Control units type TR 210 control up to 2 limit values.
The TR 210 is used as:
• General temperature protection of machines and installations
• Temperature control unit, also for cooling applications
• Difference temperature controller unit for air-conditioning technology
Overview of functions
• 2 Sensor inputs:
• Pt 100, Pt 1000, KTY 83 or KTY 84
in 2- or 3-wire configuration
• Thermocouples
Type B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T
• Input signal DC 0-10 V;
DC 0/4-20 mA
• 0,1 °C resolution between
–199,9...999.9 °C
• 2 Relay outputs (each 1 change-over
• 1 Analogue output DC 0-10 V or
0/4-20 mA parameterizable (not potentially
separated from the inputs)
• Universal power supply AC/DC 24-240 V
• Several selectable programs
• Storage and indication of the measured
MIN- und MAX-values
• pluggable terminals
Display and operation parts
1, 3 LEDs state of relay
2 Digital display, 4 digits
4, 5 LEDs day/night switching
6 LED measuring of differences
7 Up pushbutton
8 Pushbutton set/reset
9 Down pushbutton
10, 11 LEDs sensor
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9 programs (Pr), that are preset ex works, can be selected. Due to these programs, the
device can be adapted very easily to the application.
Choose the program, which fits to your application and after that change the parameters! In
case of changing the program, each parameter is being resetted to "factory setting".
(see chart " factory setting")
Choosing the programs:
When applying the power supply hold the pushbutton Set for 10 s. Then the program
(Pr 1 ... Pr 9) can be selected with the pushbuttons up/down and confirmed with Set.
Pr Input Limit value
1* 1 temperature sensor 2
2 2 temperature sensors 1 per sensor
3 1 temperature sensor 2 day and 2 night
4 2 temperature sensors 1 day and 1 night per sensor
5 2 temperature sensors 2 difference temperature
6 1x 0-10 V or 0/ 4-20 mA 2
7 2x 0-10 V or 0/ 4-20 mA 1 per input
8 2x 0-10 V or 0/4- 20 mA 2 difference
9 2 temperature sensors 2 MIN/MAX
To use the equipment flawless and safe, transport and store properly, install and start
professionally and operate as directed.
Only let persons work with the equipment who are familiar with installation, start and use
and who have appropriate qualification corresponding to their function. They must
observe the contents of the instructions manual, the information which are written on the
equipment and the relevant security instructions for the setting up and the use of electrical
The equipments are built according to DIN / EN and checked and leave the plant
according to security in perfect condition. To keep this condition, observe the security
instructions with the headline „Attention“ written in the instructions manual. Ignoring of the
security instructions may lead to death, physical injury or damage of the equipment itself
and of other apparatus and equipment.
If, in any case the information in the instructions manual is not sufficient, please contact
our company or the responsible representative.
Instead of the industrial norms and regulations written in this instructions manual valid for
Europe, you must observe out of their geographical scope the valid and relevant
regulations of the corresponding country.
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Dangerous electrical voltage!
May lead to electrical shock and burn.
Before beginning of work switch unit and equipment free of voltage.
Observe the maximum temperature permissible when installing in switching
cabinet. Make sure sufficient space to other equipment or heat sources. If the
cooling becomes more difficult e.g. through close proximity of apparatus with
elevated surface temperature or hindrance of the cooling air, the tolerable
environmental temperature is diminishing.
Attention! Connecting the temperature sensors
The temperature sensors are connected to the clamps 1T1, 1T2, 1T3 and so on. These
pluggable terminals have a special contact material and may only be used for the connection
of the sensors.
When connecting 2 thermocouples they must be isolated from each other.
Attention! Universal power supply
The unit is equipped with an universal power supply, that is suitable for DC- and AC-voltages.
Before connecting the unit to the current, make sure that the allowed scope of voltage of the
control voltage Us, written on the lateral type plate, corresponds to the supply voltage of the
When all relays are programmed in operation current mode
(= pick up at alarm), a loss of the supply voltage or an instrument failure
can remain unidentified.
When the relay is applied as control instrument, the operator must ensure,
that this error is recognized by regular examinations.
We recommend to program and accordingly evaluate at least one relay
in the closed-circuit current mode.
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• Installation in switchgear cabinet on 35 mm mounting rail according to EN 60715
• With screws M4 for installation on walls or panel. (additional latch included in delivery)
Connection according to connection plan or type plate.
Putting into operation
Decimal point behind the last digit:
Off = display mode, displays values of measuring inputs
On = menu mode, select the menu items
blinking = parameter setting mode
Display mode
Indication of the current sensor temperature. The temperature is shown in degrees
centigrade. The indication for voltage (0-10 V) and current (0/4-20 mA) can be scaled.
LED relay (K1, K2)
ON = relay picked up
LED sensor
ON = appropriate value in the display
flashes = sensor error
Function of buttons UP/DOWN
Push short change into menu mode
Push for > 2 s Display of the stored MIN- or MAX values of the chosen sensor
Function button SET/RESET
Push short two sensors Display sensor 1 / sensor 2 (/ difference)
one sensor Display sensor / alarm limit 1 / alarm limit 2
Push for 2 s Reset restart interlock
Push for 4 s Display of chosen program
Push for 10 s Display of software version
Menu mode (Decimal point behind the last digit ON)
Selection of the menu items for changing the parameters. In the menu items for sensorand alarm parameterizing the LEDs indicate the special classification sensor-alarmday/night - difference.
Function button UP/DOWN
Push short Selection of menu item; Change into display mode
Function button SET/RESET
Push short Change into parameter setting mode
Parameter setting mode (Decimal point behind the last digit FLASHES)
LEDs indicate sensors and relays concerned by the selected parameter setting point as
well as day/night-switching and differentiation measurement.
Function button UP/DOWN
Press short/long Adjustment of parameter value (slow/fast)
Function button SET/RESET
Press short Storage of setting and choice of next parameter.
Change into menu mode after the last parameter
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Parmeterizing the sensors (S 1 / S 2):
Dependent on the chosen program: temperature (Pr 1-5, 9) or current/voltage (Pr 6-8)
Choose menu item with up/down until in indication S 1 and type of sensor alternate.
Here it can be read clearly, which type of sensor is selected and on which alarm the sensor
works (corresponding LEDs alarm on).
Enter with Set in parameterizing sensor e.g. S 1 / 100 for Pt 100.
Choose sensor type with up/down
Set cable resistance or 3-wire configuration (3-L).
2-wire configuration, cable resistance compensation:
Short-circuit the wires nearby the sensor and measure the cable resistance. Set
parameter „LA“ on this value.
With 2-wire connection and a common wire for all sensors, all sensor measuring currents
will be added on the common wire. The compensation value LA to be set is calculated as
LA = 3 x RL/2 (RL = resistance of two wires)
We recommend 3-wire connection for each sensor.
Parameterizing of the alarms (AL 1 / AL 2):
Choose menu item with up/down until AL 1 and limit (limit value) alternate in display, e.g.
AL 1 und 130 for 130 °C.
Here it can be read clearly, which limit value is parameterized and to which sensor works
on the alarm (yellow LEDs sensor on).
Begin to parameterize with Set.
Adjust limit with up/down. Adjust hysteresis. Negative hysteresis = MAX-switching point, the
relay switches when the adjusted limit is reached and switches back when the signal is
fallen by the hysteresis. E.g. limit 130 °C and hysteresis -5 °C: Relais switches at 130 °C
and switches back at 125 °C. Positive hysteresis vice versa = MIN-switching point.
Alarm delay time dAL: An alarm is suppressed for the adjusted time, short-timed exceeding
of the limit does not cause an alarm.
Switch-back delay doF: An alarm is only switched off after the signal is below the limit and
after delay of this time, e.g. a cooling ventilator can cool further on for this time to avoid,
that it has to switch be switched on again after a short time.
Function of relay:
rrrr-Closed-current circuit mode, relay is picked up in GOOD-state (=limit not reached) and
releases when the limit is exceeded. Advantage: errors and faults normally cause an
alarm. Disadvantage: alarm also when supply-voltage is switched off and after
switching on until the relay has picked up. Unfavourable e.g. with transformers,
particularly, when the supply-voltage of the TR 210 comes from the monitored
AAAA-Operating-current mode: relay is released in GOOD state and picks up when the limit is
exceeded. No alarm at errors and when supply-voltage switched off. Used normally
switch ventilators or heatings or for tripping of transformers.
rrrr----L / A
L / A----LLLL: alarm switches locked. Set back with reset only after fall short of the limit (with
L / AL / A
hysteresis) and end of the switch-back delay. Ready for Reset is indicated with „A12LLLL“
in the display mode.
Error report: With Err it can be selected, if the relay switches in the alarm state in case of
sensor-error Er1-9 (short circuit or break). (on / oFF)
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Test relay (tSt):
Here it can be programmed, that a relay switches into the alarm state after a certain time
don, e.g. 1 weeks (= 168 hours) for the time doF, e.g. 10 s, to make a ventilator or a pump
run for a short time, to make them move and protect the bearings from damage through
long standstill.
Choice of the alarm with up/down. Set switches to don and doF.
don = oFF = test not active.
Sensor simulation (Si):
A sensor can be selected, and a measured temperature can be simulated with the buttons
up/down. All functions of the unit work as if this temperature was really measured. If there
is no button pushed for 15 minutes, the device automatically switches back into the display
After setting all parameters they can be protected by activating the code lock. After pushing
Set, the display indicates Pin. Adjust with buttons up/down Pin504 (factory setting). After
pushing Set, code lock can be activated or switched off. After pushing Set again, an
individual Pin can be selected (write down).
When code lock is activated all parameters can be seen but not be changed anymore.
In case of problems with the code lock (forgotten Pin) the lock can be switched off and the
Pin can be set back to 504, by pushing button set while connecting the device to supplyvoltage until Code / ofF is indicated in the display.
- With the pre-set programs Pr1 to Pr9 the most important parameters can be set in
advance, so that only little modifications are necessary, e.g. setting of the limits (limit
values) for each alarm.
- After finishing one menu item it is switched automatically on the next one. E.g. after
programming the line resistance of sensor 1 and pushing Set, the devices switches on to
sensor 2.
- When the right decimal point in the 7 segment display is on, the display mode has been
left, and the menu items can be chosen with up/down (menu mode).
- When the right decimal point blinks, you are in the parameter setting mode and can change
the setting with up/down.
- Long pushing on up/down speeds up the changes in the display.
- Pushing button up and down at the same time sets values to zero.
- With reset (press set/reset for 2s) the display mode can be reached from every position
(exception: simulation) of the parameter setting mode (the last selected value in is being
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