ZRC-9100A Recirculating Kit Instructions
FIG. 1 FIG.2
1. Cut a 6 1/2" round opening in top or the
cabinet where the ducting will connect to the
return air vent and 7" to 6" adapter. FIG.3.
2. Connect 7" round ducting from blower collar to
return air vent collar. Return air vent collar will
go around the ducting. Secure with duct tape.
3. Secure return air vent to top of cabinet with (4)
(2) charcoal filter
(8) C clips (1) 7" to 6"
1. Remove mesh filter from hood and place
charcoal on the top of mesh filter. Secure
1. Remove mesh filter from hood and place
charcoal filter by 4 C clips from recirculation
charcoal on the top of mesh filter. Secure
kit, 2 C clips for each enlongated side of
charcoal filter by 4 C clips from recirculation
charcoal filter, FIG.1.
kit, 2 C clips for each enlongated side of
charcoal filter, FIG.1.
2. Reinstall mesh filter.
2. Reinstall mesh filter.
3. Charcoal filtere must be replaced after every
3. Charcoal filter must be replaced after every
120 hours of use or approximately every
120 hours of use or approximately every
3 to 4 months based on an average daily
3 to 4 months based on an average daily
use of 1 hour of cooking time.
use of 1 hour of cooking time.
4. Install 7" to 6" adapter to the return air vent
and use tape to secure. FIG.2.
4. Install 7" to 6" adapter to the return air vent
4. Install 7" to 6" adapter on th e to p of hood,
and use tape to secure. FIG.2.
FIG. 2.
screw (1 in each corner
of return air vent)
FIG. 3
1. Cut a 6 1/2" round opening in soffit ceiling
where the ducting will connect to the return
air vent and 7" to 6" adapter. FIG.4.
2. Connect 7" round ducting from blower collar to
return air vent collar. Return air vent collar will
go around the ducting. Secure with duct tape.
3. Secure return air vent to soffit or ceiling with (4)
top of cabinet
FIG. 4
FIG. 5