the roller to
highlight User Contrast then press.
Fail safe
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter.
When System Setup appears on the screen, release the
roller. The AH6T is now in System Setup Mode.
Rotate the roller to the channel you need to setup then
Rotate the roller to the digital you need to setup then
press and set the parameter.
Rotate the roller to adjust the contrast (from 1 to 20)
noting it on screen. Press to accept.
To Select a Mode
Rotate the roller to select the mode then press
Rotate the roller to select the mode (from 1 to 4)
Press to accept.
To Access the Sound Setting
In the Systems Settings screen rotate the roller to
highlight Sound Setting then press to adjust the speaker
Servo Reverse
To Access the Inactive Warning Time Setting
Rotate the roller to access the inactive warning time
setting then press and set the parameter.
Function Mode
The AH6T organizes the programming screens in two
separate categories: System Setup Mode and Functions
Mode. Function Mode programming adjusts a model’s
flight characteristics at the field.
Airplane Model
Servo. Reverse
Servo. Travel
Servo. Speed&trim
D/R and Expo
Throttle Cut
Throttle Curve
Flap System
Rotate the roller to highlight Servo.Reverse then press.
The following screen appears:
Rotate the roller to the channel you need to setup then
If it is Throttle Channel, the following screen appears:
Press "Yes", to change the direction of servo / channel.
Multicopter Model
Servo. Reverse
Servo. Travel
Servo. Speed&trim
D/R and Expo
Throttle Cut
Throttle Curve
Program Aux
To Access the Function List
With the transmitter on and the main or telemetry screen
displayed, press the roller. The Function list displays.
To Access the Servo.Travel
Rotate the roller to highlight Servo.Travel then press. The
following screen appears:
Then the following screen appears:
Rotate the roller to the channel you need to setup then
after that rotate the roller to adjust the parameter.
Rotate the roller to the channel you need to setup then
press after that rotate the roller to adjust the parameter.
D/R & Exponential
Dual Rates and exponentials are available on the aileron,
elevator and rudder channels. You can assign them to
numerous switches including the flight mode switch.
Dual Rate
Affects the overall travel which in turn affects control
response sensitivity equally throughout the range of that
channel. Reducing the dual rate reduces the maximum
control rate as well as overall sensitivity.
Affects the sensitivity around center but has no affect on
the overall travel. Positive Exponential reduces control
sensitivity around neutral for more precise control but
does not affect the maximum control response.
Note: Positive and negative exponential values are
available. A positive expo value reduces control sensitivity
around center. It does not affect maximum travel and is
recommended. Negative exponential values increase
sensitivity around neutral and is seldom used.
Servo Speed & Trim
To Access the Servo.Speed&Trim
Rotate the roller to highlight Servo.Speed&Trim then
press. The following screen appears:
Then the following screen appears:
To Access the D/R and Expo Function
Rotate the roller to highlight D/R and Expo then press to
To Select a Channel
Highlight the channel then press the roller to access.
Rotate the roller to select the aileron, elevator or rudder
channel. Press to accept.
To Select Switch
Rotate the roller to highlight Sw (switch) then press to
access the switch options. Select the desired switch to
change the dual rate for that channel or inhibit then press
the roller to make it active.
Note: You can assign multiple channels to a single switch
to affect the dual and exponential rates of all.
To Select Switch Position to Adjust
Note Pos: Pos 0 in the center of the screen. Move the
switch displayed at the bottom of the screen to one of
three positions from 0,1,2. When you make D/R or Expo
adjustments, values are assigned and automatically active
when the switch is in that position (Pos 0, 1or 2).
Note: The Differential function is only available if Dual Aileron,
Flaperon, 2 ailerons 1 flap, 2 ailerons 2 flaps or Elevon is selected
in Wing Type an d each aileron servo is controlled by its own
To Access the Differential Screen
Rotate the roller to highlight Differential then press. The
following screen appears:
Differential defaults to Inhibit. Press the roller to highlight
Inhibit then select one of the following switch positions:
To Select D/R and Expo Values
Confirm that the desired channel and switch position are
selected. Rotate the roller to highlight the D/R or Expo
value then press to access. When the corresponding
channel’s control stick is centered both values are
highlighted. If you move the control stick to its endpoint,
only one value will be highlighted.
This allows the D/R or Expo value in that direction only to
change. With the desired value selected, rotate the roller
to select.
The Differential function provides precise adjustments of
up/down aileron travel of each aileron (or elevon if Delta
wing is activated). Typically, you can use Aileron
differential to reduce unwanted yaw characteristics. In
aerobatic airplanes adjusting differential provides an axial
roll (minimum displacement of yaw during a roll). You can
program up to three Differential values and assign them to
a switch. Note that positive + and negative – differential is
available; however, normally more up aileron travel is
required than down aileron.
Highlight the desired differential position/value and press
the roller to access.
Rotate the roller to change the value then press the roller.
Repeat for all switch positions desired.
Positive differential values provide more up than down
aileron travel. Negative differential values provide more
down than up travel. The differential values screen also
allows you to select/change switch positions. Use the roller
to highlight SW then rotate to change to the desired switch
position or inhibit the function.
Throttle CutThrottle Curve
The Throttle Cut function allows you to shut off an engine
with the Trainer switch, Gear switch or the Right or Left
trimmer. When you activate the programmed switch, the
throttle channel is driven to it’s preprogrammed value
normally off. This effectively kills the engine. Release the
programmed throttle cut switch/trimmer, and normal
throttle operation resumes.
To Activate Throttle Cut and
Assign it to a Switch or Trimmer
Rotate the roller to highlight Throttle Cut then press to
access the Throttle Cut screen.
The Throttle Curve function allows throttle output vs. input
positions to be adjusted. This is typically used to alter the
throttle response to give a linear rate or to adjust the
throttle response sensitivity when hovering or torque
rolling. You can program a single curve (switch to On) or
up to three curves and select them via a programmed
switch. The screen displays a graphic 5-point throttle curve
on its left side to aid in selecting throttle curve values. An
Expo function is available that smoothes out the Throttle
To Program the Throttle Curve Function
With the transmitter on and the main or telemetry screen
displayed, press the roller. The Function list displays
Rotate the roller to highlight Throttle Curve then press the
roller to access the Throttle Curve screen.
Highlight Inhibit then press the roller to access the switch
Rotate the roller to the desired switch to cut the throttle
(Trainer, Gear, Mix , L trim or R trim) then press the roller
to program that switch.
Program a Throttle Cut position. Note that 0%= low
throttle, mid trim and negative values are available. To test
the Throttle Cut function, activate the programmed switch.
Note the throttle servo position or the position of the
throttle channel in the servo monitor. The system should
drive the servo position to the low throttle position when
you activate Throttle Cut.
With the switch listed at the bottom of the screen in the
position desired for this curve, rotate the roller to highlight
one of the five available throttle curve values (Low, 25%,
50%,75, High). Press the roller to access.
To Activate the Expo Function
Rotate the roller to highlight EXPO then press the roller to
access the Throttle Curve Expo function. Select Inh or Act to
inhibit or activate the Expo function then press to accept.
Throttle Curve
The AH6T features a 5-point throttle curve. You can assign
up to four separate throttle curves. A graph displays at the
left side of the screen to aid in adjusting throttle curves. An
Expo function is also available that smoothes out the curve.
To Program Throttle Curves
With the transmitter on and the main or telemetry screen
displayed, press the roller. The Function list displays.
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