Generating EAS Alerts
About the Emergency Alert System (EAS)
ZeeVee devices now support the Emergency Alert System (EAS) by integrating with the Monroe
R189 EAS Encoder/Decoder. Using EAS, you can tie systems into national (Federal, FEMA, etc.)
or local (city, county, state) alert systems. ZeeVee processes alerts sent with either EAS-NET™ or
MPEG streaming Monroe functionality.
When an alert is active, all current audio and video will be interrupted and replaced with the alert.
The text of the alert displays in white font on a blue background. The front panel display also
shows a ashing message indicating that an EAS alert is in progress. The status tab in Maestro
will also display a warning.
When using EAS-NET,™ it is important to ensure that both the R189 and ZeeVee modulator
have synchronized system clocks. When using MPEG streaming, the alert will be processed
immediately which eliminates the need for synchronized system clocks.
To congure your system for EAS generated alerts, you need to:
• Choose to use either EAS-NET or EAS-MPEG Streaming
• Congure Maestro on the ZeeVee unit according to EAS choice
• Congure Monroe EAS R189
This document assumes the reader
has an understanding of the basics
behind conguring both the ZeeVee
device and the Monroe R189 EAS
Encoder/Decoder. For more detailed
instructions, please refer to the user
manuals for the appropriate device.
To set up the EAS within the ZeeVee
system, the following system
functionality and requirements need
to be in place.
Needed for EAS-Net
• Any ZvPro or HDbridge2 device
running 1.9.0 or higher rmware
• Monroe R189 EAS Encoder/Decoder
with additional EAS-Net license
• IPv4 network connectivity between
the ZeeVee devices and the R189
• Connectivity to a Network Time
Protocol (NTP) server
Each ZeeVee system requires use of either EAS-Net or EAS-MPEG Streaming.
Needed for EAS-MPEG Streaming
• Any ZvPro or HDbridge2 device
running 1.9.2 or higher rmware
• Monroe R189 EAS Encoder/Decoder
with additional Stream MPEG 1/2
• IPv4 network connectivity between
the ZeeVee devices and the R189

Conguring Maestro for EAS-NET
For EAS-NET, congure using Maestro as follows:
1. Open Maestro.
2. Click on the Device tab and enable Show advanced controls.
3. Change the “Disabled” status below the EAS Mode eld to specify the type of EAS mode
(EAS Net).
4. Specify a port value in the EAS Port eld. EAS Port has an allowable range of 0-65534. Note
that port values between 1 and 1023 are well known ports and should be avoided. ZeeVee
recommends using a port value of 4096 or greater. In the case that a port value is specied
that results in a system conict (e.g. 80), Maestro will display an error once the conguration
is applied. The EAS port should be identical on all devices in a multi-unit deployment.
5. (Optional — For use of EAS Relay only) Change the EAS Relay to “On”. The EAS Relay
conguration is required only for installations where more than eight EAS-Net devices are
installed. Monroe R189 allows only eight devices to be congured, so the relay feature
provides a way to use more than eight devices. This number includes both ZeeVee and
non-ZeeVee devices.
Only one ZeeVee unit should be set up as a relay per installation or headend.
By default the EAS Relay is
off. When the EAS Relay is
set to “On”, the system will
forward the alert sent by the
Monroe R189 to all other known
ZeeVee devices. The alert is
forwarded sequentially so a large
installation might see a delay
before all modulators begin
processing the alert.
The ZeeVee EAS Relay feature
allows you to congure one
ZeeVee unit in the Monroe R189.
That one device communicates
with the Monroe box and its
information cascades down to
the other ZeeVee units.
6. Connect ZeeVee units to one or more NTP servers. This connection ensures that all
system clocks are in sync so when the Monroe sends an alert to the ZeeVee device, the
alert processes at the appropriate time.
To connect, click on the Device tab and enable Show advanced controls. Then ll in the
fully qualied domain name as appropriate in the NTP server elds.

Conguring Maestro for EAS-MPEG2
If using EAS-MPEG, you need to choose between EAS-MPEG2 and EAS-MPE2G-MCAST.
The EAS-MPEG2 conguration option is for those MPEG streaming installations using unicast IP addresses.
When selecting this option, the EAS IP MCAST and EAS Relay elds will become disabled.
For EAS-MPEG2, congure using Maestro as follows:
1. Open Maestro.
2. Click on the Device tab and enable Show advanced controls.
3. Change the “Disabled” status below the EAS Mode eld to specify the type of EAS mode
4. Specify a port value in the EAS Port eld. EAS Port has an allowable range of 0-65534.
Note that port values between 1 and 1023 are well known ports and should be avoided.
ZeeVee recommends using a port value of 4096 or greater. In the case that a port value is
specied that results in a system conict (e.g. 80), Maestro will display an error once the
conguration is applied. The EAS port should be identical on all devices in a multi-unit