
power & breeze series Robust power and superior va lue make the Power a nd Breeze Series
best-in- class ran ge hoods. With advance d components and backed by our industry leading w arranty,
Power and Breeze ra nge hoods always live up to their name.
typhoon A smooth, sophisticated win g in
black, white, bisque or sta inless steel houses a
powerf ul yet vir tually noise-free 850- CFM blower.
size: 30”, 36”, 42”, 48” | cfm: 850
hurricane Elect ronic touch-controls ta ke
char ge of the self-cleaning t hree-spe ed 695-C FM
blowers and dual-level halogen al l work together
to ma ke your life just a l ittle bit easier.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 695
pro-style & power packs When powerf ul ventilat ion is what you need, look no f urther th an
Zephyr ’s pro-st yle and power pack options. Built for profe ssional-grade performa nce these hoods a re also
featur e-rich and o er multiple inst allation opt ions.
tempest i E xpect a lifet ime of power and per for-
mance, plus sleek e lectronic contr ols that strea mline
and en hance the hood ’s professional ae sthetic.
size: 30”, 36”, 42” | cfm: 600, 1100
twister Someti mes you just need to co ver your
bases , so we designed t his inexpen sive power pack
as a simple , no-hassle solut ion.
size: 27” | cfm: 290
tempest ii The 18” tall version our pro-st yle
range hoods, Tempe st II is designed with profession al
-grade performance and seamless contou rs.
size: 30”, 36”, 48” | cfm: 290, 600, 1100
tornado i Designed w ith great attention to
detai l and added fl exibility i n a small, at tractive pa ckage hidden under your c ustom range hood canop y.
size: 27” | cfm: 600
europa power breeze
introducing next generation europa +
dcbl suppression system™
Since 2001, Zephyr’s Europa Collection has been the standard by which the industry measures itself. Combining European design with A merican performance, Europa is the best
of all worlds. A part of the Essentials Collection, the Next Generation Europa symbolizes
our unyielding dedication to progress, to innovative design a nd using technolog y to deliver
better products.
DCBL Suppression System™ increases your range hood’s torque at speed one, a lso known
as working speed, to match the most typica l cooking styles. By focusing on working speed,
it allows us to deliver the needed ventilation for cooks using one or two burners to prepa re
a meal. On working speed, DCBL Suppression System™ generates 250-CFM at 0.8 sones–
enough power to handle a 10,000 BTU and one 15,000 BTU working on ma ximum capacity.
In short, you get the CFM you need but none of the noise you would expect.
Our newly revamped Essentia ls Collection features the ver y best in kitchen ventilation.
From the new Next Generation Europa to the origina l filterless Power Series range hoods,
Zephyr covers your needs.
New models are indicated with this symbol.
Essentials is more than just the basics.
It’s the building blocks of a great kitchen.
cyclone Modern, clean l ines provide a per fect
complement to a ny interior, while cent rifugal
blowers liquefy cooking r esidue without complex
fi lters to make c leaning a snap.
size: 30”, 36”, 42” | cfm: 650
breeze ii Superior performance in a quiet,
low-profi le package, Breeze II comes equipped
with a qu iet, three-speed 4 00-CFM blower and
standard 2-level ha logen bulbs.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 400
breeze i Breeze I is a n exceptiona l value.
Its 250 -CFM blower quiet ly remove odors, and
the standa rd dual-level ha logen bulbs brig htly
illuminate the cooktop below.
size: 24”, 30”, 36” | cfm: 250
tornado ii A n insert wit h a wireless remote
control, a n easy-to-insta ll, adjust able-depth li ner
and ba e fi lters to enh ance the look of your k itchen.
size: 29” | cfm: 1000
cypress The se amlessly cont oured, corros ion-
resistant 316 -grade sta inless st eel canopy house s
high-performance stainless stee l ba e fi lters.
size: 36”, 42”, 48” | cfm: 600, 1000, 1100
tornado iii Muscle and fl exibility sepa rates
Tornado I II from the ty pical power pac k. A standa rd remote
control a nd up to 5 motor speeds a dd to your enjoyment.
size: 38” | cfm: 290, 600, 1000
willow B uilt for the outdoors, the 316 -grade
stainless option a nd marine-grade rocker cont rols
are ma de to withst and the toughest environment s.
size: 29” | cfm: 1000
Turn to the Essentials Collection for premier design
and performance options in any range hood category.
From fi lterless under-cabinet hoods to outdoor options
to the Next Generation Europa, Essentials is the perfect
place to start when planning your kitchen project.
Embrace your love of cooking and increase your enjoy-
dcbl suppression system
Exceeds Energy Star™ requirements:
• Energy Star™ - 2.8 CFM / watt
• Zephyr - 17 CFM / watt
Up to 80% more energy efficient
Up to 77% quieter on working speeds
bloom™ hd led
3-watt LED uses 15% of the energy
a 20-watt halogen uses
Halogen-like warm light color rated
at 3200 Kelvin
Cool to the touch. Never gets hot
ment when preparing meals at home by choosing a range
hood that fi ts your style and budget.
zephyr corporation
2277 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, California 94502
1 888 88 0 vent
Higher torque to increase
performance efficiency
Less wear-and-tear on motor
3-year warranty
To learn more about DCBL Suppression System™ visit www. ZephyrOnline.com
Patented lens evenly distributes light
25,000-hour life expectancy
3-year warranty
Industry’s first dimmable LED
light bulb

next generation europa Featuring the sophistication of European desi gn and Zephyr ’s
DCBL Suppression Sys tem™ – the new benchma rk in range hood performance.
europa classics Cla ssic never goes out of style. The Eu ropa Classics o er industry leadi ng
performance and feat ures that a lso provide the be st value.
europa classics under-cabinets Never under-featured, our col lection of under-cabinet
range hoods prov ide the looks and p erformance of t heir chimney-gif ted counterpar ts.
verona wall An LED strip su rrounds this
unique s traight-g lass canop y range hood and rotat es
between blue, white a nd amber whi le on Demo mode.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 715
milano (g) wall Cu rved-glass canopy
design, LCD controls, dimmable LED bulbs
and DCBL technology deliver high style
without compromise.
size: 36” | cfm: 715
venezia wall A timeless design , Venezia’s
formidable desig n now houses Zephyr ’s DCBL Suppression System™ and elevates thi s ageless ran ge
hood to unpara lleled levels of per formance.
size: 30”, 36”, 42” | cfm: 715
modena wall A study in clean modern
simplicit y, Modena comes pre-loa ded with DCBL
Suppression™ technolog y so its perform ance will
be as st unning a s its looks.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 715
milano (s) wall Upgraded w ith Zephyr’s
DCBL Suppression Sys tem™, Milano t akes range
hood performa nce to higher g rounds with Blo om
LED li ght bulbs and LC D controls.
size: 36” | cfm: 715
All Next Generation Europa ra nge hoods
are equ ipped with DCBL Suppression
technology, includ ing Bloom™ HD LED
light bulbs.
To learn more, visit us at:
www.ZephyrO nline.com/DCBL
modena island Equipped w ith DCBL Sup-
pression™ tec hnology, Modena isl and perform s whisper-qu iet air remova l while fl aunting its a dvanced
BloomTM LED light bulbs on its one-inch ca nopy.
size: 36”, 42” | cfm: 715
milano (s) island A bold technologica l
break through, DCBL Suppression Sys tem™ transforms the Mila no island into the qu ietest, most e ective and energy e cient range hood avai lable today.
size: 36”, 42” | cfm: 715
bloom™ hd led
light bulbs
Bloom HD LEDs™ have a 68-year l ifetime
when used for one hou r a day. Ever y day.
They are the fi rst and only LED bulbs on
the ma rket that are dimma ble and the
one-inch heat sink d issipates heat aw ay
from the L ED ensurin g high fi delity
performance over time .
milano (g) island An airy, Deco-inspired
fl ight of hand-formed gla ss, with touch-sensitive
controls , adjustable li ghting and powerf ul blowers.
size: 36”, 42” | cfm: 715
napoli island Upgraded wit h Zephyr’s DCBL
Suppression S ystem™, Bloom HD LED bu lbs and the
unique Q uick-Lock insta llation system, Nap oli is a
cut above t he rest.
size: 36”, 42” | cfm: 715
angolo wall An elega nt and playful ra nge
hood, A ngolo comes equipped w ith Electron ic LED
controls a nd a 600-CF M motor.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 290, 600
firenze wall A Europa Classic, Fir enze’s
hybrid feat ures provide t he focused perfor mance
of a 600-CFM mot or with the upgr aded lighti ng
of Bloom HD LED lig ht bulbs.
size: 36” | cfm: 600, 715
common features
anzio wall At home in either trad itional
or contempora ry kitchens, An zio is a low-profi le
chim ney-style ran ge hood that wi ll add style a nd
value to any kit chen.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 290, 600
roma wall A bold, ang ular presence at a
surpr isingly a ordable cost. Idea l for the designsavv y chef or builder on a budget.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 290, 600
Essentials Collection by Zephyr is about getting the very best for your
money. We design all our products to over-deliver in style and performance so when it comes to kitchen ventilation think Zephyr fi rst.
QUALITY FIT AND FINISH: A d i erence you can feel. We select the best designer s and factories
to deliver a s uperior product.
PERFORMANCE VERSATILITY: Essentia ls can meet t he power you need with CFM options
from 290 to 600 to 715 to 1100 CFM
savona wall Ou r most a ordable f ull-fea-
tured hood comes i n stainle ss steel or black w ith
three speed levels and two ha logen lamps.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 290, 685
anzio island An zio’s 600-CFM motor,
electronic LED controls , dual-level halogens and
Quick-Lock i nstallation system put it a s tep ahead
of the compet ition.
size: 36”, 42” | cfm: 290, 600
QUIET PERFORMANCE: Great vent ilation doesn’t have to be nois y. Our ra nge hoods give
you the power you need at the noise level s that let you enjoy cooki ng.
TELESCOPIC DUCTING: Standard duct covers t hat fi t up to a 10’ ceili ng out of the box.
Optiona l duct covers that can go a s high as 12 ’.
QUICK- LOC K INSTAL L AT I O N : The easiest island range hood ins tallation. Al lows you
to ins tall an i sland range hood in a s little as 20 m inutes.
OPTIONAL RECIRCULATION KITS: A ll Europa ra nge hoods can be retrofi t with an
optiona l recirculation kit to fi t in a ventles s instal lation.
ZEPHYR WARRANTY: We back up our product with warranties of up to 10 yea rs on select
models a nd three years on al l Europa chimney and u nder-cabinet models.
torino island The sculpted g lass canopy
is yours i n green, blue, red or yellow. An infra red
remote adju sts power and light fr om a distance .
size: 36” | cfm: 715
roma island A sur prisingly b eautiful a nd
a ordable isla nd design. R oma is ideal for the de signsavv y chef, or builder t hat won’t settle for med iocrity.
size: 36”, 42” | cfm: 600
genova Genova’s crescent-li ke body delivers
stun ning desig n and quality per formance. Its retractable visor controls the hood’s motor and l ights.
Available wit h optional remote c ontrol.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 290, 500
gust Subtle as it s homeowner, Gust’s perfectly
curved corners and t he top-mounted return-a ir
louver, are ev idence that we spa re nothing when
it comes to qualit y.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 290, 400
tamburo An elega nt curve encir cles twin
halogens and t he three-sp eed motor. An adjust able
utensi l bar puts your cooking tools where you
need them .
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 290, 400
terazzo Bea ring the g ift of style, Tera zzo’s true
12-inch c abinet depth and t he ingenious terraced
display rack ma ke it a perfect addition to a ny kitchen.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 290, 400
pyramid Energize your kitchen in s tainless
steel , white or black. A n adjustable utensil bar
keeps uten sils within eas y reach.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 290, 400
sorrento downdraft Ideal for s mall
kitchen s or for island set tings where cei lings are
too high for ducting, S orrento rises t o the occasion
as a downdraft hood option.
size: 30”, 36” | cfm: 500