Installation Instructions for Zipper’s
Screamin' Eagle® Air Cleaner Upgrade Kit Part # 117-296
List of Materials
(1) Air Filter Element
(3) Air Filter Mounting Stanchions w/studs
(1) Air Cleaner Cover Washer
This kit is designed to be used on Twin Cam® engines equipped with HD #
29440-99A/B/C/D Screamin' Eagle® air cleaner and the standard Twin Cam®
“football” cover, which makes 360º contact between the cover back and the rubber
gasket on the filter. Do not install decorative cover inserts (due to increased
weight) or use 2006-up CVO Touring model covers that do not make 360º contact
between the cover back and the rubber gasket.
1. Remove existing air cleaner cover and element (retain the 3 element mounting screws).
Use adhesive (silicone works fine) to attach rubber trim gasket to cover edge.
2. Remove the (3) Screamin' Eagle® element studs from the backplate.
3. Locate the (3) support stanchion studs included with this kit. Apply thread locking agent
such as blue Loctite® onto (3) stanchion studs. Install (3) stanchions through backplate into
carb or throttle body and tighten to 85-90 inch pounds in a sequence. Due to the thickness of
the backplate gasket, perform several rounds of the tightening as the gasket will crush
and relax the torque on the stanchions. 3-4 tightening rounds
should be performed to ensure proper torque.
4. Install air filter onto backplate, line up holes to stanchions.
Apply locking agent such as blue Loctite® to (3) filter 1/4-20
buttonhead screws and tighten.
5. Re-install the air cleaner cover bolt through the cover. Dab a
small amount of silicone seal to one side of the supplied thick
washer. From inside the cover, place the supplied washer over the bolt,
silicone side towards air filter element. Apply Loctite® on the threads of
the bolt and install the cover assembly onto the air filter element.
This product is legal in California only for racing vehicles which may never be used upon a highway.
Thank You for Purchasing a Zippers Performance Product!
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Place washer
inside cover