SSiirreenn AAuuddiioo && LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoo
Refer to below table for LED and siren beep for status indication.
AAllaarrmm AAccttiivvaattiioonn
When an alarm is activated, the Siren will activate its buzzer according to different alarm type:
Burglar and Emergency alarm: Continuous alarm.
Fire alarm: 2-second alarm with1-second interval.
AAllaarrmm LLeennggtthh SSeettttiinngg
When the Siren receives an alarm signal via ZigBee network, it will activate siren and LED light on
according to the alarm length set by the system control panel.
If the Siren receives an alarm signal, but the alarm length duration is not defined by the system
control panel, the Siren will activate alarm according to Dip Switch setting below:
SW1 SW2 Siren Duration
OFF OFF 3 minutes (Default)
ON OFF 3 minutes
OFF ON 5 minutes
ON ON 10 minutes
BBaatttteerryy aanndd LLooww BBaatttteerryy DDeetteeccttiioonn
The Siren uses four 1.5V alkaline D-cell batteries as its power source. With the battery, use the
battery switch to power on/off the Siren manually.
The Siren features Low Battery Detection function. When the battery voltage is low, the Siren will
transmit Low Battery signal to the coordinator in ZigBee network.
When changing battery, after removing the old battery, press the Tamper Switch twice to fully
discharge before inserting new battery
TTaammppeerr PPrrootteeccttiioonn
The Siren is protected by a tamper switch which is compressed against the mounting surface when
mounted. Whenever the Siren is removed from mounted location, or its cover opened, the tamper
switch will be activated and the Siren will send a tamper ope n signal to remind the user of the
condition and activate an alarm immediately. The alarm length of tamper alarm is determined by the
Dip Switch setting above. The Siren Tamper can be disabled when bypassed using Control Panel
Edit Device function to avoid alarming when opening the cover during mounting process. The Siren
Tamper can be manually restored by disabling the bypass function on the Control Panel or it will
automatically restore if bypass is not cleared after 1 hour.
The Siren will transmit a supervision signal to report its condition regularl y according to user setting.
The factory default interval is 30 minutes. The user can al so press the Function Button once to
transmit a supervision signal manually.
SSiirreenn AAuuddiioo
LLEEDD iinnddiiccaattiioonn
Lost connection to current network None LED flashes every 20 minutes
Joining ZigBee Network None LED flashes twice
Arm 1 long beep None
Home 1 long beep None
Disarm 2 short beeps None
Arm (Tamper Fault) 5 long beeps None
Home (Tamper Fault) 5 long beeps None
Disarm (Tamper Fault) 5 short beeps None
Arm (Low Battery) 3 long beeps None
Home (Low Battery) 3 long beeps None
Disarm (Low Battery) 3 short beeps None