Here’s to healthier water
Introducing a better way
to have freshly fi ltered water
always “on tap” at home.
Zip Chilltap
for chilled fi ltered water
Zip Filter Tap
for unchilled fi ltered water

Zip Chilltap
for chilled fi ltered water
Zip Filter Tap
for unchilled fi ltered water

More convenient
• Eliminates the need to lift and carry
heavy water bottles.
• Gives you back the fridge space
wasted on bottled water.
Better tasting
• Enjoy crystal-clear great-tasting
water always on tap.
• The Zip “Five Star” fi lter removes
over 95% of bitter chlorine.
Far healthier
• Removes contaminants as tiny as
one thousandth of a millimetre.
• Designed to remove more than
99.9% of the parasites
cryptosporidium and giardia.
A better way to have
freshly fi ltered water always
“on tap” at home.
Far thriftier
gn i l l i hc r o f t soc no i t pmusnoc r ewoP •
chilling unit = less than $10
15 glasses for 1 cent.
• Standby^ power over 12 months for
*Approximate cost estimates are based on common current power
charges. Zip “Five Star” 28005 water filtration cartridge has a rated
capacity of 7570 litres. That capacity is equivalent to fi ltering about 20
litres daily for about one year. It is recommended that fi lter cartridges
be replaced at least once each 12 months. Annual cost of fi lter
replacement on that basis amounts to less than four cents per litre.
^Standby power is considered to be when unit is not despensing or
filling, but running idle.