Zenoah BK2650DL-Hb User Manual

848EGD93A0 (601)
• This OWNER’S MANUAL contains operation instructions and important precautions necessary to prevent accidents when using your unit. Before starting any operation, please read this manual carefully to ensure proper use of your unit. After reading it, keep the manual handy for future reference.
•Failure to follow the safety precautions for electrical parts might cause a fire or accident resulting in injury or death.
●이 사용설명서에는 제품을 사용하시 는데 있어, 사고방지를 위한 중요한 주의사항과 제품의 취급방법이 설명 되어 있습니다. 이 사용설명서를 잘 이해하신 후, 제품을 안전하게 사용 하십시오. 다 읽으신 후에는 언제라 도 볼 수 있는 곳에 반드시 보관하여 주십시오.
●전기관계 부품은 안전을 위한 주의사 항을 지키지 않으면, 화재나 인재사 고가 발생할 수 있습니다.
Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a
symbol concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent possible serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions carefully and follow them without fail.
This mark indicates instructions which must be followed in order to prevent accidents which could lead to serious bodily injury or death.
This mark indicates instructions which must be followed, or it leads to mechanical failure, breakdown, or damage.
This mark indicates hints or directions useful in the use of the product.
1. PARTS LOCATION ………………………3
4. SET UP …………………………………18
5. FUEL ………………………………………31
6. OPERATION ……………………………32
7. MAINTENANCE …………………………40
9. SPECIFICATIONS ………………………53
1. Shoulder frame
2. Shoulder belt
3. Hanging belt
4. Loop handle
5. Main pipe
6. Gear case
7. Air cleaner
8. Carburetor
9. Fuel tank
10. Fuel tank cap
11. Muffler
12. Spark plug
13. Choke lever
14. Blade
15. Blade cover
16. Debris guard
17. Guard
18. Switch box
19. Right-hand grip
20. Wire clamp
21. Flexible shaft
22. Throttle wire
23. Stop switch
24. Throttle lever
25. Sterter switch
26. Battery
1. 멜빵 프레임
2. 멜빵 밴드
3. 걸림 밴드
4. 루프 핸들
5. 메인 파이프
6. 기어 케이스
7. 에어 크리너
8. 캐브레터
9. 연료 탱크
10. 연료 탱크 캡
11. 머플러
12. 스파크 플러그
13. 초크 레버
14. 칼날
15. 칼날 커버
16. 비산방지 커버
17. 가드
18. 스위치 박스
19. 오른쪽 글립
20. 와이어 클램프
21. 플랙시블 샤프트
22. 스로틀 와이어
23. 정지 스위치
24. 스로틀 레버
25. 시작버튼
26. 밧데리
표준 부속품
개봉시에 하기의 부속품이 들어 있는 것을 확인해 주십시오. 부족하는 것이 있으면 사신 판매점에 연락해 주십시오.
그림번호 부품번호 품명 수량 1 6298-59410 팁소오255-40P 1장
2 6298-59390 칼날 커버 1개 3 T3541-92110 보호 안경 1개 4 3520-91110 칼날 수납 가방 1개 5 848-EGD-93A0 취급 설명서 1권 6 3073-91111 소켓13×19 1개 7 09007-00425 육각렌치(대변4) 1개 8 3570-37214 걸림 밴드 1개 9 848-F62-3610 멜빵 밴드 1개 10 848-8RR-0170 밧데리 1개 11 AC어뎁터 1개 12 848-8UA-0010 충전기 1개
When opening the packaging, please make sure that the following accessories are included. If you find that any of the accessories is lacking, please contact the shop where you bought this product.
No. Part No. Part name Quantity
1 6298-59410 Chip saw 255-50P 1 pc. 2 6298-59390 Blade cover 1 pc. 3 T3541-92110 Goggles 1 pc. 4 3520-91110 Blade storage-bag 1 pc. 5 848-EGD-93A0 Instruction manual 1 set 6 3073-91111 Socket 13 x 19 1 pc.
Hexagonal wrench
7 09007-00425 1 pc.
(opposite side 4) 8 3570-37214 Hanging belt 1 pc. 9 848-F62-3610 Shouldering belt 1 pc.
10 848-8RR-0170 Battery 1 pc. 11 AC adapter 1 pc. 12 848-8UA-0010 Charger 1 pc.
For safe operation and maintenance, symbols are carved in relief on the machine. According to these indications, please be careful not to take a mistake.
(a).The port to refuel the "MIX
(b).The direction to close the choke POSITION: AIR CLEANER COVER
(c).The direction to open the choke POSITION: AIR CLEANER COVER
(a) Operation:
Setting the stopswitch to the “operation” position places the unit in “operate” mode and the engine can be started by pressing the start button.
(b) Stop:
Setting the stopswitch to the “stop” position stops the engine.
This unit is equipped with an automatic choke carburetor. When starting the engine under normal conditions, make sure that the position of the choke lever is on the “open” side.
정지 스위치 (오른쪽 글립측)
(A) 운전 운전측으로 하면 엔진이「운전」되는 것을 나타내며, 스타트 버튼으로 엔 진이 시동하는 것을 나타냅니다.
(B) 정지 정지측으로 하면 엔진이 「정지」하 는 것을 나타냅니다.
본제품에는 오토 쵸크 캐브레터가 탑 재되어 있습니다. 통상, 엔진시동시 에는 쵸크레버의 위치가「열림」측으 로 되어 있는지 확인해 주십시오.
a. Read this owner's manual carefully
to understand how to operate this unit properly.
b. This product has been designed
for use in trimming grass, and it should never be used for any other purpose since doing so could result in unforeseen accidents and injuries occurring.
c. You should never use this product
when under the influence of alcohol, when suffering from exhaustion or lack of sleep, when suffering from drowsiness as a result of having taken cold medicine, or at any other time when a possibility exists that your judgment might be impaired or that you might not be able to operate the product properly and in a safe manner.
d. Avoid running the engine indoors.
The exhaust gases contain harmful carbon monoxide.
e. Never use your product under
circumstances like those described below:
1. When the ground is slippery or
when other conditions exist which might make it not possible to maintain a steady posture while using the product.
2. At night, at times of heavy fog,
or at any other times when your field of vision might be limited and it would be difficult to gain a clear view of the area.
3. During rain storms, during
lightning storms, at times of strong or gale-force winds, or at any other times when weather conditions might make it unsafe to use this product.
f. When using this product for the
first time, before beginning actual work, learn to handling the product from skilled worker.
g. Lack of sleep, tiredness, or
physical exhaustion results in lower attention spans, and this in turn leads to accidents and injury. Limit the amount of time over which the product is to be used continuously to somewhere around 30~40 minutes per session, and take 10~20 minutes of rest between work sessions. Also try to keep the total amount of work performed in a single day under 2 hours or less.
h. Be sure to keep this manual handy
so that you may refer to it later whenever any questions arise.
i. Always be sure to include this
manual when selling, lending, or otherwise transferring the ownership of this product.
j. Never allow children or anyone
unable to fully understand the directions given in this manual to use this product.
a. When using your product, you
should wear proper clothing and protective equipment as follows.
(1) Helmet (2) Protection goggles or face
protector (3) Thick work gloves (4) Non-slip-sole work boots (5) Ear protectors
b. And you should carry with you
things as follows.
1. Attached tools and files
2. Properly reserved fuel
3. Spare blade
4. Things to notify your working area (Rope, warning signs)
5. Whistle (for collaboration or emergency)
6. Hatchet or saw (for removal of obstacles)
c. Never use your product when
wearing pants with loose cuffs, when wearing sandals, or when barefoot.
a. The engine of this product is
designed to run on a mixed fuel which contains highly flammable gasoline. You should never store cans of fuel or refill the fuel tank in any place where there is a boiler, stove, wood fire, electrical sparks, welding sparks, or any other source of heat or fire which might ignite the fuel.
b. Smoking while operating the
product or refilling its fuel tank is extremely dangerous. Always be sure to keep lit cigarettes away from the product at all times.
c. When refilling the tank always turn
off the engine first and take a careful look around to make sure that there are no sparks or open flames anywhere nearby before refueling.
d. If any fuel spillage occurs during
refueling, use a dry rag to wipe up spills before turning the engine back on again.
e. After refueling, screw the fuel cap
back tightly onto the fuel tank and then carry the product to a spot 3m or more away from where it was refueled before turning on the engine.
The battery is an important component for operating a hybrid start system. Make sure that you understand the characteristics of the battery (lithium-ion battery) in order to use it appropriately. Furthermore, handle it carefully without dropping or knocking it.
A. Do not throw the battery into a fire
or expose it to heat. Failure to observe this precaution might result in leakage of battery fluid, excessive heat generation, or explosion.
B. Do not disassemble or modify the
battery. Failure to observe this precaution might result in electric shock, leakage of battery fluid, excessive heat generation, or explosion.
C. When charging the battery, use
the dedicated charger for this product. Using any other charger might cause a fire, excessive heat generation, or malfunction.
D. Do not charge the battery in a
place where fuel is stored or where there is spilt fuel. Doing so might cause the fuel to ignite, resulting in a fire and burns.
E. Do not connect the terminals of
the battery using a metal object. Doing so might result in electric shock, leakage of battery fluid, excessive heat generation, or explosion.
F. This battery is to be used
exclusively for this product. Do not use it for any other machine or for any other application. Failure to observe this precaution might result in leakage of battery fluid, excessive heat generation, or explosion.
G.If there is any damage to the
charger case or to the cord or the plug of the AC adapter, or if the plug fits loosely into the power supply outlet, do not use the charger or the AC adapter. Failure to observe this precaution might result in electric shock, fire, or excessive heat generation.
■밧데리·충전기에 대해서 밧데리는 하이브리드 스타트 시스템 을 작동시키는데 있어서 중요한 부품 입니다. 밧데리(리튬이온전지)의 특 성을 충분히 이해하신 후, 올바르게 사용해 주십시오. 또한, 떨어뜨리거나 부딪히지 않도록 주의해서 취급해 주 십시오.
a.밧데리를 불 속에 던지거나, 가열
하지 마십시오. 누액, 이상발열, 파열의 원인이 됩 니다.
b.밧데리를 분해하거나 개조하지 마
십시오. 감전, 누액, 이상발열, 파열의 원인 이 됩니다.
c.밧데리를 충전할 경우는 부속된 전
용충전기를 사용해 주십시오. 다른 충전기를 사용할 경우 발화, 이상 발열, 고장의 우려가 있습니다.
d.연료를 보관하는 곳이나 연료가 흘
려진 곳에서는 밧데리를 충전하지 마십시오. 연료에 인화되어 화재나 화상의 우려가 있습니다.
e.금속 등으로 밧데리의 단자 사이를
접촉시키지 마십시오. 감전, 누액, 이상발열, 파열의 원인이 됩니다.
f.전용 밧데리이므로 다른 기종이나
다른 용도로는 사용하지 마십시오. 누액, 이상발열, 파열의 원인이 됩 니다.
g.충전기의 케이스, AC어뎁터의 코
드나 플러그가 손상되었거나, 콘센 트와의 접속이 느슨할 경우는 사용 하지 마십시오. 감전, 발화, 이상발 열의 우려가 있습니다.
H. If battery fluid gets in your eye,
wash it away with clean water without rubbing your eye, and consult a doctor immediately. Otherwise, you could lose your eyesight.
A. Be careful not to drop the battery
or give any impact to it. Doing so might cause breakdown of the battery case, leakage of battery fluid, excessive heat generation, or explosion.
B. Do not disassemble or modify the
battery charger. Doing so might cause an electric shock, fire, or excessive heat generation.
C. Do not plug in or unplug the AC
adapter with wet hands. Failure to observe this warning might result in electric shock.
D. Do not charge the battery in a
place where a child is nearby. There is a risk of electric shock or injury to the child.
E. Be careful not to drop the battery
or give any impact to it. Doing so might cause an electric shock, fire, or excessive heat generation.
F. Do not use the battery if its case
has broken down. There is a risk of battery fluid leakage, excessive heat generation, or explosion.
G.For the power supply outlet, use
the AC adapter (to be used solely for AC220 V), which is an optional accessory. Using any other plug might cause leakage of battery fluid, excessive heat generation, or explosion.
H. Do not use the battery charger for
batteries other than the dedicated battery. Failure to observe this warning might result in electric shock, fire, or excessive heat generation.
I. Do not pour water or seawater on
the battery, and do not put the battery in water. Failure to observe this warning might cause a short circuit or excessive heat generation. Placing the battery in water will result in loss of function, and the battery will no longer be usable.
h.밧데리액이 눈에 들어갔을 경우,
비비지 말고 깨끗한 물로 충분히 씻으신 후, 바로 의사의 진찰을 받 으시기 바랍니다. 실명할 우려가 있습니다.
a.밧데리를 떨어뜨리거나 충격을 가
하지 마십시오. 케이스의 파손, 누 액, 이상발열, 파열의 원인이 됩니 다.
b.충전기를 분해하거나 개조하지 마
십시오. 감전, 발화, 이상발열의 우 려가 있습니다.
c.젖은 손으로 AC어뎁터를 꽂거나
뽑지 마십시오. 감전의 우려가 있 습니다.
d.어린 아이의 손이 닿는 곳에서는
충전하지 마십시오. 감전이나 부상 의 원인이 됩니다.
e.충전기를 떨어뜨리거나 충격을 가
하지 마십시오. 감전, 발화, 이상발 열의 우려가 있습니다.
f.케이스가 파손된 밧데리는 사용하지
마십시오. 누액, 이상발열, 파열의 원인이 됩니다.
g.전원은 부속된 AC어뎁터(교류
220V 전용)를 사용해 주십시오. 누액, 이상발열, 파열의 원인이 됩 니다.
h.충전기는 전용 밧데리 이외의 충전
에는 사용하지 마십시오. 감전, 발 화, 이상발열의 우려가 있습니다.
i.밧데리에 물이나 바닷물를 끼얹거나
물속에 넣지 마십시오. 쇼트, 이상 발열의 원인이 됩니다. 또한, 물속 에 던지면 전지기능을 잃게되어 사 용할 수 없게 됩니다.
J. Do not charge the battery in a
humid place such as a bathroom or in an open-air place exposed to rain. Failure to observe this warning might result in electric shock, fire, or excessive heat generation.
When charging the battery, do not use an extension cord and do not plug too many leads for other electric appliances into one outlet. Failure to observe this warning might result in electric shock, fire, or excessive heat generation.
Do not impair, damage, process, forcibly bend, pull, twist, or bundle the power supply cord. Do not put anything heavy on it and do not insert anything into it. Failure to observe this warning might damage the power supply cord or cause an electric shock or fire.
If battery fluid splashes on your skin or clothes, wash it away with clean water immediately. Failure to do so might result in skin irritation or damage.
A. While charging the battery, do not
keep touching the same part of your body to the charger for a long time. The temperature of the battery case could become high enough to cause mild burns.
B. When not charging the battery, be
sure the AC adapter is unplugged from the power supply outlet. Failure to observe this precaution might result in electric shock or fire due to deterioration of the insulation.
C. Be careful that the power supply
cord is not caught in a door or a door sash. Failure to observe this caution might result in damage to the power supply cord and a risk of electric shock or fire.
j.욕실 등 습기가 많은 곳이나, 실외
의 빗물에 젖는 곳에서는 충전하지 마십시오. 감전, 발화, 이상발열의 우려가 있습니다.
●충전할 때에는 연장코드를 사용하 거나 다른 전기제품과의 문어발식 배선을 하지 마십시오. 감전, 이상 발열, 화재의 우려가 있습니다.
●전원코드를 손상시키거나, 파손하 거나, 가공하거나, 무리하게 굽히거 나, 잡아당기거나, 비틀거나, 묶거 나 하지 마십시오. 또한, 무거운 물 건을 올리거나 끼워넣지 마십시오. 코드가 파손되어 감전, 화재의 원인 이 됩니다.
●밧데리액이 피부나 의류에 부착되 었을 경우, 바로 깨끗한 물로 씻어 주십시오. 피부에 손상을 입힐 우려 가 있습니다.
a.충전기 안쪽은 신체의 동일부분이
장시간 접촉되지 않도록 주의해 주 십시오. 케이스의 온도가 높아지는 경우가 있어 저온화상을 입을 우려 가 있습니다.
b.충전하지 않을 때에는 반드시 AC
어뎁터를 콘센트에서 뽑아 주십시 오. 절연열화에 의한 감전이나 누 전화재의 원인의 됩니다.
c.전원코드가 문이나 샷시 등에 끼지
않도록 각별히 주의해 주십시오. 코드를 손상시켜 감전이나 발화의 우려가 있습니다.
D. When unplugging the AC adapter,
be sure to hold the plug instead of the cord. Failure to observe this precaution might result in electric shock, short circuit, or fire.
E. Make sure that the plug of the AC
adapter is free from dust, soil, and oil. Failure to observe this precaution might result in electric shock or fire.
F. Be sure to insert the battery into
the very end of the charger. Failure to do so might damage the terminal of the battery.
G.Do not carry out charging on a
stand that leans over to one side. The charger could fall from the stand, resulting in electric shock, fire, or excessive heat generation.
Characteristics of Battery (lithium­ion battery):
• The lithium-ion battery included with this product is of a high­performance charging type and is an excellent battery that can be used by repeatedly charging and discharging electricity.
• The life of the lithium-ion battery differs according to the temperature, conditions of use, and how it is charged. In particular, its performance deteriorates at high temperature. When leaving the unit alone, be sure to select a place that is not exposed to direct sunlight.
• If your unit is stored for a long time without being used, the remaining battery life will gradually decrease due to self discharging. From the
viewpoint of battery characteristics, if the battery is left with no remaining battery life, it will lose its function.
Charge the battery at least once every 6 months.
• The stand-alone battery associated with this product does not have a waterproof function. Do not charge the battery or use your unit in a wet area.
d.AC어뎁터의 플러그를 뽑을 때에
는, 코드를 잡지 말고 반드시 선단 의 플러그를 잡고 뽑아 주십시오. 감전, 쇼트, 발화의 원인이 됩니다.
e.AC어뎁터의 플러그에 이물질이나
흙, 기름이 묻지 않도록 주의해 주 십시오. 감전이나 발화의 우려가 있습니다.
f.충전기에 밧데리를 안쪽까지 확실히
끼워 주십시오. 단자부분을 손상시 킬 우려가 있습니다.
g.경사진 곳에서 충전하지 마십시오.
쓰러질 경우 감전, 발화, 이상발열 의 우려가 있습니다.
[밧데리(리튬이온전지)의 특성]
●본제품에 부속된 리튬이온전지는 고성능 충전식으로, 충전과 방전을 반복해서 사용할 수 있는 우수한 전 지입니다.
●밧데리의 수명은 기온·사용상황· 충전방법에 따라 다릅니다. 특히 고 온에서는 밧데리의 성능이 저하되 므로 본체를 방치할 때에는 직사광 선이 닿지 않는 곳을 선택해 주십시 오.
●장기간 사용하지 않고 보관하게 되 면 자기방전에 의해 밧데리 잔량이 점차 줄어듭니다. 밧데리의밧데리의 특성상, 잔량이 0인 상태에서 방치하면 밧 데리로서의 기능을 잃게 됩니다. 적 어도 6개월마다 한 번씩은 충전해 주십시오.
●부속 밧데리는 그 자체가 방수기능 을 갖고 있지 않습니다. 따라서, 수 분이 많은 곳에서 충전하거나 사용 하지 않도록 해 주십시오.
• The battery is designed with full attention paid to safety. If it does not operate normally, or if you notice any strange sounds or offensive smells, stop using your unit immediately.
• The lithium-ion battery does not suffer from the memory effect, so
additional charging is possible.
(If the battery is charged halfway before being completely used (that is, the battery is additionally charged halfway), the apparent capacity of the battery decreases, and the battery quickly runs down.)
Overdischarging (state in which the remaining battery life has come to an end):
• If your unit is stored for a long time without being used, the battery might overdischarge due to self discharging. The nature of a battery is such that, if it is overdischarged, it will stop working as a battery. Even if you do not use your unit, charge the battery
at least once every six months.
Criterion for Replacing Battery:
• The battery gradually deteriorates through charging and discharging, and its charging capability gradually decreases. When it is not possible to recover the battery voltage (when the motor does not rotate) even after charging the battery for the prescribed time with the charger associated with this product, replace it with a new battery. If it is difficult to judge how to do this, contact the shop where you bought your unit.
●밧데리는 안전을 최대한 고려하여 설계되어 있습니다. 만일 작동이 이 상해지거나, 이상한 소리나 냄새가 나면 바로 사용을 중지해 주십시오.
●리튬이온 밧데리는 ※메모리 효과 가 없으며, 보충충전이 가능합니다.
※전지를 다 사용하지 않고 도중에
충전하여 (보충충전) 사용하게 되면, 겉보기의 전지용량이 줄어 들어, 바로 방전이 되는 현상.
[과방전(밧데리 잔량이 완전히 없어 진 상태)에 대해서]
●장기간 사용하지 않고 보관하게 되
면 자기방전에 의해 과방전이 될 가능성이 있습니다. 밧데리의 특성 상, 과방전이 되면 밧데리로서의 기능을 잃게 됩니다. 사용하지사용하지 을 경우에도 적어도 6개월마다 한 번씩은 충전해 주십시오.
[밧데리 교환시기에 대해서]
●밧데리는 충_방전 반복으로 인해
서서히 열화되어 충전능력이 저하 됩니다. 부속된 충전기로 소요시 간동안 충전해도 밧데리의 전압이 회복되지 않는(모터가 돌아가지 않 는다)경우는, 새로운 밧데리로 교 환해 주십시오. 또한, 스스로 판단 하기 어려울 때에는 구입처에 상담 해 주십시오.
a. Before beginning work, look
around carefully to get a feel for the shape of the land, or grass to be trimmed, and whether or not there are any obstacles which might get in the way while working, and remove any obstacles which can be cleared away.
b. The area within a perimeter of
15m of the person using the product should be considered a hazardous area into which no one should enter while the product is in use, and when necessary yellow warning rope, warning signs should be placed around the work area. When work is to be performed simultaneously by two or more persons, always check the presence and locations of others so as to maintain a distance each person sufficient to ensure safety.
c. Make sure that there are no loose
screws or bolts, fuel leaks, ruptures, dents, or any other problems which might interfere with safe operation. Be especially careful to check that there is nothing wrong with the blades or with the joints by which the blades are attached to the product.
d. Never use blades that are bent,
warped, cracked, broken or damaged in any way.
e. Keep the blade always sharp. f. Filing the cutting edges, keep the
end corner sharp and round the root of the edge.
g. Check the bolt to fasten the blade
and be sure the blade turns smoothly without abnormal noise.
1. Take a careful look around to make sure that no obstacles exist within a perimeter of 15m or less around the product.
2. Place the body of the product onto the ground in a flat clear area and hold it firmly in place so as to ensure that neither the blades nor the throttle come into contact with any obstacles when the engine starts up.
3. Place the throttle into the idling position when starting the engine.
4. After starting up the engine, if the blades continue to rotate even after the throttle has been moved fully back, turn off the engine and check the throttle wire and other parts.
•A dangerous reaction may occur when the spinning blade contacts a solid object in the critical area. It is called Kick back. As a result, the operator can lose control of the unit which can cause serious or fatal injury. Avoid kickback, observe the safety precautions below strictly.
1. Keep the cutting blades clear of fances, posts, wires, and rocks to prevent kickback and damage to the blades.
2. When using your product, do not grip other parts except the handles.
3. When using your product, never take your eyes off. If you need to, place the throttle into the idling position.
4. When using your product, do not let the unit get closer to your feet nor raise the unit above your waist.
a. Make sure the appropriate blade
cover is in place.
b. When transporting by car, fix the
unit firmly using a rope. Do not transport by bicycle or motorbike because it is dangerous.
c. Never transport the product over
rough roads over long distances without first removing all fuel from the fuel tank, as doing so might cause fuel to leak from the tank.
a. Grip the handles of the product
firmly with both hands. If you suspend the work, place the throttle into the idling position.
b. Always be sure to maintain a
steady, even posture while working.
c. Maintain the speed of the engine
at the level required to perform cutting work, and never raise the speed of the engine above the level necessary.
d. If the grass gets caught in the
blade during operation, or if you need to check the unit or refuel the tank, always be sure to turn off the engine.
e. If the blade touches a hard object
like a stone, immediately stop the engine and check if something is wrong with the blade. If so, replace the blade by new one.
f. If someone calls out while working
,always be sure to turn off the engine before turning around.
g. Never touch the spark plug or plug
cord while the engine is in operation. Doing so may result in being subjected to an electrical shock.
h. Never touch the muffler, spark
plug, or other metallic parts of the engine while the engine is in operation or immediately after shutting down the engine. Doing so may result in serious burns.
i. When you finish cutting in one
location and wish to continue work in another spot, turn off the engine and turn the unit as the blade faces away from your body.
a. Perform the maintenance and
checking operations described in this manual at regular intervals. If any parts must be replaced or any maintenance or repair work not described in this manual must be performed, please contact a representative from the store nearest KOMATSU ZENOAH authorized servicing dealer for assistance.
b. Under no circumstances should
you ever take apart the product or alter it in any way. Doing so might result in the product becoming damaged during operation or the product becoming unable to operate properly.
c. Always be sure to turn off the
engine before performing any maintenance or checking procedures.
d. When sharpening, removing, or
reattaching the blade, be sure to wear thick, sturdy gloves and use only proper tools and equipment to prevent injury.
e. When replacing blade or any other
parts or when replacing the oil or any lubricants, always be sure to use only KOMATSU ZENOAH products or products which have been certified by KOMATSU ZENOAH for use with the product.
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