Ziehm 8000 C-Arm User Manual

Ziehm 8000
Operating Instructions
Ziehm 8000 P_26376/CD_28210 - EN - 01/07/2010
Copyright © 2010 Ziehm Imaging GmbH All rights reserved. Transmission or reproduction of this document, exploitation and disclosure of its contents to third persons is not permitted without express written consent of the manufacturer. Infringements shall entitle to damage claims.
Registered Trademarks
This document may contain the names of registered trademarks or brands, the use of which by third persons for their purposes may infringe the rights of their respective owners.
Quality Standards
This document was produced in accordance with a certified QM system as per DIN EN ISO 13485. It conforms to the requirements of Council Directive 93/42 EEC, Annex I, and other applicable norms. The information provided in this document may be updated at regular intervals. Subject to change without prior notice.
Manufactured by:
Ziehm Imaging GmbH Donaustr. 31 90451 Nuremberg (Germany) e-mail: info@ziehm-eu.com http://www.ziehm.com
Rev. 06/2010
2 Ziehm 8000
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to the mains power supply. The above listed medical device is a non-contact device. It does not require any contact with the patient to perform its intended use. It provides contactless energy in the form of X-rays.
Ziehm Imaging GmbH authorizes only trained and skilled personnel to operate this medical device. The system is intended for use by health care professionals such as physicians, orthopedic surgeons, surgeons, radiologists and technologists in hospitals, outpatient clinics and other clinical environments. Ziehm Imaging GmbH anticipates the system will be used on a nearly daily basis. Ziehm Imaging GmbH applications specialists and/or qualified site personnel provide on-site operator training in the proper use of the system.
traumatology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, urology, cardiology. Third-party devices and components used in combination with this system must comply with the safety requirements according to IEC 60601-1 and/or IEC 60601-1-1 or furnish proof of an equivalent degree of safety.
To ensure CE conformity, these components must have a CE approval in accordance with Council Directive 93/42/EEC. In addition, a declaration in compliance with Article 12 of the said directive must be provided.
For components without CE approval, a conformity assessment procedure is obligatory.
Proper and safe operation of the system requires adequate transportation, storage, assembly and installation as well as appropriate use and maintenance.
The limit values indicated in the present document must not be exceeded; this applies also when putting the system into service.
The system is not suitable for interventional procedures acc. to IEC 60601-2-43.
described in this document. Authorized personnel are persons who have attended an appropriate training course provided by the manufacturer.
The exposure of humans to ionizing radiation must always be medically justified. Especially when used on pregnant women, adolescents, children, and pediatric patients, all procedures using ionizing radiation should be used with caution or be avoided altogether. However, the final decision lies with the attending physician or attending surgeon.
system only if
any installation, modification or repair work is carried out exclusively by persons authorized by the manufacturer;
the electrical installation of the site where the system is operated complies with the requirements of VDE 0107 or the corresponding national regulations of the country of installation;
only original spare parts or components that comply with Ziehm Imaging’s specifications are used;
the system is used in accordance with the Operating Instructions.
The warranty becomes invalid in case that any repair, modification or installation work is carried out by unauthorized personnel, or any seals on components are broken. No consequential damages will be accepted either.
The equipment conforms to Class IIb according to Council Directive 93/42/EEC. This document has been written and reviewed originally in German and translated.
PrefaceWith the Ziehm 8000, Ziehm Imaging GmbH provides an active medical device connected
Normal useThe medical equipment is intended for fluoroscopies in the field of surgery, e.g. in
OperationThe system may only be operated by personnel who has undergone radiological training.
Operation (USA)In the USA, Federal law restricts use of this device to trained personnel on the order of a
Authorized personnelOnly authorized personnel are allowed to assemble and repair the medical equipment
Contraindications to the use of X-rays
Exclusion of liabilityThe manufacturer accepts responsibility for the safety, reliability and performance of the
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Contents I
1 General Information 1-1
1.1 Typographical conventions............................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Conventions for safety instructions .................................................................. 1-3
2 System Overview 2-1
2.1 Fields of application and features..................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Fields of application .......................................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 Features............................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Model range ..................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.1 Ziehm 8000 ....................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Ziehm Compact................................................................................. 2-3
2.2.3 Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithotripter procedures ................... 2-3
2.3 Options ............................................................................................................. 2-4
2.4 Optional accessories ........................................................................................ 2-5
2.5 System components......................................................................................... 2-6
2.5.1 C-arm stand ...................................................................................... 2-6
2.5.2 Monitor cart ....................................................................................... 2-7 Integrated Wireless LAN on the monitor cart..................... 2-8
2.5.3 Ziehm Compact................................................................................. 2-8
2.5.4 Monitors ............................................................................................ 2-10
2.5.5 Video output...................................................................................... 2-11
3 Safety Instructions 3-1
3.1 General safety instructions............................................................................... 3-1
3.2 X-rays ............................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Electromagnetic compatibility........................................................................... 3-4
3.4 Protective grounding ........................................................................................ 3-4
3.5 Equipotential grounding.................................................................................... 3-4
3.6 Laser radiation.................................................................................................. 3-5
3.7 Printers ............................................................................................................. 3-6
3.8 Mechanics ........................................................................................................ 3-7
3.9 System failure................................................................................................... 3-7
4 Mechanical Handling 4-1
4.1 Transport position............................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 C-arm stand transport position.......................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Monitor cart transport position........................................................... 4-2
4.2 Braking and steering the monitor cart .............................................................. 4-3
4.3 Braking and steering the C-arm stand.............................................................. 4-4
4.4 C-arm movements............................................................................................ 4-6
4.4.1 Orbital rotation .................................................................................. 4-7
4.4.2 Angulation ......................................................................................... 4-8
4.4.3 Swiveling (panning)........................................................................... 4-9
4.4.4 Horizontal movement ........................................................................ 4-10
4.4.5 Vertical movement ............................................................................ 4-11
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IZiehm 8000
5Controls 5-1
5.1 C-arm stand control panel ................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Monitor cart control panel ................................................................................. 5-6
5.3 How to use menus............................................................................................ 5-9
5.4 Hand switch and foot switch ............................................................................. 5-10
6 Switching the System On and Off 6-1
6.1 Preparing the system........................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Switching the System On and Off..................................................................... 6-2
6.2.1 Switching on ...................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.2 Switching off ...................................................................................... 6-3
6.3 EMERGENCY STOP button............................................................................. 6-4
6.4 Key switch ........................................................................................................ 6-5
7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations 7-1
7.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Fluoroscopy modes .......................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.1 Continuous fluoroscopy..................................................................... 7-3
7.2.2 Continuous pulse fluoroscopy ........................................................... 7-3
7.2.3 Single pulse fluoroscopy (‘snapshot’)................................................ 7-4
7.3 Manual exposure rate setting ........................................................................... 7-5
7.4 Fluoroscopy programs...................................................................................... 7-6
7.4.1 ½ DOSE function key ........................................................................ 7-6
7.4.2 Anatomical programs ........................................................................ 7-6
7.4.3 METAL correction key ....................................................................... 7-7
7.5 Generating a fluoroscopic image...................................................................... 7-8
7.5.1 Starting fluoroscopy .......................................................................... 7-8
7.5.2 Screen display................................................................................... 7-9
7.6 Dose area product ............................................................................................ 7-9
7.7 Air kerma .......................................................................................................... 7-10
7.8 Save ................................................................................................................. 7-10
7.9 Printing ............................................................................................................. 7-12
7.10 Warning signals and malfunctions.................................................................... 7-13
7.10.1 Permanent warning during radiation ................................................. 7-13
7.10.2 Interval warning during radiation ....................................................... 7-13
7.10.3 Temperature monitoring .................................................................... 7-14
7.10.4 Error and alert messages .................................................................. 7-14
8 Adjusting Live Images 8-1
8.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Collimation........................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2.1 Iris collimator ..................................................................................... 8-1
8.2.2 Slot collimator.................................................................................... 8-2
8.2.3 Slot collimator rotation....................................................................... 8-2
8.2.4 Virtual collimator (n/a for Ziehm Compact/Ziehm Compact
with adapter for lithotripter procedures)............................................. 8-2
8.3 Electronic image magnification......................................................................... 8-3
8.4 Contrast and brightness adjustment (Windowing)............................................ 8-4
8.4.1 Control from the C-arm stand............................................................ 8-4 Standard windowing........................................................... 8-5 Step windowing.................................................................. 8-5
8.4.2 Control from the monitor cart............................................................. 8-6
8.5 Image reversal and image rotation................................................................... 8-8
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8.5.1 Horizontal and vertical image reversal .............................................. 8-8
8.5.2 Image rotation ................................................................................... 8-8
8.6 Recursive filter.................................................................................................. 8-9
8.7 Image swapping ............................................................................................... 8-10
8.7.1 Ziehm 8000 ....................................................................................... 8-10
8.7.2 Ziehm Compact, Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithotripter
procedures ........................................................................................ 8-10
9 Data Management 9-1
9.1 Organization of patient and image data ........................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Patient folders ................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 „NO NAME“ folder............................................................................. 9-2
9.2 Patient data management ................................................................................ 9-2
9.2.1 Creating a new patient folder on the Ziehm 8000 ............................. 9-2
9.2.2 Editing patient data ........................................................................... 9-5
9.3 Managing image data....................................................................................... 9-7
9.3.1 Activating a patient folder.................................................................. 9-9
9.3.2 Backup to CD.................................................................................... 9-10
9.3.3 Searching for patient folders ............................................................. 9-12
9.3.4 Deleting patient folders ..................................................................... 9-13
9.3.5 Inverting the grayscale of the entire image archive........................... 9-14
9.3.6 Processing and outputting images of a patient folder ....................... 9-15 Saving images ................................................................... 9-19 Printing images on video printer ........................................ 9-21
9.3.7 Comparing saved images ................................................................. 9-22
10 DICOM Functions 10-1
10.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Retrieving patient data from a DICOM server .................................................. 10-1
10.2.1 Query ................................................................................................ 10-1
10.2.2 Retrieving a Worklist ......................................................................... 10-2
10.3 Processing scheduled procedure steps of a Worklist (MPPS) ......................... 10-4
10.4 Importing images from a DICOM server........................................................... 10-6
10.5 Importing DICOM images from a storage medium (DICOM Dir)...................... 10-10
10.6 Saving and printing images .............................................................................. 10-14
10.6.1 Saving images .................................................................................. 10-14
10.6.2 Saving images to a second storage server ....................................... 10-15
10.6.3 Printing images ................................................................................. 10-18
10.7 Storage Commitment ....................................................................................... 10-21
11 Post-Processing Images 11-1
11.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Activating the post-processing functions .......................................................... 11-1
11.3 Edge enhancement .......................................................................................... 11-2
11.4 Image rotation .................................................................................................. 11-3
11.5 Zooming ........................................................................................................... 11-3
11.6 Grayscale inversion.......................................................................................... 11-4
11.7 Contrast and brightness adjustment (Windowing)............................................ 11-4
11.8 Measurements.................................................................................................. 11-6
11.8.1 Calibration ......................................................................................... 11-7
11.8.2 Length or distance measurement...................................................... 11-9
11.8.3 3-point measurement ........................................................................ 11-11
11.8.4 4-point measurement ........................................................................ 11-13
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IIIZiehm 8000
12 Displayed Texts and Text Functions 12-1
12.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 12-1
12.2 Automatically-displayed text information .......................................................... 12-2
12.2.1 Upper left corner of the live screen ................................................... 12-2
12.2.2 Upper right corner of the live screen ................................................. 12-2
12.2.3 Lower left corner of the live screen ................................................... 12-2
12.2.4 Lower right corner of the live screen ................................................. 12-3
12.3 Manual text annotation and editing................................................................... 12-3
13 Image Documentation 13-1
13.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 13-1
13.2 Printing on video printer.................................................................................... 13-1
14 Laser Positioning Device 14-1
14.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 14-1
14.2 Applications ...................................................................................................... 14-2
15 Direct Radiography 15-1
15.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 15-1
15.2 Fitting the film cassette holder.......................................................................... 15-1
15.3 Activating the direct radiography mode ............................................................ 15-2
15.4 Film size ........................................................................................................... 15-2
15.5 Selecting the radiography parameters.............................................................. 15-2
15.6 Making the radiographic exposure ................................................................... 15-3
15.7 Completing the radiographic procedure ........................................................... 15-3
15.8 Exposure guide................................................................................................. 15-4
16 System Configuration 16-1
16.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 16-1
16.2 User settings..................................................................................................... 16-2
16.2.1 Activating automatic image swapping ............................................... 16-2
16.2.2 Displaying a crosshair ....................................................................... 16-3
16.2.3 Function of the F key......................................................................... 16-3
16.2.4 Storage medium for image retrieval .................................................. 16-4
16.2.5 Selecting the storage medium for data retrieval with DICOM Dir...... 16-4
16.2.6 Defining the storage format for removable storage media ................ 16-4
16.3 Basic settings ................................................................................................... 16-5
16.3.1 Setting the system time and system date.......................................... 16-5
16.3.2 Selecting the live screen ................................................................... 16-5
16.3.3 Entering the hospital data ................................................................. 16-6
16.3.4 Clearing storage media ..................................................................... 16-6
16.4 Monitor settings for 18" flat-screen monitors .................................................... 16-7
16.4.1 Flat-screen monitors of type 1........................................................... 16-8
16.4.2 Flat-screen monitors of type 2........................................................... 16-13
16.5 Monitor settings for 24" flat-screen monitors .................................................... 16-17
16.5.1 Overview ........................................................................................... 16-17
16.5.2 Setting the brightness, contrast and backlight................................... 16-18
16.5.3 Setting the menu language ............................................................... 16-20
16.5.4 Restoring the factory settings............................................................ 16-21
16.6 Service settings ................................................................................................ 16-22
16.6.1 Step windowing ................................................................................. 16-23
16.6.2 Filter factors ...................................................................................... 16-24 Filters for anatomical programs ......................................... 16-25
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16.6.3 DICOM settings................................................................................. 16-27
16.6.4 System settings................................................................................. 16-27
16.6.5 Monitor calibration............................................................................. 16-28
16.6.6 HEDIS data ....................................................................................... 16-28
16.6.7 Software update ................................................................................ 16-28
Appendix A A-1
A.1 Regular checks................................................................................................. A-1
A.1.1 Routine checks to be performed by the user .................................... A-1
A.1.2 Consistency test according to national regulations ........................... A-2
A.1.3 Checking the useful beam ................................................................ A-2
A.1.4 Gettering the image intensifier tube .................................................. A-3
A.2 Cleaning, disinfection, sterilization ................................................................... A-4
A.2.1 Cleaning............................................................................................ A-4
A.2.2 Disinfection ....................................................................................... A-4
A.2.3 Sterilization ....................................................................................... A-5
A.3 Malfunctions ..................................................................................................... A-6
A.3.1 Types of malfunctions ....................................................................... A-6
A.3.1.1 Alerts during power-up....................................................... A-6
A.3.1.2 Errors during power-up ...................................................... A-6
A.3.1.3 Alerts during operation....................................................... A-6
A.3.1.4 Errors during operation ...................................................... A-7
A.3.2 List of errors, alerts and messages ................................................... A-8
A.3.3 Mains fuse......................................................................................... A-13
A.4 Labels on the unit ............................................................................................. A-14
A.5 Labels (USA) .................................................................................................... A-23
A.6 Focal spot position ........................................................................................... A-33
A.7 Heat capacity.................................................................................................... A-35
A.8 Scattered radiation in the significant zone of occupancy ................................. A-36
A.9 Dimensions....................................................................................................... A-37
A.9.1 Ziehm 8000 ....................................................................................... A-37
A.9.2 Ziehm Compact................................................................................. A-39
A.9.3 Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithotripter procedures ................... A-39
A.10 Technical data .................................................................................................. A-40
A.10.1 General technical data ...................................................................... A-40
A.10.1.1 Systems with a voltage rating of 100 V, 120 V, 200 V....... A-42
A.10.1.2 Systems with a voltage rating of 220 V, 230 V, 240 V....... A-45
A.10.2 Laser positioning device ................................................................... A-47
A.10.3 Dose meter ....................................................................................... A-47
A.10.3.1 VacuDAP C........................................................................ A-47
A.10.3.2 VacuDAP duo .................................................................... A-49
A.11 Connections for additional monitors and external radiation indication lamp .... A-50
Appendix B B-1
B.1 Attaching sterile disposable covers to the C-arm ............................................. B-1
Index i
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1 General Information

These Operating Instructions are designed to enable owners and oper­ators of a Ziehm 8000 (alternate trade name: Exposcop 8000) to operate the respective system safely and efficiently.
Ziehm 8000, software version L2.05 or higher.
For several system options, separate operating instructions may be available. They are supplied with the system, provided that the system configuration includes the respective option. You will find a corre­sponding reference to those operating instructions in the relevant sec­tions of this document.
The system does not produce any waste during operation.
When the system has reached the end of its useful service life, the rel­evant waste disposal regulations of the country of installation must be observed.
Ziehm Imaging GmbH takes back your devices and undertakes to dispose of them appropriately in accordance with national regulations. If you want to return a device, please contact the Ziehm Imaging Service department.
The useful service life defined for this medical device is seven years. For this period Ziehm Imaging GmbH warrants that spare parts can be sup­plied. After this period, Ziehm Imaging GmbH must check whether the technology used is appropriate.
Scope of validity of these Operating Instructions
Separate operating instructions
Environmental compatibility
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1-1Ziehm 8000
1 General Information

1.1 Typographical conventions

In these Operating Instructions, the following notations and formats are used to highlight certain elements of the control panel or the documenta­tion itself:
Element Format Example
Control panel elements (but­tons, tabs and boxes), operating modes, functions
Cross-references Italic, preceded by
Procedure steps Preceded by a ••Press the OK but-
Text input Courier, bold Administrator
Table 1-1 Notations and formats used in these Operating Instructions
Bold Fluoro
Ch. 16, p. 16-1
an arrow
1-2 Ziehm 8000
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1.2 Conventions for safety instructions

The present document does not constitute a complete catalog of all safety measures necessary for the operation of the respective medical equipment, since special operating conditions may require further mea­sures. However, it does contain instructions which must be observed in order to ensure the personal safety of operating staff and patients as well as to avoid damage to property. These instructions are highlighted as follows:
DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.
1 General Information
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE indicates a property damage message.
Notes are merely informative. Additional useful infor­mation and hints are provided for the operator here.
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1-3Ziehm 8000
1 General Information
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2 System Overview

2.1 Fields of application and features

2.1.1 Fields of application

roscopy is required.
emergency ward.
lithotripter is mounted onto the Ziehm Compact with adapter for this purpose.
ApplicationsThe Ziehm 8000 can be used for all medical indications where fluo-
Casualty wardThe Ziehm Compact lends itself to rapid casualty X-ray diagnostics in the
LithotripsyThe Ziehm Compact is designed to support lithotripter procedures. The

2.1.2 Features

Ziehm 8000 offers unrestricted mobility at the operating table, even if space is scarce.
The easy adjustability of the ample C-arm and the excellent counterbal­ancing of the C-arm stand make it possible to access even the most dif­ficult positions.
Computer-controlled anatomical programs ensure optimum exposure rate and image quality control as well as high operating comfort. A ‘Soft’ program for soft tissue visualization during foreign body localization and a ‘Metal’ program for suppressing image flare resulting from the use of metal implants and surgical instruments complete the automatic func­tions.
The superior penetration capabilities of the high-frequency generator enable a significant reduction in the patient skin dose.
The ½ DOSE function considerably reduces the dose both for patient and operating staff, thus contributing substantially to radiation protection.
Furthermore the virtual collimator allows you to adjust the collimators without radiation.
MobilityWith its compact design and combined steering & braking system, the
Anatomical pro­grams
Radiation dose reduction
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2-1Ziehm 8000
2 System Overview
Image quality Flatscreen monitors guarantee flicker-free images. The advanced Full
Frame Technology, which uses non-interlacing throughout the entire image processing chain, generates noise-free images without motion artifacts, even if the subject has moved.
Comprehensive real-time image processing functions (customizable noise and area filtering, electronic contrast and brightness adjustment, zooming, radiation-free horizontal and vertical image reversal, digital image rotation) ensure excellent adaptation of the image quality and ori­entation on the screen to the surgeon’s needs.
Further image processing functions are available for saved images (post­processing).
Image management A patient-based image management system providing a 16-image
mosaic view and menu-controlled user guidance allows efficient image data handling.
Documentation and output
For documentation purposes, a video printer is available. With a Ziehm Compact the Sony
UP-897 printer is included in the scope of delivery by default. A CD writer as well as a USB port allow filmless archiving in PC-compatible TIF format and optionally in DICOM format. The system documents not only patient-related data, but also image-related data (e.g. the fluoroscopy parameters).
In addition, all systems have a CCIR video output, 50 Hz.
Networkability The optional DICOM 3.0 interface enables integration into any network
supporting DICOM, e.g. PACS. Thanks to ‘Primary Capture’ support, the original fluoroscopic images can be archived without the changes which may have been applied to them later. The following DICOM classes are supported: Print, Storage (including multiframe capability), Storage Com­mitment, Media, Worklist, MPPS, Query/Retrieve and Verification.
It is possible to connect the Ziehm 8000 to a second DICOM storage server (to act for example as standby server) and to configure the system in such a way that data can be saved to that second DICOM storage server, if necessary.
2-2 Ziehm 8000
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2.2 Model range

These Operating Instructions describe all models in their corresponding maximum configuration.
The system configuration chosen by you may not contain all options and functions described here.

2.2.1 Ziehm 8000

1,000 images; separate monitor cart with single 24" flat-screen monitor with split screen, optionally with twin 18" flat-screen monitors.
2 System Overview
FeaturesWith 23 cm image intensifier; storage capacity optionally for max. 150 or

2.2.2 Ziehm Compact

FeaturesWith 23 cm or 15 cm image intensifier; storage capacity for max. 2
images; 18" flat-screen monitor mounted on the C-arm stand, with small video printer laterally.

2.2.3 Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithotripter procedures

FeaturesWith 23 cm image intensifier; storage capacity for max. 2 images; 18" flat-
screen monitor mounted on the C-arm stand, with small video printer lat­erally; mounting plate for lithotripter on the C-arm stand.
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2-3Ziehm 8000
2 System Overview

2.3 Options

The following options can be integrated into the system upon request:
Hardware options Ziehm Compact
adapter for lithotripter procedures on Ziehm Compact
Magnification function: electronic image magnification
Virtual collimator
Laser positioning device on the generator
Laser positioning device on the image intensifier
integrated (23 cm i.i.) or external (15 cm i.i.)
Integrated dose meter for measuring the dose area product
Integrated dose meter for measuring the air kerma/air kerma rate
copper filter
Key switch (Power On/Off or X-ray On/Off)
CD writer
Video printer for printout on paper
Video printer for printout on paper or transparent film
Twin screens 18" flat-screen monitors
Video socket for external single flat-screen monitor
External 18" single flat-screen monitor
External 24" single flat-screen monitor
Connection for external radiation indication lamp (including software)
Video output for (Ziehm Compact, Ziehm Compact with adapter for
lithotripter procedures)
Hand rail around the image intensifier
handles at the bottom of the C-arm
Color-coded brake handles
Wireless LAN
Software options − DICOM 3.0 interface, with support of Print Class, Storage Class
(including multiframe capability), Storage Commitment Class, Media Class, Worklist Class, MPPS Class, Query/Retrieve Class and Verifi­cation Class, depending on the chosen system configuration.
Customer-specific foot switch assignment
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Measuring functions
Radiography mode
Memory capacity for 1,000 images
Memory capacity for 5000 images
Ziehm NaviPort 2D BrainLab

2.4 Optional accessories

The following accessories are optionally available for the Ziehm 8000:
Sterile disposable covers
3-part, for generator, C-arm and image intensifier, with spring clasp fastening
Spring clasps for disposable covers
2 System Overview
Hand surgery table
Universal film cassette holder
Printer paper for Sony
UP-990 and UP-970
Printer transparent film for Sony
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2-5Ziehm 8000
2 System Overview
Part: Mobile Stand
Cassette holder
Image intensifier with integrated CCD camera
C-arm handle C-arm
Swivel arm
Horizontal car­riage Lifting column
Control panel
Steering & braking lever
Hand switch
Coupling cable connec­tion
Cable guards

2.5 System components

2.5.1 C-arm stand

Ziehm 8000
Fig. 2-1 C-arm stand Ziehm 8000
2-6 Ziehm 8000
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2.5.2 Monitor cart

Netzspannung 230 V~ +6%/-10% 50 Hz Netzimpedanz 0,6
Stromaufnahme 8A Continous/ 15A Momentary Installationssicherung L 16 A
EMV 1997
Part: Monitor Cart
Power supply
Power cable sup-
Coupling cable support
Radiation indication
Flat-screen monitor
Control panel
Video printer
2. Spare GND connection
Equipotential grounding
Coupling cable connec­tion
Keypads for screen set­tings
ON/OFF switches for flat-screen monitors
USB port
CD writer
DICOM con­nection (RJ45)
DICOM port (FO)
Netzspannung 230 V~ +6%/-10% 50 Hz Netzimpedanz 0,6
Stromaufnahme 8A Continous/ 15A Momentary Installationssicherung L 16 A
EMV 1997
Part: Monitor Cart
2. Spare GND connection
Equipoten­tial ground-
DICOM con­nection (RJ45)
Coupling cable support
DICOM port (FO)
Radiation indi­cation lamp
Flatscreen monitors
Keypads for screen set­tings
Control panel
Video printer
USB port
CD writer
Power cable support
Power supply connection Coupling cable connec­tion
2 System Overview
Monitor cart with 24" flat-screen monitor
Fig. 2-2 Monitor cart with 24" flat-screen monitor
Fig. 2-3 Monitor cart with 18.1" flat-screen monitors
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Monitor cart with
18.1" flat-screen monitors
2-7Ziehm 8000
2 System Overview
Radiation indication lamp
Monitor support arm
Compact monitor
Video printer
Connection for power cable or cou­pling cable
Steering & braking lever
Image intensifier with integrated CCD camera
C-arm handle
Horizontal carriage
Lifting col­umn
Control panel
Hand switch
Cable guards
Cassette holder
Swivel arm
Video output (optional) Integrated Wireless LAN on the monitor cart
If your system is equipped with Wireless LAN, a transceiver is located at the back of the monitor cart. A second transceiver comes with your accessories and must be connected to the DICOM network.

2.5.3 Ziehm Compact

Ziehm Compact
2-8 Ziehm 8000
Fig. 2-4 Ziehm Compact
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2 System Overview
Radiation indication
Monitor support arm
Compact monitor
Video printer
Connection for power cable or cou­pling cable
Steering & braking
Image intensifier with integrated CCD cam-
C-arm handle
Horizontal car-
Lifting col-
Control panel
Hand switch
Cable guards
Cassette holder
Swivel arm
Mounting plate for lithotripter
Video output (optional)
Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithotripter proce­dures
Fig. 2-5 Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithotripter procedures
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2-9Ziehm 8000
2 System Overview

2.5.4 Monitors

Screen assignment Ziehm 8000
LIH On the Ziehm Compact and Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithot-
On the Ziehm 8000, the live screen function has been factory-assigned to the left screen, and the reference screen function to the right screen.
During operation, the following will be displayed on the screens:
Live screen: Fluoroscopic image
While the radiation warning lamp is illuminated, the native image is displayed.
When you terminate radiation, a composite image made up of 1 to 16 individual images (LIH – Last Image Hold) is displayed on the live screen. The amount of images that are used for computing the LIH depends on the LIH filter setting (Ch. 16.6.2, p. 16-24). The default values are preset in the anatomical programs. You can modify these settings using the LIH filter controls.
ripter procedures, the number of images which is used for computing the LIH is predefined for each anatomical program. You cannot modify the predefined number of images.
Reference screen: Menus or reference images
You can swap the screen assignment in the Basic Settings menu (Ch. 16.3, p. 16-5).
To avoid confusion, the neutral terms ‘live screen’ and ‘reference screen’ are used throughout this document, regardless of your custom setting.
Screen settings On systems with flat-screen monitors, you can adjust the screen contrast,
screen brightness and other screen settings with the built-in keys on the monitors (Ch.. 16.4 or Ch.. 16.5).
Ziehm Compact, Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithotripter proce­dures
The Ziehm Compact or Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithotripter pro­cedures is equipped with one monitor only, which is mounted on the hor­izontal carriage of the C-arm stand with an easily adjustable support arm.
On a Ziehm Compact with flat-screen monitor or a Ziehm Compact with adapter for lithotripter procedures, a small video printer is built into the left side of the monitor (when looking onto the screen side).
2-10 Ziehm 8000
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2.5.5 Video output

located on the back of the monitor cart.
live screen image. The following image is available for further processing by a video cassette recorder, an external monitor, a video printer, etc.:
Fluoroscopic image (live or saved)
2 System Overview
BNC socketA BNC socket which is used for video connection (VIDEO OUT) is
VIDEO OUTThe VIDEO OUT socket supplies a CCIR video signal with 50 Hz of the
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2-11Ziehm 8000
2 System Overview
2-12 Ziehm 8000
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3 Safety Instructions

3.1 General safety instructions

You must be familiar with the contents of the present Operating Instructions in order to be able to operate the system as intended. Read and understand the present Operating Instructions before operating the system.
It is important to observe all directions, safety instructions and warnings!
The responsibility for any C-arm-assisted intervention lies with the physician in charge.
Supplementary equipment used in combination with the Ziehm 8000 must comply with the safety requirements according to IEC 60601-1 and/or IEC 60601-1-1 or furnish proof of an equivalent degree of safety.
To ensure CE conformity, these components must have a CE approval in accordance with Council Directive 93/42/ EEC. In addition, a declaration in compliance with Article 12 of the said directive must be provided.
For components without CE approval, a conformity assessment procedure is obligatory.
If you combine the Ziehm 8000 with equipment which does not comply with these requirements, the safety of the entire system is no longer given and the warranty will become invalid.
Please note that a combination with third-party devices must be approved by Ziehm Imaging. A combination must be possible in particular by the intended use of the two devices.
The system is not suitable for interventional procedures acc. to IEC 60601-2-43.
OperationOnly properly trained personnel are allowed to operate the system.
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3-1Ziehm 8000
3 Safety Instructions
Operation (USA) The system may only be operated by properly trained personnel under
the direction of a physician.
Assembly and service
Only authorized personnel are allowed to assemble the system and to provide technical service. The necessary qualifications can only be obtained by attending a training course provided by the manufacturer.
Always observe the relevant regulations of the country of installation for putting the system into service, training of personnel and maintenance.
Never use the system if you suspect any electrical or radi­ation-generating components to be defective or if the system exhibits unexpected malfunctions!
Before opening any part of the equipment or removing the protective covers, you must disconnect the system from the power supply.

3.2 X-rays

General The system produces X-rays. If you do not observe the safety measures
and precautions required by your local radiation protection regulatory body or other national radiation protection measures and precautions, these X-rays can be hazardous both to operating staff and other persons within the radiation zone of occupancy.
The system may only be operated by personnel who has undergone radiological training.
3-2 Ziehm 8000
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The system may only be operated by properly trained per­sonnel under the direction of a physician.
The relevant radiation protection regulations of the country of installation must be observed.
In order to avoid unintentional radiation, the foot switch must be hung up on the foot switch support when the system is switched on, but not in use.
3 Safety Instructions
ray protective clothing.
The radiation controlled area depends upon the size of the image inten­sifier installed and has the following radius:
15 cm image intensifier: 3 m
15 cm image intensifier: 4 m
(Fig. A-19, p. A-36)
To minimize the radiation burden of the patient, you must keep the source/skin distance as large as possible. The generator design guar­antees a minimum source/skin distance of 20 cm.
Additional material located in the beam path (e.g. an oper­ating table not suitable for X-raying) may result in a dose increase when using a fluoroscopy mode with automatic exposure rate control.
When you initiate radiation and no live image is displayed although all necessary settings have definitely been made, please contact your after-sales service center!
Protection of staff Staff members who stay within the radiation controlled area must wear X-
Protection of the patient
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3-3Ziehm 8000
3 Safety Instructions

3.3 Electromagnetic compatibility

Medical electrical equipment requires special precautionary measures with respect to EMC and must be installed and put into service in accor­dance with the EMC guidelines contained in the accompanying docu­ments.
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment may interfere with medical electrical equipment.
All operating modes of the system have been considered in the EMC tests. There are no exceptions to the rules.
Only conductors, connecting cables and accessories that are specified by the manufacturer may be used.
Using components other than those specified may result in increased electromagnetic emissions or reduced elec­tromagnetic immunity.
Please observe also the Manufacturer’s Declaration concerning Electro- magnetic Compatibility according to IEC 60601-1-2 in the Technical Manual.

3.4 Protective grounding

The system must be connected only to power systems having a separate ground connection.

3.5 Equipotential grounding

Heart and brain examinations
If you use the system in combination with other equipment for examina­tions of the heart or brain or the surrounding anatomical regions, equipo­tential grounding is required for patient and operating staff safety (IEC 60601-1-1).
3-4 Ziehm 8000
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