b) Select motion detect from the event type dropdown list. Select a channel from the dropdown list
and then check the enable button to enable motion detect function.
c) Click Region Select button to set motion detect zone. There are 396(PAL)/330(NTSC) small
zones. The green zone is current cursor position. Grey zone is the motion detection zone. Black
zone is the disarmed zone. You can click Fn button to switch between the arm mode and disarm
mode. In arm mode, you can click the direction buttons to move the green rectangle to set the
motion detection zone. After you completed the setup, please click ENTER button to exit current
setup. Do remember click save button to save current setup. If you click ESC button to exit the
region setup interface system will not save your zone setup.
d) Period: Click set button, you can see an interface is shown as in Figure 4-92. Here you can set
motion detect period. System only enables motion detect operation in the specified periods. It is
not for video loss or the tampering. There are two ways for you to set periods. Please note
system only supports 6 periods in one day.
In Figure 4-92, Select icon of several dates, all checked items can be edited together. Now
the icon is shown as. Click to delete a record type from one period.
In Figure 4-92. Click button after one date or a holiday, you can see an interface shown as in
Figure 4-93. There are four record types: regular, motion detection (MD), Alarm, MD & alarm.
e) Set sensitivity. Please note the sixth level has the highest sensitivity.
f) Click Save button to complete motion detect setup.
g) From Main menu->Setting->Storage->-Schedule. See Figure 4-63
h) Set motion detect record channel, period and the record type shall be motion detect (MD).
Please refer to chapter 4.10.2.
i) Click Copy button to copy current setup to other channel(s).
j) Click OK button to complete motion detect record setup.
Figure 4-70
Figure 4-71 Motion Detect Snapshot
a) From Main menu->Setting->Camera->Encode->Snapshot, you can go to snapshot interface.
See Figure 4-72.
b) In Figure 4-72, select trigger snapshot from the dropdown list and then set picture size, quality
and snapshot frequency. Click OK button to save current setup.
c) From Main menu->Setting->Event->Detect, here you can select motion detect type, motion
detect channel and then check the enable box. Please refer to chapter
d) Click OK button to complete motion detect setup.
Figure 4-72
4.10.4 Alarm Record/Snapshot Alarm Record
a) Before you set alarm setup information, please go to chapter 2.3 to connect alarm input and
alarm output cable (such as light, siren and etc).
b) The record priority is: Alarm>Motion detect>Regular.
In the main menu, from Setting->Event-> Alarm, you can see alarm setup interface. See Figure 4-73.
Alarm in: Here is for you to select channel number.
Event type: There are four types. Local input/network input/IPC external/IPC offline alarm.
Local input alarm: The alarm signal system detects from the alarm input port.
Network input alarm: It is the alarm signal from the network.
IPC external alarm: It is the on-off alarm signal from the front-end device and can activate the
local NVR.
IPC offline alarm: Once you select this item, system can generate an alarm when the front-end
IPC disconnects with the local NVR. The alarm can activate record, PTZ, snapshot and etc. The
alarm can last until the IPC and the NVR connection resumes.
Enable: Please you need to highlight this button to enable current function.
Type: normal open or normal close.
c) Click Save button to complete alarm setup interface.
Figure 4-73
d) From Mani menu->Setting->Storage->Schedule, you can go to Figure 4-63.
e) Select alarm channel, period and the record type shall be alarm. Please refer to chapter 4.10.2.
f) Click Copy button to copy current setup to other channel(s).
g) Click OK button to save alarm record information. Alarm Snapshot
a) Please refer to Step a) to step c) of chapter to enable timing snapshot.
b) From Main menu->Setting->Storage->schedule, you can go to Figure 4-74 to enable snapshot
c) From Main menu->Setting->Event->Alarm, you can go to Figure 4-73 to set alarm parameter
and enable snapshot function.
d) Click Save button to save alarm snapshot setup.
Figure 4-74
4.10.5 Manual Record/Snapshot
You need to have proper rights to implement the following operations. Please make sure the HDD
has been properly installed. Manual Record
a) Right click mouse and select manual record or in the main menu, from
Setting->Storage->Manual Record. Manual record menu is shown as in Figure 4-75.
You can click Rec button on the front panel (if possible) to go to the Manual Record interface.
Figure 4-75
b) Check the box here to select manual record channel(s). You can see the corresponding
indicator light on the front panel is on.
Channel: It is to display device all channels.
Manual: It has the highest priority. Enable corresponding channel to record no matter what period
applied in the record setup. Now system is record general file.
Auto: System enables auto record function as you set in chapter 4.10.2 schedule interface
(General/Motion detect/Alarm)
Stop: Stop current channel record/Snapshot no matter what period applied in the record setup.
All: Check the All box to select all channels.
c) Click OK button to complete manual record setup. Manual Snapshot
Click button at the preview control bar, you can snapshot 1-5 picture(s). From main
menu->Setting->Camera->Encode->Snapshot, you can set snapshot times. You can go to chapter 4.11 to
view snapshot picture.
4.10.6 Holiday Record/Snapshot
It is for you to set holiday record or snapshot plan. Please note the holiday record/snapshot setup has the
higher priority than the ordinary date record/snapshot setup. Holiday Record
a) From Mani menu->Setting->System->General, you can go to the following interface. See Figure
Figure 4-76
b) Click Add new holiday button, you can see an interface shown as in Figure 4-77. Here you can
set holiday date name, repeat mode, start time/end time and etc.
Figure 4-77
c) Click Add button to complete holiday setup. Now you can enable holiday setup and then click
Apply button.
d) From Main menu->setting->Storage->schedule, you can go to schedule interface. See Figure
4-78. Now you can set period and record type of holiday time. Please refer to chapter
for detailed setup information.
Figure 4-78
e) Click OK button to set holiday record setup. Holiday Snapshot
Set Holiday date first. Please refer to step a) to step c) of chapter
From Main menu->Setting->Storage->Schedule, you can go to schedule interface. See Figure 4-78. Click
Holiday item to set snapshot period.
Set holiday snapshot type (Trigger/Regular). Please refer to chapter or chapter
4.10.7 Other Record/Snapshot
Motion detect&Alarm record or snapshot, please refer to chapter 4.10.4.
Video loss or tampering record or snapshot function, please refer to chapter 4.10.3.
4.11 Playback and Search
4.11.1 Real-time Playback
Please refer to chapter 4.7.2 for real-time playback information.
4.11.2 Search Interface
From Main menu->Search, or on the preview interface right click mouse and then select search item, you
can go to the following interface. See Figure 4-79.
Here is to display the searched picture or file.
Support 1/4/9/16-window playback. (It depends on the product channel
Here you can select to search the picture or the recorded file.
You can select to play from the read-write HDD, from peripheral device or from
redundancy HDD.
Before you select to play from the peripheral device, please connect the
corresponding peripheral device. You can view all record files of the root directory
of the peripheral device. Click the Browse button; you can select the file you want to
Redundancy HDD does not support picture backup function, but it
supports picture playback function. You can select to play from redundancy
HDD if there are pictures on the redundancy HDD.
The blue highlighted date means there is picture or file. Otherwise, there is no
picture or file.
In any play mode, click the date you want to see, you can see the
corresponding record file trace in the time bar.
Playback mode:1/4/9/16. (It may vary due to different series.)
In 1-window playback mode: you can select 1-X channels (X depends on the
product channel amount).
Figure 4-79
Please refer to the following sheet for more information.
In 4-window playback mode: you can select 4 channels according to your
In 9-window playback mode, you can switch between 1-8, 9-16 and etc
In 16-window playback mode, you can switch between1-16, 17-32 and etc
The time bar will change once you modify the playback mode or the channel
The card number search interface is shown as below. Here you can view card
number/field setup bar. You can implement advanced search. Current series
product supports this function.
Face list
You can search when it is in 1-channel playback mode. Click it, system can filter all
human faces and generate human face list. Double click the file; system begins
playback the record or image of the corresponding human face.
Mark file
list button
Click it to go to mark file list interface. You can view all mark information of current
channel by time. Please refer to chapter for detailed information.
Please note only the product of this icon supports mark function.
File list
There are three ways for you to begin playback.
The play button
Double click the valid period of the time bar.
Double click the item in the file list.
In slow play mode, click it to switch between play/pause.
Backward play
In normal play mode, left click the button, the file begins backward play.
Click it again to pause current play.
In backward play mode, click ►/ to restore normal play.
Double click it, you can view the picture/record file list of current day.
The file list is to display the first channel of the record file.
The system can display max 128 files in one time. Use the │and │ or the
mouse to view the file. Select one item, and then double click the mouse or click the
ENTER button to playback.
You can input the period in the following interface to begin accurate search.
File type:R—regular record; A—external alarm record;M—Motion detect
Lock file. Click the file you want to lock and click the button to lock. The
file you locked will not be overwritten.
Search locked file: Click the button to view the locked file.
In playback mode, click it to play the next or the previous section. You can
click continuously when you are watching the files from the same channel.
In normal play mode, when you pause current play, you can click │ and
│ to begin frame by frame playback.
In frame by frame playback mode, click ►/ to restore normal playback.
Slow play
In playback mode, click it to realize various slow play modes such as slow
play 1, slow play 2, and etc.
Fast forward
In playback mode, click to realize various fast play modes such as fast
play 1,fast play 2 and etc.
Note: The actual play speed has relationship with the software version.
Smart search
The volume of the playback
In 1-channel playback mode, click it to enable/disable display IVS rule
information on the video.
Time bar
It is to display the record type and its period in current search criteria.
In 4-window playback mode, there are corresponding four time bars. In other
playback mode, there is only one time bar.
Use the mouse to click one point of the color zone in the time bar, system
begins playback.
The time bar is beginning with 0 o'clock when you are setting the configuration.
The time bar zooms in the period of the current playback time when you are playing
the file.
The green color stands for the regular record file. The red color stands for the
external alarm record file. The yellow stands for the motion detect record file.
Time bar
Select the file(s) you want to backup from the file list. You can check from the
list. Then click the backup button, now you can see the backup menu. System
Click the snapshot button in the full-screen mode, the system can snapshot
1 picture.
System supports custom snap picture saved path. Please connect the
peripheral device first, click snap button on the full-screen mode, you can
select or create path. Click Start button, the snapshot picture can be saved
to the specified path.
Mark button.
Please note this function is for some series product only. Please make sure
there is a mark button in the playback control pane.
You can refer to chapter for detailed information.
●The option includes: 、、和,. The smaller the unit,
the larger the zoom rate. You can accurately set the time in the time bar to playback
the record.
The time bar is beginning with 0 o'clock when you are setting the configuration.
The time bar zooms in the period of the current playback time when you are playing
the file.
supports customized path setup. After select or create new folder, click the
Start button to begin the backup operation. The record file(s) will be saved in
the specified folder.
Check the file again you can cancel current selection. System max supports to
display 32 files from one channel.
After you clip on record file, click Backup button you can save it.
For one device, if there is a backup in process, you can not start a new backup
In any play mode, the time bar will change once you modify the search type.
Other Functions
When system is playing, you can select a zone in the window to begin smart
search. Click the motion detect button to begin play.
Once the motion detect play has begun, click button again will terminate
current motion detect file play.
There is no motion detect zone by default.
If you select to play other file in the file list, system switches to motion detect
play of other file.
During the motion detect play process, you can not implement operations such
as change time bar, begin backward playback or frame by frame playback.
Please refer to chapter Smart Search for detailed operation.
switch to
When playing the file, click the number button, system can switch to the same
period of the corresponding channel to play.
It is to edit the file.
Please click to play the file you want to edit.
Select clip start time on the time bar and then Click to start clip.
Select clip stop time on the time bar and then click to stop clip.
Click , system pops up file backup dialogue box for you to save.
Please note:
Clip function is for one-channel mode/multiple-channel mode.
System max supports 1024 files backup at the same time.
You can not operate clip operation if there is any file has been checked in
the file list.
When the system is in full-screen playback mode, left click the mouse in the
screen. Drag your mouse in the screen to select a section and then left click
mouse to realize digital zoom. You can right click mouse to exit.
During the file playback process, you can switch to other channel via the
dropdown list or rolling the mouse.
This function is null if there is no record file or system is in smart search process.
All the operations here (such as playback speed, channel, time and progress) have relationship with
hardware version. Some series NVRs do not support some functions or playback speeds. Smart Search
During the multiple-channel playback mode, double click one channel and then click the button,
system begins smart search. System supports 396(22*18 PAL) and 330(22*15 NTSC) zones. Please left
click mouse to select smart search zones. See Figure 4-80.
Figure 4-80
Click the, you can go to the smart search playback. Click it again, system stops smart search
System does not support motion detect zone setup during the full-screen mode.
During the multiple-channel playback, system stops playback of rest channels if you
implement one-channel smart search. Accurate playback by time
Select records from one day, click the list, you can go to the file list interface. You can input time at the top
right corner to search records by time. See image on the left side of the Figure 4-81 For example, input
time 11:00.00 and then click Search button, you can view all the record files after 11:00.00 (The
records includes current time.). See image on the right side of the Figure 4-81 Double click a file name to
After you searched files, system implement accurate playback once you click Play for the first
System does not support accurate playback for picture.
System supports synchronization playback and non-synchronous playback. The synchronization
playback supports all channels and non-synchronous playback only supports accurately
playback of current select channel.
Figure 4-81 Mark Playback
Please make sure your purchased device support this function. You can use this function only if
you can see the mark playback icon on the Search interface (Figure 4-79).
When you are playback record, you can mark the record when there is important information. After
playback, you can use time or the mark key words to search corresponding record and then play. It is very
easy for you to get the important video information.
Add Mark
When system is playback, click Mark button, you can go to the following interface. See Figure 4-82.
Figure 4-82
Playback Mark
During 1-window playback mode, click mark file list button in Figure 4-79, you can go to mark file list
interface. Double click one mark file, you can begin playback from the mark time.
Play before mark time
Here you can set to begin playback from previous N seconds of the mark time.
Usually, system can playbacks previous N seconds record if there is such kind of record file. Otherwise,
system playbacks from the previous X seconds when there is such as kind of record.
Mark Manager
Click the mark manager button on the Search interface (Figure 4-79); you can go to Mark
Manager interface. See Figure 4-83. System can manage all the record mark information of current
channel by default. You can view all mark information of current channel by time.
Figure 4-83
Double click one mark information item, you can see system pops up a dialogue box for you to change
mark information. You can only change mark name here.
Here you can check the mark information item you want to delete and then click Delete button, you can
remove one mark item. .
After you go to the mark management interface, system needs to pause current playback. System
resume playback after you exit mark management interface.
If the mark file you want to playback has been removed, system begin playbacking from the first file
in the list.
4.11.3 Picture Playback
a) From Main menu->Search, or on the preview interface right click mouse, you can go to Figure
b) At the top right pane, you can check the box to select picture and then select playback interval.
c) Please refer to chapter 4.11.2 to select picture you want to view.
4.12 Backup
4.12.1 File Backup
In this interface, you can backup record file to the USB device.
a) Connect USB burner, USB device or portable HDD and etc to the device.
b) From Main menu->Backup, you can go to the Backup interface. See Figure 4-84
Figure 4-84
c) Select backup device and then set channel, file start time and end time.
d) Click add button, system begins search. All matched files are listed below. System automatically
calculates the capacity needed and remained. See Figure 4-85.
e) System only backup files with a √ before channel name. You can use Fn or cancel button to
delete √ after file serial number.
f) Click backup button, you can backup selected files. There is a process bar for you reference.
g) When the system completes backup, you can see a dialogue box prompting successful backup.
Figure 4-85
h) Click backup button, system begins burning. At the same time, the backup button becomes stop
button. You can view the remaining time and process bar at the left bottom.
During backup process, you can click ESC to exit current interface for other operation (For
some series product only). The system will not terminate backup process.
The file name format usually is: Channel number+Record type+Time. In the file name, the
YDM format is Y+M+D+H+M+S. File extension name is .dav.
4.12.2 Import/Export
This function allows you to copy current system configuration to other devices. It also supports import,
create new folder, and delete folder and etc function.
From Main menu->Setting->System->Import/Export, you can see the configuration file backup interface is
shown as below. See Figure 4-86.
Figure 4-86
Export: Please connect the peripheral device first and then go to the following interface. Click
Export button, you can see there is a corresponding ―Config_Time‖ folder. Double click the folder,
you can view some backup files.
Import: Here you can import the configuration files from the peripheral device to current device. You
need to select a folder first. You can see a dialogue box asking you to select a folder if you are
selecting a file. System pops up a dialogue box if there is no configuration file under current folder.
After successfully import, system needs to reboot to activate new setup.
Format: Click Format button, system pops up a dialogue box for you to confirm current operation.
System begins format process after you click the OK button.
System can not open config backup interface again if there is backup operation in the process.
System refreshes device when you go to the config backup every time and set current directory as
the root directory of the peripheral device.
If you go to the configuration backup interface first and then insert the peripheral device, please click
Refresh button to see the newly added device.
4.12.3 Backup Log
a) From Main menu->Info->Log, the interface is shown as below. See Figure 4-87.
Figure 4-87
b) Select log type and then set start time/end time, click Search button, you can see log time and
event information. Click to view detailed log information.
c) Select log items you want to save and then click backup button, you can select a folder to save
them. Click Start to backup and you can see the corresponding dialogue box after the process is
4.12.4 USB Device Auto Pop-up
After you inserted the USB device, system can auto detect it and pop up the following dialogue box. It
allows you to conveniently backup file, log, configuration or update system. See Figure 4-88. Please refer
to chapter 4.12.1 file backup, chapter 4.12.3 backup log, chapter 4.12.2 import/export, and chapter 4.11.2
search for detailed information.
Figure 4-88
4.13 Alarm
4.13.1 Detect Alarm
In the main menu, from Setting to Detect, you can see motion detect interface. See Figure 4-89.There
are three detection types: motion detection, video loss, tampering. Motion Detect
After analysis video, system can generate a motion detect alarm when the detected moving signal
reached the sensitivity you set here.
Detection menu is shown as below. See Figure 4-89.
Event type: From the dropdown list you can select motion detection type.
Channel: Select a channel from the dropdown list to set motion detect function.
Enable: Check the box here to enable motion detect function.
Region: Click select button, the interface is shown as in Figure 4-90. Here you can set motion
detection zone. There are four zones for you to set. Please select a zone first and then left drag the
mouse to select a zone. The corresponding color zone displays different detection zone. You can
click Fn button to switch between the arm mode and disarm mode. In arm mode, you can click the
direction buttons to move the green rectangle to set the motion detection zone. After you completed
the setup, please click ENTER button to exit current setup. Do remember click save button to save
current setup. If you click ESC button to exit the region setup interface system will not save your
zone setup.
Sensitivity: System supports 6 levels. The sixth level has the highest sensitivity.
Anti-dither: Here you can set anti-dither time. The value ranges from 5 to 600s. The anti-dither time
refers to the alarm signal lasts time. It can be seem as the alarm signal activation stays such as the
buzzer, tour, PTZ activation, snapshot, channel record. The stay time here does not include the latch
time. During the alarm process, the alarm signal can begin an anti-dither time if system detects the
local alarm again. The screen prompt, alarm upload, email and etc will not be activated. For example,
if you set the anti-dither time as 10 second, you can see the each activation may last 10s if the local
alarm is activated. During the process, if system detects another local alarm signal at the fifth
second, the buzzer, tour, PTZ activation, snapshot, record channel will begin another 10s while the
screen prompt, alarm upload, email will not be activated again. After 10s, if system detects another
alarm signal, it can generate an alarm since the anti-dither time is out.
Period: Click set button, you can see an interface is shown as in Figure 4-92. Here you can set
motion detect period. System only enables motion detect operation in the specified periods. It is not
for video loss or the tampering. There are two ways for you to set periods. Please note system only
supports 6 periods in one day.
In Figure 4-92, Select icon of several dates, all checked items can be edited together. Now
the icon is shown as. Click to delete a record type from one period.
In Figure 4-92. Click button after one date or a holiday, you can see an interface shown as in
Figure 4-93. There are four record types: regular, motion detection (MD), Alarm, MD & alarm.
Alarm output: when an alarm occurs, system enables peripheral alarm devices.
Latch: when motion detection complete, system auto delays detecting for a specified time. The value
ranges from 1-300(Unit: second)
Show message: System can pop up a message to alarm you in the local host screen if you enabled
this function.
Alarm upload: System can upload the alarm signal to the network (including alarm centre) if you
enabled current function.
Send email: System can send out email to alert you when an alarm occurs.
Record channel: System auto activates motion detection channel(s) to record once an alarm occurs.
Please make sure you have set MD record in Schedule interface(Main Menu->Setting->Schedule)
and schedule record in manual record interface(Main Menu->Advanced->Manual Record)
PTZ activation: Here you can set PTZ movement when an alarm occurs. Such as go to preset, tour
&pattern when there is an alarm. Click ―select‖ button, you can see an interface is shown as in Figure
Record Delay: System can delay the record for specified time after alarm ended. The value ranges
from 10s to 300s.
Tour: Here you can enable tour function when alarm occurs. System one-window tour.
Snapshot: You can enable this function to snapshoot image when a motion detect alarm occurs.
Video matrix Check the box here to enable this function. When an alarm occurs, SPOT OUT port
displays device video output. It displays video (1-window tour) from alarm activation channel you
select at the Record channel item.
Buzzer: Highlight the icon to enable this function. The buzzer beeps when alarm occurs.
Please highlight icon to select the corresponding function. After all the setups please click save
button, system goes back to the previous menu.
In motion detection mode, you can not use copy/paste to set channel setup since the video in each
channel may not be the same.
In Figure 4-90, you can left click mouse and then drag it to set a region for motion detection. Click Fn to
switch between arm/withdraw motion detection. After setting, click enter button to exit.
Figure 4-89
Figure 4-90
Figure 4-91
Figure 4-92
Figure 4-93
Motion detect here only has relationship with the sensitivity and region setup. It has no relationship
with other setups. Tampering
When someone viciously masks the lens, or the output video is in one-color due to the environments
light change, the system can alert you to guarantee video continuity. Tampering interface is shown as
in Figure 4-94. You can enable ―Alarm output ―or ―Show message‖ function when tampering alarm
Sensitivity: The value ranges from 1 to 6. It mainly concerns the brightness. The level 6 has the
higher sensitivity than level 1. The default setup is 3.
You can enable preset/tour/pattern activation operation when video loss occurs.
Please refer to chapter motion detection for detailed information.
In Detect interface, copy/paste function is only valid for the same type, which means you can not
copy a channel setup in video loss mode to tampering mode.
About Default function. Since detection channel and detection type may not be the same, system
can only restore default setup of current detect type. For example, if you click Default button at
the tampering interface, you can only restore default tampering setup. It is null for other detect
System only enables tampering function during the period you set here. It is null for motion detect
or video loss type.
Figure 4-94 Video Loss
In Figure 4-89, select video loss from the type list. You can see the interface is shown as in Figure
4-95. This function allows you to be informed when video loss phenomenon occurred. You can
enable alarm output channel and then enable show message function.
You can refer to chapter detect for detailed information.
You can enable preset/tour/pattern activation operation when video loss occurs.
Figure 4-95
4.13.2 IVS (Optional)
Please make sure you are connecting to the smart network camera, otherwise you can not
use IVS function!
From main menu->Setting->Event, you can go to the IVS interface. It includes four interfaces:
Tripwire/intrusion/object/scene. Tripwire (Optional)
Please make sure you are connecting to the smart network camera, otherwise you can not use
IVS function!
System generates an alarm once there is any object crossing the tripwire in the specified direction.
From main menu->Setting->Event->IVS->Tripwire, the interface is shown as below. See Figure 4-96.
Figure 4-96
Check the Enable box to enable tripwire function.
Click Rule setup to draw the tripwire. See Figure 4-97.
Figure 4-97
Select SN (Line1/2/3/4) and direction, and then input customized rule name.
Line1/2/3/4: System supports four tripwires. Each SN stands for one tripwire.
Direction (//): System can generate an alarm once there is any object crossing in the
specified direction.
Now you can draw a rule. Left click mouse to draw a tripwire. The tripwire can be a direct line, curve or
polygon. Right click mouse to complete.
Click to draw filter object.
Figure 4-98
Select the blue line and then use mouse to adjust zone size.
Each rule can set two sizes (min size/max size). Once the object is smaller than the min size or larger
than the max size, there is no alarm. Please make sure the max size is larger than the min size.
Click Ok to complete the rule setup.
Click to delete the corresponding rule.
You can refer to the following information to set other parameters.
Channel: Select a channel from the dropdown list to set tripwire function.
Enable: Check the box here to enable tripwire function.
Rule: input customized rule name here.
Period: Click set button, you can see an interface is shown as in Figure 4-92. Here you can set
tripwire period. System only enables tripwire operation in the specified periods. There are two ways
for you to set periods. Please note system only supports 6 periods in one day.
In Figure 4-92, Select icon of several dates, all checked items can be edited together. Now
the icon is shown as. Click to delete a record type from one period.
In Figure 4-92. Click button after one date or a holiday, you can see an interface shown as in
Figure 4-93.
Alarm output: when an alarm occurs, system enables peripheral alarm devices.
Latch: when tripwire complete, system auto delays detecting for a specified time. The value ranges
from 1-300(Unit: second)
Show message: System can pop up a message to alarm you in the local host screen if you enabled
this function.
Alarm upload: System can upload the alarm signal to the network (including alarm centre) if you
enabled current function.
Send email: System can send out email to alert you when an alarm occurs.
Record channel: System auto activates tripwire channel(s) to record once an alarm occurs. Please
make sure you have set intelligent record in Schedule interface(Main Menu->Setting->Schedule)
and schedule record in manual record interface(Main Menu->Advanced->Manual Record)
PTZ activation: Here you can set PTZ movement when an alarm occurs. Such as go to preset, tour
&pattern when there is an alarm. Click “select” button, you can see an interface is shown as in
Figure 4-91X.
Record Delay: System can delay the record for specified time after alarm ended. The value ranges
from 10s to 300s.
Tour: Here you can enable tour function when an alarm occurs. System one-window tour.
Snapshot: You can enable this function to snapshot image when a motion detect alarm occurs.
Buzzer: Highlight the icon to enable this function. The buzzer beeps when an alarm occurs.
Please make sure you are connecting to the smart network camera, otherwise you can not use
IVS function!
System generates an alarm once there is any object entering or exiting the zone in the specified direction.
From main menu->Setting->Event->IVS->Intrusion, the intrusion interface is shown as below. See Figure
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