Correct command format *apn*uninet*
Your cell phone will receive confirmation saying that the appointed APN is set (See
1.2 Registering the “Master” Controller
A. Use cellphone to send SMS *master*123456*+country code plus your cellphone
number*to the device SIM number. 123456 is the default password, it can be changed
by changing password command as showed on 1.3.
*master*123456*+319876543210* (+31 refers to Netherlands country code, 9876543210
refers to the cell phone number)
B. Once your cellphone receives the confirmation
sms, it will become the only master phone to the
tracker (See screenshot).
NOTE: The device will ONLY listen and respond
commands from this number unless you choose to
turn on the multi controller function and open the
device to any cell phone number
1.3 Changing the Password
SMS: *password*654321* (654321 refers to new password)
Changing password command has to be sent only from the master number. And new
password has to be applied to when you need to register the device with a new master
2. Motion Alert
The motion alert enables device triggered a call/sms alert when motion is detected, after 3minutes of non-movement.
2.1 Set vibration sensitivity
There are 5 levels of the motion sensitivity. 1 being the most sensitive, 5 the least, default
setting is 1.
SMS: *sensitive*1-5*
2.2 Set SMS/CALL Alert
There will be a Call/SMS alert sent to master number when any motion is detected, after 3
minutes of non-movement. The system default setting is call alert, and can be turned
off by command.
SMS: *alertoff*
To turn off motion alert function.
SMS: *smsalert*
To enable motion sms alert function.
SMS: *callalert*