Conguring and Using
the ZvShow Channel
About the ZvShow Channel
The ZvShow Channel is an “extra” channel that you congure on any unit in
the HDbridge 2000 or ZvPro lines. This channel is available in addition to the
channels already offered on the unit. The content for the video on this channel
comes from a stored video resident on the ZeeVee product. The video is played
and looped onto the new ZvShow Channel continuously.
The user loads a video clip
in the proper format (.zvc)
in to an internal on-board
storage. That video clip is
encoded and played just
as if it had come from a
different video source.
Common uses for the ZvShow Channel
The videos running on the ZvShow channel are typically very simple, signage-like
video clips (about 5 minutes in duration), used for the following purposes:
• Menus
• Commercials
• Barker channels – commercial establishments
Type of video for the ZvShow Channel
The ZvShow function only accepts video les that have been converted using
the ZvConvert tool. These les end with a ‘.zvc’ extension. The les are played
out continuously. The ZvShow channel is a sub-channel of the rst congured RF
channel and is simply added as another logical channel to the existing lineup.
There is some exibility in the content and quality of the video that the channel
permits. Note that the bandwidth is shared between the active encoded
channel from a video source and the ZvShow channel. If the bandwidth of the
loaded video is sufciently large, it can compromise the video playback on the
companion program(s).
The internal storage capacity of the ZeeVee units is roughly 250MBytes. A video
le cannot exceed that limit to be usable in the ZvShow application.
Channels available for multiple ZeeVee units
Each ZeeVee product deployed can generate one ZvShow channel. For example,
a head end consisting of six HDb2640 units would have up to six available
ZvShow channels available for looped video content on new channels; one from
each unit. These ZvShow channels are disabled by default, so will not show up in
a channel lineup until they are enabled.

Using ZvShow
To use the ZvShow functionality the user needs to follow a simple sequence of steps:
Generate a Video File – There are a number of tools available for generation
of video that can be converted to the .zvc format. ZeeVee does not develop, manufacture
or endorse any of those tools. Some example le formats accepted by the ZvConvert tool
include .MP4 (Mpeg4 or avchd), .WMV (Windows media le), and MOV (QuickTime).
Convert a Video File – Once a video le has been created, it must be
converted to the proper format. ZeeVee offers a conversion tool for this purpose
called ZvConvert. You can download the tool from the Technical Support/tools section
of the website (http://zeevee.com/support/tools). Instructions for using the ZvConvert
tool can be found later in this document.
Upload le to ZeeVee Unit – Once generated, the le must be loaded
in to the ZeeVee unit that will be sourcing the channel. This is easily done through
Maestro, the ZeeVee web management tool.
Congure Channel Lineup – Through Maestro, congure the new
ZvShow channel on the appropriate logical channel (Channel#). Exact placement of
the channel depends on how you want the desired presentation order to appear to
the TV viewer.
Enable ZvShow Channel – Once the ZvShow channel has been
congured, enable it via Maestro, so the program will be sent out via the appropriate
RF channel.
Scan HD Televisions – Most digital HD televisions require a full channel scan
to pick up and display newly added channels, especially new digital sub-channels.