910 install
Installation Manual for Triumph Sprint ST 2005-2009 Windscreen Install
Thank you for purchasing one of Zero Gravity’s windscreen, which has been designed and manufactured to give
years of safe & fun riding. This instruction manual gives you an in-depth look at the install process. To receive fur-
her assistance or parts please call Zero Gravity
Helpful hints: Use metric tools, clean hands, put
the bike on a center stand. Do not pry on the screen excessively, as it will break without much warning.
NOTE: Included with your Sprint ST windscreen are 6 stainless steel screws and 4
rubber "Well Nuts". These Well Nuts (from
Part# No.32-140) are similar to the two rubber inserts that your stock windscreen fastens to at the rear of the screen. Your stock
windscreen uses 4 tabs, molded into the
forward half of the screen, that insert into
four slots in your fairing. In addition, two
screws fasten the rear half of the screen to the fairing.
ales Department at 805-388-8803 or E-mail at
20-910 16-910 23-910
Your Zero Gravity windscreen does not use the four mounting tabs. Instead, it incorporates 6 mounting holes and is
mounted to your fairing using the included Well Nuts and
Stainless Steel Screws.
Mounting Your Zero Gravity Windscreen
Step One:
fairing by unscrewing the two screws at the rear of the windscreen and pulling upward and rearward on the screen to pull
it out of the mounting slots.
First remove your existing windscreen from the
Step Two: Insert the four Well Nuts in the existing 4 holes in
your fairing that correspond to the position of the mounting holes
in your Zero Gravity windscreen.
Step Three: Position your Zero Gravity windscreen in its
place on the fairing and then insert the screws included with
your windscreen into the mounting holes. Thread the screws into
the Well Nuts initially just enough to keep them in place. When
all 6 mounting screws are in place, tighten each screw starting
with the screws closest to the headlight
working your way rearward. Tighten the
screws enough to cause sufficient expansion of the Well Nut to keep the
windscreen snug to the fairing.
Insert the 4 included Well Nuts (Part# 32910 made just for 910) in the 4 existing
holes in your fairing before installing your
new Zero Gravity Windscreen
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Insert New Well Nuts
In Existing Holes
Existing Fastener