Page 6 of 24 802254 - HT BC, BCHA, AIO, User Guide - June 2015 - V2.00
All-In-One Tap:
The top of the All-In-One tap is operated the same as a Classic HydroTap.
The two levers are used for
dispensing boiling and chilled
water. The safety button operating
in the same way as on the
The Mixer tap lever is operated
as a classic ‘Flick Mixer’. The hot
side is marked with a red mark
and the cold side with a blue
mark, for dispensing cold to warm
Lifting the handle up will decrease
the flow rate and lowering the
handle will increase the flow rate.
Lift the handle all the way up to
turn the tap off.
When the handle is moved
towards the blue mark, the temperature is decreased and when moved
towards the red mark, the temperature is increased. The final temperature
will be dependant on the temperature of the incoming cold water.
For convenience, the spout may be swivelled, left or right through 120°.
Light intensity varies from site to site, therefore it is recommended that a
re-calibration be performed at the time of the installation.
All direct natural sun light must be shaded from the HydroTap, during the
calibration. This can be achieved by closing any nearby curtains, blinds, etc.
or by shading the tap with a dark cloth.
Safety Sensor Calibration (lever models)
Pull both levers forward
3. Tap functions
With the unit in Normal operating mode
and with the safety enabled
Turn the power OFF
Pull both tap levers to the forward
Turn ON the power
The unit will calibrate the safety switch
Return the levers to the neutral
To check the calibration, dispense Boiling water, in normal light
conditions with the safety enabled.